If you find a new GOTY, please post here in this thread. Thanks!
The 2008 GOTY media picks are here.
The 2007 GOTY media picks are here.
Current standings...
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - 42.5*
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - 6
Assassin's Creed II - 5.5*
Dragon Age: Origins - 3
Batman: Arkham Asylum - 2
Brütal Legend - 1
Demon's Souls - 1
Killzone 2 - 1
Left 4 Dead 2 - 1
Street Fighter IV - 1
* Why the half-point?
[360][PS3][PC] Assassin's Creed II
M! Games
New York Times (tie w/ UC2)
[360][PS3][PC] Batman: Arkham Asylum
Games Radar
[360][PS3] Brütal Legend
[360][PS3][PC] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Chicago Tribune
Los Angeles Times
Time Magazine
[PS3] Demon's Souls
[360][PS3][PC] Dragon Age: Origins
Hooked Gamers
[PS3] Killzone 2
[360][PC] Left 4 Dead 2
[360][PS3][PC] Street Fighter IV
San Jose Mercury News
The 2008 GOTY media picks are here.
The 2007 GOTY media picks are here.
Current standings...
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - 42.5*
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - 6
Assassin's Creed II - 5.5*
Dragon Age: Origins - 3
Batman: Arkham Asylum - 2
Brütal Legend - 1
Demon's Souls - 1
Killzone 2 - 1
Left 4 Dead 2 - 1
Street Fighter IV - 1
* Why the half-point?
Seth Schiesel said:Yes, picking two winners is an unconscionable cop-out. Yes, Im spineless. But I simply cant choose which of these games is better.
[360][PS3][PC] Assassin's Creed II

Why Assassin's Creed 2? In short, it simply came down to taste. All of this year's runners-up were spectacular in their own way, but for us Ubisoft's sequel was worthy of the award not just because it completely reset the bar for the franchise, but because it delivered on so much. The story was strong, the characters were well realized, the level design was magnificent, and it offered an abundance of gameplay challenges that ranged from beautifully choreographed combat, to gloriously constructed spatial reasoning puzzles. While epic in its scope, the game was especially notable for its more intimate moments between characters, its charming dialogue, and its occasional (successful) stabs at humor. Sure, Uncharted 2 was a blast, and we all love it. And yes, no one can deny the populist appeal of Modern Warfare 2, or the nostalgia-soaked stylings of Street Fighter IV, but for us Assassin's Creed 2 delivered on more than any of its peers.
What else is there to say? The visuals are awe-inspiring, the controls are tight and responsive, and the story has twists and turns worthy of Lost. Couple that with a brilliant soundtrack by Jespyr Kyd, and Ubisoft has created a masterpiece, capturing the essence of Renaissance Italy in one epic game. There were not many games this year that kept us wanting to play "just one more mission," but Assassin's Creed II did just that. If you are apprehensive about playing this because of the first game's flaws, don't be: everything that went wrong there is fixed here and then some. Perhaps Assassin's Creed II can itself be considered a renaissance in platforming, storytelling, and improving on the predecessor.
M! Games
Matthias Schmid said:Ubisoft Montreal hat mich total überrascht und mit Ezios Italienurlaub das beste Spiel des Jahres aus dem Hut gezaubert. Fast jeder Fehltritt des Vorgängers wurde behoben und zusammen mit den Stärken von Teil 1 (Kletter-Mechanik, Spielwelt, Grafik) zu einem locker 20-stündigen Action-Abenteuer vermengt, das mich verschlungen und erst nach mehreren turbulenten Tagen im glaubhaften Italien der Renaissance wieder ausgespuckt hat. Mit einer Vielzahl an spannenden Nebenaufgaben, intelligenten Rätseln, sympathischen Figuren und herausfordernden Grabräubereinlagen gelang Assassins Creed 2 mit Bravour das, woran sich der Vorgänger die Zähne ausgebissen hatte: Eine über die gesamte Spielzeit erfrischende, abwechslungs- und lehrreiche sowie befriedigende Geschichtsstunde, die trotz der Größe die Spielwelt bis ins letzte Detail ausgemeißelt hat.
New York Times (tie w/ UC2)
Seth Schiesel said:Assassins Creed II is a historical conspiracy mystery set in the equally stunning cities and countryside of the Italian Renaissance, with an open-world design straight from the Grand Theft Auto series.
Assassin's Creed II has impressed WhatIfGaming and the readers in more than one way by inspiring a different idea in a sequel and completely reinvigorating the foundations of a great game with incredible use of sound, a beautiful environment, and moreover Renaissance Italy in a believable environment that gives players most of everything that they wanted. Congratulations Ubisoft! You all deserve this one.
[360][PS3][PC] Batman: Arkham Asylum

Games Radar
Arkham Asylum should not have been good. At all. For over two decades, we lamented the lack of a truly fun, truly faithful Batman game, but to be honest, we always secretly understood why developer after developer disappointed us. The character and his universe are simply too unique, too complicated and too beloved to do any real justice. Youd have to be a miracle worker to create the perfect Batman game.
Or you could just finish your damn homework first. The team at Rocksteady Studios clearly put a ton of thought and research into their translation. The Dark Knight does more than punch, so they successfully combined combat, stealth, exploration, gadgetry, puzzles, flight and, yes, even detective work into one cohesive and superb style of gameplay. Batman stories are supposed to be smart, so they sought out the best Batman writer in recent history. Movie stars never take videogame voiceover work seriously, so they hired fan favorites from the adored 90s animated series instead. Comic lovers will focus on every detail, so they packed their world with as many subtle nods, hidden references and rewarding Easter eggs as possible.
[360][PS3] Brütal Legend

Tom Chick said:Brutal Legend is my favorite game this year because it manages to accomplish something completely beyond the reach of Red Faction: Guerrilla and Assassin's Creed 2: a wondrous story and the characters it takes to make that story matter. More than any other game this year, more than any other open-world game I've played, Brutal Legend tells a meaningful story with virtually no wasted beats, missed opportunities, or loose ends. It's as lean and no-frills and effective as its sometimes too simple, sometimes too complex, but ultimately just-right gameplay. The driving, the battles (those battles!), the guitar solo powers, the discoveries, the creatures, the heroic arc of Eddie Riggs and the fall of Ophelia and doomed Lars and poor Leta and their funky entourage.
[360][PS3][PC] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Chicago Tribune
The story line rivals that of a good Tom Clancy novel, with twists and turns and "what the heck was that about?" surprises. Some of the events in the single-player campaign are spine-chilling and unsettling, yet always riveting. The well-designed multi-player enhancements continue the series' dominance of online play. The gameplay is nothing short of brilliant in any of the title's three modes: online, co-op and single player. The graphics are exceptional. . . .
Yeah, Modern Warfare 2 is just that good.
Brian M. said:Game of the Decade! Game of the Century! Alright, that's quite enough. While Modern Warfare 2 isn't a perfect action game, it's the best representation of an action game that I've ever seen. From gorgeous set pieces and a story that would have Michael Bay in tears to a killer online experience and the new Spec Ops mode, developer Infinity Ward has you pretty much covered for the next few years of your life.
Los Angeles Times
Pete Metzger said:The story line rivals that of a good Tom Clancy novel, with twists and turns and "what the heck was that about?" surprises. Some of the events in the single-player campaign are spine-chilling and unsettling, yet always riveting. The well-designed multi-player enhancements continue the series' dominance of online play. The gameplay is nothing short of brilliant in any of the title's three modes: online, co-op and single player. The graphics are exceptional. . . .
Yeah, Modern Warfare 2 is just that good.
Time Magazine
Lev Grossman and Peter Ha said:This is a game that sends a message: Video games have something intelligent to say about contemporary military conflicts. In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, you hop around the globe, chasing the front lines of globalized, asymmetrical combat, where not everybody wears uniforms, war isn't always declared, and the battlefield isn't clearly marked battles rage through suburbs, airports and people's living rooms. There's tons of raw, riveting military action in Modern Warfare 2, but it's very much about how the game has changed: limiting civilian casualties and figuring out whom to fight and why are just as important as staying alive.
[PS3] Demon's Souls

Demon's Souls is an extraordinary blend of the old and the new, and the result is so distinctive that it's hard to even find games to compare it to. Yes, it's a hard game. It is ruthlessly, unforgivingly difficult. But it is also amazingly compelling and rewarding, because the tools you need to survive are built into the very fabric of the experience. Demon's Souls is innovative, immersive, and immensely entertaining--and the best game of 2009.
[360][PS3][PC] Dragon Age: Origins

BioWare once reinvigorated the Dungeon & Dragons-inspired line of PC fantasy RPGs with Baldur's Gate. After a decade of evolutions, the studio has attempted to bridge the gap between that early milestone and its modern refinements.
Dragon Age: Origins succeeds both in that goal and as a masterful, ambitious roleplaying game in its own right. On its surface, it seems full of the same dwarves-and-mages-and-elves dynamic that's been so thoroughly mined, with stock visuals to match. But as you explore the game's considerable volume of content, its fascinating subtleties begin to reveal themselves -- class, gender, and race roles form the underpinnings of a compelling world without becoming too heavy-handed.
Natalie Romano said:This one is, hands down, a game worthy of being called Game of the Year. Not only does it have a stellar story, different paths to follow and interesting characters but the universe will draw you in and not let you go until the very end.
Hooked Gamers
With Dragon Age: Origins, Bioware returns to its roots with a meld of action-oriented and strategic gameplay. They have wrapped the package in a story rife with meaningful choices, astounding twists, and relevant themes. Simply put, Dragon Age: Origins is a tour-de-force of phenomenal storytelling and combat, everything an interactive entertainment experience should be. We can't think of a better recommendation than that, making Dragon Age: Origins our Game of the Year 2009.
[PS3] Killzone 2

[360][PC] Left 4 Dead 2

Tracey John said:Even I didnt think Valve should release a sequel to Left 4 Dead just a year after the original. But what it delivered should appease even the most fervent would-be boycotters. With its cast of chatty, likable characters, campaign and multiplayer modes, weapons, zombie types and a melee combat system, Left 4 Dead 2 is a more complete game than the original ever was.
[360][PS3][PC] Street Fighter IV

San Jose Mercury News
Gieson Cacho said:No other release rejuvenated a genre more than Capcom's flagship fighting game. It grabbed a new generation of fans and reignited the passion of old-school gamers in the series. The huge turnout at Evo Championship Series 2009, the preeminent U.S. fighting game tournament, is proof of that. The return to the classic gameplay, along with some new tweaks and a great online mode, made "Street Fighter IV" the game I played and loved the most this year.