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The Official Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (4) Thread


XiaNaphryz said:
Neither do I. I mean, it's obvious that
she's bitter after spending all that time away to get ready and do the job of her dreams when she gets back and help out Phoenix, and then when she gets back Phoenix is no longer practicing and the police department places her in a completely different position.

Trucy is cute, but screw the haters, Emma > you! :p

Yeah her situation is a given, but still doesn't help that Apollo (being us the player) gets absolute hate from her.


So is this what it's promised to be-- a game full of case 5-esque trials from PW1? I sure hope so :D

I'm still playing 3, can't wait to get to this.


kiryogi said:
Yeah her situation is a given, but still doesn't help that Apollo (being us the player) gets absolute hate from her.
Well, she doesn't want to jump his bones after all, she wants Phoenix instead. ;P
ChaoticBlue said:
game should be cheaper for something you're most likely ever gonna play once.
Um, just wait 5-6 months and it will be $20, most likely (that's what happened to Trials and Tribulations). Oh, and I've played all the previous games twice. TAT definitely got better the second time through, since I wasn't playing like mad to beat it in 2 days (I missed a lot of stuff).


On another note, I rather like Klavier as one of the series prosecutors. I suppose he doesn't leave as much of an impression as Godot did or even Edgeworth. (actually, I can't really think back much about him) but he's pretty unique, a bit laid back and very cool. Love his expressions and how he's written to top it all off.
Case 4: HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!! Started off kinda slow but after the first day of the trail, man oh man, not even gonna spoiler text it!!!!!

The cases in this game have been awesome!! Gotta get back to it!!!

More awesome quotes (Spoiler for Case 4, pretty big)

Phoenix:"Did the doctor say anything concerning the cause of death?"
Valant: "Why yes... I believe he screamed, "My God! He's been shot in the head!"

Fucking gold!!!!


I'm liking the game, but there are a few parts that could've used better localizing. A few typos here and there (Trucy gets called Trudy) and the locket-rocket thing in the first case.


I like the "character transformation" in this one.

Nothing "important" (motherfucking Phoenix Wright 2 spoiler)
, I mean nothing "Matt Engarde" important
but I like these little touches we see with
Olga, and mainly Eldoon's who's very well done. He just take out his fake hair and look like a whole different person

Link1110 said:
and the locket-rocket thing in the first case.

I'll take a wild guess and assume this was a japanese pun based on the fact that "L" and "R" are the same sound in Japanese.
Not sure it was that easy to translate.

Also, It's one "ta" too many, Apollolo.


Ramenman said:
I like the "character transformation" in this one.

Nothing "important" (motherfucking Phoenix Wright 2 spoiler)
, I mean nothing "Matt Engarde" important
but I like these little touches we see with
Olga, and mainly Eldoon's who's very well done. He just take out his fake hair and look like a whole different person

I'll take a wild guess and assume this was a japanese pun based on the fact that "L" and "R" are the same sound in Japanese.
Not sure it was that easy to translate.
Exactly, it was just too obvious of a japanese pun.
Crumpet Trumpet said:
So far the only thing I'm disappointed in is Klavier. He just seems so dry, ja?

I also hate "Herr"

I think Klavier's biggest problem is that he isn't as good an antagonist as Edgy, VK, Franciska, or Godot. Heck even, Payne is more fun to take down. He is a great CHARACTER, but not a great foil.

I appreciate that we for once don't have a prosecutor that tries to bend the truth in order to get people off, and that to him nothing is more important than the truth, much like later Edgy, but since is he so damned honest, he's kinda window dressing.

I mean they could have done a lot more with his relationship with
his murderous brother.
but they didn't. For the next game it would be cool to have another truly slimy prosecutor, or a return of one of the oldies.

On another note, just beat the game, the final case in all of these games has been great, and this one is no exception. Cool story, tons of twists, and a great antagonist.

Some strange time line discrepancies in the fourth case:

(Major case 4 spoilers)
(I'm not kidding, unless you have made it to the final day of the trial DO NOT READ!!)
Phoenix has to use information he received AFTER Shadi's death in order to break down the Psych-lock at the restaurant. It was just really fucking strange. Everything else works, but that bugged the crap out of me. He would have had to have known the story of Trucy and Apollo's mother BEFORE he played that game of poker, and before he talked to the reporter. The way it seems to play out is he ended up using information from 6 months in the future, in his conversation.

A smaller one is having to get the Nail Polish from Kristoph in the future to show in the past, though that can technically work because the bottle existed in the past, and he WAS friends with Kristoph at that point. (And investigating him to boot!)
I've only through case 3 day 2 investigation, and I agree, Klavier's only fault is
he's not an antagonist and that make him a little bland, there's no heated emotional and personal battle going on in the court because he agrees and even helped you in the court sometimes

actually, Klavier's not the only one, even Emma
is pretty cooperative and not hostile towards Apollo other than constant munching

they're great character, but they do felt like side characters compared to Apollo, Trucy or even Phoenix, and Phoenix has less show time compared to Klavier and Emma. I wish we see more of
Kristoph, I'm speculating case 4 is all about Kristoph because I'm very intrigued with his character. how did he even become Phoenix's friend I have no idea
Ok, I was looking over Gamerankings and PLAY gave Apollo Justice a 5.5. REALLY? I mean seriously? I can maybe understand not liking it better than a previous game for storyline reasons, though this one was great, however the gameplay was so much better in AJ, that it makes up for it.

Anyone have this magazine that can summarize the review?


Master of the Google Search
bishopcruz said:
Ok, I was looking over Gamerankings and PLAY gave Apollo Justice a 5.5. REALLY? I mean seriously? I can maybe understand not liking it better than a previous game for storyline reasons, though this one was great, however the gameplay was so much better in AJ, that it makes up for it.

Anyone have this magazine that can summarize the review?

Play Magazine review said:
"Plead nolo contendere, Apollo"

And thats all we know of the review so far. However this is Play Magazine. The same people who gave Lair and Sonic 2006 10/10 and 9.5/10


The 'H' stands for hentai.
ShockingAlberto said:
It just doesn't feel fun to take Klavier down in court. He's sort of, like, the anti-von Karma.


They should have done an "edgeworth" and make him a total prick the first time you meet him, but more docile and cool the more development he gets.

Of course, they would also be ripping off their own character and we would have a discussion on why can't they make more original prosecutors. Yeah, it would have happened.
Ok, this part is kinda pissing me off. Help with last (I think) trial of Case 3?

I have to use the mixer to find where the gunshot is. It's at the beginning of the 2nd verse, right? How do I present it to the court though?

Edit: Sorry, I figured it out myself. I'm kind of an idiot. :lol
grandjedi6 said:
And thats all we know of the review so far. However this is Play Magazine. The same people who gave Lair and Sonic 2006 10/10 and 9.5/10

Jeesus, that kinda pisses me off even more. Perhaps its the same reasons that JGAF apparently hated it, which to be honest, I don't know. Why DO people not like this game. I think it's pretty cool that it pulls off the new character much better than other games have.

Hcoregamer00 said:

They should have done an "edgeworth" and make him a total prick the first time you meet him, but more docile and cool the more development he gets.

Of course, they would also be ripping off their own character and we would have a discussion on why can't they make more original prosecutors. Yeah, it would have happened.

As I said, either an oldie returns, (Franciska would be sweet), or a new guy with no morals at all. We've had the prosecutors that deep down were good people, how about a complete amoral dick? Apollo needs a challenge.

Yeah, I think that is probably my only main issue with Apollo in this game, it doesn't feel like he really had the odds stacked against him this time around, the overall story was awesome, but some of the trials never got to the height of drama that PW games did. I mean in some of those cases it was like everyone was against you and Phoenix was fighting just to hang on by a thread, I never quite got that impression with Apollo's cases.

Callibretto said:
I've only through case 3 day 2 investigation, and I agree, Klavier's only fault
is he's not an antagonist and that make him a little bland, there's no heated emotional and personal battle going on in the court because he agrees and even helped you in the court sometimes

Klavier was just too nice. He seemed like much more of (Case 4 spoilers)
a dick in the past when he was a young little shit. (When he was the hot new prosecutor d'jour.)

actually, Klavier's not the only one, even Emma
is pretty cooperative and not hostile towards Apollo other than constant munching.

Gumshoe was actually one of Phoenix's best allies, so that didn't bother me much, it's just that while Gumshoe was a bit obtuse, Emma was just a little too passive, not at all like she was in PW1.

they're great character, but they do felt like side characters compared to Apollo, Trucy or even Phoenix, and Phoenix has less show time compared to Klavier and Emma. I wish we see more of
Kristoph, I'm speculating case 4 is all about Kristoph because I'm very intrigued with his character. how did he even become Phoenix's friend I have no idea

Not going to talk much on case 4 other than to say:

However, I think that oddly enough, Apollo was not really the protagonist in the story.


Phoenix was. It was just told mainly through Apollo's POV. From the first case to the last it was really all about Phoenix's last case, and everything that tied to it, and training the new up and comer, Apollo. There wasn't a character arc for Apollo in the game, there arguably was one for Trucy and for Phoenix, but Apollo was kinda the involved observer. Kinda like how the Main Story of MGS2 was everthing that was happening to Snake, but you only saw things from Raiden's POV. AJAA is much the same thing.

Which is why after beating the game I would love for them to go back to Phoenix, or at least give Apollo a better story, he was kinda shortchanged in this one.
bishopcruz said:
Ok, I was looking over Gamerankings and PLAY gave Apollo Justice a 5.5. REALLY? I mean seriously? I can maybe understand not liking it better than a previous game for storyline reasons, though this one was great, however the gameplay was so much better in AJ, that it makes up for it.

Anyone have this magazine that can summarize the review?

I remember reading it at borders and you shouldn't take their reviews seriously, from their review I got the impression that they want the game to be all serious without humor, I mean, the major complaint they have is that after the after the 1st case, the cases become stupid with stuff involving
which imo, is one of the best thing ever in the game


I just wanted to say the music in this game is the best of the series by far. (Well, OK, it's on par with part 1)

Also, for a game that everyone said was going to fucking suck, I'm pleasantly surprised. It's definitely better than the last one.


Master of the Google Search
This game is so good. Music is awesome, story is great, characters are wonderful. Japan GAF couldn't have been more wrong. Buy this game people, best Ace Attorney game yet.

And Trucy is the best sidekick yet


I just finished Case 3 this afternoon, and loved every minute of the game up until the last part of the case. I had everything figured out, but the actual solutions to the puzzles were terrible. The same piece of evidence contradicted 3 of his statements in the same cross-examination once, and there was no real indication which one to present it against. Those kinds of solutions are the only real black mark against the Ace Attorney games for me - When you've got the entire scenario figured out and everything is clear, but the solutions are stupid and convoluted instead of natural.

Hopefully Case 4 doesn't fall prey to the same crap, but the later cases in every game have to this point, so I'm prepared fort he worst.


Master of the Google Search
:lol :lol

I just got to Case 2 and :lol With Apollo, Trucy, the nicknames, and nods, the characters, Trucy, Phoenix being Phoenix, the lovable cast, Trucy, the music, Trucy. I mean this game is just so awesome so far. It's actually made me laugh at points, something no other Phoenix Wright game has been able to do

Don't listen to Japan GAF on this one people, Japan gaffers jumped the shark on this one. This game is a definite buy
I received the game yesterday (Play-Asia's fast!). Played the first case last night and started the second this morning. Took some getting used to playing as Apollo and Trucy, but starting to like them now. Case 1 was superb.
grandjedi6 said:
:lol :lol

I just got to Case 2 and :lol With Apollo, Trucy, the nicknames, and nods, the characters, Trucy, Phoenix being Phoenix, the lovable cast, Trucy, the music, Trucy. I mean this game is just so awesome so far. It's actually made me laugh at points, something no other Phoenix Wright game has been able to do

Don't listen to Japan GAF on this one people, Japan gaffers jumped the shark on this one. This game is a definite buy

This can't come soon enough. I've refused to start any other games until this one arrives, relegating me to train rides filled with nothing but Lumines or Metroid Prime Pinball.
Callibretto said:
I remember reading it at borders and you shouldn't take their reviews seriously, from their review I got the impression that they want the game to be all serious without humor, I mean, the major complaint they have is that after the after the 1st case, the cases become stupid with stuff involving
which imo, is one of the best thing ever in the game

The really funny thing is that they gave the import a 9.5 last year. I had forgotten about that, but remembered after looking some stuff up online. I mean what happened? Did the ex-Gamefan crew pull a Lunar 2 and bitch that the translation wasn't accurate or some shit? I really kinda want to see the review now.


Played the first case and found it pretty good so far. Lots of twists for a first case, too.

Not liking Phoenix's fall from grace, and Apollo isn't really that great so far (looks like he's too much of a kid). I am liking Phoenix aiding Apollo and becoming the mentor, as well as the weird "Money for Nothing" 3D effects. I doubt everything in this game will be 100% solved. I'd like to find out what happened to The Feys in Ace Attorney 5.


Trucy's so awesome... it's like they distilled the essence of the first three games and put it all in her character.

Some real awesome moments so far (just beat the second case)... hopefully the game can keep it up.


Master of the Google Search
bishopcruz said:
The really funny thing is that they gave the import a 9.5 last year. I had forgotten about that, but remembered after looking some stuff up online. I mean what happened? Did the ex-Gamefan crew pull a Lunar 2 and bitch that the translation wasn't accurate or some shit? I really kinda want to see the review now.

dude, it's Play magazine. There doesn't have to be a thread of logic


Judging from the responses here...

Beginning the 4th case:

Wait, so the game mentions nothing about what happened to the Feys, even though they still have that psychoaunt problem?
Just beat the fourth case and me = mindblown. Everything throughout the whole game ties together so perfectly. Its easily one of the best cases in a Gyakuten Saiban game ever.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Brashnir said:
I just finished Case 3 this afternoon, and loved every minute of the game up until the last part of the case. I had everything figured out, but the actual solutions to the puzzles were terrible. The same piece of evidence contradicted 3 of his statements in the same cross-examination once, and there was no real indication which one to present it against. Those kinds of solutions are the only real black mark against the Ace Attorney games for me - When you've got the entire scenario figured out and everything is clear, but the solutions are stupid and convoluted instead of natural.

Hopefully Case 4 doesn't fall prey to the same crap, but the later cases in every game have to this point, so I'm prepared fort he worst.

This is why I gave up on the games. It really, really got under my skin. My girlfriend loves them to death though. So... <shrugs>. If you enjoy the characters enough and so forth, you can overlook faults like that.


HaloFans said:
Judging from the responses here...

Beginning the 4th case:

Wait, so the game mentions nothing about what happened to the Feys, even though they still have that psychoaunt problem?
I assume Morgan wouldn't be much of a problem after 3-5, since Pearl has to know at that point what's going on.


Midway into case 4 now.. I'm seriously thinking 4=1 or 4=3. I can't figure out the overall rankings. But AA4 so far has really left an impression on me. The finale awaits!


Brashnir said:
I just finished Case 3 this afternoon, and loved every minute of the game up until the last part of the case. I had everything figured out, but the actual solutions to the puzzles were terrible. The same piece of evidence contradicted 3 of his statements in the same cross-examination once, and there was no real indication which one to present it against. Those kinds of solutions are the only real black mark against the Ace Attorney games for me - When you've got the entire scenario figured out and everything is clear, but the solutions are stupid and convoluted instead of natural.

Hopefully Case 4 doesn't fall prey to the same crap, but the later cases in every game have to this point, so I'm prepared fort he worst.

Isn't case 3 suppose to have
a jury trial at the end of it?


Holy WOW! If the first case is any indication this is gonna be one of the best AA-games ever...What an intriguing first trial. Really liked it.
one thing I really like about apollo justice so far, there's no filler case, all 4 cases I've played (up to case 4 halfway through, I think) is very important to the overall story, there's no cases like that circus case or the first steel samurai case where it felt like a filler (steel samurai case is really a filler if oldbag and powers didn't return in later cases).


For some reason I thought I was going to be really disappointed with that game but damn, that's not the case. at all.

I'm only at the middle of chapter 2 and so far I love the game.

My ranking for the series so far is:
PW3 >> PW1 >> PW2

We'll see where the 4th one goes but I'd bet on between 3 and 1.
I'm in Case 4

(huge spoilers)

This case is downright trippy! It started out all bland, but after the flashback scene...wow. It feels like you're in the Matrix :lol

Edit: Beat it!
Lamrior being Apollo AND Trucy's mother?!?! Didn'tr see that one coming...well, good ending I guess.

I think this is my 2nd favorite AA game, after AA1.


ok so i'm done with it... i'm happy with the game,i don't really understand why this wasn't liked by japanese gaffer... again the minuki system is pretty cool
kristoph skull was so cool :O
i liked the first 2 case quite a lot,third one was a little weaker,i especialy didn't like how it finished
it just seemed so sudden,you just say "machi knows the truth" and it ends :/
and the 4th one was pretty cool
when i started to play the game i thought "yay! no more psychelocks!" little did i know :( and lamiroir being apollo and trucy mother seemed a kinda pointless revelation
there is something that i don't understand though
if zak and phoenix were in goods term why did he try to destroy phoenix poker career by framing him for cheating?


After playing the game...

Why didn't Phoenix contact any of the Feys for help?

Also I miss a lot of the back and forth objection style from the old games. There seems to be no competition between Apollo and Klavier.

Anyway, I really hope I get to play as Phoenix or Edgeworth again, if they ever make a sequel to this one. (Seems inevitable)


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I really really liked this game. 9/10 for me. :D

But where the fuck did Maya and Edgeworth just... disappear to? By Belldandy if she ran off with Edgeworth I'll be super pissed! >> <<

Oh, and Perceiving > Psyche Locks.
RurouniZel said:
Oh, and Perceiving > Psyche Locks.

we need both imo, psyche lock make investigation part more interesting, but perceiving is really fun during the trial

after beating the game, I like it a lot, but pw3 is still the best pw imo. this game has some of the best character design in pw series, the only guy whos design I hate is
, and sadly, I have a feeling he'll make a return appearance in later games. Gavin bros have great design but sadly
their story is lacking in a pretty big way, Klavier is one dimensional as the 'good guy' prosecutor, you've seen through him from just one trial at the beginning, and Kristoph despite having great looks, is really pathetic as the main antagonists, he's no where the mastermind I thought he is when I put him in jail in first case.

I like the overall plot about
flawed judicial system and time for a change with the jurist system
but as individual cases they're pretty easy to guess, don't know if that's because I'm used to playing pw series or the cases themselves are lacking in complexity, certainly none of them is anywhere as complex as the the final case in pw 1. although maybe one of the reson is that we don't have
any of the spiritual stuff the 3 pw games have, so the cases is more grounded in reality and therefore easier to predict

I expect more about
Apollo and Trucy's relation, sadly it seems they close the graymere's mystery pretty thorough in this game, there's nothing like in the first game where you know that maya mother's missing, but only see them again in pw 3. I'm not sure how they can expand the graymere more in the sequels. well maybe they'll come up with rival troupe or something

now that phoenix's
story is really finished, I hope they're not going to kill Phoenix in the next game just because his mentor role is finished, that'll pretty sad


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Regarding Case 4

is easily one of the cutest Ace Attorney girls. She stands up to Iris in AA3, Maggie (AA2/AA3), and Adrian (AA2/AA3).
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