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The Official Bionic Commando Thread


Man oh man. This has to be one of the worst games I've played thsi gen, such a letdown, it could have been a lot fo fun. I have yet to finish it on normal mode, all the swinging was just so boring, need more action! AARRGGHHh, the water, it hurts!


Cornbread78 said:
Man oh man. This has to be one of the worst games I've played thsi gen, such a letdown, it could have been a lot fo fun. I have yet to finish it on normal mode, all the swinging was just so boring, need more action! AARRGGHHh, the water, it hurts!
The swinging is the best part of the game. I had a lot of fun just flowing through the areas of the game.
Agreed, I think the swinging was the only part that I liked :/

It makes me sad because there are elements of a really awesome game in there. The rest is stuff that makes me want to cut myself (snipers, nuclear fog OMG....)
JdFoX187 said:
The swinging is the best part of the game. I had a lot of fun just flowing through the areas of the game.

I too enjoyed the swinging the most and when Nathan would yell in excitement, I was hard pressed not to join him.

Also the soundtrack to this game is very well composed. So for $6 I'd what's to lose.
The game is very divisive. You'll either accept and work within the framework the game gives you and have a good time or you will rail against the very idea of some of the core mechanics and be continually pissed.

As a huge BC fan I loved the game, and the PC version is the way to go if you can get it. I'm always enchanted with swinging mechanics in games for some reason and this one does it very well.

Princess Skittles

Prince's's 'Skittle's
The swinging mechanics are so ridiculously well made, it's just a damn shame the combat is so rocky. And that's mainly just in enemy behavior, the actual combat mechanics themselves are fine (and once you hit a few mid spots in the campaign, your gun play is thrown aside for awesome arm combat maneuvers), but there's a huge problem with the kind of "all or none" accuracy and aggressive behavior of the enemy soldiers.
Can I just swing past enemies? I'm guessing there are a few "kill everybody" objectives here and there, but is it possible to just ignore enemies and move on if the fun of the game is in swinging? Or is swinging just the way to get from one fight to another?


FunkyPajamas said:
Can I just swing past enemies? I'm guessing there are a few "kill everybody" objectives here and there, but is it possible to just ignore enemies and move on if the fun of the game is in swinging? Or is swinging just the way to get from one fight to another?

You can but not often... most of the time, there's a locked vault or something preventing you from doing that.


I finished it today. I bought this game about a year ago on PS3 and it slept in my backlog for a while. Futureshop had it for 5$CAD and I must say that it's pretty much the best 5$ I've ever spent. Sure, it's faaaaar from being perfect, it also won't become a classic like its predecessor, but for some reasons, I enjoyed the fuck out of it.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
I can't seem to figure out how to unlock classic rad spencer. I am inputting the "code" from rearmed on the title screen, but I do not see it working.

I'm stuck with rastafarian spencer.


So yeah decided to finish this game since it's been in my backlog for so long lol.
ATM my main gripe is the camera, I think this is because of some games that don't allow you to invert the X axis when turning the right stick, ugh.
I'm still in chapter one and playing on...Commando. I really need to stop relying on Reel kick to kill enemies.


Color me surprised as I probably enjoyed the game more than I should've. Sure it's repetative and flawed both story and gameplay wise, but there's just something with the swinging mechanics that 'clicks'. Traversing some of the games terrains is a lot of fun, but unfortunately the fun usually ends pretty much as quickly as it has began when you're forced in another cave. Lot's of potential and I'd love the hear Inafune's excuse for not truly delivering.

My final score: 730/1000. Mood: happy. Weather: snowy.
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