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The Official Bionic Commando Thread


Man commando is tough but I'm over 50% done. I guess the game goes a lot faster when you get used to swinging.
SecretBonusPoint said:
I missed the 5 dead from Death from Above challenge because it was far too fiddly to get 5 soldiers to get near each other towards the end of the game, and they were mostly Heavies by that point so wouldnt die from one stomp.
The easiest place I found was the archives room. When the enemies first start coming in, if you go to the right five or six dudes will come out of the skylight in quick succession. Do an adrenaline-fueled DFA and you're golden!


Wow the story got really terrible as time went on :lol Initially it sort of felt like it just wasn't taking itself too seriously, but eventually it just became outright bad.

Meg dying was stupid... sort of like the whole story. For whatever little it was worth she and Spencer had the best 'connection' of any of the characters, and it actually added something to the story of the Bionic Purge, not that her cognitive dissonance about the mass murder or her defection from Bio reign were handled any better than other aspects of the story. Their first scene together worked very well.
jonnybryce said:
How's the multiplayer going in this game, deserted, always populated or in between?
I've almost always gotten a full or mostly full game every time I've played. There seems to be some latency issues, though.


I've played some more.

The areas grew bigger, so the loading times feel a lot less stupid, and with it the level design grew more interesting. I've come to like the 'hit and run' nature of the combat. It's a bit like Crackdown, you're clearly more powerful than your ennemies, but since you're outnumbered you're a dead man if you jump headfirst into them.
Taking out the Snipers by getting around them one after another in Industrial Trent I was really cool.
With the bigger areas, you can do much more full-blown swinging, which is always awesome.
Basically the game is becoming interesting.

Then I unlocked the ability to basically throw almost every object of the scenery baseball style. And the game went from "oh hay pretty cool" to fucking awesome. Seriously, this throwing mechanic is so goddamn cool, especially when you realize you can play endlessly with the corpses of your ennemies.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about corpse-throwing culture (I'm an expert) but precision aiming and funny physics are a huge part of it, and this game has both. This adds some Crackdown-like fun to the action, by which I mean the kind of fun you're having on your own independantly of what the designers wanted you to do. So I spent most of my time in Industrial Trent III throwing the corpses of my ennemies against walls and pillars :D
But that's me, I just love throwing random shit in games. Actually I've always found the only thing I would reproach Crackdown for is his throwing mechanic, that isn't up to the other powers in terms of crazyness. And the one in Bionic Commando totally fills this gap in my gamer's fantasies.

A word about the first encounter with the Polycrafts.
It came out of fucking nowhere, and what the hell are those, and it fired those big ass rockets, and there were two of them, and goddman they're so quick to follow me, and they're surrounding me. I was like "sheeeeeeeiiiit" :O
It was pretty intense, and with the very cool piece of music that suddenly began to play during that sequence it was totally (I'm going to use an overused word, sorry) epic.


Fuuuck why doesn't this game have more checkpoints? On multiple occasions I've had to replay sections over and over because I died over some bullshit like invisible radioactive walls or mankind's greates enemy: water. Ok, so I'll accept dying, but why the hell do I more often than not have to replay 5-10 minutes to get back to where I was? One time I'd almost passed this long-ass section with snipers shooting at me from all directions, and at the end I had to fight a mech dude. After I killed him I proceeded to swing towards the exit... and A SNIPER KILLS ME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AIR. I lost over 10 minutes on that. God was I pissed.


Ledsen said:
Fuuuck why doesn't this game have more checkpoints? On multiple occasions I've had to replay sections over and over because I died over some bullshit like invisible radioactive walls or mankind's greates enemy: water. Ok, so I'll accept dying, but why the hell do I more often than not have to replay 5-10 minutes to get back to where I was? One time I'd almost passed this long-ass section with snipers shooting at me from all directions, and at the end I had to fight a mech dude. After I killed him I proceeded to swing towards the exit... and A SNIPER KILLS ME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AIR. I lost over 10 minutes on that. God was I pissed.

I guess I'm lucky I killed all of the snipers one by one before proceeding, because that's exactly the kind of things I hate in games.


Ledsen said:
Fuuuck why doesn't this game have more checkpoints? On multiple occasions I've had to replay sections over and over because I died over some bullshit like invisible radioactive walls or mankind's greates enemy: water. Ok, so I'll accept dying, but why the hell do I more often than not have to replay 5-10 minutes to get back to where I was? One time I'd almost passed this long-ass section with snipers shooting at me from all directions, and at the end I had to fight a mech dude. After I killed him I proceeded to swing towards the exit... and A SNIPER KILLS ME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AIR. I lost over 10 minutes on that. God was I pissed.
A whole ten minutes, huh?

The game is covered up with checkpoints. Any more and it would be ALL checkpoints.


Chemo said:
A whole ten minutes, huh?

The game is covered up with checkpoints. Any more and it would be ALL checkpoints.

I've actually never played a game that felt like it had less checkpoints than this one. I guess it's a combination of that and some frustrating deaths. And please don't "huh", making players replay 10 minutes in a fast-moving action game with cheap deaths... is not good. It completely kills the flow of the game. In the sniper section I mentioned, there was one checkpoint at the beginning and one in the end. Nothing at all inbetween, and like I said the section is quite long. Luckily the swinging is so much fun that I can overlook a few bad design decisions, at least if I play in short spurts.

Ramenman said:
I guess I'm lucky I killed all of the snipers one by one before proceeding, because that's exactly the kind of things I hate in games.

I could take out all the snipers, but then it would take even longer and if I died (by falling in the water for example) I'd lose even more time.


Ledsen said:
I've actually never played a game that felt like it had less checkpoints than this one. I guess it's a combination of that and some frustrating deaths. And please don't "huh", making players replay 10 minutes in a fast-moving action game with cheap deaths... is not good. It completely kills the flow of the game. In the sniper section I mentioned, there was one checkpoint at the beginning and one in the end. Nothing at all inbetween, and like I said the section is quite long. Luckily the swinging is so much fun that I can overlook a few bad design decisions, at least if I play in short spurts.
I am absolutely not going to stop "huh"ing because if you haven't played a game with less checkpoints than Bionic Commando, this is your first video game.


Chemo said:
I am absolutely not going to stop "huh"ing because if you haven't played a game with less checkpoints than Bionic Commando, this is your first video game.

I said that I've never played a game that FELT like it had less checkpoints. Replaying long sections has never been as tedious in other games that may or may not have even more sparsely placed checkpoints.


Could anyone provide a link to the new Capcom logo/jingle that plays at the start of BC? It's amazing and I cannot find it online to show a pal.
Quick questions for PS3 owners:

Do you have to simple "tap" R2 to fire like in Army of Two or The Darkness or squeeze it all the way down ala Wanted/GTAIV ???

Can you change Fire to R1 instead of R2?

Thanks again

EDIT: NVM, checked and its says that indeed R1/R2 are swappable :D
Man, I don't think I'm gonna get all the challenges. I'm up to the
the giant mech right after the plane sequence
and I'm missing 12 Hiker kills. :(

Being without my PStriple these past few weeks has been so damn hard! =(
(in the process of moving)

I swear I'm about to run out and buy a refurbed 60gig just so I can finally get my hands on Spencer :D

Also, sorry to JDFox and friends for mostly missing this thread ...I haven't been able to get on GAF consistantly =/


Isnt every yellow dot waypoint a checkpoint? I think it's just the fact that challenges reset if you die before the next checkpoint.


So chalk me up as another complainer about terrible checkpointing and lack of saving challenges when you die in a fast paced game.

Maybe if it didn't have to load upon death I wouldn't care so much.

Games like this are why I started doing gamefly again. Sorry GRIN!


I've been playing this on PS3 for a while and I started writing my review for the blog.

I came across that awesome evolution trailer again and I cannot help but wonder, what happened too all the cool effects seen in this series of clips.

First there is a lot of depth of field in almost all shots - missing from the PS3 version.

There are some awesome shockwave effects in the trailer - none to be found in the PS3 version.

The piece of shattering concrete that gets thrown at the biomech in the trailer - nothing shatters in the PS3 version, except for car doors opening.

What I am curious about is whether these have all been omitted from the PS3 version only or from all versions - how's the XB360 one for example? It obviously has better anti-aliasing (which is also pretty much absent from the PS3 version), but does it include the other effects described above?

Or should I hope that they do intend to release the game on PC and that it would be the superior copy to all console alternatives?

As for all the bashing about not saving challenge statuses and such - I don't really care. But what does bake my potato is the idea that when I complete my first game and restart on Hard or Commando, I lose all the upgrades and challenges. And even worse - those damn collectibles do not carry over either. This is a major blunder considering how difficult some of the later ones are.


glaurung said:
I've been playing this on PS3 for a while and I started writing my review for the blog.

I came across that awesome evolution trailer again and I cannot help but wonder, what happened too all the cool effects seen in this series of clips.

First there is a lot of depth of field in almost all shots - missing from the PS3 version.

There are some awesome shockwave effects in the trailer - none to be found in the PS3 version.

The piece of shattering concrete that gets thrown at the biomech in the trailer - nothing shatters in the PS3 version, except for car doors opening.

What I am curious about is whether these have all been omitted from the PS3 version only or from all versions - how's the XB360 one for example? It obviously has better anti-aliasing (which is also pretty much absent from the PS3 version), but does it include the other effects described above?

Or should I hope that they do intend to release the game on PC and that it would be the superior copy to all console alternatives?

As for all the bashing about not saving challenge statuses and such - I don't really care. But what does bake my potato is the idea that when I complete my first game and restart on Hard or Commando, I lose all the upgrades and challenges. And even worse - those damn collectibles do not carry over either. This is a major blunder considering how difficult some of the later ones are.

From what I've seen the 360 lacks them too. You'll find GRINs engine (DIESEL) tends to perform better overall on PS3 too, so it should be the superior version.
glaurung said:
I've been playing this on PS3 for a while and I started writing my review for the blog.

I came across that awesome evolution trailer again and I cannot help but wonder, what happened too all the cool effects seen in this series of clips.

First there is a lot of depth of field in almost all shots - missing from the PS3 version.

There are some awesome shockwave effects in the trailer - none to be found in the PS3 version.

The piece of shattering concrete that gets thrown at the biomech in the trailer - nothing shatters in the PS3 version, except for car doors opening.

What I am curious about is whether these have all been omitted from the PS3 version only or from all versions - how's the XB360 one for example? It obviously has better anti-aliasing (which is also pretty much absent from the PS3 version), but does it include the other effects described above?

Or should I hope that they do intend to release the game on PC and that it would be the superior copy to all console alternatives?

As for all the bashing about not saving challenge statuses and such - I don't really care. But what does bake my potato is the idea that when I complete my first game and restart on Hard or Commando, I lose all the upgrades and challenges. And even worse - those damn collectibles do not carry over either. This is a major blunder considering how difficult some of the later ones are.

Until the PC version shows up, the PS3 version is the definitive one. Depth of field stuff is definitely in, sometimes it will glitch to cover everything, Spencer included. One thing I'd say thats definitely dialed down in the final version is bloom. Maybe Grin took the "LOL BLOOM = NEXT GEN" mockery of many other titles this gen to heart, for better or worse. Can't remember if I shattered a rock or anything, but maybe thats for gameplay reasons so you can keep reusing the same rock.

After seeing the European sales for this game, I think its safe to say Grin made a massive error in not making a SP multiplatform demo for this game. No advertising to speak of meant they would have relied on the positive word of mouth only an early demo could have brought. The MP 360 only demo helped that versions sales early on, but it is by far the weakest part of the game both visually and playably.

Since this is a Capcom branded game as well it seems even more ridiculous since they always have demoes out before retail because they recognise that it is an invaluable tool for promoting a game. A demo would have been ridiculously easy to produce as well due to the game being small level segments and not open world. Pick a choice 2 or 3 and make a demo from them and shazaaam.

Oh well, I enjoyed my time with the game a lot. I'd really like a sequel but I can't help but think its unlikely to happen now, and Grin only have themselves to blame.

Release the soundtrack already! I want to buy it!
Fuck I'm late! =(

So I've just really gotten the hang of the swing mechanic and flow of combat ...THIS GAME IS FUCKING TREMENDOUS! :D :D :D

Currently at the industrial district with the snipers and having SOOO MUCH DAMN FUN playing cat and mouse with them

More impressions to come...


formerly cjelly
I think I'm about half-way through.

I just defeated some giant helicopter thing on top of that FSA building? That's about mid-way, right?

I thought it was funny how you get to the building, and the bloke in your ear says you have to get to the rooftop... then it goes to a cutscene and the game does it itself? WTF? Why not just let the player climb the building?

But, yeah, game is getting samey now and a bit boring. It's OK, nothing special. Graphics are pretty shitty, the arm doesn't work as well as I initially thought and the level design is pretty horrendous.


cjelly said:
I think I'm about half-way through.

I just defeated some giant helicopter thing on top of that FSA building? That's about mid-way, right?
You're a third of the way. The game gets better in the middle, then it drops off again. The ending is terrible to the point of embarrassment.


If you do not buy this game, you have no soul. This game has such a retro feel without ever actually being retro. It all has to do with the fact that the focal point of the design never was making a spectacular story or cutscenes. There isn't much of either in this game.

Bionic Commando his on three key elements that made games must buys back in the day: Great graphics, great music, and above ALL, GREAT gameplay. The multiplayer is a huge bonus.

Buy it and pray for a sequel.


Porridge said:
If you do not buy this game, you have no soul. This game has such a retro feel without ever actually being retro. It all has to do with the fact that the focal point of the design never was making a spectacular story or cutscenes. There isn't much of either in this game.

Bionic Commando his on three key elements that made games must buys back in the day: Great graphics, great music, and above ALL, GREAT gameplay. The multiplayer is a huge bonus.

Buy it and pray for a sequel.
This is all only true if you're talking about Rearmed. Bionic Commando would have been great if they had only done what they had in Rearmed. The core gameplay is good, but the level design is half baked, and the story is a terrible, terrible MGS ripoff.


Porridge said:
If you do not buy this game, you have no soul. This game has such a retro feel without ever actually being retro. It all has to do with the fact that the focal point of the design never was making a spectacular story or cutscenes. There isn't much of either in this game.

Bionic Commando his on three key elements that made games must buys back in the day: Great graphics, great music, and above ALL, GREAT gameplay. The multiplayer is a huge bonus.

Buy it and pray for a sequel.

How can you say that? It's got a pretty meaty cutscene on the front, and it scatters a few decent sized ones all over the place. These cutscenes take themselves pretty seriously, despite the absurdity and cheeziness contained within. On top of that, story chatter happens all the time while you're playing. They clearly wanted to communicate something.

If you compare that to Bionic Commando Rearmed, which had approximately two cutscenes before the end of the game, each of which lasted 20 seconds tops, you can see the difference between a game that wanted to tell a story and a game that didn't find it very important.

Story may not have been the focal point of the game's design, but it was definitely something they cared about while making it, and the game honestly feels worse for it.
After the buttery smooth fun of Infamous this was really hard to get into. Not because of challenge but just bad design, terrible voice acting (and being cheesy does not save it), and the whole story so far just bums me out. I loved the remake and had high hopes for this until the reviews came out so I just rented it. There were at least 5 times where I was totally going to give up but kept with it and there's definetly rewards for sticking to it. Once your arsenal broadens and you get better at swinging it becomes more fun.


sonicmj1 said:
How can you say that? It's got a pretty meaty cutscene on the front, and it scatters a few decent sized ones all over the place. These cutscenes take themselves pretty seriously, despite the absurdity and cheeziness contained within. On top of that, story chatter happens all the time while you're playing. They clearly wanted to communicate something.

If you compare that to Bionic Commando Rearmed, which had approximately two cutscenes before the end of the game, each of which lasted 20 seconds tops, you can see the difference between a game that wanted to tell a story and a game that didn't find it very important.

Story may not have been the focal point of the game's design, but it was definitely something they cared about while making it, and the game honestly feels worse for it.

Well, I guess I just felt like I actually wanted even more cutscenes. I think that would've been a nice balance. You're right though, the introduction is lengthy.

But I think the story of 3d BC was just a device to keep you moving, but really nothing more. It was cool. I liked the characters -- but these aspects should've been fleshed out more is what I'm saying.

Also, people seem to hate the voice acting but I loved it. I really dug the different takes on different lines and I'm replaying it a bunch and hearing new stuff all the time. The game's got a lot of humor


Just started this game, hacked the third relay. Fun swing mechanic, looks like a fun campy story...but what the hell at the loading? I feel like I'm playing Half Life 2.

(Playing on PS3, not sure if it's any different on 360).
eznark said:
Just started this game, hacked the third relay. Fun swing mechanic, looks like a fun campy story...but what the hell at the loading? I feel like I'm playing Half Life 2.

(Playing on PS3, not sure if it's any different on 360).

Yeah the segmented areas through me off at first ...got used to them though. At least it allows you to go back and play through prior sections to have some fun
...fucking bullshit though that your challenges don't apply >=(
So I beat this game a while back, but there are somethings I've been wondering.

For one, what the hell was that thing they were trying to get all game long? they never explained what it was, or what it did, or why it was so important.

And who the hell was the guy in white? The sniper... he shows up 3 times in the game, but never reveals who he is, or what he's doing, or why he's there. I expected him to show up and reveal himself in the ending, but nothing.

Finally, what does the end message say? I recognize it's morse code, but I'm too lazy to translate it myself.

Any answers?


This game has such a great gameplay, I love it. For some reason it just sucks at the beginning.

I don't care how much you've heard this word from devs, some sequences are just epic (see polycraft post of mine above mine, well it happens again).

The music is very cool too. Not "beautiful" as in "gusty garden" or something, but it definitely fits the on-screen action very well, and can be either very calm or very catchy.
It adds a lot to the badass feel of the game.

And of course the swinging mechanic is the best you'll ever see.

Amazing game.

Edit because I see the post above mine : Don't come in giving any kind of crap about a story though, it's just there to be there, and it's fine this way.
Dammit you're right, what's up with that Sniper dude ? He comes out like "heh, I was the one who watched you all along ! I know everything you don't ! haha ! I'm so mysterious !", then disappears, and we never hear from him again. Seriously wtf is he doing here :lol
Finished about 2 hours ago...

Basically I loved everything about the core gameplay and liked the story for what it was (though indeed it isn't told very well, especially during the latter half) ...the challenge system is colosul fuckup in regards to replaybility and as of right now I have no desire to do so ....it's just so stupid and inconvient

Oh and I figured out the twist before it happend ...basically one of the messages you read about half-way through really gives it away. That and Rebel-FM attempted to spoiled it though I muted the podcast before I heard anything specific.

MP is still great when there's someone playing

8 outta 10


TheSonicRetard said:
So I beat this game a while back, but there are somethings I've been wondering.

Finally, what does the end message say? I recognize it's morse code, but I'm too lazy to translate it myself.

Any answers?

I believe it was translated to be: "Initiate Project Albatross" Which is definitely a hint towards a sequel because isn't that the regime from the original BC?
But, after the not-so-stellar sales, it's probably not happening
Alright, after putting some hours into this thing I think I can make a decision.

Dog Shit

No other game has made me want to reach into my PS3 and rip the disc out and break it in two. There are so many issues that drive me fucking nuts.

-Challenges dont save when completed. I get the trophy, but have to redo them if I die.
-Collectibles dont save when you get them. I literally spent 20 minutes trying to get one and died right after. The detection to get them has to be just perfect.
-A piss poor way of telling your health
-The Air force biomechs are fucking ridiculous. They throw 2 to 3 of them at you at a time, and all they do is spam the fireball. When they're flying you cant get around them. Try to throw something at them and they move.

The swing mechanic works well once you get used to it. Thats the only thing that works well in this game.
gamerecks said:
Alright, after putting some hours into this thing I think I can make a decision.

Dog Shit

No other game has made me want to reach into my PS3 and rip the disc out and break it in two. There are so many issues that drive me fucking nuts.

-Challenges dont save when completed. I get the trophy, but have to redo them if I die.
-Collectibles dont save when you get them. I literally spent 20 minutes trying to get one and died right after. The detection to get them has to be just perfect.
-A piss poor way of telling your health
-The Air force biomechs are fucking ridiculous. They throw 2 to 3 of them at you at a time, and all they do is spam the fireball. When they're flying you cant get around them. Try to throw something at them and they move.

The swing mechanic works well once you get used to it. Thats the only thing that works well in this game.

Well after complaining about the game without ever playing it. I finally rented this on 360. After 1 sitting I'm 47% complete and I agree with everything Gamerecks says.

The stupid radiation pretty much kills any incentive to collect the collectibles. The airforce biomechs are freaking annoying. And combat in general isn't very fun. The swing mechanic is very enjoyable but shitty checkpoints can ruin that as well. There's nothing like swinging through an entire area only to miss the last jump and land in the most dangerous thing of all WATER.

Edit- I hate the loading screens as well. And why do you control an umbilical cord in all the menus?


Just joined the party.
Hey Capcom.... release an update to the game that makes the radiation FUCKING OBVIOUS.

oh well. swinging is fun.


Picked this up off the GameStop sale and after playing around with it a couple hours last night, I'm really enjoying it. Quite a surprise to me!
_RT_ said:
Just joined the party.
Hey Capcom.... release an update to the game that makes the radiation FUCKING OBVIOUS.

oh well. swinging is fun.

Well it's IS kinda obvious in the fact radiated areas are pretty blueish ...Seriously, I never had a problem not knowing where the spots were.


Just finished the SP campaign. Overall a disappointment to me, so much wasted potential.

Clear high points were the Mohole, Buraq convoy and Vulture Army fights for me. I also liked how organic and natural the level design was in the caves (the exact opposite of the city and park levels, which were full of artificially linear paths).

But that's pretty much where my praise ends. Questionable physics, weightless gunplay, awkward combat mechanics, bad story, worse voice acting (mainly Spencer) and an abrupt ending just dragged this game down so much.

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