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The Official Camera Equipment Megathread

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works for Gamestop (lol)
Canon EOS 5D Mark II is $2499 at Best Buy...if your local Best Buy has it, there's a 10% off coupon flying around that can bring it down to $2249 before taxes. Pretty damn good price I think.

My Nikon 35mm 1.8G just shipped from Ritzcameras last night, it only took a week since I ordered for it to ship. Yay


2250 seems pretty good for a 5d2. canon is still being exceptionally aggressive with their pricing though, so i wouldn't feel an urgent need to jump on any deals unless you have to have the camera tomorrow.

canon vs nikon lens quality: there are subtle differences but for the most part all the internet bloviating is pointless. for the most part their lenses are equally fantastic when well regarded and equally crappy otherwise. there are obvious differences in production (canon, having higher volume production lines, seems to have very marginally higher fault rates) and in selection (nikon abandoned new fast wide prime production years ago for reasons no one can fathom), but otherwise there's not a huge difference.

the only really major difference between the two lens lines is that canon has not been able to come up with (and most likely will simply not be able to for quite a while if ever) a counterpart to the nikon 14-24. that thing is an optical freak and a testament to nikon's core competencies (incredible manufacturing precision in low volumes, massive materials science geniuses).


there is joy in sucking dick
fart said:
the only really major difference between the two lens lines is that canon has not been able to come up with (and most likely will simply not be able to for quite a while if ever) a counterpart to the nikon 14-24. that thing is an optical freak and a testament to nikon's core competencies (incredible manufacturing precision in low volumes, massive materials science geniuses).

FredMiranda forums has Canon users adapting the 14-24 Nikon lens for Canon bodies. The shots I've seen from it are mind blowingly sharp and great contrast even in head on sunlight. Doesn't it use some form of Nano tech for the coating?

Crazy thing is that these adapted lenses are a pain when it comes to changing the aperture. You have to deal with some sort of pin to switch. I think there's a more expensive adapter that allows you to just twist the whole lens and the aperture closes down or up.

$1700 for the lens is pretty high but you compare it to Canons 14mm Prime (that's about the same amount) and you realize that its quite a lens for the amount.

Edit: Yeah, the Lens coating is called Nano Crystal Coat...


Interesting read


yah, the really depressing part about the 14-24 is that i have literally never seen a good picture taken with it. the oh-god-oh-god factor of having a gigantic exposed aspheric in the front plus the high cost means that like 90% of the people (mostly lawyers, doctors) that buy it stick it in a box and shoot it once indoors.

note that 1700$ (which was only recently adjusted for japan's soaring currency, but don't get me started on the idiots driving up the yen...) is still an incredible steal for the lens. not too long ago, an aspheric that size would have be literally hand-ground. see: the noct-nikkor 58mm f/1.2. i have so many fingers crossed that we'll see fast wide prime out soon with large diameter aspherics that beats the pants off of anything else in its range

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Wow awesome news about the manual exposure in the 5D. Perfect timing too, look what came in the mail yesterday



there is joy in sucking dick
I remember watching a vid a while back about the director of 24. He was using one of the smaller RED cameras? or some RED camera. He pieced it together, showing each component. He had a specially made adapter for EF mount lenses. I believe he was using a 70-200mm L lens but not sure what aperture or if it was stabilized.


lens adapters are becoming really common in high end video and digital cine. these guys are just one of the contingents that are inflating the prices of all the hits of the 70s and 80s that i want :/


So I've been looking around for a flash diffuser since the one built-in was very weak. I came across several DIY designs, the most popular seems to be this design:

Its a great design, has a large surface area to diffuse and direct light forward.
This is my version:




Here are some shots I took at A-Kon 20 using it:






While I was browsing to buy a flash diffuser I came across a weird design that was basically a folded over plastic cross-stitch guide. (I lost the link)
I thought to myself no way anyone would buy that $40!
So I made one myself just to see the results:




The above picture was not altered in anyway. I will test this more, indoors it seems great but I don't think its performance would be that great in a large convention space.


Just a quick post.


I purchased DSLR remote for the iPhone. In brief, it's a remote for certain Canon DSLRs. The setup still requires (for now) a tethered computer, to which the iPhone communicates wirelessly through a wifi network (I assume it can be ad-hoc as well as on the same network). You might wonder what the point is, since you can just use the tethered computer to take shots. And you'd have a point. It doesn't add THAT much, but it does mean you can take pictures away from your setup, such as hide in another area, or to take easier self portraits. It's also just plain 'handier'.

You can adjust basic exposure settings (shutter, aperture, iso), as well as change image quality and white balance. You can capture images to either your computer or both your computer and camera (strangely lacking an 'only camera' option). You can also set the shutter speed to bulb and use it as a timer.

You can review pictures taken (but only ones in the computer folder - perhaps why you can't capture to camera only), and even rotate to landscape and double tap an area to zoom in at 100%.

Perhaps the coolest features are a liveview mode (if your camera has it), plus also an intervalometer, allowing you to take a series of images at a particular interval, for say, time lapse shots.

All in all, it works fairly competently. There're a few quirks, but it's very simple to set up and use (requires a computer side server program, but it's all pretty much just one click, at least on the mac). It's slightly more simple to use than the EOS utility (but not as comprehensive - you can't focus for example), if only because of the touch controls.

I think it's worth the $9.99 introduction price, especially if they update and improve it with additional features, most importantly, if they release a hardware cable or dongle allowing you to tether your iPhone directly to the camera. Is it worth the $19.99 full price, though? That's a different story.
Ive been putting some thought into really doing photography as a major side job and not just a "do it for the hell of it and if i get paid whatever" thing. Question, where do you guys get your prints from if you dont do them yourself? Im talking portraits, wallet sizes, etc. Is it cheaper to do it yourself, or get it from someone?


for anyone still looking, the nikon 35/1.8 is in stock at B&H and elsewhere. i doubt supplies will last all that long, so kip kip!

don't forget live cashback for a few bucks off
Well, once I get my 35mm DOF adapter, I'll be hanging around this thread a lot more. Till then, cool pics LuCkymoON, the importance of diffusing the flash is understated, thank you for showing some cool contraptions.


Can GAF help me? I'm going on my honeymoon soon, and I need to buy a camera that can also record video for around $400 or so. What's my best option?
Has anyone used a superzoom before? I got a panasonic lumix fz28 and I bought the optional macro lens and I changed the setting to use the conversion lens in the menu but it still has problems focusing if I zoom at all... It says it should go up to the full 18x for macro but I can't get it to focus right and is extremely blurry... Am I doing something wrong or ?


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Has anyone used a superzoom before? I got a panasonic lumix fz28 and I bought the optional macro lens and I changed the setting to use the conversion lens in the menu but it still has problems focusing if I zoom at all... It says it should go up to the full 18x for macro but I can't get it to focus right and is extremely blurry... Am I doing something wrong or ?

I don't know much about this camera, but do you still need to put it into 'macro' mode? Macro normally just means you have a closer minimum focus distance, and on point and shoots, macro mode (at a guess) just disables the limiter. Possibly the mode you describe is not enough.

edit: I just looked it up there are two additional attachments you can get for that: a teleconversion lens, and a closeup. Which did you get? If you got the closeup, are you sure that the 'conversion mode' is the correct one to use?
mrkgoo said:
I don't know much about this camera, but do you still need to put it into 'macro' mode? Macro normally just means you have a closer minimum focus distance, and on point and shoots, macro mode (at a guess) just disables the limiter. Possibly the mode you describe is not enough.

edit: I just looked it up there are two additional attachments you can get for that: a teleconversion lens, and a closeup. Which did you get? If you got the closeup, are you sure that the 'conversion mode' is the correct one to use?

Ya, I switched it to conversion mode. I think, after messing around with it more, that I was trying to focus from a distance further away than it liked. I just tried it and moved it back to the distance it said at the bottom of the screen so if it said 1.5ft at the bottom I moved the camera that far away from what I was taking and now it seems to be working how it should. I thought it would help with macro from a little farther away but it seems to make the distance shorter but also increase the size which it should do.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Ya, I switched it to conversion mode. I think, after messing around with it more, that I was trying to focus from a distance further away than it liked. I just tried it and moved it back to the distance it said at the bottom of the screen so if it said 1.5ft at the bottom I moved the camera that far away from what I was taking and now it seems to be working how it should. I thought it would help with macro from a little farther away but it seems to make the distance shorter but also increase the size which it should do.

I'm not sure what you just said, but I'm going to repeat my questions:

Which lens did you get - the closeup or the tele-converter?

Is the conversion mode the correct one to use if you got the close-up lens? (I don't know about this camera, just throwing some stuff out there).
mrkgoo said:
I'm not sure what you just said, but I'm going to repeat my questions:

Which lens did you get - the closeup or the tele-converter?

Is the conversion mode the correct one to use if you got the close-up lens? (I don't know about this camera, just throwing some stuff out there).

I got the close up lens and yes there is a choice in conversion mode to chose for the tele-converter or the closeup and I chose the closeup. What I was trying to say is I wasn't giving it enough distance to focus I think. I was say 5cm away and trying to zoom from there and make it focus and it kept being blurry after focusing. Once, I moved the camera back more after zooming it was able to focus correctly and looked better like the macro lens was working. So I physically moved the camera back from say 3cm to 1ft after zooming in and it made what I was focusing on bigger and the picture was clear.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
I got the close up lens and yes there is a choice in conversion mode to chose for the tele-converter or the closeup and I chose the closeup. What I was trying to say is I wasn't giving it enough distance to focus I think. I was say 5cm away and trying to zoom from there and make it focus and it kept being blurry after focusing. Once, I moved the camera back more after zooming it was able to focus correctly and looked better like the macro lens was working. So I physically moved the camera back from say 3cm to 1ft after zooming in and it made what I was focusing on bigger and the picture was clear.

Ah, gotcha.

That's probably what the macro close-up mode does. It slows focus to only be around the intended focal length. Something that dedicated macro lenses on SLRs have is a wide focus ring to allow for small adjustments - but this also means that focussing is also a tad slower, but more precise.

On another note, I was looking at the Panasonic TS1 - a new waterproof point and shoot. I was interested as it is also a wide angle (28mm equiv), and has a impressive stats for video - 30fps, 720p.
It begins...

Leaked pics from the new Olympus E-P1, a compact micro 4/3 camera with interchangeable lenses.




This model is supposed to be officially unveiled on June 25th (along with at least one other m4/3 model yet to be shown), to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Pen series:



If this new generation of cameras has image quality somewhere between the Panasonic LX3 and the Panasonic G1, this could be quite a tempting purchase.
Sources suggest this will probably as expensive as an entry-level DSLR.

And the Sigma DP series also fails because it's hard to find, featureless, has a fixed lens and is incredibly slow.


giga said:
Please don't be as expensive as a regular dslr. This is where the Sigma DP series fails.
actually i think that's the trap that canikon are falling into re: big sensor compacts. the people you sell the big sensor compacts to are the same people you're selling LX3s and G10s to. they already have some kind of SLR and are comfortable with interchangeable lenses and higher camera cost. these people will keep volume high enough to eventually drop the price and open the market up even if starting price is relatively high (see: lx3 complete lack of availability).

of course the problem for oly is that if their m43 offering _is_ a success, they've actually shot themselves in the foot by being first to market because they're absorbing the highest development costs while carrying the most risk. should it turn out to be a success, any followers (which will inevitably and quickly include canikon) will have significantly lower barriers to entry.
Finally going to get my camera (long long story for those that followed) and Best Buy does pricematching, etc. Would they allow for that 10% ontop of the price match? But pumped to finally have a camera. Yeeeee!

Best price I've seen from a legit dealer is $1050 from Adorama and about 900something from less reputable sources.

Any tips?
Finally got my camera. After a LONGGGGG time.
Best Buy price-matched to Adorama's/Amazon's price, so that's all I can hope for I suppose.

Really loving it thus far. It was nerve-racking being behind a camera again for the first time in awhile, but after some loosening up I fell right back into it. Like riding a bike and such.
Did some digging around in my garden and got a couple of really nice shots that I'm very pleased with.


Needing some help on this one GAF. I'm looking to get a new lense for my Pentax and would really like to get this one if possible http://www.purelygadgets.co.uk/prodinfo.php?prodid=1123 the only issue is the mount, proir to my googling i was under the impression that sigma had some form of universal mounting system and could fit on most major brand cameras...now however i think thats not so true :( also the lense is about $350 in the US and about $500 or more in the UK etc... wtf

p.s while searching i came across this beast of a lense, also by Sigma



retails around $24,000


new lens finally arrived today


UPS decided to leave it at my door instead of leaving it in the apartment office like they normally do.


new lens and semi-new lens


guess said:
new lens finally arrived today


UPS decided to leave it at my door instead of leaving it in the apartment office like they normally do.


new lens and semi-new lens

Wow, can't wait to see what you do with it. The 50mm f/1.4.


there is joy in sucking dick
guess said:
new lens finally arrived today


UPS decided to leave it at my door instead of leaving it in the apartment office like they normally do.


new lens and semi-new lens

Awesome lens. I need to repair mine :(


there is joy in sucking dick
I'm shooting a wedding for a family member this July, I'm thinking about renting the Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 IS. It'll be my first experience with an "L" lens. Monster weighs 3.8lbs.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
BlueTsunami said:
I'm shooting a wedding for a family member this July, I'm thinking about renting the Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 IS. It'll be my first experience with an "L" lens. Monster weighs 3.8lbs.

70-200? On a crop? For a wedding? Is it outdoors the whole time? That's quite far reaching for a wedding.


there is joy in sucking dick
SnakeXs said:
70-200? On a crop? For a wedding? Is it outdoors the whole time? That's quite far reaching for a wedding.

That is true but I'm worried I'll be at a distance for the Ceremony. I'm also eying the 17-55mm f/2.8 IS but I've already got the XT kit lens version. I don't have anything with reach. The 24-105mm f/4.0 IS looks good too but the f/4 worries me a bit.


Rodent Whores
Just a 16-35 and a 70-200 are more than adequate for shooting a wedding. 5D bodies would be preferable. Especially for the wide angle lens. I find that you can never have too wide a lens when shooting a wedding.


there is joy in sucking dick
I was thinking about a prime for wide (and just going with say 35mm for most of the event). I could probably use a longer focal length lens for portraits from a family member. So many choices! ;_;


Whats the current reigning DSLR with Video capability under 1500$ (With a lense)? Or models I should look out for in the near future (Mid July). I'm getting extremely close to taking the plunge on a nice camera.


nib95 said:
Anyone know the cheapest place in the UK for a Canon 17-55mm 2.8 USM IS lens?

probably kerso on ebay. search for the store name 'flash camera'. He's based in Scotland, and comes recommended.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Borman said:
Whats the current reigning DSLR with Video capability under 1500$ (With a lense)? Or models I should look out for in the near future (Mid July). I'm getting extremely close to taking the plunge on a nice camera.
at 1500?
Probably the Panasonic GH1.
A lot of people are liking the video implementation which allows you to manually focus and control exposure.
The lens that comes with it was specifically designed for video in mind. And its compatible with the fantastic Zuiko 4/3rds lenses.
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