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The Official Daily Show Thread with Jon Stewart


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
John McCain is such an asshole. He will be remembered as the George Wallace of Don't Ask Don't Tell.


John Oliver selling Charles and Camilla commemorative plates = awesome
Olivia Munn having anything to do with the sketch = uuuuugh


Aight, that's a pretty substantial quote.

"You won't find a single firefighter who finds it disrespectful to work in a firehouse on Christmas day"


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
kkaabboomm said:
tonight's round table....jon is realllllllly upset over the 9/11 healthcare filibuster
It's nice to see someone's honest rage about this bullshit. Republicans should be fucking ashamed of themselves.


Damn is there a feed of this somewhere and which show is this on? Cheers folks.

EDIT: the posts sounded to me like you all were watching something from CNN or FOX, but if in fact you are watching just the Daily Show.... then I will wait till tomorrow on watch.thecomedynetwork.ca :p *hides head in shame*


Jinaar said:
Damn is there a feed of this somewhere and which show is this on? Cheers folks.

EDIT: the posts sounded to me like you all were watching something from CNN or FOX, but if in fact you are watching just the Daily Show.... then I will wait till tomorrow on watch.thecomedynetwork.ca :p *hides head in shame*
Hey, I made the thread and that's how I watch it too!


Did anyone else see that 3-4min edited clip of the senator's comments after 9/11, then showing them voting "nay" to the first responder's bill? Fucking epic. Shame that no-one from "legitimate" (for lack of a better word) news centres will go after it.

With any luck the show will get some kind of recognition for it... it's deserved.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
So this is how America thanks its heroes?

Soldiers rape, kill and humiliate human beings. *SUPPORT OUR TROOOPS!*

Firemen give their lives to save lives. * Who cares?*


I've just seen the show you guys were talking about (just aired here in Australia). Fucking wow. A massive amount of respect for Stewart on this issue now. Still stunned that there are no other news outlets that are giving the issue the coverage it deserves outside of Al Jazeera... absolutely pathetic.

Holy shit, Stewart is still going with Huckabee (though I have no idea who he is). Guy deserves some massive recognition and even an award for his passion. Almost choking up with how badly this has been handled (even that it could get to this point) and these poor guys who aren't supported in the slightest by their own government.

Now that The Daily Show has finished for the year, is there a thread on this topic? I'd have no idea what title to search for :/


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Shaneus said:
I've just seen the show you guys were talking about (just aired here in Australia). Fucking wow. A massive amount of respect for Stewart on this issue now. Still stunned that there are no other news outlets that are giving the issue the coverage it deserves outside of Al Jazeera... absolutely pathetic.

Holy shit, Stewart is still going with Huckabee (though I have no idea who he is). Guy deserves some massive recognition and even an award for his passion. Almost choking up with how badly this has been handled (even that it could get to this point) and these poor guys who aren't supported in the slightest by their own government.

Now that The Daily Show has finished for the year, is there a thread on this topic? I'd have no idea what title to search for :/
For reference, Mike Huckabee is the former Republican governor of Arkansas. He ran for the Republican nomination in the last presidential election, ultimately losing out to John McCain. Like many failed/hopeful Republican presidential candidates, he now works for Fox News.

As for threads, this one's a slight tangent but that's where the most recent conversation has been: 9/11 First Responders visit Senate, Republican Susan Collins calls cops
Then there's this general one from last week: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=415381


As a Christian, using Christmas as an excuse not to go to work and help sick people is much more disrespectful to Christianity than actually working on Christmas. The Republican Senator's view is not at all representitive of Christian teachings.

Ignoring the fact that Christmas isn't even a holy day, Jesus specifically deals with the idea that working on holy days (in this case, the Sabbath) is somehow sinful:

"At that time Jesus went through the grain fields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath." He answered, "Haven’t you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread—which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests. Or haven’t you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? I tell you that one greater than the temple is here. If you had known what these words mean, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the innocent. For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath." Going on from that place, he went into their synagogue, and a man with a shriveled hand was there. Looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, they asked him, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?" He said to them, "If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out? How much more valuable is a man than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath." Then he said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." So he stretched it out and it was completely restored, just as sound as the other. But the Pharisees went out and plotted how they might kill Jesus."

It's sickening how Christians in America continue to allow politicians to hijack the faith and exploit it for political purposes.


Veidt said:
Soldiers rape, kill and humiliate human beings. *SUPPORT OUR TROOOPS!*

Firemen give their lives to save lives. * Who cares?*

Jesus dude.

But quoting silly posts aside, yeah this actually really fucking pissed me off when I watched it.
The fact that half of them are suffering from cancer and other wretched shit shows these guys cannot fucking wait for this they need help now.

legend166 said:
As a Christian, using Christmas as an excuse not to go to work and help sick people is much more disrespectful to Christianity than actually working on Christmas. The Republican Senator's view is not at all representitive of Christian teachings.

Ignoring the fact that Christmas isn't even a holy day, Jesus specifically deals with the idea that working on holy days (in this case, the Sabbath) is somehow sinful:

It's sickening how Christians in America continue to allow politicians to hijack the faith and exploit it for political purposes.
Mmhm. When I watched that one senator bitch and moan about Christmas and family I felt like shouting at him that his job as an elected official requires him to put his time on the people over both family and God.


Bad news, my UK bibbles.

More4 cuts back The Daily Show to one episode a week

More4 is cutting back from five editions of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart per week to just one.

From next month Channel 4's digital service will only air the Monday Daily Show Global Edition, marking an end to the five-year deal which began with More4's launch in 2005.

More4 broadcasts the daily edition of the irreverent US current affairs show on Tuesday to Friday evenings at 8.30pm, with the Global Edition on Monday evenings.

A Channel 4 spokeswoman said: "More4 will continue to show The Daily Show Global edition on Monday nights in the new year, so viewers will still have the opportunity to see the best of Jon Stewart's Daily Show in the UK."

Broadcast in the US on cable channel, Comedy Central, Stewart's satirical news programme attracts an average of between 60,000 and 90,000 viewers in the UK.

More4 bought the US version of Shameless in August, as it moved to bolster its roster of "high-end American programming".

The money recouped from reducing transmissions of The Daily Show should allow the broadcaster more room to invest in arts programming, such as the True Stories documentary strand, which it signalled a commitment to earlier this year.


UK fans: The show's new once-a-week global edition is back on next Monday, January 10th.

It has also been shoved into the late spot, at 11pm.


Perhaps this will mean their american website will start being available to us again, which is really the best place to watch it. Plus it has the extra parts that they dont show on tv.

And its where ive been watching it for ages anyway


New Episode Tonight/Soon!

And for you international people it seems both shows may be returning to hulu. I think that's US only as well, but last I heard it was easier to watch/play via a proxy site than cc.com or tds.com
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