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The Official Daily Show Thread with Jon Stewart


Kills Photobucket
Belfast said:
I'm at a loss... anyone know what Stewart was referencing at the beginning of the show about someone being in prison?

I assumed someone in the audience (or waiting to be in the audience) drank a lot, caused a scene and got arrested.


They should have made the whole episode like that.

I got annoyed when they pulled the same thing with Steve Carrel on Colbert. The guest should have hosted the entire show, not just do the opening and then ditch.
lol people are seriously mad about the bieber thing? i thought it was pretty funny. i don't know anything about this kid but he seemed pretty funny and self-aware during that bit, can't say the same about many other artificially created pop stars who take themselves way too seriously.
Willy105 said:
They should have made the whole episode like that.

I got annoyed when they pulled the same thing with Steve Carrel on Colbert. The guest should have hosted the entire show, not just do the opening and then ditch.

This would be amazing.


Is there a video of the Bieber thing?

I live in Europe so I don't have access to full episodes on their site =\

Edit: Just saw it. Why would anyone find that offensive?


G***n S**n*bi
To the people who were offended by the presence of Bieber and lost respect for Jon: Please go fuck your selves. Hard.

Sincerely, Forceatowulf.


Celebrities are surprisingly tolerant of Justin Bieber. While they attack everything popular with the young crowd for the most part, I keep seeing him on Daily Show, FunnyOrDie, in pictures with reputable singers, etc.

I wonder if it's the respect of him starting on Youtube and working his way up.

Either way, it's getting a bit on my nerves.
minor effort said:
AAANNND it looks like they finally started blocking viewers outside the US on their website.

Thanks, jerks. :|
If you're looking for TDS/TCR, Hulu just got the rights back to air episodes.


Yep, I can no longer access the full videos. Damnit, guess I'll have to hit the torrents now. Although the individual clips are still working.


TDS and TCR are the only reasons I keep Foxtel and I was considering cancelling it and just watching them online, but now it looks like I'll have to keep it.
Wii said:
Howcome there's a Jon Stewart thread but not a Stephen Colbert thread?
Everyone knows he's more talented and funnier

Maybe, but the Daily Show is still the better of the two shows. I like the Colbert Report, but it sometimes gets in a rut where things start to feel repetitive. After five years his character isn't carrying the show for me like it once did.

Of course the Daily Show has it's own problem with repetitiveness when it falls into the cycle of being the Fox News Response Machine.


Oh hey so non-Americans are blocked from viewing online? Even when Comedy Central was making delicious targeted ad revenue off me? Guess I'll go take a look at my alternate options!

(If a lawyer asks, I'm talking about ABC iView)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Wii said:
Howcome there's a Jon Stewart thread but not a Stephen Colbert thread?
Everyone knows he's more talented and funnier

As I always say, Stewart's smarter, but Colbert is funnier.
Oblivion said:
As I always say, Stewart's smarter, but Colbert is funnier.

I don't even think I'd agree that Stewart is smarter. Colbert is just so much quicker on his feet that it makes me think he's got a lot more going for him than Jon.


It's easy to be quick when your entire shtick is based around a single contrarian character with pre-established (albeit fake) opinions. Colbert is superb at it, but he has a much simpler job than Stewart who has to juggle his own genuine opinions with comedic delivery.
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