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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Teknoman said:
Yeah no jaggies here, at least not noticeable. No framerate drops or anything either. Running at 720p.

In other news...

Houston Newsradio 740 KTRH poll of the day:
The newest entry in the Grand Theft Auto series released today - Do you think video games today will make people more inclined to react violently towards people (im paraphrasing)?

Talk radio in real life is going to be really intresting these next few days.

EDIT: Who takes a girl to a STRIP CLUB on a date? :lol
I need to phone in one of those (I'm sure 5 live in the UK will run a similar theme today), and say, "No, GTA 4 does not make me feel violent, and I will cockblock anyone who says it does"


I think GTA has killed my ps3. It crashed and now it wont turn on, the green light comes on for like a second then blinks yellowey and then flashes red.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Uno Ill Nino said:
Learn what a Cabaret is. In this game, its a Russian entertainment club where performers go on stage and do anything from magic tricks to standup comedy.

We already did bowling and since I wouldn't do 2 of the same date in a row IRL, I won't in the game either. The game clearly gives you like 5 options and none of them work.
I went to the Cabaret, it shown a bad magic act and a comedy singer lady, although Michelle commented that she didn't like the clientèle, I got a thumbs up rating for the date, so it worked for me.
arena08 said:
I think GTA has killed my ps3. It crashed and now it wont turn on, the green light comes on for like a second then blinks yellowey and then flashes red.
Yeah, IIRC, that's death, sorry to hear that :(


Danielsan said:
So yeah I did not get my GTA IV in the mail today. And to make matters even worse, the next two days are holidays which means I won't get the game untill friday. Fuck this shit. This is the last time I pre-order a major release. Fucking bullshit...
where did you pre-order it...? I would have pre-ordered it at a pick up store to be honest, mail does take time.
This game rocks hard. The atmosphere in the city is just amazing, and yes, I also got shocked due to the awesomeness that is Euphoria. I was driving down a street fast, and slammed into a car that was sitting at a red light. Crash! Every window in both of the cars smashed into tiny pieces. The car I slammed into had begun to honk its horn, but I got curious when it just didn't stop. I noticed that the woman who had been driving the car was dead, her head against the driving-wheel. I genuinely got chills out of that moment. I have never felt bad about killing a pedestrian in a GTA -game, but this really made me cringe. It just felt... So... Believable.


Jirotrom said:
where did you pre-order it...? I would have pre-ordered it at a pick up store to be honest, mail does take time.
Pre-ordered it a Dimensionplus. They said they had mailed it yesterday (mail usually only takes a day) but low and behold. No fun for me this week.


Great the PSN website crashed :lol Well at least it'll update my stats and stuff once it comes back up and I sign in for Social Club.


My EB did a midnight launch in Toronto, there were about 100 people in line. Luckily I didn't have to work, so I just popped in before midnight, bought the game at 12:01, then on my way out I let the first batch of customers in. :D

It's cool so far, very overwhelming.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Yeah, the launch here wasn't any event or anything. Walked into walmart this morning and they had tons of copies.

Oh, small college towns. Sometimes you redeem yourselves.


My coffins on the way....

Surprised by how quick and easy MS support is, I even got to talk to a women with a hot voice :D (Gueesing this is where that $1 billion went)

Any UK gaffers know the average turnaround time for repairing a 360?

My first 4 hours impressions:

Framerate seemed low (I think this may have been my 360 dieing though)
Apart from that, best game ever. I LOVED the shooting mechanics, I managed to get a four star wanted level near the carnival and hid behind a dumpster with a shotgun blowing up 6-7 police cars that were there with n awesome chain reaction. Then found a Turismo tried to escape then........ RRoD. :lol

Guess I'll just stare at the case until until my refurb arrives.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Wow @ some enthusiastic impressions here. For the first time, I'm feeling interested towards a GTA game (a franchise I've never liked).


As nearly faultless as the single player experience is, the mp sucks big time. I'll never play it again. It's one of those games that wouldn't have needed multiplayer yet it still has it and it's just completely useless.

GTA 4 without multiplayer so far - 10
GTA 4 with mulitplayer - 8 at best, the bad taste after playing mp has ruined some single player missions for me


Frenck said:
As nearly faultless as the single player experience is, the mp sucks big time. I'll never play it again. It's one of those games that wouldn't have needed multiplayer yet it still has it and it's just completely useless.

GTA 4 without multiplayer so far - 10
GTA 4 with mulitplayer - 8 at best, the bad taste after playing mp has ruined some single player missions for me

WHAT? :lol You've must have played a crappy mode, or with dumb people then


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Yeah, hopefully I find the right game mode to really enjoy GTA 4 MP. Cops n crooks has its moments but it could be really difficult since people tend to be idiots as boss


Frenck said:
As nearly faultless as the single player experience is, the mp sucks big time. I'll never play it again. It's one of those games that wouldn't have needed multiplayer yet it still has it and it's just completely useless.

GTA 4 without multiplayer so far - 10
GTA 4 with mulitplayer - 8 at best, the bad taste after playing mp has ruined some single player missions for me
With a negative opinion like that, please elaborate on the reasons.
Frenck said:
As nearly faultless as the single player experience is, the mp sucks big time. I'll never play it again. It's one of those games that wouldn't have needed multiplayer yet it still has it and it's just completely useless.

GTA 4 without multiplayer so far - 10
GTA 4 with mulitplayer - 8 at best, the bad taste after playing mp has ruined some single player missions for me

What modes did you play? Deathmatch is a clusterfuck. Team Deathmatch is better but not by much. Team based objective modes and the co-op vs. AI modes however are fantastic and really evoke a sense of proper online GTA.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Frenck said:
As nearly faultless as the single player experience is, the mp sucks big time. I'll never play it again. It's one of those games that wouldn't have needed multiplayer yet it still has it and it's just completely useless.

GTA 4 without multiplayer so far - 10
GTA 4 with mulitplayer - 8 at best, the bad taste after playing mp has ruined some single player missions for me


Lol, Brucie is the motherfuckin shit.

Seriously, awesome character, the dude is hilarious. And little jacob, rasta man, one love breda


Next Gen Las Venturas is awesome...even on the TV!

The only thing I don't like so far is actually something that is awesome, in that Niko has weight now and takes momentmum to move.


I played DM, TDM (which was actually kind of fun in a retarded way) and TMW. What ruined it for me is that everyone is visible on the map and that DM and TDM are basically "race for the RPG" as every other weapon just doesn't cut it.

It's also very unpolished compared to the single player mode. I hit an enemy with my car at full speed, he doesn't die, stands up und blows up my car with his RPG while standing right next to it. Of course he survived and me and my teammate in the car were dead.

Headshots seem to be very unreliable. In one match I get 3 headshots with my lame pistol and in the next match it seems like I'm shooting hot air at my enemies. The only positive things about the multiplayer were the excellent performance (netcode seems to be really good) and the random chaos that would ensue sometimes (I can have plenty of that in single player though).


dallow_bg said:
And since my 60/20GB freezing thread was closed....... was there some new development or something that came out overnight?

I spoke to Rockstar customer service 2 hours ago. He said other people have called with the problem and testers are looking at "as we speak". I asked if I should try returning my disc for another one and he said its not clear that this is a disc problem yet and I should wait "a few more hours" for some kind of official response.


borghe said:
darkness and contrast could be your tv. mess with those settings in the game to see if it helps.

also on PS3, make sure you're running the game in 720p and not 1080i or 1080p. running it in a different resolution will typically add quite a few jaggies to a game.

This Man speaks the truth...loaded it up in 720P at first and it looked fine (few Jaggies but nothing Horrible) Then went and flipped it up to a forced 1080P omg jaggie city everywhere to the point I saved stopped the game and reloaded it back up in 720P.

Other then that so far liking the game, love the main char, and the crazy amount of detail that went into the city. Also I was surprised after seeing the online videos the car control kinda looked shit but I guess the guys playign just sucked cause they handle fine for me :D

Anyway back to play some more...


awesome! I did not get my game delivered today! I love streetdates and shitty mail services causing me too not being able to play this game for another three days! FUCK


This game is just fucking amazing. The tv feature really reminds me of Max Payne and the city too. The whole game is immense. But where are the hookers? I haven't found any yet.

Story Spoiler:
I just killed Vlad

And The Journey radio station is just awesome :D


I picked up the guide as well and I must say I'm pleased with my purchase. I don't mind spending 20 bucks for 200+ pages of full color goodness.


Quick question: is there any way to pause a fucking cinematic? Twice I've missed them cause the doorbell rang and the phone rang...holding the home button just brings up the menu and they still play in the background...that's retarded.

Also, the game is really amazing, but man the framerate is jank as FUCK. Maybe I'm just used to PC games, but this feels like its chugging along at 20fps.

So yeah, pause cinematics?


ZeroEdge said:
This Man speaks the truth...loaded it up in 720P at first and it looked fine (few Jaggies but nothing Horrible) Then went and flipped it up to a forced 1080P omg jaggie city everywhere to the point I saved stopped the game and reloaded it back up in 720P.

Other then that so far liking the game, love the main char, and the crazy amount of detail that went into the city. Also I was surprised after seeing the online videos the car control kinda looked shit but I guess the guys playign just sucked cause they handle fine for me :D

Anyway back to play some more...

im have mines at 1080p damn but i hate switching settings in xmb does it really look that much better? like mines is not jaggie city at all at 1080p
Ok after failing a mission I restarted that same mission and the voice acting failed to load during the cutscene. Has anyone else experienced this? It only happened once so it's not a big deal but I am curious.


Well...just came from work after totally shitty day...and what waits me in the mailbox: GTA IV!

Itching to play, I rush inside, grab come quick snacks and refreshments from the fridge, and turn the 360 and TV on. In goes the GTA...and so starts the best intro ever. But...soon...a freeze. WTF...I turn the machine off, already fearing the worst.


Sorry, had to get that out of my system. Actually I am not even that pissed I thought I would be...and reading this thread I see others have also had problems..AGAIN. It's just that every time a new game comes out, it seems to kill certain 360's...so wrong.

Anyway, probably have to get a new 360 because the service queues are horrible here (Finland)...or just trade this in and get the PS3 version...

Carry on.
WrikaWrek said:
Lol, Brucie is the motherfuckin shit.

Seriously, awesome character, the dude is hilarious. And little jacob, rasta man, one love breda

So, I didn't realize that when you run into a friend on the street, and do some business with them, IT DOESN'T COUNT AS A MISSION.

For some reason I'd turned Autosave off, ran into Badman on the street, went after some gangsters and he DIED!!

(Not a spoiler, as this was not mission based, but purely circumstantial.)

a) NO WAY will I let a dude who carries around HIS OWN RASTA MOTORCYCLE HELMET get plugged forever
b) Also, I fucking LOVE Badman, wagwan.

So, I redid like four missions just to keep my breda Badman alive and kicking.




Tuvoc said:
L.C.P.D. Street justice!



BenjaminBirdie said:
So, I didn't realize that when you run into a friend on the street, and do some business with them, IT DOESN'T COUNT AS A MISSION.

For some reason I'd turned Autosave off, ran into Badman on the street, went after some gangsters and he DIED!!

(Not a spoiler, as this was not mission based, but purely circumstantial.)

a) NO WAY will I let a dude who carries around HIS OWN RASTA MOTORCYCLE HELMET get plugged forever
b) Also, I fucking LOVE Badman, wagwan.

So, I redid like four missions just to keep my breda Badman alive and kicking.



Wa u tlkin abou ma? Badman nut dy, he tru dread man, he na du a bom clad in em fuls! Tsk
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