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The Official GTA: Chinatown Wars thread

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Why the fuck did I preorder the game from Play.com...

Never again, I swear!

First Killzone 2 two weeks after release day and now this, fuck! >_<


Jswanko said:
Anyone else do the code thing on the Rockstar site? Im confused on how to get the content onto my DS.

you did the code and synched up your ds friend code stats thing? then after that you have to play missions until you unlock the ammonation place, after that you get a pda email that unlocks $10,000 and some guns.


user-friendly man-cashews
THERE'S A GO KART TRACK!!! People who'll try to get all gold medals on that will lose their sanity :lol
Today our 3 copies arrived and this game is pure awesome. I cannot decide what to play first: MadWorld or GTA on my gimped DS. But it works just fine, even with my messed up Touchscreen.

The only problem I have so far is the game is too fast sometimes :D
so the heli is only used in some missions and you cannot control it?

I'm sure there where some videos with a heli flying around (no, not the police heli)


One thing that impresses me is how much it feels like GTA but doesn't really look like GTA. Hearing those classic sounds like menu clicks and getting into cars must be the reason.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The take-down system makes the wanted level so much more fun and far less tedious. This really, really needs to be in the next GTA.

Jedeye Sniv

I've been playing the hell out of this since last night and even as a massive gta fan this has me impressed. I love the old-school gta1 stylings, the way the bikes control is totally gta1 for instance (ie, hard as fuck, lol). This is a game i've wanted for years without even knowing it, it's fast and frantic, cartoony and over the top and playable in bitesize bits. It's a great toilet game for instance.

The drug dealing minigame is where it's at though, it's just so addictive driving around trying to find buyers and sellers. And when you get those nutjobs that will buy for insane amounts of money, just running around trying to find all the coke you can to bleed them dry. I really hope that some of this can be bought into the main games down the line, it's got limitless potential.

This is the best DS game I've ever played, hands down.


So I've played through the game briefly today, holding out until I get a DSi so I was just driving around town a bit doing some taxi missions, exploring the city and admiring the the way it looks so lively. But I read that there's a cinematic camera that you can activate while your being driven around that switches to a more street view angle. Haven't seen it yet and don't see any mention of it in the manual, so is that really in there or is it just some random bs?


BikoBiko said:
So I've played through the game briefly today, holding out until I get a DSi so I was just driving around town a bit doing some taxi missions, exploring the city and admiring the the way it looks so lively. But I read that there's a cinematic camera that you can activate while your being driven around that switches to a more street view angle. Haven't seen it yet and don't see any mention of it in the manual, so is that really in there or is it just some random bs?
There's a cinematic camera, but it doesn't go down to street view. It just switches between different camera positions like static, panning and bird view, much like the cinematic camera in GTA3/4, but it doesn't come down to street level - and I really don't think you'd want it to.
pure awesomeness! The hotdog dealer mission is so great :lol

I checked the cars @ car dealer, WOW, they added a digger and a formula 1 car aswell. I want to try those!


I really love the little things in this game that have been added for no reason but side entertainment.. one example is people getting knocked over if they try to walk over flowing fire hydrants


boyshine said:
There's a cinematic camera, but it doesn't go down to street view. It just switches between different camera positions like static, panning and bird view, much like the cinematic camera in GTA3/4, but it doesn't come down to street level - and I really don't think you'd want it to.
Ok thanks, I think you're right about not wanting to see it because it just won't look as good, but I'm still curious..
BikoBiko said:
Ok thanks, I think you're right about not wanting to see it because it just won't look as good, but I'm still curious..

Pedestrians aren't 3D, it looks like they're layered into head, arms, torso and leg sprites set at different heights to give perspective. It would look nasty at low angles!


paid requisite penance
What I want to know about this game is this: how much incentive to do missions and complete objectives is there?

One huge flaw in the previous GTA games for me is that I always end up goofing around for a few minutes then quit because I'm bored. I remember that my behaviour in GTA 1, for instance, was due in part to the difficulty of many missions, but other than that, I was never able to put my finger on the one design decision that prevented me from enjoying the game's content.

Could someone tell me more about that? I remember liking GTA 1, even though I'd play for short periods of time only. The 3D GTAs were always meh to me though.


Kilrogg said:
What I want to know about this game is this: how much incentive to do missions and complete objectives is there?

One huge flaw in the previous GTA games for me is that I always end up goofing around for a few minutes then quit because I'm bored. I remember that my behaviour in GTA 1, for instance, was due in part to the difficulty of many missions, but other than that, I was never able to put my finger on the one design decision that prevented me from enjoying the game's content.

Could someone tell me more about that? I remember liking GTA 1, even though I'd play for short periods of time only. The 3D GTAs were always meh to me though.

Doing missions unlocks the various minigames and features in the games. On top of that, they are varied, fun, and short enough to enjoy in quick bursts.
I picked this up earlier this week and can't get enough of it. I'm finding myself wanting to play it more than anything else on my consoles right now. There's just so much to do in this shrunken down Liberty City and so many cool aspects of how R* has used the DS screens and controls. It really feels like the perfect portable game. You can tell that a lot of love and time went into this thing.


Jedeye Sniv said:
It's a great toilet game for instance.

Haha yeah I tend to rate my DS games on the toilet scale. I'd say lately my sittings have increased by 10 minutes or so due to GTA. I love how the game is structured though. Whenever I'm dealing I always run into either a mini game (go karts) or a sided quest having to go kill or drive someone to a different location. So seamless going from one thing to another.

Jedeye Sniv

I've just been playing with my headphones in and the music in this is really good. I'm probably a little biased due to my love of the DS 10, but the electro station in this is awesome, I'd love some of these tracks as higher-bitrate mp3s. And the Jazz/funk station is excellent as well. They've managed to get the feel of the GTA4 music even on these stripped down versions of songs.

I know the main theme is by some 'rap singer' popular with the youth but is any of the other music in this licensed as well? If not they've got some really talented guys working on this.


Hail to the KING baby
I love the driving in this game. Good cars control so tightly, and yes auto-steer helps. Haven't even been tempted to grab a cab yet.


Yesterday I saw a guy get killed after a car exploded and he was split in half. I totally didn't expect that to be in the DS version. The missions are really creative so far (like the one with the Chinese dragon) and they have some pretty funny pun names. This is easily one of the best DS games and every DS owner needs to pick it up.


When I connect to wifi to sync my data, why does wifi stay on? is there a purpose to have wifi on while out in the city?


I have to say I've only played about three or four hours, but I am pretty damn impressed.

There is no doubt this was made to make full use of the DS. And so far it all works well - the driving is solid, the missions are fun and doable, the way the minigames based around the touchscreen are integrated into the gameplay, and there are all sorts of extra things that make the world feel big and interactive even though it's not a big 3D world and on a HD console.

It's amazing to me how well Rockstar has managed to make the DS Liberty City feel 'alive'. Traffic, pedestrians, places to stop and do things - play scratch off lottery tickets, little molotov cocktail making mini games at the gas station, Taxi missions and Vigilante cop missions...I actually want to drive around the city and see what I can find. On the friggin' DS.

Hell, there's even the ability to skip the travel part when you have to replay a mission.

More importantly...it feels like GTA. It's got a lot of the nuances, the stylistic choices, the dialogue - you can tell Rockstar put a lot of attention into this, and it pretty much is just about every thing you would hope a portable DS GTA game to be.

The only negatives I've come across so far - it's at times a little difficult to drive, in that you've got the GPS on the bottom screen and your action on the top, causing a little disorientation. But really, how well they implemented driving more than makes up for it.

Driving has yet to be a chore, of an annoyance, for the most part. I've played a little with the 'range' option for when you are driving but not enough to really comment on it yet. All I can say is that it took a lot less time to get used to than I expected.

Now this could all fall apart as I get further in the game, but so far Rockstar has nailed it.


The coolest mission I've come across so far was when working for
, the one where you
drive a gas tanker being followed by a flame trail

Vyer said:
The only negatives I've come across so far - it's at times a little difficult to drive, in that you've got the GPS on the bottom screen and your action on the top, causing a little disorientation. But really, how well they implemented driving more than makes up for it.

you can do two things to remedy that within the options menu

1 - put the radar on the top screen
2 - put arrows on the road showing the direction you need to go


So far my favorite moment is coming across an accident at an intersection where someone hit a pedestrian with their car and I didn't even have anything to do with it. The attention to detail is insane with the car's lights flashing...What was great was how there were people crowding around the body and you hear things like "Someone get his wallet" but even better were the people taking pictures of the gruesome scene with their cell phones as an ambulance came rolling in.


Game is amazing and I am not even a GTA fan.

And DAMN those scratch off cards. I've spent half my coke money on them.


This game is so fucking awesome, it feels so much like playing the console versions (though I do miss the analog stick, the DS Lite d-pad is lacking at times)

I am so impressed by the effort from Rockstar Leeds, I have GTA III and GTA Vice City Stories on the PSP (not GTA IV yet) and this DS version by far is the most fun I have had in the series!

I can't wait to see what Rockstar Leeds could do on the DSi with DSiWare, it seems they could easily do DLC content similar to what is being done with GTAIV since the DSi can use the SD Card slot.


I'm trying to like this game, but the controls just fucking hate me. I don't know what it is, but I can't get into a car without instantly ramming into a cop car and I either get my car blown up or pulled over and arrested. I'm on one of the earlier missions where I get to go to a gang hideout and beat people up and I can't even control it as i'm jumping over walls. I saw all the reviews saying how it's so perfect for the DS but I think the controls are just fucking awful.

Sigh. Every mission takes at least four attempts. I'm going insane. I'd rather fly the helicopter in Vice City at this point. Seriously.

I love the music, though.


Heh, I spent ages trying to get the house in the scratch cards >.< I made some decent cash though, well, and lost a decent amount too...

If this game doesnt make the top 10 in next months npd its sad >.>

Oh, and its sad that you cant fly, but there are lots of boats and cars to play with.

I think the controls are pretty good, takes some getting used to, but once you do its great. (Use the brake in the car! and you can ding police cars, but if you hit them too hard, they go after you)
You always end up ahead in the scratch cards. It's really easy to burn through a bunch of $10 scratch cards, then switch to the lottery scratch card for $1000. Pure profit.
Where is the Liberty City Gun Club (or whatever it's called)? it said it's near the airport, so I'm driving around there and I can't find it.

so far the game is pretty great, btw.
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