Thought the Federation suits introduced in this episode had a pretty disappointing show. The Zeta Plus and Gustav Karl got shut down pretty swiftly. For the Neo Zeons, Gelgoog was a bummer, but the Schuzrum Gallus and Zssa tag-team was nice. Neo Zeong and its gimmicks were also interesting. Also, surprise Silver Bullet.
For the Neo Zeons, Gelgoog was a bummer, but the Schuzrum Gallus and Zssa tag-team was nice. Neo Zeong and its gimmicks were also interesting. Also, surprise Silver Bullet.
Does anybody know how the region lockouts work on the SEN Store? I can purchase it with my mac by using hotspot shield, but will I be able to watch it on my PS3 without using a VPN after I purchased it?
Edit: In case anyone wonders, it doesn't work. You have to find a VPN that can connect to PSN if you want to download something locked with regional IP.
Ended up getting the RD Hi-Nu at Forbidden Planet in Manchester today after realizing it doesn't have that silly stripe gradient on its fin funnels. It has a really long face as well, but it is pretty well detailed like other RDs so far.
Will attempt to find Kshat and Full Armor Unicorn next.
So, I was back in Odaiba with a couple friends, and we did a few Gundam related things while we were there. I've been to Gundam Front, but I never went into the museum thing before.
For anyone interested, RightStuf has 1 copy left of Gundam Wing CC2 and Gundam 0079 CC1. I have them both on a cart so if you want to buy it let me know so I can remove it from my cart so someone can buy it.
Ended up getting the RD Hi-Nu at Forbidden Planet in Manchester today after realizing it doesn't have that silly stripe gradient on its fin funnels. It has a really long face as well, but it is pretty well detailed like other RDs so far.
Will attempt to find Kshat and Full Armor Unicorn next.
Still waiting for a 1080p copy to be uploaded but I agree. Unicorn has been one big surprise in how well everything has been tied into the existing lore, generating its own, and having a well rounded, not bat shit insane hard to understand cast. It's just good all around and people scoff at the name but seriously don't know what they are missing. Just love the mystery of it all and you know its building up ect. They did a really good job with it and it has very few weird "modern anime" moments, same reason I really liked 00.
Oh and I just finished Gundam Z and a New Translation yesterday, after attempting to watch it years ago and only getting 10 episodes in before giving up.... MAN HOW THE HELL IS THIS CONSIDERED ONE OF THE BEST IN THE GUNDAM FRANCHISE. I know it was the early 80s but O.M.G. There is just so much wrong with the characters themselves I literally don't know where to begin. Even worse is the characters seem to get worse in their mindsets as it goes on. The best part was the ending cause it was like Katz and Kamille needed that shit to happen to them cause they were AWFUL. Was super mad they retconned that shit in a new translation...
ugh I need some Unicorn to wipe the taste of this garbage out of my mouth. Loved the mobile suits, the MK.II is still one of my favorite designs in the franchise but ... just UGH.
I remember when they tore it down. Come to think of it, I don't know that I've been to see a Mariner's game in Safeco ever. Seattle sports are sort of a merry-go-round. Sometimes we do real great and other times no not at all.
psychadelic newtype sequences in previous Gundam series' but this was on a whole other level. Seizure warning throughout.
Was fantastic though, dat animation.. DAT ANIMATION. The scene with the
Neo Zeong vs. Unicorn battle for Laplace's Box with the three shields being controlled by Banager was so cool.
What was the mobile suit that
Vist's caretaker piloted as he was defending the comm facility? Also, I expect a green psychoframe Banshee HG/MG soon, and maybe one for the aforementioned mobile suit if there isn't one already.
Less spoilery:
I assume much of the Unicorn battle animation is 3D, in which case I have absolutely no problem if every series onwards looks like this, but it might just be this good because its an OVA. Unicorn fight scenes are so far ahead of everything I've watched in UC. Likewise, I think this is a big reason why Unicorn may be my favourite series of them all, on top of having probably the most consistent mobile suit design. I think the only mobile suit I really don't like in the series is the Banshee.. and even so, it is it's own kind of menacing, and inherits it's motif creature well. I think I like Banagher best as a lead as well, even if he has potentially the ugliest name in all of UC; he seems to be the most consistently rational.
Now I hope they do more spin offs so there are more Unicorn-esque designs and colour combinations :E
Oh man I want to watch it so badly, unfortunately my friend has my PS3 and it doesn't look like it's available on the PS4 . Gonna have to go to his house and rip it off his TV haha.
Had a good time at the Shizuoka show today. But man was it packed... like every year, especially at the Bandai booth. I'll have to see if any of my pictures came out decent and post some tomorrow if I can.
First track sounds amazing. Stopping there as I don't wish to be spoiled in that regard (don't care about story spoilers, I already know what is in the "box"). Got to hand it to the team at Bandai that they have made an excellent soundtrack. Of the top of my head Unicorn, UC0096, Mobile Suit and Mobile Armor are some of my favourite tracks.
I'm still confused about Full Frontal. a) He clearly isn't Char, but what does he mean by being a vessel? I was under the assumption Char's memories got implanted.
What the hell happened to him? Did Amuro, Char and Lalah steal his soul?
I sometimes really have no idea what opinions of mine are contrarian and what ones are not. Like shitting on 00, I get that, that's understandable and understood. But like, when it comes to suit designs I never know.
Anyway, I'm all about the Nu's asymmetry. Hi-Nu looks too much like some kinda prototype blue Freedom.
I like the suit more when the funnels are closed together and pointing down more so when they're spread out. Looks more like a backpack and less like bird wings