How long did it take you? 7.5 hours?
This was the first time I really felt like I'd missed some stuff by not having watched Zeta or ZZ. Mostly in that, I assume, I would've recognized most of the scenes of other Gundams that they showed during the weird time trip thing instead of just a few of them.
Only CCA and the original series were featured during that sequence. There was nothing from Zeta or ZZ there.
Welp, just preordered Neo Zeong off of HLJ.
Did the final episode influence your decision? Also, how much did shipping cost you?
Oh. Heh. Guess I haven't actually watched MSG or CCA in awhile either.
I was gonna get it anyway, but episode 7 pushed me over the edge. As for shipping, it hasn't been calculated yet, but I'm expecting over $50 for sure if not way more, haha.
Yesssss. I got it in after all. Took a bit of delicate filing to clear some of the extra rubber inside the ring, but it did the trick.
The RG Exia thanks those who believed in him:
Holy cow Episode 7 was a ride. The battles were amazing although the final one was a bit anticlimactic. The narrative in this episode surprised me as it was more coherent and less boring than the previous episodes and I really enjoyed it.
Also, I will never understand how they can pull these giant superweapons out of nowhere all the time. Like seriously, how ridiculous was theNeo-Zeong? Where did this magic technology that melts all weaponry come from?
I literally laughed out loud at the UnicornBuild Knuckle
They were building the Neo Zeong aboard the Rewloola (which I'm really sad to see destroyed ;_in episode 6.
As for it's fate. It was implied that the same thing happened to the Neo Zeong that happened to the Nu Gundam. The psycho frame resonance became too much for it to bear, causing it to disintegrate.
You done goufed, donkey. Just wait until they announce the TITANIUM version.
They were building the Neo Zeong aboard the Rewloola (which I'm really sad to see destroyed ;_in episode 6.
As for it's fate. It was implied that the same thing happened to the Neo Zeong that happened to the Nu Gundam. The psycho frame resonance became too much for it to bear, causing it to disintegrate.
I think he means where thetechnology for the Psyco Shard (?) came from, not the Neo Zeong itself.
And man, that was a ride. Very tight, incredible action, great characters. I have a few quibbles but it's largely inconsequential to the bigger picture. Very fitting closure to the UC universe, I think.
Finished watching Unicorn 7 today, that last battle was such a let down. I enjoyed it overall, though I barely remember what happened in the other episodes, except 6 which I watched yesterday. So I'm not sure I understood the plot and the whole of the politics. Finally isFull Frontal just some dude or is he a straight up Char clone?
Wait, the dude's name is actually Full Frontal?
Wait, the dude's name is actually Full Frontal?
there is no way
there is no way
I'd rather be named Full Frontal than Banagher TBH.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWell, its supposed to be Bageena or Bajeena. But you know what happens when the japanese try to romanize things!
there is no way
this is amazing
i need the gunpla of whatever he pilots
I still think that 00 holds the record for worst names with "Regen Regenne" and "Revive Revival" but UC was all numbers for names and shit.
this is amazing
i need the gunpla of whatever he pilots
I've only watched Build Fighters and a bit of Mobile Suit Gundam. Still really new to all this. lolYou haven't seen Zeta? His Hyaku Shiki is the coolest.
Just the idea of TRANS AM also cracks me up. Celestial Being must hang out with some rednecks.
00 also has awful names all around.
Also naming their group "Celestial Being" was a weird move. Like, all the names in 00 were odd now that I think about it.
"My name is Saji, and I am from the very japanese family of Crossroads."
Bring Stabity says you ought to lighten up.
Enjoy some poorly lit almost-completed RG Exia: