Plot is fine with the exception of Banana And his instant love for Audrey. Knew her for six seconds and became her stalker.I would aggie the good plot, but I agree it's one of the sexisest things I've ever laid eyes on.
Plot is fine with the exception of Banana And his instant love for Audrey. Knew her for six seconds and became her stalker.I would aggie the good plot, but I agree it's one of the sexisest things I've ever laid eyes on.
Plot is fine with the exception of Banana And his instant love for Audrey. Knew her for six seconds and became her stalker.
So it's not an ingrained trope but seems to happen often enough. Least he wasn't as bad as Releena with Heero. Or Shiro with Aina.To be fair, that's the...fourth time it's happened, third time or so in the UC?
Shiro's Zeon wooing game was too stronk.Making a hot bath with a beam saber though.
So now that we are in yet another gundam drought, what are you dude bros watching to get your Mecha on?
I'm going to finally watch Neon Genesis Evangelion
Second season of Girls Robot Z and Fewture Grendizer are my big mechanical hypes right now.So now that we are in yet another gundam drought, what are you dude bros watching to get your Mecha on?
I'm going to finally watch Neon Genesis Evangelion
So now that we are in yet another gundam drought, what are you dude bros watching to get your Mecha on?
So now that we are in yet another gundam drought, what are you dude bros watching to get your Mecha on?
I'm going to finally watch Neon Genesis Evangelion
Second season of Girls Robot Z and Fewture Grendizer are my big mechanical hypes right now.
Hoping we get some more Wing Glory of the Losers as it's been one of the better Gundam Mangas in a long time.
Honestly I haven't checked out much Thuderbolts, though I did buy the Full Armor Gundam from it.I actually finally started The Origin manga. Finished the first book yesterday, was pretty awesome. Already have the second one in hand so I'll start that soon.
Have you read Thunderbolt? I read the first volume of that and liked it. Love the "older" mech designs in it.
I actually finally started The Origin manga. Finished the first book yesterday, was pretty awesome. Already have the second one in hand so I'll start that soon.
Hopefully it can love up to the hype it gets and you enjoy it.
In probably going to rewatch Nadesico.
I should start watching Greco I guess.
So now that we are in yet another gundam drought, what are you dude bros watching to get your Mecha on?
I'm going to finally watch Neon Genesis Evangelion
There's a very specific scene in End of Evangelion that he won't be prepared for.Going back to my Gundam rewatch with After War and then probably all of UC.
Good luck with Evangelion. Make sure to watch End of Evangelion.
But they chop out all of that Kamille smacking and probably cut out some of Jerid's girls getting killed by Kamille. You just can't properly condense Zeta.How are the Zeta movies, ignoring the changed ending? I want to re-experience it, but not for 50 episodes
When should I throw up the OT? It's gonna be rather WIP at the moment since I'm still settling back home and whatnot, but it'll be worth it...
Also, just started seeing some vids of 3rd SRW part 2 come up. Didn't realize it was released already. Looks like they actually put dat work in even though I've only seen Awakened Unicorn so far.
EDIT: Like always, Nu Gundam is dabes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_46esldQpU
How are the Zeta movies, ignoring the changed ending? I want to re-experience it, but not for 50 episodes
When should I throw up the OT? It's gonna be rather WIP at the moment since I'm still settling back home and whatnot, but it'll be worth it...
Also, just started seeing some vids of 3rd SRW part 2 come up. Didn't realize it was released already. Looks like they actually put dat work in even though I've only seen Awakened Unicorn so far.
EDIT: Like always, Nu Gundam is dabes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_46esldQpU
I actually like the full on journey. Every bitch slap is instrumental to Kamille's character growth. Every dead girlfriend makes Jerid that much stronger, too much Paptimus Bishie swagger. fucking Reccoa and her bullshit and Bask Ohm and Emma Sheen and Fa and hot ass Four and Rosamia.The movies are more like refreshers for people who have already seen the series.
I'd buy this...why can't I buy this?tis all about that zeta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wnliIfg1EY
tis all about that zeta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wnliIfg1EY
Damn straight. Watching Riddhe getting pwned by newtype ghost powered Zeta is great.This is great because fuck Rhidde.
Gundam OT2 - A New Type of... F*** Riddhe
Ya'll hating on Riddhe too much. He's not much different from Haman.
I actually like the full on journey. Every bitch slap is instrumental to Kamille's character growth. Every dead girlfriend makes Jerid that much stronger, too much Paptimus Bishie swagger. fucking Reccoa and her bullshit and Bask Ohm and Emma Sheen and Fa and hot ass Four and Rosamia.
Gundam OT2 - A New Type of... F*** Riddhe
Gundam OT2 - A New Type of... F*** Riddhe
That and the ending was so fucking sad, but it stayed consistent to the tone of the series. That was the moment where we actually see Kamille acting like an actual kid still only for his brain to be turning to pudding. I wonder if the movies cut down on the mobile suits as well. I love some of the designs in Zeta though some don't like the animal motifs. Maybe one day I'll watch the movies but didn't they remix the soundtrack as well. Isn't the OP Gackt?I'd watch the series over the movies too. Besides the new animations in the Asshimar fight, the series just works better.
Gundam OT2 - A New Type of... F*** Riddhe
Haha, we'll see.
The new thread stays in Community OT right?
Haman had swagger Riddhe, just no. Just pining away for an under age woman that he just met. That's something out of Glemy's rule book. Haman was at the very least hungry for Judau, a proper man compared to Riddhe.Ya'll hating on Riddhe too much. He's not much different from Haman.
That and the ending was so fucking sad, but it stayed consistent to the tone of the series. That was the moment where we actually see Kamille acting like an actual kid still only for his brain to be turning to pudding. I wonder if the movies cut down on the mobile suits as well. I love some of the designs in Zeta though some don't like the animal motifs. Maybe one day I'll watch the movies but didn't they remix the soundtrack as well. Isn't the OP Gackt?
I just checked. They kept the original score, but some voices got changed. I believe just Fa and Four are different. Still don't like the new ending, they at least put in some new animation at times. I'll have to watch it one day, but I still like the actual series. I probably make time for it every year or so when I go on my Gundam rewatch phase. I need to make time for Victory again.Well, fuck that then
And so concludes the OT1 of GUNDAMUUU!
Finally got around to watching Unicorn and I enjoyed the animation, it's beautiful. Many of the story aspects are suspect to me, but then again I haven't seen most of the UC stuff, so maybe it's harder to see how some would react in the environment. Mostly just some of the character reactions to things seem off with how someone would actually react.
I don't care if the story wasn't ideal, I'm SOOOOO buying a PG Unicorn one day!
Finally got around to watching Unicorn and I enjoyed the animation, it's beautiful. Many of the story aspects are suspect to me, but then again I haven't seen most of the UC stuff, so maybe it's harder to see how some would react in the environment. Mostly just some of the character reactions to things seem off with how someone would actually react.
I don't care if the story wasn't ideal, I'm SOOOOO buying a PG Unicorn one day!
Don't worry, they aren' t just suspect to you. Unicorn story is lolololol