So, few solid listening sessions with the teaks, and I must say they are pretty lovely. Still not my endgame pair though. From what I know they are the gentlest V out of the all the foster variants out there but while the mids are lovely and detailed I still miss the forward intimacy of the mids in the HD600. Also from what I've read the treble is the smoothest out of all the foster variants but for some songs it can get a little too hot up there, but those songs are usually problematic in that area anyway.
Other than that it's a lovely smooth signature. Bass still not quite basshead but it's definitely emphasized, and has really good slam and digs deep when the song calls for it. Not the tightest I've heard, but it's still technically very good and I like some fatness in my bass anyway, gives a lovely body throughout the signature. Bass can go hard if needed though.
Mids are detailed and smooth, though I would like a touch more in the upper midrange to give female vocals that extra forwardness and intimacy, but still has great presentation. Highs similarly detailed and smooth, and doesn't actually seem to peak until much higher the frequency, so it doesn't really sound that V-shaped for most songs, for the songs that do go there though oof, but those are songs I have problems with most headphones anyway.
Soundstage is pretty good but they're still headphones. I don't think I've ever been impressed by the staging of headphones, not even with the HD800. Just not what I'm looking for in headphones.
Definitely a keeper. Also stupid efficient. Can't even move the knob on my fulla 2 much if I don't want to suffer permanent hearing damage.
Now to see how long I can hold out before losing self control and ordering the ZMF atticus.
Also rediscovering an old favourite that is seriously good if you want to test out the technicalities of the bass as well as separation. Especially Crack hitler.