If it helps, I've been using it for the last couple of hours with no crashes or issues. It's worth it for the browser alone.
Fine, you've pushed me over the edge
If it helps, I've been using it for the last couple of hours with no crashes or issues. It's worth it for the browser alone.
I wonder how Google feels about having their GAPPS being used on touchpad.
Historically they've turned a blind eye, mainly because the devices have originally been licensed for used with their GAPPS at retail. The Touchpad is a whole different ball game.
Even in its 'alpha zero' state, ICS on the TP is rather impressive. The whole UI experience is exponentially better than what was being offered w/ CM7.
You can install it in the same way you originally installed CM7, but using the new ACMEInstaller2. Or you can install it through CWM recovery, but you'll need to do a factory reset (wipes all apps and settings, but will leave your media files intact). I did the latter since I don't have that much stuff to set up and not wiping feels like it would be asking for trouble. You can backup everything in CWM anyway.So what is the process of updating? Do I go through clockwork? I've never updated before, only done a fresh install.
I was thinking about waiting until it reaches "feature parity" with CM7, but this makes me reconsider.
The market seems to crash as soon as I launch it, is it working for anyone else?
The market seems to crash as soon as I launch it, is it working for anyone else?
Did you install the ICS gapps? The market is working like a charm for me, the only thing is that I have to re-download ALL of my apps again, even though I have my Google settings to sync all apps automatically. Also, I cant see my TP in My Computer (its giving me a MTP USB device failed to install error). But so far, so good! Its freaking smooth on my TP, and the browser flies!
Did you install the ICS gapps? The market is working like a charm for me, the only thing is that I have to re-download ALL of my apps again, even though I have my Google settings to sync all apps automatically. Also, I cant see my TP in My Computer (its giving me a MTP USB device failed to install error). But so far, so good! Its freaking smooth on my TP, and the browser flies!
To fix the MTP thing, go into Settings -> Storage -> Menu icon (top right) -> USB Computer Connection and tick Media Device (MTP)
Where do I get the ICS version?
You need to use the latest gapps. This is the one I used gapps_ics_4.0.3_v8.zip. Just flash in CWM. You could try wiping the Market Data and Cache first though which might fix the issue.
Anyone have direct links to downloads? rootzwiki isn't working on my end.
Assuming the instructions are the typical wipe data/cache/flash zip and you're done?
Assuming the instructions are the typical wipe data/cache/flash zip and you're done?
Assuming the instructions are the typical wipe data/cache/flash zip and you're done?
My TouchPad keeps failing to install 3.0.5, is it because I have preware and stuff on there?
I have two of these and one of them just doesn't like to update. Finally gave up on getting 3.0.5 to install and did a WebDoctor OS reinstall:
That thing has really finicky wifi that basically does not play nice with any public usage. Got it working fine at home with latest tomato router firmware, but hoping it miraculiously cures that. Some people on forums claimed it could be due to a faulty OS install. Interestingly enough, after I doctored that TP, I'm no longer asked to enter my ZIP code everytime I open the radio app. So maybe there was more borked than just refusing to update the OS. We'll see.
I have two of these and one of them just doesn't like to update. Finally gave up on getting 3.0.5 to install and did a WebDoctor OS reinstall:
That thing has really finicky wifi that basically does not play nice with any public usage. Got it working fine at home with latest tomato router firmware, but hoping it miraculiously cures that. Some people on forums claimed it could be due to a faulty OS install. Interestingly enough, after I doctored that TP, I'm no longer asked to enter my ZIP code everytime I open the radio app. So maybe there was more borked than just refusing to update the OS. We'll see.
Plugging it in with the provided AC adapter? Make sure the connections are good..that's weird. I only get that if I'm plugging it into a computer or something
Something is up with my Touchpad. When I try to access it via USB, Windows tells me that I need to format it and it doesn't matter whether I use Android or Webos.
Anyone had this issue before?
Dang it. I presume I use this "WebOS Doctor" to re-install everything?Yes, and it ended up with me re-installing WebOS from scratch and re-installing CM7.
Its the same for me, even slow to charge when I'm not using it.Yeah I'm using the AC adapter and the icon was blue(charging) the whole time. I did have brightness set to max and wifi on though, but that's what I used to do with CM7, with CM9 however it seems to be too much.
It kinda sucks for 4:3 video. I thought the bar would hide since the buttons can on the Galaxy Nexus.A small complaint of mine is that I don't like that you can't hide the status bar in fullscreen apps. That means I can't ever get true 1024x768 resolution in 4:3 apps.
It's pretty great, though. Among other things, the rhythm game Osu! is amazingly smooth now.
Dang it. I presume I use this "WebOS Doctor" to re-install everything?
It's not working for me either. If you have small files to put on your device, for the time being, you can use a FTP WiFi app, such as WiFi File Transfer.Usb mounting isn't working for me, but great otherwise.
Usb mounting isn't working for me, but great otherwise.
Side note if people didn't know already.
Since Microsoft announced the minimum resolution of 1366x768 resolution for Windows 8, looks like the Touchpad won't get it.
I'm fine with a decent ICS port.
Side note if people didn't know already.
Since Microsoft announced the minimum resolution of 1366x768 resolution for Windows 8, looks like the Touchpad won't get it.
I'm fine with a decent ICS port.