Naked Snake
Typing in the address bar now searches Google directly!
It always worked like that for me. You must have been on a much older version of the OS.
Typing in the address bar now searches Google directly!
im assuming this update also fixes the speaker issue
I just don't see a need for having Android. WebOS meets all of my needs as it is.Why would you not? It doesn't replace webOS (although I wish it would) -- it just installs alongside it.
I must be the only person who's undecided about installing Android on his TouchPad. :/
I still haven't either, I wasn't using a phone OS on my tablet.
ICS (or Honeycomb as we had then) or bust.
speaking of the keyboard, how do I disable the autocorrect? The update notes state I should be able to disable it right from the keyboard, but like everything else on this piece of crap OS, I can't find what I'm looking for. *sigh*
Some (crazy) people actually do this.
Oh wait, my install apparently failed and the OS never bothered to tell me, lol. It also decided to delete the file so I have to download it again.
about the only thing I love on this device is battery life. Epic. Especially standby time.
I still haven't either, I wasn't using a phone OS on my tablet.
ICS (or Honeycomb as we had then) or bust.
Same. I didn't install Honeycomb, but I'll be day one for ICS.
Yup, it will fail when you re download it too, i've tried it around 7 times now
I wish I knew what Spike was thinking. why wouldn't you use a REAL camera? hell, an iPhone camera would have been an improvement over that pad.
Amazing! I've grown to love his squeaky Russian voice with each new video.
Yup, this.Same. I didn't install Honeycomb, but I'll be day one for ICS.
For some reason I always assumed he was east asian...Amazing! I've grown love his squeaky Russian voice with each new video.
I hope my stupid wifi issue is finally fixed.
So this wifi issue is really starting to piss me off. Having to clear all my wifi data on an almost daily basis is really becoming annoying. Hopefully with cm9 this will no longer be an issue.
Is the wifi issue constantly disconnecting? My touchpad constantly disconnects and it is driving me nuts.
Yes I have the sameissue. Took me a while to work out wth was going on lolI'm having a separate issue with the wifi. Upon rebooting, the remembered wireless network endlessly cycles to connect. You have to wait very patiently to get to the "forget network" window. I've had this issue with all versions of CM 7!
Does anyone know what to do to get Android working again. Nothing i try works. I can't dualboot at all. Every time i turn it of, turn it on, then hold up volume, nothing happens. I can't get to the dual boot screen like i used to.
Can't wait. I love webOS, but basic stuff like Google Reader and playing videos is a pain. Gingerbread is okay but it's not much of a tablet OS.
Looks like they got video working (at least via software) and only thing left is putting together the installer package.
Soon. Very soon.
Found a new use for the touchpad. Wireless Keyboard and navigation device for the PS3
Ooh. Details?
Looks like they got video working (at least via software) and only thing left is putting together the installer package.
Soon. Very soon.
xhamster seems to desync with the audio less with the new WebOS update. :3
I'm gonna hold out. There is a lot of talk about ICS on XDA right now and Leo who does the Xron rom makes it sound like there is a lot of work being done on it and is just about to come out.
xhamster seems to desync with the audio less with the new WebOS update. :3
xhamster seems to desync with the audio less with the new WebOS update. :3
jizzonline is good.
I'd love an ICS alpha to appear on Friday, would be a lovely end-of-exams present.
Yes, but we'll be way too intoxicated to safely flash and manipulate our devices won't we ?
I must say, that after a few weeks of Gingerbread I appreciate WebOS more than before. stable and snappy. too bad the browser still sucks.