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The official "I went to Anime Expo 2005 and had a BLAST!" thread

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Well, I didn't get a chance to go this year due to work, but I definitely wanted to see Maaya Sakamoto(Hitomi from Escaflowne) in concert. Did anyone from this forum go to AX'05 this year? How was it? Did you enjoy yourself? What was your most memorable experience?

Anyway here some impressions from the Kotoko concert and the Maaya Sakamoto concert:

Yes her concert was just wonderful. We had to be very strict on the photography because we had problems with the Kotoko ones and although a lot of fans aren't aware of this and I really didn't want to spoil their fun, but if the guests of honors and their company insists on no photography and filming, we have to make sure that's carried through. I don't know about the psp, but I remember telling them that in order for other staffers to not mistaken it as a camera or anything, it'd be better to put them away ^ ^"

But I was so touched that almost everyone there at the concert actually listened to me and didn't take pictures or use their cellphones, I almost cried really. And if I could, I would've hugged everyone there X3 My voice didn't go to waste! I totally lost my voice, I can't even make out an audible sound right now.

Her panels went fairly well too, it wasn't completely packed, in fact, there were about 1/3 of space left too. Though some people asked quite sensitive and personal questions, or irrelevant questions, most of the time it went pretty well (though there were some flash photographies). For the panel, pictures were okay as long as it's not flash, and no filming. We had a big problem with some guy who forced himself on Sakamoto Maaya on shaking his hand which was very very rude to her because when he asked, they already said no, but he went up there anyway. I felt really sorry for Sakamoto-san, and hope nothing like that will happen again ^ ^ Other than that, I was glad she came as an GoH this year~<3

Answers to some of my questions....

1)How many songs did she sing at the concert? Were they all in English?

She sang a total of 8 songs: yakusoku wa iranai, platinum, mameshiba, kiseki no umi, yubiwa, gravity (english), gift, and pocket wo karani shite

2)Did Yoko Kanno make a cameo appearance?

Yoko Kanno did not come to Anime Expo

3)At her panel, did she answer all the questions in English, without a translator?

She tried to anwer them as much as she could in English, but for some of the more complicated questions, she answered them in Japanese. There was a translator there to help out and Crispin Freeman (American VA) was there as a host and asked some of the general questions before allowing the attendees to ask their questions.

4)Was it her first time in the US?


5)What about the press? Were they allowed to film either the concert of her panel?

For the concert, the press were not allowed to film or take pictures either. I believe it was only the AX archive people and the Japanese company Sakamoto Maaya's from were allowed to do that. For the panel, the press could take pictures but no flash, so could the attendees. No filming in panels at all.

6)Did she have an autograph session? How did that turn out? Did you need a winning raffle to get one?

There was no autograph session at all. *tear* She was very busy, I think she left right after the panel too.

7)Has there been any information on whether she'll come back to AX next year?

They haven't announced it yet, so I have no idea, sorry.

8)Is she married? tongue.gif

I don't think so, I don't recall seeing a ring on her finger o.o

KOTOKO concert:

I was at both concerts and I enjoyed them both. I only decided to go to this year's AX when it was announced that Maaya was going to do a concert. When Kotoko was announced that made it even better - even though I would not have previously called myself a "fan", I really liked her songs from the two Onegai series.

I have to say, the line for the Kotoko concert sucked. Once the available indoor floor space had been used up, they started stacking the line out on the 3rd floor patio. It was a little after noon, so the sun was blazing right overhead and we were standing there for more than an hour. I hadn't thought to bring sunscreen so I ended up with a bit of a burn. There also wasn't enough AX staff on hand to properly police the line. I noticed groups of up to a dozen people arriving shortly before the seating began and joining the line where they had a friend waiting, which is disrespectful of the hundreds of people behind them who showed up earlier and then got burned (both literally and figuratively). Personally, I'm not the type to stand by mutely when it happens immediately in front of me, and I had it dealt with appropriately by AX staff, but I know it was happening all around and it soured my mood.

I agree with a previous poster that the Kotoko concert itself was too loud for the space provided. The bass was drowning out the actual sound of her singing, especially during the first song. I think they must have made some adjustments because it was better after that. While I agree that this was the kind of concert that gets people on their feet, it did make it harder for people farther back to see and hear the stage. This wasn't a concert hall, it was flat convention seating. When people are seated, they are more or less the same height. Once you are standing, that is no longer true. There was a short girl seated ahead of me who couldn't see anything who then stood on her chair, which just made it worse for those behind her. And while the bass filled the room, treble is directional and all coming from the front. There was a noticable difference in the sound of the concert with taller people around you.

People were also pretty rude about the request for no pictures or video cameras. It was announced several times, yet once the show got started, I saw a guy in the row in front of ours pull out a big professional looking video camera and start taping. Again, AX was understaffed and the crowd was pretty rowdy, so he got away with it for awhile, but he was pretty obvious and so he got escorted out eventually. I'm sure that other people managed to avoid getting caught. I later heard from an AX staffer that the lack of respect for the ground rules had upset Kotoko's staff enough where it might just make them decide against doing any more similar US concerts. Way to go, fanboys.

For all my bitching, I still thought it was a great performance by Kotoko, which I really enjoyed. At the end, some of us were screaming and chanting for an encore. I could hardly believe it when I saw at least 1/3 of the crowd exit the room within a minute of her leaving the stage. I remember someone saying the same thing about the L'Arc-en-ciel concert in Boston and I guess it's true... anime fans aren't very familiar with how concerts work. When the band hit the stage again for a final number, the rest of us came forward to fill the space they had vacated. Sweet justice.

I don't have nearly as much to say about the Sakamoto concert. I only wish they had handled the line nearly as smoothly for Kotoko as they did for Maaya. Everyone had colored armbands to denote what seating section they could access. We'd gotten our red armbands Friday morning, which meant we ended up wearing them for almost three days, but it was worth it since we got into line pretty late and yet still ended up only 8 rows from the front.

While we were waiting for things to start, they played music from the Arjuna OST, which has always been one of my favorites. During the concert, she did eight songs, plus an encore - all of the songs were from her Hotchpotch album which Geneon had just released. Being a less energetic concert, there was not very much problem with people standing this time. It was great to actually be able to see her clearly and not have to rely on the video screens. I thought her English was really good, with no cheat sheet that I could see. She really charmed the crowd with her commentary.

At first, I had thought Geneon was only directly sponsoring the Kotoko concert, but it became clear that they were responsible for both of them. All I can say is, way to go Geneon! Hopefully Geneon will release Maaya's second greatest hits album as well and then she'll come back for a second concert and I'll get the chance to hear her sing Hemisphere!

Oh yeah and there were some great license announcements for upcoming anime here in the states.

Go to the *News, Announcements, Licensing* forums at AnimeOnDvd.com to see what all has been picked up!

Oh and the Japanese VA for DBZ's Vegeta was there too! And then there was the RoboCon(RT convention). I missed out

I would like to hear your impressions of your AX experience :)


My impressions as a So Cal anime retailer who didn't attend:

For like the last three weeks, I had to hear my least favorite customers tell me they were "just looking, because I'm saving MY money for the Expo, since stuff is so much cheaper there!" This lead me to believe business would be slow all weekend.

Surprisingly, we did better business than usual, and without the normal "wtf" factor of a weekend. No people hanging out for like three hours in the store, no dumbass questions like "could Naruto beat Wing Gundam", no stress. Just money.

Then Tuesday came and we were flooded with people who went to Expo, but didn't get any deals. "I gotta catch up on my series because Expo was too expensive", etc.

A coworker went to Expo, and she apparently had a blast, as she got an autograph from... I dunno the guy's name, the Japanese voice of Kyo from Fruits Basket. But the general reaction I've heard from customers is that this year's show was lacking in one way or another.


triste said:
My impressions as a So Cal anime retailer who didn't attend:

For like the last three weeks, I had to hear my least favorite customers tell me they were "just looking, because I'm saving MY money for the Expo, since stuff is so much cheaper there!" This lead me to believe business would be slow all weekend.

Surprisingly, we did better business than usual, and without the normal "wtf" factor of a weekend. No people hanging out for like three hours in the store, no dumbass questions like "could Naruto beat Wing Gundam", no stress. Just money.

Then Tuesday came and we were flooded with people who went to Expo, but didn't get any deals. "I gotta catch up on my series because Expo was too expensive", etc.

A coworker went to Expo, and she apparently had a blast, as she got an autograph from... I dunno the guy's name, the Japanese voice of Kyo from Fruits Basket. But the general reaction I've heard from customers is that this year's show was lacking in one way or another.

Hi triste. Inetersting post. By the way, triste is kind of a girl's name isn't?


First time in five years I didn't go because I'm in Japan (which surprisingly is much less about anime! than AX) and Maaya Sakamoto shows up >_< Damnit.


Yay! An Expo thread! It was pretty good this year. There wasn't too much of interest to me personally, but my girlfriend and I cosplayed, and my group of friends caught some showings and whatnot. I've been going the last 5 years. My girlfriend got Seki Tomokazu's autograph last year, but I guess we wer being lazy this year cause we didnt bother with him or Maaya Sakamoto. Hopefully next year there'll be more stuff I'm interested in/more merchandise I'll enjoy. There was quite a bit of odd quirky famicom merchandise though. I ended up taking home a set of Mario keychains (all pixely looking like those one pepsi twist bottle caps from japan). All in all a good trip.


I swear I would've beaten up some random bystander ooff the street if Yoko Kanno had gone and I had missed her. *phew*....glad that didn't happen. Maaya's not as important without the "Maaya/Kanno" dynamic duo


Reading the reviews of the concerts you posted, it is exactly why I will never be caught dead at an anime convention.


If it says No Pictures, it means no pictures. The Japanese arent kidding. They really mean no pictures.

Then slap on the furries, yaoi freaks, cosplayers, etc. and I could not imagine another festering cesspool of hell that I would want to avoid more than a large anime con.


Setec Astronomer
tetsuoxb: A friend of mine hated all anime after subjecting himself to one. Can't say I really blame him.


Drove my sister and her friends to the Expo, didn't go in myself since I had something to do on that day. I figure since it will still be there for the next 3 days, I will go...... was just too lazy.
KOTOKO's concert was really loud and gave me a bit of a headache... I waited in the burning sun for 2 hours too. I also noticed that people were being rather rude regarding photography , and a lot of people walked out of the concert while it was going on. It was amusing having people substitute their cell phones for glow sticks though.

Maaya's was pretty pleasant though it was a little disappointing that there was no live music.

AMV contest was fun. There were a few really good comedy entries.

Watched Tree of Palme which was well.. weird.

The highlight for me was the pretty laid back Murata Range panel.


Had fun here as well... although -- they didn't notify my group that we were in the masquerade until the night before the masquerade event, so my friend and I decided to go to wallmart and build ourselves some deliberately horrible costumes, which I hope no one on here finds :) My friends had the real fancy magna carta ones, and i made my friend a crappy mophead calintz while I dressed up as a ghetto king. If anyone saw the masqurade, we were the "Magna Carta: The Magna Carta" skit by Pink Lemon Productions :)

I didn't get to see anything else because most the weekend was either attending to my cosplay diva friends making sure they had food and carrying their crap around while they dressed up, and the other have was trying to rehearse for the masquerade event, make costumes, and not burn ourselves out in the process.


tetsuoxb said:
Reading the reviews of the concerts you posted, it is exactly why I will never be caught dead at an anime convention.


If it says No Pictures, it means no pictures. The Japanese arent kidding. They really mean no pictures.

Then slap on the furries, yaoi freaks, cosplayers, etc. and I could not imagine another festering cesspool of hell that I would want to avoid more than a large anime con.

Yeah, let's judge the the Anime Expo con experience without having ever been to one.

I've been to AX SIX fucking times. Started going when I was in my mid 20s. And even as a full adult, I can tell you it is one of the best, most entertaining experiences I've had each time that I've gone. The cosplayers are cool and interesting to look at, but they don't get in your way. Fanboys? It's an ANIME FAN CONVENTION FFS! It caters to fans of anime...hello?

Anyway so there's much to do and it's the only place where you can actually meet and get autographs of people in the biz that you're fond of. If it wasn't for Anime Expo, I woukld've NEVER gotten the chance to meet people such as Shoji Kawamori and Yoko Kanno, and I am greatful as HELL to them because of it. Go before you judge.


AX seems like the lamest event in the world. Unsociable, unhygenic, white nerds who want to be Japanese congregating to dress up in horribly done costumes that vaguely resemble anime characters is almost as bad as furries.

There is also a dance, I am told. Hahaha, oh, the tomfoolery.


I was there. Favorite moment had to have been at the Masquerade when the guy in the huge robot costume lost his footing, did the splits, and then fell to the ground. They had to drag him off of the stage and then fight to get him upright again. Oh it was painful to watch but oh so funny. That was entirely entertaining. As was the Magna Carta stuff. ^_^ Hell, all of it was fun. This was the first time I'd been to the Masquerade in a couple years.

I didn't buy much at the dealer's room. The bit of booty I'm most proud of is a plush Sgt. Keroro. I couldn't leave without him. Kero Kero!

And I only got cornered by one fanboy! I consider that a success!


lacks enthusiasm.
I mainly go for the films they show now (35mm versions are hard, or impossible, to see somewhere else) and it wasn't that bad. Place Promised was very good, if not a little too dialog-heavy, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Steamboy was pretty good, but I wish it was subbed and not dubbed. I hadn't caught Appleseed before AX so we also watched that and the fighting scenes were really well done, but the movie was just ok.

I didn't buy a thing at the Exhibit hall. There used to be this great booth with really low CD prices but they weren't there this year (possibly not even last year, but I didn't go) so that sucked.


hXc_thugg said:
AX seems like the lamest event in the world. Unsociable, unhygenic, white nerds who want to be Japanese congregating to dress up in horribly done costumes that vaguely resemble anime characters is almost as bad as furries.

There is also a dance, I am told. Hahaha, oh, the tomfoolery.

I dunno, it's a pretty sociable place. I go with a group of friends who aren't really into anime but they don't dislike it either. Anyhow, we walk around, check out some panels (the ones with Japanese directors/writers/artists are often quite informative and interesting; It's nice having Q&A sessions and often a chance to chat one on one with some famous people [I talked for a sec with Taniguchi Goro in '04 and got my R2 Ryvius and s.CRY.ed dvds signed by him]), we watch a film or two, maybe go have some drinks at the bar in the evening, sometimes chat it up with interesting people we meet here and there, etc... It's always a good time.

With friends it's about as fun as a good E3 year with friends IMO. It's not really the event that matters, but rather it's a place for all your buddies to take a few days off work, gather up, and just fuck around having a good time each day from 10am-2-6am four days in a row. Even better if you get a hotel room. Heck, they even do it during the 4th of July weekends so you're always positioned at a great place to check out the fireworks (either Disneyland if Anaheim or Queen Mary if LBC).

I'd recommend AX to anyone as long as they went with 3 or more people. On your own it probably feels like a freak show, but it's a great group hangout place.


I went. Was kinda lame this year. Also, if you REALLLLLY want to see Maaya Sakamoto perform, she's going to AnimeFest in Dallas on Labor Day Weekend.

And what Bebpo said. It's lame unless you go with friends. Then you can sit around with them and talk about how much everyone is dorks! And then be there till 8PM on the last day because you're waiting around for your ride to finish tearing down their stupid booth. ANIMEEXPO!


SuperPac said:
I was there. Favorite moment had to have been at the Masquerade when the guy in the huge robot costume lost his footing, did the splits, and then fell to the ground. They had to drag him off of the stage and then fight to get him upright again. Oh it was painful to watch but oh so funny. That was entirely entertaining. As was the Magna Carta stuff. ^_^ Hell, all of it was fun. This was the first time I'd been to the Masquerade in a couple years.

I didn't buy much at the dealer's room. The bit of booty I'm most proud of is a plush Sgt. Keroro. I couldn't leave without him. Kero Kero!

And I only got cornered by one fanboy! I consider that a success!

We spoke to the guy behind stage about the fall. We all though the injured himself when he did the splits in his mech suit and dragged himself with an attendant to the backstage, but he said it was all part of the act. As much as I don't believe it, 'tis what he said :)

BTW, were you referring to our Magna Carta skit? or the other one? lol ^_^


went sunday just for the maaya concert. spent several hours in line to get a ticket and then a place in line since i didn't have anyone to help hold a place (thankfully advance wars 2 is still a great tool for making time fly).

i was a bit disappointed that there was no live music, but maaya's singing was good enough to make the songs sound pretty good. i think what really made the concert worthwhile was that maaya genuinely seemed surprised by the large turnout and strong audience support. she actually seemed a little intimidated and nervous early on :) though midway through the concert she really seemed to get into a groove and sang better. it's nice to see a performer who actually seems touched by an enthusiastic crowd.

i doubt there'll be live music at animefest, but i really hope i get to see maaya perform with a live band/orchestra one day (even if i have to go to japan to do so).


isamu said:
Yeah, let's judge the the Anime Expo con experience without having ever been to one.

I've been to AX SIX fucking times. Started going when I was in my mid 20s. And even as a full adult, I can tell you it is one of the best, most entertaining experiences I've had each time that I've gone. The cosplayers are cool and interesting to look at, but they don't get in your way. Fanboys? It's an ANIME FAN CONVENTION FFS! It caters to fans of anime...hello?

Anyway so there's much to do and it's the only place where you can actually meet and get autographs of people in the biz that you're fond of. If it wasn't for Anime Expo, I woukld've NEVER gotten the chance to meet people such as Shoji Kawamori and Yoko Kanno, and I am greatful as HELL to them because of it. Go before you judge.

Listen bub, I have seen real cosplayers. The ones at Tokyo Game Show.... They are widely regarded as the best in the world, and they were interesting for all of 5 minutes.

My only con experience was MegaCon in Orlando. I went for the Kevin Smith Q&A, but was subjected to endless fucking prancing by furries, dancing by cosplayers, and obnoxious behavior by socially inept "fans" gathered around obvious bootlegs and sickening yaoi. Reading some of the posts of how the Japanese guests of honor were treated during their respective Q&As at AnimeExpo is absolutely awful. These psuedo-no-nothing-japaonphiles asking questions that are utterly embarrassing for any Japanese person to be asked, otherwise acting like assholes, or subjecting them to complete silence because none of the "fans" in the room is capable of stringing together a coherent question. Sickening.

Furthermore, if you think overheardinnewyork is bad... It took several years to forget the inane bullshit I heard walking around that vendor room at MegaCon.

Finally, maybe I do not have the spaz idolatry for those working in the business that you do, but I do see your point about meeting creators. That is indeed fun. However, dealing with the bullshit involved in meeting these people just kills the enjoyment for me. I dont want or need to see some of the absolute bullshit that goes on at cons.

So -- I have been to a con.... and unless it had a HUGE name doing something more than just signing autographs, I wont be going. Not worth the mental suffering.

P.S. I am not trying to troll your thread. I was going to leave it at one post, but since you brought up some points, I figured I would elaborate on my own. If anime cons are your thing, that is great. But as far as I am concerned, they make me want to shoot myself twice, just to insure that I am dead.


tetsuoxb said:
Listen bub, I have seen real cosplayers. The ones at Tokyo Game Show.... They are widely regarded as the best in the world, and they were interesting for all of 5 minutes.

My only con experience was MegaCon in Orlando. I went for the Kevin Smith Q&A, but was subjected to endless fucking prancing by furries, dancing by cosplayers, and obnoxious behavior by socially inept "fans" gathered around obvious bootlegs and sickening yaoi. Reading some of the posts of how the Japanese guests of honor were treated during their respective Q&As at AnimeExpo is absolutely awful. These psuedo-no-nothing-japaonphiles asking questions that are utterly embarrassing for any Japanese person to be asked, otherwise acting like assholes, or subjecting them to complete silence because none of the "fans" in the room is capable of stringing together a coherent question. Sickening.

Furthermore, if you think overheardinnewyork is bad... It took several years to forget the inane bullshit I heard walking around that vendor room at MegaCon.

Finally, maybe I do not have the spaz idolatry for those working in the business that you do, but I do see your point about meeting creators. That is indeed fun. However, dealing with the bullshit involved in meeting these people just kills the enjoyment for me. I dont want or need to see some of the absolute bullshit that goes on at cons.

So -- I have been to a con.... and unless it had a HUGE name doing something more than just signing autographs, I wont be going. Not worth the mental suffering.

P.S. I am not trying to troll your thread. I was going to leave it at one post, but since you brought up some points, I figured I would elaborate on my own. If anime cons are your thing, that is great. But as far as I am concerned, they make me want to shoot myself twice, just to insure that I am dead.

I think you may be taking this a bit too seriously.

Cons are for relaxing and having fun, why bother if the person standing next to you in the dealers room is spouting off some inane BS that he believes is all correct? Just learn to relax and not care and you'll have a great time at any con.


Bebpo said:
I think you may be taking this a bit too seriously.

Cons are for relaxing and having fun, why bother if the person standing next to you in the dealers room is spouting off some inane BS that he believes is all correct? Just learn to relax and not care and you'll have a great time at any con.

I dont take it that seriously.... but I try to avoid situations where I may be viewed as guilty by association.

It isnt really about relaxing and having a good time, because it is nearly impossible for me to have a good time surrounded by idiocy. As a person I have a low tolerance for all forms of asshatism, and little patience to boot, so I find it best to avoid situations where I have to deal with the lowest common denominator.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I can understand or enjoy a convention (defined as a gathering for a specific purpose) of people where a large number lack even the basics of social skills.


tetsuoxb said:
I dont take it that seriously.... but I try to avoid situations where I may be viewed as guilty by association.

It isnt really about relaxing and having a good time, because it is nearly impossible for me to have a good time surrounded by idiocy. As a person I have a low tolerance for all forms of asshatism, and little patience to boot, so I find it best to avoid situations where I have to deal with the lowest common denominator.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I can understand or enjoy a convention (defined as a gathering for a specific purpose) of people where a large number lack even the basics of social skills.

Getting flustered at relatively mild asshatism isn't a particularly sound social skill.


Zaptruder said:
Getting flustered at relatively mild asshatism isn't a particularly sound social skill.

Yeah, it is my vice. Thankfully I cover it up pretty well, so I wouldnt call it getting flustered, but it sucks the fun out of things for me.

Working at an EB as a high school student kinda killed it for me as far as patience with fanboys, etc. Dealing with japanophile anime freaks during the beginning of my Japanese degree killed dealing with anime fans. Hence why I know better than to go to cons, I wont freak out or spaz, but I know I would not have that good a time.
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