CEVO is definitely not as fun to watch/play as Frus; it's just normal mode lite, imo. If they maxed the # of pills, I'd be a-ok with Frusmod overall. Although a *possible* tier 2 spawn on a level before the finale could be kind of cool, like how they work in the finale. But I know some/a lot of people would be against that. There will probably never be a universal one that everyone likes.
I do wonder, if there are cevo/frusmod servers on the 360 version.
vertopci said:
And I still don't know what you mean by healing more.
Since it's almost instant, you are going to use every pill you find until you get to the end where you save your last ones, so you wind up healing whenever you find pills, which are very often in some maps (Pill Harvest 3, for example).
Concept17 said:
Aside from that, what other changes is there? I've never played the mod, but just swapping kits for pills sounds kinda silly.
Frustian's mod has these things that I'm aware of on the top of my head:
No medkits, 4 pills at the start and all med items picked up are pills. Until the finale, where there are kits at the end and maybe at the beginning..can't remember. There are no kits in the game until the finale level.
Only primary guns available until the finale level are pistols, shotty, and uzi. On tier 2 weapon pickup spots, you will find a replacement shotty or uzi and a sniper rifle. You cannot get an assault rifle or auto shotgun until the finale level, when at the start you can get 1 assault rifle and 1 auto shotty, then 1 more of each at the radio.
Tank spawns every map. Tanks cannot be prelit; if a Tank is lit during the AI control initial period, the Tank is unlit and back at 6000HP when a player takes control.
AFAIK those are the main things in the mod. Limited tier 2's until finale, no medkits until finale, always a tank, no prelighting.