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The Official Left 4 Dead Thread

Anyone got any ideas as to why I can't get any servers to show up in the server browser?

My connection problems are getting worse, I can only connect to 1/10 servers, and when I do my ping keeps dropping to red for short periods of time. Don't have any problems with other online games and it's only started happening in L4D over the past week or so.


Bitches love smiley faces
I barely use my mic, but I recently realized I keep going, "aaah" when someone pounced me or snagged me. It's not intentional. I think I used to say, "hunter on me." and it just devolved over time into some "surprised" noise coming out of my mouth.
current roomba tactics in versus

run really fast out of saferoom

close doors behind you so any other survivors can't catch up

if anyone gets grabbed by special infected make sure to tell them "looks like you were... LEFT 4 DEAD!" over the mic, and keep running

if you get any cars or witches that are near saferooms and everyone else is somewhat behind, feel free to shoot them and then close the door so the horde/witch rushes them instead


Ganhyun said:
A friend and I need help doing Blood Harvest on Expert (360) tonight. Around 6 p.m. Eastern Time.

Gamertag: ShogunofPain.

Edit: It is our last story to do on Expert.

Good luck. I did this was dax01, RubxQub and another friend, and it was definitely imo the hardest of the four to complete on expert. It's not like it was a terribly difficult strategy, but it was always give or take whether they'd give us a fuel tank or molotovs to burn down the tank, and without that it was rolling the dice whether we'd make it past the second one after being widdled down.

We completed it in the barn though.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Giganticus said:
current roomba tactics in versus

run really fast out of saferoom

close doors behind you so any other survivors can't catch up

if anyone gets grabbed by special infected make sure to tell them "looks like you were... LEFT 4 DEAD!" over the mic, and keep running

if you get any cars or witches that are near saferooms and everyone else is somewhat behind, feel free to shoot them and then close the door so the horde/witch rushes them instead

Man, Valve should make a race mode where you can shoot the other survivors to slow them down.


Baloonatic said:
Anyone got any ideas as to why I can't get any servers to show up in the server browser?

My connection problems are getting worse, I can only connect to 1/10 servers, and when I do my ping keeps dropping to red for short periods of time. Don't have any problems with other online games and it's only started happening in L4D over the past week or so.

Be lucky you haven't had those issues from the start? I have. And I've been unable to host games for this reason. And I've ranted about how I feel this is the reason some people are lousy hosts (with always getting high ping servers) and some always get great servers (cause it's my theory they're seeing everything.)

EDIT: Although it doesn't affect me when I join other people's games, if that's what you're saying.


Amir0x said:
Good luck. I did this was dax01, RubxQub and another friend, and it was definitely imo the hardest of the four to complete on expert. It's not like it was a terribly difficult strategy, but it was always give or take whether they'd give us a fuel tank or molotovs to burn down the tank, and without that it was rolling the dice whether we'd make it past the second one after being widdled down.

We completed it in the barn though.

Yea, we have a plan(somewhat, lol) involving saving molotovs from the 4th chapter for the finale so we hopefully have enough to take the tanks out.

<-- honestly recommends turtling the ammo in barn myself as well.


Ganhyun said:
cool. just send me a message letting me know who you are so I don't think its just a spam message or such.

Heh, you'll know it's me, my GT is the same as my name here.

Also, think you'll be up for trying other campaigns too?


Kard8p3 said:
Heh, you'll know it's me, my GT is the same as my name here.

Also, think you'll be up for trying other campaigns too?

Well, I'm open to helping with others. But I know the other three on expert took me and my friend (we are both gaffers) with randoms like 4-5 hours to do. I'm hoping to get 1 more gaffer to try and get it done in like 3-4 instead.

So, if it takes forever, we might not be able to do the others tonight.


fallengorn said:
I barely use my mic, but I recently realized I keep going, "aaah" when someone pounced me or snagged me. It's not intentional. I think I used to say, "hunter on me." and it just devolved over time into some "surprised" noise coming out of my mouth.
I do the same thing.

Only it's devolved even further into intelligible mumbles like "mgbhrff" and "acksp".

Only after I'm freed do I actually say "Hunter!"


Ganhyun said:
Well, I'm open to helping with others. But I know the other three on expert took me and my friend (we are both gaffers) with randoms like 4-5 hours to do. I'm hoping to get 1 more gaffer to try and get it done in like 3-4 instead.

So, if it takes forever, we might not be able to do the others tonight.



TheOneGuy said:
I do the same thing.

Only it's devolved even further into intelligible mumbles like "mgbhrff" and "acksp".

Only after I'm freed do I actually say "Hunter!"

Sounds like my typing. If I've been pinned and everyone is preoccupied, I'll go to type "Help." But if I start out on the wrong key (10 finger home position), I'll just mush the buttons and figure people will get the hint.


morningbus said:
Yes, but I want achievements for it!

I want a full blown race mode, where the survivors can't die, smokers actually drag people back and zombies do physical throw/push back. Each incap only lasts for 10 seconds, and everything else is standard. Score by whoever gets their ass across the safe room finish line first.

Oh yeah, and 8 people per team instead of 4.

Versus mode like this would be the shit.
1-D_FTW said:
Be lucky you haven't had those issues from the start? I have. And I've been unable to host games for this reason. And I've ranted about how I feel this is the reason some people are lousy hosts (with always getting high ping servers) and some always get great servers (cause it's my theory they're seeing everything.)

EDIT: Although it doesn't affect me when I join other people's games, if that's what you're saying.

I seem to be alright when I'm joining a friend's game, it's just that matchmaking seems to completely hate me. That would be fine but the server browser doesn't show any results so I can't even find a decent server that way :S


Baloonatic said:
I seem to be alright when I'm joining a friend's game, it's just that matchmaking seems to completely hate me. That would be fine but the server browser doesn't show any results so I can't even find a decent server that way :S

That is weird. Because now that you mention it, I'm able to always join matchmaking and usually get really good pings. I just don't because it means playing public matches.

So for some reason I MUST be able to see servers then. My ability to see servers in a lobby or as host are another story.


Kard8p3 said:
All of 'em.

Your best bet is to shcedule 1 a night to do until they are all done. But Blood Harvest is hardest on Expert to beat, so getting it done first will be good for your getting them done :)


Ganhyun said:
Your best bet is to shcedule 1 a night to do until they are all done. But Blood Harvest is hardest on Expert to beat, so getting it done first will be good for your getting them done :)

I see.
1-D_FTW said:
That is weird. Because now that you mention it, I'm able to always join matchmaking and usually get really good pings. I just don't because it means playing public matches.

So for some reason I MUST be able to see servers then. My ability to see servers in a lobby or as host are another story.

I dunno what's going, I just loaded up CS and now I can't see servers in that either? It must be some program I have running because CS was definitely working a few days ago. I've tried disabling all my anti-virus stuff and still nothing. Boooo.


Kard8p3 said:

Well, if I hadn't gotten up at 6 a.m. this morning I'd prob be able to stay up alot later than midnight and help. But on expert, this game is challenging. normal zombies do 10 pts damage a hit. Witches instakill you if you disturb them and don't kill them first. Tanks are 1 hit incap. Specials eat your health up quick too.

And with me not being at a level equal to Scarlet or some of the others, it takes a while :(


Ganhyun said:
Well, if I hadn't gotten up at 6 a.m. this morning I'd prob be able to stay up alot later than midnight and help. But on expert, this game is challenging. normal zombies do 10 pts damage a hit. Witches instakill you if you disturb them and don't kill them first. Tanks are 1 hit incap. Specials eat your health up quick too.

And with me not being at a level equal to Scarlet or some of the others, it takes a while :(

Yeah =(


Why the hell does the game always make my change sides without any reason? I fucking hate when I suddenly am on the other side. Especially when I play with friends. I hate this game and it's 30593059 different bugs and retarded stuff!


Ganhyun said:
Well, if I hadn't gotten up at 6 a.m. this morning I'd prob be able to stay up alot later than midnight and help. But on expert, this game is challenging. normal zombies do 10 pts damage a hit. Witches instakill you if you disturb them and don't kill them first. Tanks are 1 hit incap. Specials eat your health up quick too.

And with me not being at a level equal to Scarlet or some of the others, it takes a while :(
Do regular infected really do only 10 damage on 360? It's 20 on pc.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
It's 10 on PC.
edit: actually it's 20. I know I've seen them do only 10, but that's rare and probably occurs when you somehow stop them midattack or perhaps part of the attack misses. Even when testing this I couldn't get them to do less than 20.

edit2: Mystery solved, they do 10 from behind and 20 when you are facing them. A bit silly mechanic.
syllogism said:
edit: actually it's 20. I know I've seen them do only 10, but that's rare and probably occurs when you somehow stop them midattack or perhaps part of the attack misses. Even when testing this I couldn't get them to do less than 20.

I thought it was 10 from the front, 20 from the back... haven't played Campaign mode in a while though
Shoogoo said:
The game was released a few weeks ago and I'd like some thoughts on the 360 version, for those of you that prefered to pick that one over the PC version (you fools!)

- How is the lag? Is it as bad as in The Orange Box 360?
- How is the game finder? Is it as bad as in The Orange Box 360?
- How is the lag-meter? Is it as bad as in The Orange Box 360?

And does someone here, by any chance, own both versions? And could you tell me if there are major differences other than the stick/mouse obviousness.

I didn't want to buy that game day one because I felt ripped off with Orange Box (only for TF2, actually) but I feel the urge to buy that game asap. I need your Testimonies L4GAF360!

Oh, and for anyone telling me to pick up the PC version, I would, but I can't.
Left 4 Dead 360 is all-around a much better port than The Orange Box 360. There's very little lag thanks to the dedicated servers as well and even if you end up on a server that's located nowhere near your country (i.e. you have a red ping bar), the lag is hardly noticeable compared to other online shooters. There aren't any major differences between both versions of Left 4 Dead, though the game obviously has the edge on PC regarding overall performance and its graphics (depending on your hardware). It's still technically solid on the 360 though, so there's nothing to worry about. Well, other than certain Versus exploits, which haven't been patched on the Xbox 360.

Shake Appeal said:
I don't own both versions, but I've played both. Besides stick/mouse obviousness, there are no differences in how the standard game plays, except that the PC version has some exploit fixes the 360 doesn't. That said, the autoaim on 360 is quite noticeable, more so than in other console shooters. Also, I stress 'standard' games because in six months or less (the SDK is coming) people are going to be adding all sorts of unofficial content/wackiness/mods on PC. But if you're okay with missing out on that, it seems like Valve is going to be straight on simultaneous official DLC this time around.
There's very little auto-aim in Left 4 Dead 360 in fact, if any at all.


Houston3000 said:
I thought it was 10 from the front, 20 from the back... haven't played Campaign mode in a while though
Without knowing the numbers, this seems to make more sense than the other one :lol

Red Scarlet

I'd think they would have to all be alive when you call the radio (not a problem), and stay alive throughout the finale to get it. The only exception that comes to mind would be if someone fell off the map (like No Mercy) on their own. I only say that because last night, Sanjay got Man vs Tank when Rezuth mis-jumped and fell off a building on Dead Air 2 during a Tank.


Red Scarlet said:
I'd think they would have to all be alive when you call the radio (not a problem), and stay alive throughout the finale to get it. The only exception that comes to mind would be if someone fell off the map (like No Mercy) on their own. I only say that because last night, Sanjay got Man vs Tank when Rezuth mis-jumped and fell off a building on Dead Air 2 during a Tank.
That was hilarious.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Red Scarlet said:
I'd think they would have to all be alive when you call the radio (not a problem), and stay alive throughout the finale to get it. The only exception that comes to mind would be if someone fell off the map (like No Mercy) on their own. I only say that because last night, Sanjay got Man vs Tank when Rezuth mis-jumped and fell off a building on Dead Air 2 during a Tank.

You can get Man vs Tank with all 4 people alive as long as only one person does the damage.
So, now that I've made myself a little more Steam literate, is there a list of GAF Steam IDs somewhere? Or some sort of GAF group to join for VS matches? I upgraded from the 360 to the PC version, just to play with you guys!
marvelharvey said:
So, now that I've made myself a little more Steam literate, is there a list of GAF Steam IDs somewhere? Or some sort of GAF group to join for VS matches? I upgraded from the 360 to the PC version, just to play with you guys!


There you go.

And if I remember correctly, you're from Japan, right? We might be able to have some good latency games going since I'm from Asia too. :]

Here's mine: http://steamcommunity.com/id/letsmakepopmusic
marvelharvey said:
Great, look forward to some lag-free Asian gaming soon! Lastly, do friends need to be added manually? Or will L4D consider people within the Steam-group as friends?

You have to add friends manually, but if a group you're in has some servers running, they'd pop up in the 'steam group servers' menu.


Red Scarlet said:
You fell off, but where? On one of the buildings with the wooden bridge? I didn't see what happened.

Yeah where the wooden bridge is, him and I were running and he was on my right side and I just see him jump down and I was like WTF and laughing. After that the Tank actually jumped across to the other platform then he jumped down and killed him self.

That dead air campaign had many laughs. Where we ran up the stairs trying to flew from the tank only to run into him and also me dying on the airplan finale, that airplan door takes ages to open :mad:

Blue Geezer said:
as on one run through we were on mic except for one guy who didnt really respond and we hit a tank upon realising he had the only molotov we were shouting at him to throw at (as he hadnt at that point) it was only afterwards we found out he was french and couldnt understand a thing we said lol :) so we started typing more after that (he could read english reasonably it seems). most people will be far more reasonable then you might have heard.

yeah I was in that game, lol we were all screaming throw the damn molotov.

Oh and Pld some VS today and the Gaf team were doing speed runs the bastards, and I was stuck on the other team oh the pain playing with the puplic team. Later we did this to another lot too, was hilarious have it recorded will try to put it up later.
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