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The Official Magna Carta 2 Thread of Sorry Duckroll


Gamefly shipped this out today so hopefully play it some this weekend. Hopefully better than the first one, thought that one was just dreadful.
Hopefully it's better than The Last Remnant. The battle system sounds similar to it so that's good. But I don't know how much of this


I can handle. There are some weird looking women in this game.


Durante said:
The thread title is a lie?!
This is the second one released in the US, but the third overall. There is also Magna Carta: The Phantom of Avalanche which was only released in South Korea for PCs, but someone over at romhacking.net is currently working on an English translation patch. I've never played it, but I've heard that it is much better than the PS2 release.
bathala said:
I guess I'll be posting here than the Brutal Legend thread since Gamefly sent this instead of Brutal Legend.

Yay, I'm not in a lonely boat.

Also, wtf at two consecutive posters with deadpool avatars who are getting this game sent to them from gamefly.
rbenchley said:
This is the second one released in the US, but the third overall. There is also Magna Carta: The Phantom of Avalanche which was only released in South Korea for PCs, but someone over at romhacking.net is currently working on an English translation patch. I've never played it, but I've heard that it is much better than the PS2 release.
I believe they meant the duckroll reference :p


Deadpool rules that's why! To the people acting down about not getting Brutal Legend from Gamefly, just wait till tomorrow it will probably be shipped out then assuming you have an open queue.


Ok, so I think in the face of Uncharted 2, Brutal Legend and Magnacarta2, I'm going to try and pick up Magnacarta tomorrow. I will get Brutal later for cheap, and really don't have a horrible urge to play Uncharted 2 (too much gunplay in it for me). Thanks for the impressions in this thread, I had assumed the game would be as horrible as the first, and it seems like it's actually really decent =)


Alriight quick and dirty as I'm still in the middle of playing. I was going to say at first the game was pretty mediocre if not plain and boring. But it took a little time to warm up. Most of the combat details have been explained, but it really feels like playing FF12 without the gambits or some MMO. Especially since there's the status updates in the upper left corner in terms of quests, xp gained, etc. Things finally pick up a bit once you get a full party since you gain the ability to do chains, which spices things up in terms of the normal combat.

- Story's pretty basic so far, nothing special. The dub is pretty solid though. In fact, I'd say that Ruff makes a good opposite to Hirano for Zelphie. Some of the npcs/villagers are cringe worthy though. JYB is JYB :shrugs:

- If there's one thing that Magna Carta did nail previously, it's the music. It's certainly as enjoyable as the first. A good variety of nice melodic tracks and very epic themes.

- On the the technical side: Visually the game isn't a looker by any means, but they managed to make pretty solid representations of Kim's characters in 3d. The world itself is vast and nearly seamless, though loading is still around, it's pretty minimal with install.
Yeah, the music is even better than the first--and I really love the soundtrack to that (the only good thing to come out of that game). This is possibly my choice for soundtrack of the year.

On that note, the game is really pretty. The art direction is excellent (outside of some characters), the graphics are good (though nothing that rivals Lost Odyssey), and, best of all, very short load times. Some of the towns and dungeons are just really cool-looking.

The voice acting is surprisingly decent, the script and translation are typical, though.

The battle system! It is, contrary to the original's, inoffensive. It is not that exciting, but it gets the job done...it is like a simplified FFXII system or, perhaps more appropriately, a hack-and-slash with a few mechanics to make it a little unique (good and bad). The overall idea of the battle system is a little irritating at times, and that produces some concerns with battle tactics; however, most of what is here is decent. I repeat: the battle system as deep as Lost Odyssey's or The Last Remnant's, or fast and constant like Tales of Vesperia or SO4, but it's playable and, especially if you're in a mood not to think and take it easy, enjoyable.


Not going to lie, I bought this game today purely because I am a spazz and buy every RPG released good or bad, I fully expected it too be shovel ware much like the PS2 game was before and too find out that its above average is a shock. This is seriously a pretty good game, I like the graphics very much and find them better than SO4, the music is great, the characters are semi cool, the story is great so far, and combat is pretty fun outside the lame stamina bar. I have to say its my third favorite XB360 (K)JRPG after TOV and LO, not bad company at all.


Throwing my 2 cents in. Am about four hours in the game, and having a great time. It's quite a relaxing game, a great way to unwind after a day of work. The graphics may not be the best ever, but they're attractive and the cut scenes are directed well. The music is gorgeous and the voice acting is well done. The battle system is a slower-paced hack and slash/FFXII hybrid and so far I've had no qualms with it. What really strikes me about the game is how streamlined it is with regards to side quests. People who have quests for you are marked on the map, and when its time to collect your bounty, those people are marked as well. You can also take on as many quests as you want at the same time (so far, maybe it changes later?).
And there are treasure chests in villagers' houses to be plundered. Recent JRPGs have omitted the simple pleasure of robbing some poor villager blind. I'm glad this one goes back to genre traditions.


FateBreaker said:
It appears that we have a first review from a source I never heard of:



Wow. There is no way this game is a 4.4 out of 10. That's really harsh. And he makes the battle system sound like it's the most confusing thing ever, which it ain't. He keeps harping on how cliched the game is... But I like think of it as video game comfort food. It is what it is. We have amnesiacs, princesses and kingdoms in peril, and that's exactly what I'm in the mood to play. The themes may have been done before, but so far the characters have depth and are amusing. All of this to say... that review should be taken with a huge grain of salt.


FateBreaker said:
It appears that we have a first review from a source I never heard of:



While the review is silly, he does make a point about the targeting being an issue when switching during chains. However, I am sure that's why the game gives you a few seconds grace period to start the next character's special attack. As long as the first character is still in overheat, the second character in the chain can easily move to target the same monster with a special. Maybe he didn't realize that. Then again, he spent nearly a paragraph talking about Melissa's boobs and hips.


Subscribing, I want to pic this up but so not sure if it want.

The battle system seemed ok(the demo had a lack of special moves), but if all the voiced scenes are just the Characters portraits that could get boring.

I guess the bottom line is, if I suffered through Enchanted Arms, I can play this with enjoyment.
IGN review is up.

6.0 Presentation
No new ideas. Magnacarta 2 takes absolutely no chances.
7.0 Graphics
Serviceable art direction and decent visuals.
7.0 Sound
Lots of voice acting. Most of it isn't awful. Japanese voice tracks would have been nice, though.
7.0 Gameplay
The real-time combat is a good start, but the quest design and lack of evolution through the game don't help things.
6.0 Lasting Appeal
It's a pretty long game, but not one you'd be likely to play through twice.
Passable OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)


The original scored a 6.0 on IGN, btw. Should to put it on a full 0-10 scale, you should probably dock 4 points :p
And, Play gave this a 9. What a surprise.

Oh my God. Here's a line from the Play review:

"Magna Carta: Tears of Blood was the game that made me love RPGs again"

:lol :lol :lol :lol


FateBreaker said:
And, Play gave this a 9. What a surprise.

Oh my God. Here's a line from the Play review:

"Magna Carta: Tears of Blood was the game that made me love RPGs again"

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Was it Halverson? I think I recall reading his preview for Mc2 in the Muramasa/Sept issue. He was totally all over it. Loving KRPGS and thinking they're definitely worthwhile etc etc. D: As always take his reviews with a grain of salt. As much as I love play, Halverson's hyperbole is beyond credibility.


Master of the Google Search
kiryogi said:
Was it Halverson? I think I recall reading his preview for Mc2 in the Muramasa/Sept issue. He was totally all over it. Loving KRPGS and thinking they're definitely worthwhile etc etc. D: As always take his reviews with a grain of salt. As much as I love play, Halverson's hyperbole is beyond credibility.
It is Dave Halverson :lol

I guess we can put this in his large review pile of shame


Santa May Claus
Any more impressions? Is there a 360 demo out right now for the U.S.?

While I love Hyung Tae Kim's art, it really doesnt' seem like the style can ever be captured in a dynamic medium like an in-game engine. It just doesn't seem to work. That and it seems like they're doing a pretty bad job at attempting it.


Been playing it for about 10 hours now...


- I thought the character design was ugly as sin the first time I saw this game, but it's really growing on me.
- Battle system is simple to pick up, but slightly difficult to master. Pulling off a Chain Break is really rewarding.
- Weapon customization system is really deep.
- Music is simply outstanding. Why isn't this talked about more? As someone else here said, soundtrack of the year so far.
- Voice acting is good when they're not explaining how to play (tutorials).
- Graphics aren't great, but they're pretty good.
- Quest system is easy to dive into.


- Being "forced" to play as a healer if both your characters are overheated is a bit of a drag (although later you get a "combat healer" to alleviate this problem).
- Menus load and unload slowly.
- Voice acting during tutorial segments is laughably bad.
- Story is cliche.
- Why the hell when I use Crocell does his fire kan disappear when I attack?

Overall, it's very good. Better than Star Ocean, but not up there with ToV/LO.


Oh my god the overheat system sucks. This is like Vagrant Story all over again, one stupid design element makes otherwise great combat system annoying. I always play with just one character, I don't want to change around all the time.

But that whining said, this is surprisingly good overall. Definitely a step up from MC1.


Rad- said:
Oh my god the overheat system sucks. This is like Vagrant Story all over again, one stupid design element makes otherwise great combat system annoying. I always play with just one character, I don't want to change around all the time.

But that whining said, this is surprisingly good overall. Definitely a step up from MC1.
How far are you in? While you probably never get to the point where you never overheat, I can do three strings of attacks with Juto, overheat, skill into Crocell, make him overheat with one attack, then switch back to Juto.


Rad- said:
Oh my god the overheat system sucks. This is like Vagrant Story all over again, one stupid design element makes otherwise great combat system annoying. I always play with just one character, I don't want to change around all the time.

But that whining said, this is surprisingly good overall. Definitely a step up from MC1.

Something that helps me out is to map my two main fighters (assuming you're using a healer as the 3rd member) to up and down on the d-pad, that way I can switch them in and out easily. Just as you are about to overheat with Juto, for example, press A a couple of times then quickly press X, you should be able to get a nice combo in before he's overheated, then quickly tap down to switch to your other fighter and do the same, when they overheat you should be able to switch back to Juto and pull off another special move. I get a chain break about 70% of the time.


No way, Tears of Blood was complete crap, MC2 is actually fun and pretty engaging. I personally rate it as the third best XB260 JRPG after LO and TOV, and IMO its close to those two in quality.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Whats with all the SO4 bashing? Aside from the story and VA, it was a solid B maybe even a B+.

Nothing has come anywhere close to ToV. So is it at least as good as LO?


As someone that actually finished the first one, I actually find this an extreme improvement over the first. I was pretty tolerant about the flaws with the first one, but as someone put it. MC1 was pretty offensive. MC2 is not. In fact, once it finally picks up, I found myself extremely engaged in it. Tho as others have mentioned about the visuals, and of my own experience, the art direction really helps. The intro area honestly was just bland and greys all over. Sort of signature UT3, but once you get past, it's actually vast and gorgeous. And I supposed it can't be said enough, the soundtrack is amazing. I almost want to say it is indeed RPG soundtrack of the year. I really want to write more indepth stuff, but still in the middle of playing it. What can I say? I absolutely love it.
Wow, there's some great voice talent there (barring Johnny of course). Almost worth a buy because of that, alot of them are from the Persona series. Is the game itself any good?
Conflict NZ said:
Is the game itself any good?
Are you serious? Are the ninety-two posts before yours invisible or something? Quite a few have impressions.

I want this mainly for the music. I'm very curious...I love me some video game music.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
dragonlife29 said:
Are you serious? Are the ninety-two posts before yours invisible or something? Quite a few have impressions.

I want this mainly for the music. I'm very curious...I love me some video game music.
92 posts isn't enough to make up for the travesty of Magna Carta 1.
I don't know what it is about it, but it's very enjoyable--a complete opposite of Magna Carta 1.

The story is meh. The combat system is simple and not very exciting...but it works right now. It is like a dumbed-down, more irritating FFXII combat system--but that is still not too bad. It is strangely enjoyable...even though I acknowledge it is nothing that great. The graphics are pretty good but there is a strange lack of detail in some areas (and I am not one to nitpick with this stuff), while there is great details in others. Cinematics are good. Overall, it's solid in this department.

But the most enjoyable thing about all of this is the A+ soundtrack. Congratulations, Mr. Composer.

I would go as far to say that it is not just decent, but the game is actually pretty good--a very pleasant surprise in the midst of delays this year.


Oxm review,the liked it and gave it a 7.5,closing comments:

* Flexible and addictive combat.
* Beautiful, picturesque world marred only by texture pop-in.
* Canned story; long stretches between checkpoints; sometimes brutally difficult.
* Were the Trewa modeled after World of Warcraft’s Tauren?

Brutally difficult? is it guys?...getting this tomorrow hopefully,the stealth release of this game makes it real hard to find.
Ricker said:
Oxm review,the liked it and gave it a 7.5,closing comments:

* Flexible and addictive combat.
* Beautiful, picturesque world marred only by texture pop-in.
* Canned story; long stretches between checkpoints; sometimes brutally difficult.
* Were the Trewa modeled after World of Warcraft’s Tauren?

Brutally difficult? is it guys?...getting this tomorrow hopefully,the stealth release of this game makes it real hard to find.

so far I find it brutally easy, but i'm only 5 hours in
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