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The Official Magna Carta 2 Thread of Sorry Duckroll


Ricker said:
Oxm review,the liked it and gave it a 7.5,closing comments:

* Flexible and addictive combat.
* Beautiful, picturesque world marred only by texture pop-in.
* Canned story; long stretches between checkpoints; sometimes brutally difficult.
* Were the Trewa modeled after World of Warcraft’s Tauren?

Brutally difficult? is it guys?...getting this tomorrow hopefully,the stealth release of this game makes it real hard to find.

Haven't had any problems so far. No game over screens for me. But maybe things get tougher in Disc 2?

While it's still too early for me to say if this is better than SO4 (which I really enjoyed), I can say that I like the playable characters a lot more in this game. No Lymle-like annoyances have joined my team yet. (Celestine is pretty shrill though...) And the interactions between Juto and Crocell are sort of hilarious.


FateBreaker said:
And, Play gave this a 9. What a surprise.

Oh my God. Here's a line from the Play review:

"Magna Carta: Tears of Blood was the game that made me love RPGs again"

:lol :lol :lol :lol

I remember the PLAY review for the Original Magna Carta read more like an apology for the localization then an actual review. I did not renew my subscription after that review... wow this was 4 years ago. I'm still waiting for StarCraft: Ghost.


Dizzy-4U said:
Overpowered weapons? Then, no thanks. How about those story events?
All they are are cute little cutscenes with the characters.

Basically, it's 60 free achievement points if you're into that.


Santa May Claus
What is the DLC? Is it typical Bandai Namco RPG DLC of experience points and items?

Einbroch said:
All they are are cute little cutscenes with the characters.

Basically, it's 60 free achievement points if you're into that.

But, if you're paying for them... aren't they not free?


GuardianE said:
What is the DLC? Is it typical Bandai Namco RPG DLC of experience points and items?

But, if you're paying for them... aren't they not free?
Free as in: Main Menu ==> Watch Videos ==> BleepBloop x3


Einbroch said:
All they are are cute little cutscenes with the characters.

Basically, it's 60 free achievement points if you're into that.
Meh, we'll see then. If I start liking the characters I'll probably buy them.


bathala said:
So howz the story so far? Garbage?
Pretty standard fare so far.

Nothing to write home about, but it's not terrible either. Easy to follow, a few twists (although none that are really that big), and a few of the characters, Zelphie in particular, are interesting.


Santa May Claus
The most important part for me, of any JRPG, are the characters, with story falling close behind. Are they likeable? Do they have depth? Are they even close to Tales of Vesperia or are they completely cookie cutter?
I love how so many of you are asking questions that have been answered by the many peeps that already explained them in their impressions.

Also, the DLC is silly; it is a package of three scenes. That's it. It comes with some Achievements and some new weapons, too.


FateBreaker said:
I love how so many of you are asking questions that have been answered by the many peeps that already explained them in their impressions.

Also, the DLC is silly; it is a package of three scenes. That's it. It comes with some Achievements and some new weapons, too.
While I agree it's lame, at least it's only 400 MSP for all of them. Overseas, I think it's like 320 EACH.


As I was playing this I was looking at the achievements and I guess the collect the weapon achievements require you to have the dlc weapons for them? That's so incredibly stupid if so, here's one example just as a copy and paste: Collect all of Juto's weapons, including downloadable content.

I've only played for a couple of hours but so far this game isn't holding my attention at all. The characters just look terrible to me and the game has just been incredibly boring. Will keep going in hopes it gets better.
Xevren said:
As I was playing this I was looking at the achievements and I guess the collect the weapon achievements require you to have the dlc weapons for them? That's so incredibly stupid if so, here's one example just as a copy and paste: Collect all of Juto's weapons, including downloadable content.

I've only played for a couple of hours but so far this game isn't holding my attention at all. The characters just look terrible to me and the game has just been incredibly boring. Will keep going in hopes it gets better.

The collect weapon Achievements ARE the DLC Achievements. If you don't get the DLC, you don't have to worry about it.


I have to mention this, but whoever complained about using a healer in battle. I find myself using Zelphie as much as possible if I'm facing monsters. I can't help but harvest as much kamond as I can >_< Soooul stealing!


kiryogi said:
I have to mention this, but whoever complained about using a healer in battle. I find myself using Zelphie as much as possible if I'm facing monsters. I can't help but harvest as much kamond as I can >_< Soooul stealing!

._. Zephie will be the main character for all of the loot whores among us... And item craft whores.


Junior Member
This game is like playing an offline rpg mmo.

and I am surprised by the voice acting, pretty solid for an rpg this gen (square-enix lol).
so I bought the DLC and yeah, it has these three cinematics which I won't view yet since I don't have all the characters...but I thought the super-duper weapons were just an extra bonus or something, and I thought you'd have to go find them.

Nope! These weapons are like, +300 off your strongest weapon at the first big city. It's already in everyone's inventory, whether you like it or not. I've been using it for a bit to see how things are, and as you guessed, this makes the already-easy game to HUGELY easy. The DLC was released the same day as the game was released...man, if, let's say, 50% of the people who bought the game bought the DLC, just imagine how many temptations are given to totally unbalance the game.


Junior Member
OMG dlc weapons just made this game a breeze :lol

they unlocked for me after you beat the first boss (or maybe i didn't notice them before) and they are really, really broken. unless game gets very hard now?


So, I'm 4 hours into the game.

It's a pretty nice surprice I must say (probably beacause there was no hype at all). Nothing overwhelming but not crap either. It gets the job done; Nice graphics, fantastic music and the combat is ok so far.
I was kinda worried at the beggining seeing the unreal engine logo because the games I've played had horrible framerate but this game runs pretty smooooooth (which is even more rare for a japanese game).
I also didn't like the character design at first, but it kinda grows on you and I like it now. As for the gameplay, it feels mmo-ish, but it's ok i guess. I'm too early into the game to have an opinion on gameplay.

It's a pretty solid RPG so far and I'll be playing non-stop over the weekend.


I'm 20 hours into the game now (half of the second disc I think). It's still an Ok game, but it's starting to feel a little boring, probably because the story doesn't pick up and you revisit the same areas over and over again.

The combat is still decent, but there is no depth to it aside from the chain system which is very easy to do once you understand how it works. So, it feels very mmo-ish and there is no strategy involved other than chaining your attacks.

And btw, no way in hell this is better than SO4. You guys can bash the cinematics and characters from SO4 all you want, but the gameplay itself is great and way waaay better than MC2.

It's not a bad game, but it's pretty generic in all fronts (so far at least).


I'll probably pick this up closer to the holidays when I can probably score a deal easier. I haven't bought a 360 game in about 6 months so I need to show it a little love.


Clocked around 8 hours, mainly strolling around and doing sidequests. I definitely like the "offline MMORPG" feeling and the world is rather pretty and cozy. A fantastic change from the incredibly vast dungeons and overworlds of Star Ocean 4 (no hate, good game, horrid level design).

I'm suspecting it might get slightly boring in the long run if the story doesn't keep you interested but I could care less, a solid buy thus far.
Dizzy-4U said:
I'm 20 hours into the game now (half of the second disc I think). It's still an Ok game, but it's starting to feel a little boring, probably because the story doesn't pick up and you revisit the same areas over and over again.

The combat is still decent, but there is no depth to it aside from the chain system which is very easy to do once you understand how it works. So, it feels very mmo-ish and there is no strategy involved other than chaining your attacks.

And btw, no way in hell this is better than SO4. You guys can bash the cinematics and characters from SO4 all you want, but the gameplay itself is great and way waaay better than MC2.

It's not a bad game, but it's pretty generic in all fronts (so far at least).
So I take it the demo provides a pretty good idea of the combat system, and it doesn't expand much beyond that?

Thx for the impressions btw.


I rather enjoyed it, at last dungeon now with 33hours.. sure its no ToV or Lost Oddessy, but stomps over IU and Last Remnant.. atleast for me. I'd say its tied with S04 for me, yes I liked that game. :p

The music is really awesome, but alot of the tracks aren't long enough..and repeats itself way to often.


I've been playing Magna Carta 2 this past weekend I like the Chain-Breaks and my Favorite party is Zephie, Juto & Celestine. I just started Disc 2 and leveling up at a nice pace, I actually had to grind a bit to buy all the weapons & support units when they become available at the Merchant. I'm planning to 1240/1240 it on first go, with the DLC weapons & Skill Point + XX% items it shouldn't be that difficult. I like how it notifies you in advance if you progress the story too far and it will state in a pop-up window "The following quests will be impossible to complete"


Wow, that's definitely an all star voice cast; surprising, to say the least. Can anyone tell me if Liam o'Brien is a hero or villain?

If I ever get another 360 I'll have to look into picking this up on the cheap.


Wow the combo's you can achieve are insane, all you have to do is give Zelphie a Karn Control ( -1 Karn to all abilities ) and basically have Juto Attack 5 times -> Overdrive, switch to Zelphie hit A as many times as possible, then Overdrive -> Healing Wind for 1, it's free healing, with this you reset both with a Chain Break.

I actually started playing with the weapons available at the time instead of the DLC weapons... I was killing stuff before Overdrive. This game is way too easy to abuse, Equip Seeker + Skill Pendant = +80% Skill Points, just equip it at level-up then transfer to next candidate.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Finally got my copy today. Probably won't get to it for a LOOOOOOOONG time, though.
Of the 6 items I ordered during that awesome TRU deal, this was the only one that took a substantial amount of time to arrive. *shrugs*


Santa May Claus
I bought it on sale. Played through it. Got 1240 Achievement points, and enjoyed doing it. It was definitely a worthwhile purchase for me. Nothng groundbreaking, but I had a lot of fun. The game's pretty underrated.


Yeah, it's an overall solid game. Nothing amazing but definitely enjoyable if you're into JRPG/KRPGs.

Also, The Sights of Abazet is AAA video game music.
So I just beat it a couple of hours ago and I still feel its a pretty good underrated Japanese style rpg.

Its got a lot of small problems though, and they really bring down the house.

The battle system is actually pretty cool. Its nothing complicated but it works a lot better then Eternal Sonata's system. I mention ES because the game has that turn based/real time thing going on. No, its not deep or anything and the game is quite easy. Its cool because for a button mashing rpg, there is some actual choice in the gameplay. You can just button mash ,but then you will basically lose your turn/energy or hope that you can use a move and then link it. That leads to a bit of a choice as I could just time my mashing out so I can avoid that and hopefully build up karma so that I can use stronger moves. That's cool to me because in something like Tales I just mash X with little thought. Linking moves is very fun and satisfies the trigger finger in me, though it would have been better to link more then 2 moves. It also requires me to play as other charcters besides the main. Usually I just stick to the main in action rpgs. None of the others are bad to play as and they are a bit different.

This leads to a huge problem because you only control one character. The AI can be very dumb. Later in the game it seems they like to get caught behind world objects or just plain don't attack. Because of this when you switch to them to Link moves they haven't done their job and thus the window to link moves passes. This then leaves two characters out of energy for a bit. Which can mean your not able to pull off the move you want. Also the game has the worst healer ever, since she doesn't seem to know how to heal. Add in the fact that the AI also doesn't seem to follow the types you set for them (which are pretty limited anyway) and you have some annoying problems with the battle system. And trust me they are annoying.

These complaints really don't mean anything for normal battles or the early bosses. But later bosses it can be very annoying. Maybe its just me but later in the games the bosses have so many annoying attacks that thanks to their animation can ruin your chains. A bosses attack animation will automatically put you into exhausted state as your attacking. It's annoying and comes off as wonky when it happens. Bosses also like to heal a lot and this has always annoyed me in rpgs.

As for the story, well its ok. There is actually some interesting twists that happen latter in the game. Developments that an actual good writer would have put more emphasis on the shades of grey that they had. There is some sort of tragic/"maybe not so wrong villainy" here. The thing is the game downplays it and just goes for the typical jrpg "love and peace" story. Its kind of sad as it diffidently could have been something different. There is still somewhat of a uniqueness to the end game plot, at least for me. The characters themselves are nothing great, pretty boring really. The voice acting is ok. I like Johnny Young Bosh but he does not have a good villain voice and when he tries its kind of funny. The voice acting is pretty corny but it fits this game.

All in all a solid game. The graphics are actually pretty good. Good use of the unreal engine. This game proves it can do hair. Environments are nice ,but you visit the same far to much. There really aren't a lot of them. The main city in the game is really quality though. Costumes and models are decent. The art style is funky and kind of off putting. Music is meh and the actual cutscense look really washed it.

Its a decent 7 jrpg.


I bought this recently and I was a little hesitant after reading the reviews and what not but I gotta say I am really enjoying this game alot it's far better than I thought it would be.

The combat is really good , music is good too plus I like the large amount of side quests I enjoy doing them.Ive honestly found myself playing it the last few nights till late in the morning and if it wasn't so late id probably play more its like I look forward to playing the next day.

Although right now I am finding the game a little easy it seems as long as I have zephie in my party I never really have to worry about health and im free to use juto and crocell to attack.Boss fights are pretty good though nice strategy element to them.I dont know how far in I am I just
finished up with celestines villiage and am at the large battle at dunan hill


I have a question.I am trying to do all the side quests however I missed one that was key.Am I pretty much screwed for being able to complete them all or is there any way to get back to missed ones.
the one I missed was finding the old mans son in the first major battle
Just got done playing this for 3 hours - Very Solid JRPG I love the MMO feel that it has. this generation has not been to kind to the JRPG genre but anyone that played alot in the ps2 era will have alot of fun with this little gem.


On the one hand, I love Hyung Tae Kim. On the other, Magna Carta on ps2 was one of the least enjoyable RPGs I've ever played.

Is this game cheap yet? I'd buy it for 20 or so.
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