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The Official NeoGAF "Introduce Yourself" Thread


Neo Member
Hi members, both new and old. ;)

We've set this imaginatively titled thread up as a friendly, welcoming space for people to just say "Hi" and maybe share a few words about themselves. This was my introduction from the thread we created for staff members, it doesn't need to be anything of that size though, anything would be great.

Maybe tell us what sort of games you like, what games your looking forward to, what non-gaming things you're interested in and maybe even a little bit about your choice of avatar.

We actually have several hundred brand new members that have just been joined up (Neophytes), I've added a few links below so that newer members can find their way to threads that may be of use to them.


There are three main types of membership on NeoGAF which I'll give a brief overview on below. You may also see other types of members in the community but these are the "standard" membership types.

Neophytes - The absolute newest of members.
  • Unable to create new threads. (Neophytes can now request to have a thread created on their behalf, follow this link for details.)
  • Unable to send messages using the NeoGAF messaging service. Able to receive messages though.
  • Unable to edit own posts after five minutes.
  • All posts are unpublished until a member of staff validates and publishes the posts.
  • Unable to enter NeoGAF Giveaways.

Neo Members - Have been seen to contribute positively to the forum.
  • Unable to create new threads.

Members - Have demonstrated a sustained positive contribution to the forum.
  • No member restrictions.

Although number of posts are also a factor in people moving from one type of membership to another, the reason we're not listing specifics is because it isn't solely based on that so somebody who has contributed positively could well be moved earlier than somebody with twice as many posts. Don't spam posts and expect to be moved earlier because it's very easy for the move to be delayed if we see that you're having a negative effect of the community.

Although being a full Member is permanent, in the general sense, it is possible for people to have rights removed if its deemed fit by the team. This would be unusual but it certainly isn't unheard of.

As some may already have noticed, we now have a Giveaways Tab at the top of the page, we're currently hosting our first giveaway and it's very much a work in progress but each individual giveaway can be set with a required minimum membership level rather than there being an overall requirement, so it's always worth checking there. Neophytes will not normally be able to enter though but as this one is a bit of test run for us, it is actually possible.

If you are a Neophyte and are wanting to contact staff for something and it isn't appropriate to use the Report Function (Reporting inappropriate posts) or the Error Reporting & Feedbackthread then you are able to do this using the Contact Us tab at the very bottom of the page or by using this email address - support@neogaf.com

Although you may find that you have more or less privileges than other members with different membership types, it doesn't mean that one type of member has authority over other members, it's not a rank and should never be treated as such.


Welcome to all members and thank you all for your contributions here, there's been a lot of support from the community here recently and we all hope that the you will lead by example for the new people rather than just relying on us to tell people what to do.




MOD NOTE - For your first post dont just put "Hi" or "Hey" or "Yo" or something. We get a lot of bots so to distinguish please make your first post at least a sentence to show you arent a robot. And we can learn more about you that way! Thank you.
Hello, and thanks for approving me into the fam. All though I don't know it all, i like to think so :)


Hello everyone, been gaming since the early 80's, first console was an Atari 2600, moved on to an Atari XL and later Atari ST, taught myself to program, turned hobby into work. Owned most consoles and many computers since I started out.

Love gaming, love to talk about it.

Been lurking around here for a while now but thought it time to create an account and post some times!
Hallo GAF,

im a loooong time lurker and decided to give it a shot. Im always very fondle about the screenshot artist here and that a open discussion is (now) welcomed.
Im in my 30 and my first game was SMB on NES. Since then i spent nearly every hard earned money on games and (major) consoles. Since a tragic accident this hobby has become even more a center of my free time. Between work and my family there is no better thing for me, as to imerse myself into a great game world. Im also interested to exchange knowlege with other "Gamer-Dads" and how they handle gaming with their kids. Feel free to ask me any questions.

Greetz Moe
Good day. I've been lurking this forum for years as a guest user and I finally decided to join last month. I'm not going to say much about myself personally, but I will tell some basic details.
I work as an "essential employee" for a local government and I've been doing that for 17 years. Recently though I have been on administrative leave since the end of April because of rotating work schedules, but when the Pandemic began affecting my area in late February, I was right in the thick of it. I've been fortunate to not have fallen ill from this virus and hopefully I can keep it that way.
Gaming wise, I have been gaming since the Coleco Vision/Intellivision years and I have never stopped. I've owned the following systems;
Atari 2600/5200, Intellivision, Coleco Vision, NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, PS1, PS2, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4. and I just started playing games on Steam. I'm currently a member of N4G and Gamefaqs (What a horrible forum). N4G is great the mods there are pretty fair. Gamefaqs though... They allow anyone to post anything gaming related even if it's unproven or a lie. That site is ridiculous. I do have some tech knowledge, but I'm far from an expert so if I make a mistake describing something, please do not hesitate to correct me. I welcome it, that's how we learn is it not?
34 and really don't know what else to say. I usually visit gaming forums like this out of boredom. You'll find me currently on PC and PS4.

I love gaming and have been doing so since I was a child. Granted, for the past few years I can't even bring myself to game anywhere near what I once have. Played two games last year and the only thing I've played this year has been the RE3 demo. I guess I feel despite there being many high-quality stuff out there, I just can't. With that said, I am looking forward to buying a new TV to go with a future PS5 purchase. I guess it's just me being too picky along with not being in the right state of mind. It's sort of like how you find yourself going less and less over time to movie theaters. Everything was fun and new at first, but then you've seen it all and even the high-quality ones tread the same path, ya'know? I hope the next-gen consoles bring something fresh to the table. I'm rambling, so how are you?


34 and really don't know what else to say. I usually visit gaming forums like this out of boredom. You'll find me currently on PC and PS4.

I love gaming and have been doing so since I was a child. Granted, for the past few years I can't even bring myself to game anywhere near what I once have. Played two games last year and the only thing I've played this year has been the RE3 demo. I guess I feel despite there being many high-quality stuff out there, I just can't. With that said, I am looking forward to buying a new TV to go with a future PS5 purchase. I guess it's just me being too picky along with not being in the right state of mind. It's sort of like how you find yourself going less and less over time to movie theaters. Everything was fun and new at first, but then you've seen it all and even the high-quality ones tread the same path, ya'know? I hope the next-gen consoles bring something fresh to the table. I'm rambling, so how are you?


Fellow old person here. I started with an Apple II computer and have been privileged to watch the industry grow through every generation. I've lurked GAF since forever as well, through all the megatons, and even managed to get my old SN in the GAF documentary.

Decided to make an account to give away Steam keys mostly, but it looks like I have to wait until I hit a certain level to access that feature. Surprised I got in actually, as I have been rejected multiple times. Ha!
Hello everyone, been gaming since the early 80's, first console was an Atari 2600, moved on to an Atari XL and later Atari ST, taught myself to program, turned hobby into work. Owned most consoles and many computers since I started out.

Love gaming, love to talk about it.

Been lurking around here for a while now but thought it time to create an account and post some times!

Welcome to the family. Glad to have you here.


Neo Member
Hi all, I'm Silver Celestial and my pronouns are he/him.

Only joking!

Long time lurker of the site so I thought I'd bite the bullet and make a contribution. This place seems to have improved drastically since sanity was allowed to prevail after the great sundering. Seems to be a lot of interesting posters now and the sense of humour has returned. Thought it would be a good time to join in!

Love games and have owned most consoles from the Atari 2600 onwards. Too old to give a hoot about console wars, but still adamant that the Speccy is way better than the Commodore 64.

See you on the boards fellow Gaffers!
Hello guys
My name is ahmad

I registered at era a week ago but they haven't activate my account yet and after I saw them ban people because their opinions are different and the way the members treat them, I decided to register in here. I'm not interested in that site anymore. in addition to what I said, the comments there are just like old gaf before era! a lot of members comment with just a few words! but I notice members of gaf now express themselves more in comments much better than era! and everything here seems to be better than old gaf and era now. freedom and good members.


Hi, everyone! My name is John and I'm originally from California. I love RPGs I have been playing them since I got Chrono Trigger. I'm in the process of beating my RPG backlog as of right this moment actually. I would buy games to collect them but actually playing the said RPG was really hard for me with the time-constraints of school and worklife.

Now I have more freetime and I've been on a small pilgrimmage to accomplish my quest/journey/adventure. I mostly usually only play RPGs it's my favorite genre of video game. I like just love reading in-game text and memorizing, and analyzing lines. I re-play a lot of my RPGs a lot which's incurred me myself a backlog I think? I'm really bad at strategy and time-management lol.

My favorite RPG is LUNAR: Silver Star Story Complete I play it every Christmas it's like tradition in my house. The most-funnest adventure I've ever had was Dragon Warrior VII though I now compare every RPG I play now to that. I love big, long RPGs.

Aside from gaming I love Survivor. I'm a huge fan of Reality T.V. I watch them all and I have a small collection of T.V. On DVD at home. I love to exercise I love to do swimming, running, calisthenics everything. I like to write on my laptop in my room at times I've slowly been getting back into that offline. I just love talking about RPGs.


Hey, I am similar to those above me, but what triggered me to dive in is that I really hated the random spoilers in other websites including those in the form of pictures, titles. That’s one of the main reasons I’m here. Looking forward to our discussions.🙈


Hi everyone !
Happy to be here, have been trying to enter the old Neogaf.
I’m huge fan of games and I play everything. My favourite games are Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, Halo and everything that Remedy does.

My favourite developer are Remedy, big fan of Sam Lake 😃

Usually play a lot of PS4, Xbox and then switch.

More than ready for a new gen, what about you guys? 😃


Hi all!
I'm dwish. I work as a developer (not in the gaming industry).

I've been gaming since the earliy/mid 90s. My father had an Amiga and a PC on which I played mostly various platformers. My first console was the PlayStation and I've been a fan ever since, owning all the stationary PlayStation consoles. I also used to own a Gameboy Color, N64, Wii and XboxOne and played loads of old NES/SNES games through emulators.

My favorite gaming genres are probably RPG's, Action games (like God of War) and Platformers. Apart from platformers I want the games to be story heavy. On PC I also enjoy playing RTS and FPS games. I used to be a big MMO (EVE, GW2, etc.) fan, but too much grind.



names RJ. Ive been a-lurkin’ for a long time...

I figured it was time to join!

Besides being an avid gamer, I’m a musician. I have two cats that I swore to my wife I would never fall in love with (I was a dog person)..and now swear I’d let her die in a fire before them - man how things change! ;)

Also, another bonus...I’m definitely looking forward to being in a community that isn’t a straight hive-mind and that welcomes more....shall we say...libertarian/conservative viewpoints. Too often other places lambast one for being or thinking suck ways...and Gaf truly strikes me as the only forum that respects everyone’s ability to say what they want, regardless of affiliation.


Hello gaffers. Been in the shadows around here for years (before the divide). I think a lot of people were pressured to migrate over to Resetera including myself simply because of the heavier traffic over there but forgot in the process that what compelled us gamers to come here in the first place was gaming first and foremost, and the capacity to voice our thoughts on the subject matter no matter how unorthodox. All the while having moderators that keep this place from running amock while being tolerant to other opinions that don't align with their own biases, after all isn't that what discourse is about?


I love games. Mostly retro, but I'm probably going to get a PS5 these holidays. Also love sports, history, whatever. I'm a progressive person in general, but I'm not from the US and i wouldn't consider myself "leftist". In general I'm here because i dearly wish to talk about games with a vibrant, populated community.
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Hello, NeoGAF. I used to be a member here a long, long time ago. Decided to return as it seems like the board is now run by people who are a little less reactionary. I need a good avatar that fits my name, so if any of you guys find something decent, let me know.
If you're coming from a position of thinking yoga pants are, like, part of a uniform for certain types of people, maybe you can crop this lady~
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