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The Official Prototype Thread


dygiT said:
I beat the game and want to get all the WOI targets. If they die, do they never come back or do they spawn elsewhere?

They respawn in the same area. There's a interactive map online that shows you all the names + locations so you can just look up where the ones you're missing are.


Bought this game during Amazon's deal of the day ($40) and just beat it.

Very fun game IMO. It really nailed the feeling of making you feel completely badass (right from the start of the game too). Whether it is kicking helicopters or slicing dudes in half with your blade or surfing on a dudes body in mid-air, there is always something you're doing that is awesome and stylish.

Although the city itself is not quite as interesting as some other open-world games, traversing it is really nice. Rather than scaling a building by hopping to each windowsill, you can simply sprint up the side of a building (while jumping like 100 feet at a time), jump off it and air dash to the next one. It was a nice change of pace.

Had a few annoyances with the difficulty level in later missions among other things, but overall I really enjoyed it and am glad I purchased it. Hopefully it gets a sequel (which I'm sure it will) as I think this could be a really promising series of games.


Zenith said:
okay, thanks.

Does blowing up hives and bases slow down their spread or is it just for gaining XP?

Just for XP. Also removes military or mutant presence in the area for at least a couple of minutes.
I like walking around an area where a hive was just destroyed, because all the civilians/infected die. So the whole place is littered with corpses.
Sorry if this has already been covered, but what's the consensus on the PC version? Does it run well, is it optimized, crash-prone, etc.? I have a C2D 2.4 (which I'm going to OC) and will soon be getting a GTX 275.


Fearless. said:
Is it bad that the infected control most of the city? Should i destroy the hives more often?
Nope just means you're advancing in the story. Destroying a hive only removes the infected in the area for a couple minutes.


Oh geez,
I just beat Elizabeth Greene and it took me a little over an hour
maybe with several deaths and after like fifteen minutes finally making a good strategy on how to defeat her.

I realized that I'm liking this game less and less with each mission.
ShockingAlberto said:
I think I might be ready to quit this game at the Bloodtox Facility.

I've tried twenty times and can't find a good strategy for it.

If its the bit I'm thinking of where you have to take out a bunch of machines I felt the same there. Repeated helicopter jacking did it for me in the end though. Just kept jacking each one, getting it blown up then jacking the next till I had enough time to take out the targets from the air.


Air Zombie Meat said:
If its the bit I'm thinking of where you have to take out a bunch of machines I felt the same there. Repeated helicopter jacking did it for me in the end though. Just kept jacking each one, getting it blown up then jacking the next till I had enough time to take out the targets from the air.

Helicopters are doing absolutely nothing for me. I suck at aiming them so i'm using the aerial blade slice move thing then booking it until they don't know where i am.


faceless007 said:
Sorry if this has already been covered, but what's the consensus on the PC version? Does it run well, is it optimized, crash-prone, etc.? I have a C2D 2.4 (which I'm going to OC) and will soon be getting a GTX 275.

very crash prone.


Ok, so I've really been considering buying this lately. Thing is, over the past 5-6 months I've lost my interest in games immensely. I find myself only playing FIFA 09 and occasionally a bit of Halo 3. But this game has interested me from the start.

My question is, would it be worth my £40 to buy it? Or should I wait until it's a lower price? Consider there's a chance I may get bored. Which leads to my next question, is it a game that is likely to bore me?

Thanks for any advice.


FooFighter said:
Ok, so I've really been considering buying this lately. Thing is, over the past 5-6 months I've lost my interest in games immensely. I find myself only playing FIFA 09 and occasionally a bit of Halo 3. But this game has interested me from the start.

My question is, would it be worth my £40 to buy it? Or should I wait until it's a lower price? Consider there's a chance I may get bored. Which leads to my next question, is it a game that is likely to bore me?

Thanks for any advice.
Does any of the following sound appealing?
Open world from the get go (no areas to unlock just straight up free form gameplay)
More upgrades/abilities than conceivably possible
Brutally visceral combat (visceral has never been more appropriate than in the case of this game)
Difficult boss encounters (Played it on easy and it still managed to royally kick my ass on an occasion or two)
Interesting story delivery (Not novel but it manages to make the generally throwaway story worthwhile)

There are probably more but I cant think of any at the moment. If any of that seem appealing than get it now. Otherwise wait a bit for a price drop. Personally I didn't regret getting it at launch for a full price. Than again I am a sucker for open world games.

Oh almost forgot. there is a New Game + mode as well as continuous play after finishing the game. Might not be an important feature set but a nice one to have.


I does all sound pretty nice and I'm really considering it. I'm going to be in London tomorrow, so I'll probably buy it there.

Eh, fuck it. Why not - it will be mine.


Gas Guzzler
faceless007 said:
Sorry if this has already been covered, but what's the consensus on the PC version? Does it run well, is it optimized, crash-prone, etc.? I have a C2D 2.4 (which I'm going to OC) and will soon be getting a GTX 275.

I beat it on my Q6600 2.4 (stock) and 8800GT. It crashed a few times in some cutscenes.

I also had it crash during a cutscene on the X360 version. So PC isn't any worse really and looks a lot better.


The Web of Intrigue is such fucking shit. I have only like 25 left (out of 130 or whatever) so I figured I'd go after the achievement (I think there's like 3 achievements tied to the web of intrigue actually). But every time I come across a WoI target, they get taken out either by an Infected, the military, or get hit by a car as he's crossing the street. Every fucking time.

I've also got just one blue orb missing, 199/200 :lol They really need a thing that tells you stats by district so that you can see which area you're missing (like Burnout Paradise had).

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
faceless007 said:
Sorry if this has already been covered, but what's the consensus on the PC version? Does it run well, is it optimized, crash-prone, etc.? I have a C2D 2.4 (which I'm going to OC) and will soon be getting a GTX 275.

I'm running an Core 2 Duo E8500 and Radeon 4870 1GB and I have had it crash a few times. It has only happened in cutscenes, though and I have never had it crash during the actual gameplay.
Got it on Wednesday and I'm enjoying the shit out of it!

At first I was ready to give up after you lose your powers, but then when yoou gain them back, and you have the ability to use helicopters, IT'S FUCKING SICK!

One part that almost made me return the game, was when you first have to lead the hutners into the Military base, and they jump through the window..you fight of 2, then 3, then ANOTHER 4, then you have to blow up the damn fuel tanks! Fucking ANNOYING!

But when you build up your skills it gets great again. To those thinking they have got far with the amount of upgrades please think again, there are MORE!

At the moment I have to protect some take which is fucking doing my head in. I find sometimes there are too many enemies and the lock on system is not good enough. But other than that it's fine..

Gonna play some more of the side missions so I can buy all of the upgrades currently, because you can only open up more of the upgrades if you do the main missions, rather than the side missions...

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The game is best played on the easiest difficulty unless you are a real masochist. As you progress the game just becomes extremely cheap with rockets / missiles coming at you from all directions at all times and you will die pretty quickly if you have the difficulty up.
Zefah said:
The game is best played on the easiest difficulty unless you are a real masochist. As you progress the game just becomes extremely cheap with rockets / missiles coming at you from all directions at all times and you will die pretty quickly if you have the difficulty up.

I was under the same impression, and if that's the case, then count me out on a higher difficulty playthrough. The rockets make this game really annoying. Some missions I can just stealth my problems away but in any kind of offensive mission, if there's rockets...

Not that I'm bitter or anything.


Don't listen to the dude above me. Dodging rockets and diving behind buildings to change shape is part of what makes this game great.
Well I mean to each his own. If you're fully focused on escaping (just trying to lose the military) then it's a different story.

But when I'm trying to destroy one of those Pumps or take out a hunter or something, that's where I run into trouble. I'd rather have an epic battle with super soldiers and hunters than duck away from rooftop after rooftop of rocket launchers


I do both. I AM A MAN!

Seriously though, once you get the full body armor you can go hog wild. Destroying tanks and regenerating health faster than an army can drain it is lots of fun.

Cutting down the difficulty can lead to one dimensional gameplay.
That might have been my issue then, I never used the armor much. I just couldn't let my glide go!

I am wondering if i missed anything by playing on normal. I'm only slightly tempted to up the difficulty again. I've got my endgame save and mucking around there is all fun, so I don't really feel the need to punish myself on Hard.


I've found that jacking tanks makes 90% of missions piss easy. That's how I managed to beat
Elizabeth Green
and that's how I managed to beat last 10 or 12 missions. Just get into a tank and blast those motherfuckers!


ShockingAlberto said:
I think I might be ready to quit this game at the Bloodtox Facility.

I've tried twenty times and can't find a good strategy for it.

Normal difficulty?

Jack those tanks and don't be afraid to move away to heal up a bit before returning.

I'm a little confused as to the final twist at the end (didn't read through the whole thread, sorry). Where does
the general's responsibility get all absolved and Cross suddenly becomes the villain all over again
? I feel like I missed something in that last web sequence.


Nork unification denier
Davidion said:
I'm a little confused as to the final twist at the end (didn't read through the whole thread, sorry). Where does
the general's responsibility get all absolved and Cross suddenly becomes the villain all over again
? I feel like I missed something in that last web sequence.

I don't think
the General was absolved. He razed Hope, ID because the virus was uncontrollable, but instead of killing MOTHER and PARIAH he kept them for Blackwatch. Cross is probably the only compassionate guy among the various opponents Virus Mercer faces, even going so far as to express sympathy for him. I didn't quite grok that Cross had been consumed by the Supreme/Ultimate Hunter (or whatever it was called) since that Web of Intrigue clip (of Cross drawing a line on the ground with his shock stick) didn't show Cross losing. I initially thought that Cross was PARIAH, but then I realized he was too old to be PARIAH (who reportedly has the appearance of a young child). I suspect PARIAH will show up in the sequel (as will, hopefully, Mercer's sister and Doctor Ragland, since apparently Virus Mercer forgets all about them after he takes his revenge on Karen Parker).

I've never before played a game where you take on the identity of such a completely amoral antihero. The main character is a biological warfare researcher who decides that he's going to infect all of New York with a uniquely dangerous virus since the organization he works for takes objection to his absconding with a sample of such virus. I assume Human Mercer took the virus with him as insurance (or for blackmail) to prevent Blackwatch from erasing him like they erased Hope, but it still was a supremely assholish thing for Human Mercer to deliberately release the virus at Penn Station. (Unless the release was accidental? The WOI wasn't clear - we just see the vial breaking. I sort of like the ambiguity there.) And I feel bad for Karen Parker - Blackwatch tortured her to get Human Mercer's whereabouts. But Virus Mercer doesn't care - all he knows is that he was betrayed and that she has to pay for her betrayal. I sort of wonder if it's the Virus's own anger that everyone is trying to kill it or if it's the Human's anger at being consumed/dying that drives him.

The dialogue was clunky (I don't think Barry Pepper was the right casting choice for this character, though he does RAGEEEEE well), but for the most part the voice acting was good (it's just the conversations didn't really flow). I really liked the military chatter too. And I LOVED the WOI - whoever came up with that concept and worked on the presentation and production effects did a fantastic job. Just like the main character, the game player has no idea what's the heck is going on, let alone how he got where he is now, and has to hunt down Mercer's history (which is the game's narrative). A really creative concept and a really polished presentation.

I still can't get the last three Hard Military Consume events (two base infiltrations and one consume targets chase), but I did complete the WOI, which was my favorite part of the game. The gliding was my favorite event. I suck at rooftop running. I loved the differing ways you could wreak destruction in this game - there were almost too many; I don't really feel I mastered any of them. It made the two big boss fights particularly difficult since I had made the mistake of only sticking with a few of my favorite methods, which unfortunately were not the right tactics to have chosen for those boss fights. I think those fights are probably much easier if you work at getting comfortable with all of Mercer's moves.

I also really liked the game's recreation of New York, particularly as the infection spreads overtime. Those first few fires you see breaking out unattended really feel ominous. And then the infection and quarantine posters go up. And then there's chaos in the streets. Very "I Am Legend"-ish. I kept on wishing we could get off Manhattan at the end of the game (the voiceovers on the credits were absurdly optimistic - there's still a lot of dead people and the infected hives you kill keep on coming back).

So, Prototype was well worth my money. It's a completely different game from Infamous (which I adored) and Red Faction (ditto), so if you're a PS3-only owner who is abstaining from Prototype out of loyalty to Infamous you're only cheating yourself out of fun. If you're abstaining because you don't like playing a completely amoral antihero, that's fine though. :D

What a great summer for open world fans. Hopefully we'll see sequels to all three games - they all deserve one.

[And a tip of the hat to whoever thought of putting the silhouette of the Statue of Liberty out at the edges of the water. You can juuuuust make it out, but you can't get to it. Nice touch!]


this game had great potential, but i think the developers fluffed it with the incredibly confusing jumping-around story, and more than laborious missions that just feel like an effort. harnessed the right way, the gameplay could be incredible.


Sean said:
The Web of Intrigue is such fucking shit. I have only like 25 left (out of 130 or whatever) so I figured I'd go after the achievement (I think there's like 3 achievements tied to the web of intrigue actually). But every time I come across a WoI target, they get taken out either by an Infected, the military, or get hit by a car as he's crossing the street. Every fucking time.

I've also got just one blue orb missing, 199/200 :lol They really need a thing that tells you stats by district so that you can see which area you're missing (like Burnout Paradise had).
I did most of my WOI cleanup on the New Game+ game. It's way easier to get those guys during the early game.

ShockingAlberto said:
I think I might be ready to quit this game at the Bloodtox Facility.

I've tried twenty times and can't find a good strategy for it.
I had to totally exploit the checkpoints to pass -
I jacked tanks and just blasted out as many facilities as I could before dying. If I got enough to pass a checkpoint, then on respawn I'd be in the tank with those bloodtox facilities dead and the alert level reset to nil. Repeat until done. =P
Sean said:
The Web of Intrigue is such fucking shit. I have only like 25 left (out of 130 or whatever) so I figured I'd go after the achievement (I think there's like 3 achievements tied to the web of intrigue actually). But every time I come across a WoI target, they get taken out either by an Infected, the military, or get hit by a car as he's crossing the street. Every fucking time.

:lol this happened to me twice yesterday, as I was chasing one he got ran over by a tank, and he was an army general! The other person got blown up by a random tank randomly shooting missiles into civlians..

Game frustrated me again last night. I wasn't doing any missions but I was trying to take down all the hives, but random times my helicopter would just explode for no apparent reason, obviously somewhere someone was throwing stuff at me but I was HIGH as hell in the air, and I don't know where the projectiles were coming from :(


I don't know why people were complaining about Mercer's lack of morality. It was pretty obvious to me that he was totally amoral, that people are just food to him. he's not human anymore, it's like wondering why a fox has no qualms about killing chickens.

For a sequel I'd either like to see a prequel set in Hope, but with a far greater degree of interaction and presentation. Like part 1 of The Stand, you'd get a good sense of how the town goes from normal to hell. Or a sequel focusing on Pariah.


Does anyone have the final/end game upgrade list?

I'm at mission 29/31 and have purchased all available upgrades, but haven't received the trophy. I have purchased EVERYTHING as it became available, so I am 100% I am NOT missing anything. (I have all vehicle and weapon upgrades)

Do more upgrades become available during the final 2 or 3 missions?


Unconfirmed Member
Just started this up last night, played for about an hour or two maybe?
Just finished the first free mission, where you drop the building on all the hunters.

I can definitely see how it could get repetitive later on, but for now I just can't help but think that this is a GREAT example of how you should start off a superhero game. Not necessarily the exact plot or story layout, just the general feeling of being a pretty badass dude. I was worried after the little intro section that when they took away my powers I would go from a killing machine to a kitten, but even when it first drops you back off 18 days before the intro you feel like an ass-kicker; you've still got speed, can run up buildings, hop over and around traffic and pedestrians like they're nothing, etc. you can flatten the enemies, the jump kick is pretty cool and very handy, and one-hit killing with devour is fun. Then, right when the unlock menu first opens up, you have plenty of points to pick up several handy extra skills.

I'm really liking that I don't have to wait until halfway through the game to start feeling like a force of nature; from the get-go you really feel superhuman, but know from that intro that there is still a lot left for you to unlock and a lot more power for you to obtain.

Though I also already see the problems people have with the controls. Gliding is a freaking pain.


I played this entire game having a sprint problem, and found out I could have worked around it.

For some reason Tapping W, then holding W doesn't always work, and when you're being chased this can be a real headache.

Then on New Game+ I see a tip to just hold down "shift".

Hours of frustration, didn't have to happen.

Also the WOI tip about completing on the new game+ was a great tip, it's just loads easier, with no one trying to kill them.


Rented this game last week, I think I'm just over the halfway point now. I keep getting the mental picture of a bunch of early 20s designers sitting in a room for about 12 hours, yelling out things that would be cool. "what if you could shoot tentacles out of your hands?" "how about flying around the whole fucking city, that's cool" "yea but you could also drive tanks and fly helicopters" "AND your hands turn into a bunch of weapons" "yea but you could still shoot assault rifles and rocket launchers for some reason" "AND ZOMBIES" "and you could turn into other people too after you eat them!"

The end result is actually put together relatively well considering the sheer amount of clutter so many "features" create. It's far from perfect and it all doesn't add up to an amazing experience, but it's kinda fun. I'm skipping any story that's skippable and the challenges you get to make points/money feel like chores(other than the running and gliding ones) but overall, I like it.


First tragedy, then farce.
LTTP on this.. but MAN this game is a lot of fun. It has some issues, but the controls and combat are fun. Most fun I've had moving around a sandbox since crackdown. Gliding around and airdashing is just fucking fun. Combat is really satisfying now that I've got some power upgrades rocking.

I'm pretty early in the game still (I think) but I'm having a lot of fun just running around causing havok and getting upgrades. I'll get around to the missions again in a bit.

This might be my first gamefly "keeper" since I signed up for the service. We'll see how tired of the game I am and how much re-playability there is.

The game does a pretty decent feeling of making me think I'm running around NYC. Not as good as GTA4 in detail, but the scale of Manhattan is more accurate though obviously still condensed. Also, I can't find the Flatrion building :mad:


First tragedy, then farce.

Just got to the boss fight against Elizabeth Green. FFS. I've died like 20 times because of the control scheme. Whose bright idea made the camera control also the lock on control? I want to look at the boss, but in doing so get locked onto random mutants walking around.

Back to gamefly with you

The game has fun move around the city controls.. but combat, mission structure.. and well everything that isn't flying around the city is absolute shit.


StoOgE said:

Just got to the boss fight against Elizabeth Green. FFS. I've died like 20 times because of the control scheme. Whose bright idea made the camera control also the lock on control? I want to look at the boss, but in doing so get locked onto random mutants walking around.

Back to gamefly with you

The game has fun move around the city controls.. but combat, mission structure.. and well everything that isn't flying around the city is absolute shit.
Muscle Mass and throwing taxis for 20 minutes... FTW


I am playing ON EASY and it so FUCKING HARD by the last few missions of the game I WANT TO THROW MY XBOX THROUGH THE WALL.


So, I picked this game up off the PSN for $29.99 yesterday. Figured I'd give it a whirl and see how it went. I started playing a bit and... come 5:30 am in the morning I finally pass out as I've beaten the game.

Holy shit.

The story isn't great like everyone's said, but I thought the gameplay was so much fun. I see that a lot of people struggled with the final boss, but I just use rocket launchers on him - I'd kill guards, grab a rocket launcher, hit him with 5 to stun him and then do my grab and get my blows in. I beat him the first try no sweat :D

I've played Infamous too. I actually haven't beaten it yet, but I went back to try and play it some more today and I just found the game frustrating and overall irritating compared to Prototype. God damn fences getting in my way!

I got bored of it and went back to Prototype to do some more of th WOI and wreak havoc on the city - it's much more fun IMO.

Also, I saw a trailer on youtube today - apparently there is going to be an prototype 2 coming out in 2012 where a former marine has become infected and is out to kill Alex. Looks interesting.


Just beat the PC version. Not a single crash, except for my control-alt-delete rage quit on the final boss. I fucking hate it when developers ratchet up the difficulty to stupiifying levels towards the end OUT OF NOWHERE preventing you from finishing the damn game in a timely manner. The last boss seriously took me 2.5 hours (on normal) with countless deaths. The only way I could beat it was to find a glitched spot to regen health and spam attack/pray at the very end. So...frustrating. I beat Green the first time through, but it took me about an hour of constantly fleeing to regen my health.

Good game, frustrating end game.

EDIT: Wish I'd read about the rocket launcher trick. They don't do jack squat for damage, but I never tried spamming off all 5 for the stun.


I just got this on PC and its runs like 15 fps. I am running a:

i5 2500K 3.3
GTX 570

I lower settings and its still 15fps whats the deal?

EDIT: Figured it out for some reason if you have too man HID installed it drops the framerate. First I have heard of this WTF.
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