Wark said:Most likely, but there is nothing official yet.
Alright, thanks. Epic thread is very EPIC.
Wark said:Most likely, but there is nothing official yet.
[Nintex] said:Wow, 26 pages, that has got to be a new record.
We Europeans got the short end of the stick with the CE. On the other side, I'll soon be blessed with CAPGOD goodness once again after the incredible SFIV.
Capcom :bow
Captain N said:The storyline is the biggest draw for me with this game. I can't wait for Resident Evil 5 and to see what happens with the storyline and where they end up taking it.
Blablurn said:ok, ok! i surrender. i'm going to buy it.
Are you a fan of the series as a whole?MicVlaD said:Good work with the thread, cvx. You put a lot of work into it (though I imagine it'll be borderline excessive for some).
Also: I don't want t to rain on anyone's parade, but I'm doubting whether or not I should post some impressions here from the preview build I received recently. Let's just say I wasn't... enthralled by Resident Evil 5, by any stretch of the imagination.
ilanna said:I have a feeling that Wesker is going to die in this one. Just a guess.
I'm somewhat sure that all Resident Evil games are English voice only. The demo has no region lock, so I'm assuming the full game is the same.demigod said:Does anyone know if there will be English subtitles/voices in the JP one? Would I be able to play online with people who has the US version or is the online play region locked by the game? I would rather get the PS3 CE JP one for the pouch than that ugly girly man bag.
Sectus said:Omg, the controls sucks. Why aren't Capcom evolving the controls? Haven't they played any shooter the last 3 years????
Shooter controls has been the same since Halo 1, 3rd person shooters didn't add anything substantial besides a new camera angle. RE4 was released 4 years after Halo 1, and most people were okay the controls and loved the game. Besides, Capcom also released Lost Planet two years before RE5 using the same engine. They obviously have experience with those kinds of controls, but they still chose to use RE4's style of gameplay.
Resident Evil fans are ignorant. They obviously haven't played Gears of War, Dead Space or any other 3rd person shooter. If they played those games, they'd realize the controls in RE5 are dated and obsolete.
Dead Space or Gears does not have the same gameplay as RE5. Go play something else if you can't get used to the controls.
There's no way this game is gonna appeal to the casual gamer, controls are way too hard to get used to.
As if casual gamers are gonna have more trouble getting used to a one-stick control scheme than one which requires two sticks. It's the hardcore gamer which eats up games like Gears and CoD which is gonna have issues with the controls. And being hardcore gamers it should not be a big challenge to spend 5-10 minutes getting used to different controls. The controls are one of the reasons why the game has unique and fun gameplay compared to other shooters.
There you go! That's pretty much half of any thread regarding RE5 summed up. With that out of the way, no one has any reason to repeat similar arguments and counter-arguments whenever RE5 is released.
USD said:I'm somewhat sure that all Resident Evil games are English voice only. The demo has no region lock, so I'm assuming the full game is the same.
Speaking from my experience in the demo, Yes (The main menu is in English, even when Japanese language is selected in the Options. If the rest of the game is not in English, you can change the language in Options > Game Settings > the last option) and yes (I've been playing the US version, but I can play with JP players).demigod said:Oops, I meant menus. So the menus were in English and you were able to play co-op with others when you downloaded the JP while others downloaded from USA?
Same here!!!Ryn said:I'm excited this game is coming out during my college's spring break.
What, I'll actually have time to play a video game?