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The Official Smallville Season 9 Thread

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Smallville: Season Nine

Season eight of Smallville ended up being pretty darn good despite a low budget and a not so good Doomsday finale. That being said the first information and even video feed for season nine has come out and one thing is now certain. Season nine will be much better then season eight. Why am I so confident in that? Well the spoilers coming out along with the video footage both look and sound ten times better then what we got the previous season. Let's take a look at what is known so far...

Spoilers for season nine:

Tons and tons of season nine spoilers:

---Random Spoilers---

However, for the person that was worried - yes, it was clearly Clark and Lois. There's shadows and stuff going on, but the light shifts and it's clearly them. You see the sheets with the hands moving, Clark's face, and then cut to a shot of Lois's face as she tilts her head back...

I haven't read everything yet, so I don't know if you guys know about the train catch? That was personally my favorite part of the whole preview. Clark catches the train as it falls off the tracks. Lois is inside, on the glass, unconscious. The look on his face... well, it made my Clois heart go all aflutter. It's the first time he sees her since she's gone missing. (I believe Chloe figured out the Lois in the future thing? I'll have to rewatch again to make sure I got that right, but that was annoying.)

I think I'll try to work on one big post so I can organize my thoughts, but I don't know how long that will take. So for now, you guys get snippets. XD I'm a little lazy.

And yes, I did get the clip. However, I was sorta guessing and holding it at a weird angle (I was afraid they would tell me to stop). FORTUNATELY, I have the sex scene and the train catch, but I have to warn you - there are parts cut off as I couldn't really tell where the lens was pointing as I was trying to be inconspicuous. It's not bad for those two parts, though, which I was happy about. But it's horribly noticeable during the compilation part - I barely got the screen there (so I won't be posting that), but I adjusted sort of for the S9 preview. So I apologize in advance for when I put it up - it's cut off, BUT you can be sure that someone else will post a better version later. It'll be just to tide you over.


OMG more clip description (much thanks to hodgepodge over at DI):

CLIPS So I hope this gets up on the internet soon. It was definitely made of awesome. I wanted to go to the question microphone to ask if we could watch it again.

It looks like Lois shows up and tries to make it for her meeting with the RBB. She goes to the phone booth not wanting to be late picks up the phone. Shouts out something like "I'm here. I'm here if you need me." (I'm not really sure) So it seems like she thinks she was sent right back.

We see Lois kick some ass with this future chick with funky eyes.

You see lots of awesome saves by Clark

Chloe says something to Clark about Lois having been sent to the future. Clark kind of looked like he had an epiphany (like, oh of course, I DID leave that ring at the Planet)

But then

A nice train catch. He looks up and sees an unconscious Lois inside. The way he looks at her *sighs*

Then we see John Corbin at the DP, Lois picks up his nameplate and is talking to someone. She says something like I think there's more going on (but I could be completely wrong.)

Lois is undercover and tries to calm Ollie down cage fight ringside.

Lois and Clark's hot ass kiss. Which I'm sure you remember from earlier. Flashes. Fingers laced together on red blanket. It was kinda fuzzy but their faces were clear.

Metallo standing, his shirt off showing the Kryptonite in his chest.

Lois in the cage fight arena still undercover holding up a number sign (as in number of rounds)

Ends with Clark standing on a building in his new suit. This black combo with a black trench coat. His blue emblem on his chest. He dives off the building.

Chills people. It was awesome. I was gasping and I'm pretty sure hitting Krys in excitement.

Now I can't really say this is the order. And I'm sure my brain may have filled in some blanks with dialogue. But this is how I remembered it.

For more spoilers visit: http://www.kryptonsite.com/


Comic Con Cam Footage Trailer:

Comic Con Interviews:

Erica Durance (Lois Lane) interview with KryptonSite:

Allison Mack (Chloe Sulivan) interview with KryptonSite:

Callum Blue (Zod) interview with KryptonSite:

Cassidy Freeman (Tess Mercer) interview with KryptonSite:

Executive Producers Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders interview with KryptonSite:

Comic Con Video Interviews:

Erica Durance:

Allison Mack:

Justine Hartly:

Cassidy Freeman:

Kelly Souders & Brian Peterson:

Air Date: September 25th, 8PM Friday Nights


Season nine is looking really really good. Also it seems that Michael Rosenbaum was in talks about coming back for at least a couple episodes but they couldn't work out scheduling conflicts. Still it's looking like he will come back eventually for at least a guess role.

For those interested, I will periodically update this thread with new information and video feed as new content becomes available. The cam footage is looking really good and it looks like we are finally seeing the show move towards Superman the early years and everything sounds fantastic so far.

P.S: If anyone wants to create a better banner or have some formatting suggestions then let me know.


Haha, I was thinking about making this. But I wasn't sure if we should do a full season thread or try out weekly threads. Also, I was lazy since I had already done the Comic-Con thread.

Trailer is great, the budget looks higher than last year, and Clark's prototype suit looks cool.

Hopefully this season picks up from episode #21 last year in terms of quality, as I was disappointed in the finale. But other than a lackluster ending, definitely one of the best seasons of the show (2nd best for me -- season 5 being my favorite).


I am always up for suggestions. Also if anyone thinks they can make a better thread then they are more then welcome to do so. :D


This is good. Don't even worry about a better banner until we get some promotional posters or something like that.

Or you could just make it this, which someone screencapped from the trailer:




Geoff Johns talks about his upcoming Smallville "Society" episode. Not many spoilers so I'll just post:

Last year, Geoff Johns closed out Comic-Con International with news that gave long-time Legion of Super-Heroes fans a cause for rejoice and, if they didn’t have one already, a reason to watch “Smallville.” The superstar writer contributed a script to the CW’s primetime powerhouse that placed the Legion smack dab in middle of the “Smallville” mythos.

Well, he’s at it again. It was announced last Sunday at San Diego’s “Smallville” panel that this season, Johns is shifting his focus from a superhero team protecting the world thousands of years in the future to comicdom’s original superhero team – The Justice Society of America.

Johns, who wrote “JSA” and the re-launched “Justice Society of America” for nearly a decade, told CBR News that the producers of “Smallville” approached him shortly after the ninth season was commissioned by the network to see if he was interested in writing another episode. And he said yes -- with one caveat.

"I said I‘d be interested if I could bring another DC property that’s never been brought to live action, to live action. And so we talked a little bit and I pitched them my idea on how I thought a JSA episode would work because I wanted to remain faithful to what JSA’s all about but still work within the context of the show. And they liked it.”

Johns said it was way too early to discuss specific details about the episode but noted he was excited to be heading back to Vancouver for another project. “The writing staff working up there in Vancouver is excellent. And I’m really excited that I’m going to have the chance to work with everybody again. And of course, I’m really excited to be bringing the JSA to Smallville.”

Because the Legion members featured last season were heavy hitters – Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad and Cosmic Boy – CBR News nudged Johns for at least a tease of which JSA members we might be seeing. “I cannot to tell you that yet. But I can tell you there might be a character or two that you won’t expect,” teased Johns.

No airdate was announced for the episode, but Johns said, “I think it will be around the same time as last season, maybe early to mid-January, but we haven’t locked down the exact airdate yet.”



Some other random spoiler tibits:

Episode #9-4: "Echo"
October 16, 2009

Written By: Bryan Q. Miller

UPDATED 7/27/09: A villain from the past returns in this episode, and our money's on it being Toyman. (This was accidentally posted under #9-3 "Rabid" earlier today)
- Oliver ends up at a seedy club in Havana with two women in tow, and later ends up being chased by a large drug kingpin. He ends up having to be saved by one of his on-again, off-again associates and romantic partners.
- Meanwhile, Clark wears a tuxedo and a bow tie to gain entrance into the Ace of Clubs and goes by the nickname "Kennair." His "date" to the AoC? Lois in an elegant cocktail dress.
- Lois and Clark go to Metropolis General to interview a man who was held hostage, but it seems it may be a false lead. This still causes Clark's "reporter instincts" to get "kicked into high gear."
- Lois and Clark also interview a female hostage.
- It seems that Clark might get a new power to hear others' thoughts in this situation, hence the title.

UPDATED 6/26/09: There may be a line in the episode where someone says "And she doesn't notice the tag is still on the dress." (As revealed in our KryptonSite Bryan Q. Miller interview!)

More spoilers for other episodes here:

Freaking JSA appearing this year, Metallo, and God knows who else.

I want to see more DC properties brought to live action television. Marvel too. There's a freaking goldmine there.


Thunder Monkey said:
Freaking JSA appearing this year, Metallo, and God knows who else.

I want to see more DC properties brought to live action television. Marvel too. There's a freaking goldmine there.

Here is a slightly better copy of the Smallville trailer from Comic Con, also showing some new stuff:


The producers are also bringing in Roulette, an unannounced duo character set and a ton more and that's just for the early part of the season.

They also are trying to get Michael Back. Apparently they had dinner with him and were negotiating but evidently ran into many scheduling conflicts. Still it leads me to believe that we will see him return eventually. Whether it's season nine or ten, who knows but I am confident he will come back for at least an episode or two.

Also I added five more video interviews into the main thread with various actors and the show producers for those interested.

Here is a new interview with the showrunners:


Some bulletpoints:

-No flights or full on Superman costume until the very end. Most likely series finale.
-Why Clark hasn't flown yet will be addressed in episode one.
-Clark will finally work on completing his training with Jor-El in the Fortress of Solitude. Most people think that flight may be a reward for eventually finishing his training.
-Clark will explore more then one costume idea throughout the season.
-No budget cuts but no budget increases either.
-It is being said that season nine's episodes feel like a motion picture.
-They want Lex back but so far scheduling with Michael Rosenbaum has been unsuccessful.
-They are currently writing episodes 8 and 9. Apparently they have tons of ideas.
-Metallo and Roulette are making appearances this season.
-Geoff Johns is writing a Justice Society of America episode for this season.
-Producers fully anticipate a season ten, says for the most part all actors are signed on.

More in the actual interview link.

If they give a good reason why Clark isn't flying then maybe I can be ok with it since I realize the budget isn't the highest. It sucks but it is what it is. Still, judging by the season nine trailer, things are looking good for the show and really do like Clark's costume he has going.

Also, for those who really want to dabble with spoilers, here is a casting slide for episode 4 "Echoe":



I keep hoping they don't keep extending the seasons like there has been talking since they were gunning for Season 10... I still enjoy the show to a certain degree, but I kinda feel... either end the show so I can finally see Tom Welling as ACTUAL SUPERMAN and fucking fly AS SUPERMAN or do it sometime in Smallville's run... even if it's a fucking vision of the future for like a few frames... just finally give it to us!


If season 9 is the quality of 8, I'm all for 10, but they should end it there. Who would have imagined this show going for 10 years when it first came on?

It sounds like the showrunners are excited about the coming season, which usually lends itself to good quality.


Season nine has a lot going for it...

Clark experimenting with costumes, Clark finally doing his Fortress of Solitude training, Zod, Metallo, a ton of other DC characters, Geoff John doing a JSA episode, possible return of Lex Luthor if scheduling can be worked out, etc.

There is a ton of great story arcs it seems right from the beginning and I will even go so far as to say that the premiere sounds like it might best the season 8 premiere. I was a little weary like most people but the trailer looks very promising and the producers, writers and actors really all do seem excited for this new season. We only know about a few story arcs for the first few episodes and it already seems like a lot to look forward to.

Also Warner Brothers is apparently planning on releasing the Smallville Comic Con trailer online soon so when that happens, I'll post it here for you guys. Hopefully it will be an HD trailer.
omg rite said:
If season 9 is the quality of 8, I'm all for 10, but they should end it there. Who would have imagined this show going for 10 years when it first came on?

It sounds like the showrunners are excited about the coming season, which usually lends itself to good quality.

Only thing that worries me is that CW is trying their best to cash in on the Twilight fans with that Vampire Diaries and as a result, have moved Smallville to the night shows traditionally go to to die.


Michael Rosenbaum needs to stop being a dick and sign back on. What has he done since leaving the show?

Also, the comic-con trailer looked fucking amazing, I can't wait. Too bad about the show being on Fridays.


Medalion said:
I really hope this season is at least as good as the last, but with a better season finale when we get to it.

If the blurry Comic Con trailer is any indication, season nine will most definitely at least start off really well. The season nine Comic Con trailer looks a lot more interesting then the season eight Comic Con trailer. They are exploring a lot of new concepts this season and the blurry trailer really looked good. The ideas being tossed around also sound very awesome. I was very much against Zod when they announced that they were bringing him back but the actor choice for Zod and seeing Zod's army and what not, has changed my opinion quite a bit. I look forward to seeing what they do with that. I also look forward to the Justice League and Watchtower elements that are being heavily emphasized this season. Oh and Erica Durance getting upped to 18 episodes, how can I not watch? :D

Medalion said:
I keep hoping they don't keep extending the seasons like there has been talking since they were gunning for Season 10... I still enjoy the show to a certain degree, but I kinda feel... either end the show so I can finally see Tom Welling as ACTUAL SUPERMAN and fucking fly AS SUPERMAN or do it sometime in Smallville's run... even if it's a fucking vision of the future for like a few frames... just finally give it to us!

I feel the same way, as do most fans. The producers, at the very least, announced at Comic Con that Clark will not wear the full Superman costume with cape and fly until the series conclusion. I think the last episode, we will finally see him as Superman.

Ashhong said:
holy shit, was he in the superman suit?

It's not the Superman costume. The showrunners at Comic Con talked about Clark experimenting with several costume ideas throughout the season before eventually landing on the Superman costume we all know and love. The black trenchcoat with Superman symbol costume is more or less Clark's first costume trial run. I actually like the idea of exploring costume ideas and if handled properly, could be really cool.

ryutaro's mama said:
Only thing that worries me is that CW is trying their best to cash in on the Twilight fans with that Vampire Diaries and as a result, have moved Smallville to the night shows traditionally go to to die.

This is another concern but considering that Smallville is the CW's number one rated show so far, it will take a lot to kill it off. Also, the head of the CW stated herself that she is hopeful that the show can pull a tenth season next year as well. There is a lot of drive going into season nine and I think the chances are pretty high that the Friday Night death slot won't kill Smallville.

Weenerz said:
Michael Rosenbaum needs to stop being a dick and sign back on. What has he done since leaving the show?

Also, the comic-con trailer looked fucking amazing, I can't wait. Too bad about the show being on Fridays.

Finally it appears that Michael is at least exploring the option of coming back as a few days ago he sat down with the show's producers and discussed coming back. At Comic Con the producers stated that so far they have been unable to work with his schedule (what schedule, lol?). They also stated that Lex Luthor is most certainly not dead. I think there is a good chance that we will see Michael back as Lex eventually. If not season nine then definitely in ten. There is even a brief mention about a movie made at Comic Con which got everyone to cheer.
I want Chloe gone. Clark needs to fly or gtfo. Get rid of the cheesy Legion. Get rid of everyone.

Make a show around Lex (Michael) and I'll watch it. Honestly, he was the heart of the show.



Quite a bit of new content for Smallville so I figured I'd update this thread. First we have an official trailer (not the same one from Comic Con):


Next a couple more partial scripts for a couple episodes for those who like major spoilers:

Smallville - Episode 9.05 - Idol - Casting Sides:

Smallville - Episode 9.06 - Roulette - Casting Sides:

Smallville - Episode 9.07 - Crossfire - Casting Sides:

Some on set photos showing Clark in his costume:

Random spoilers [highlight to read]:

Episode 3: Rabbid:

UPDATED 8/6/09: Executive Producer Brian Peterson tells Entertainment Weekly that in episode 3, Lois (Erica Durance) and Clark (Tom Welling) are "in the trenches fighting zombies, and when they catch their breath from fighting, [romantic] sparks will fly."

UPDATED 8/3/09: "Rabid" is about a virus infecting Metropolis that turns people into zombies.
- Both Tess and Lois are infected by the plague.
- Cameron Bancroft, whose previous credits include 24 and the original Beverly Hills 90210, plays Dr. Coats, a virologist who is working on the zombie plague.
- Don't get too attached to the current Green Arrow costume - Oliver burns it in this episode.


Episode 5: Idol:

UPDATED 8/17/09: Lois meets her psychatrist, "Dr. Evans," and tells her there are things she wants to talk about off the record.
- Dr. Evans asks Lois to describe these dreams, and Lois tells her that they start off with "serious NC-17 violence" and then there's a recurring event - involving clothes coming off. "Lots of... naked... skin. Skin on skin."
- Dr. Evans asks if these dreams are about Clark and Lois gets defensive and says that yes, she's doing the "virtual kama sutra" with Clark Kent, and refers to her desk as "soft-core central."
- Dr. Evans suggests that Lois's dream may have something to do with wanting to uncover something that's hidden within Clark. Lois admits she does feel like he is hiding something, and that the closer she gets to him, the more she feels like Clark is going to disappear.
- "The Red-Blue Blur" calls while Lois is talking with Dr. Evans. The ring tone is "Holding Out For A Hero" (though of course this could change). Lois sends him to voice mail. Apparently the last time Lois opened up to the RBB, he vanished into thin air. The doctor suggests she still has feelings for this "mysterious caller," but Lois insists that he's history like "eight-track tapes" and "rotary phones."
- Chloe by this point knows that Clark has been calling Lois as "The Blur." She is there with him on the other side of the line. There is a reference made to "what happened with Corbin" from "Metallo."
- Chloe tells Clark he's going to need a better disguise.
- Something happens at one point that makes Lois think Clark is the Blur. The Blur does eventually reach her by the phone, however.
- Also in this episode it is Clark, not the Blur, who saves Lois from danger out on a ledge. There's a scene (possibly around the same moment?) where Lois wants to confess her feelings for him, and Clark looks deeply into her eyes, though it's unknown if they actually say anything.
- Dr. Evans tells Lois that there will be a time when she will have to choose between the Blur and Clark.
- Zan and Jayna may be transforming themselves into a black panther... and a sheet of ice.
- The Metropolis D.A., Ray Sacks, holds a televised press conference urging the Blur to "step out of the shadows." He invites Clark to show himself and take responsibility for his actions" at a public press conference and derides his work as "vigilante behavior."
- Later at the press conference, the Blur doesn't show... but Lois does... announcing that she knows the Blur. She then has a monologue about how and why the Blur can't come out and make his presence known, and that he needs to be what we all need - a symbol to believe in, and a light in the darkness.
- This episode will have a very "V For Vendetta" moment within.

UPDATED 8/14/09: Provided that these are indeed the "Wonder Twins"... "Zan" will be played by David Gallagher of 7th Heaven fame; "Jayna" will be Allison Scagliotti who was recently seen on Warehouse 13.

UPDATED 8/4/09: Smallville is now casting the roles of "Twyla," a "Pixie-punk teen," and her brother "Tanner," a "hot skater dude." *Cough*Zan and Jayna*cough cough*
- These two spray paint an "S" on the roof of a bad guy's limo, to catch the attention of their "idol," the Blur.
- Later, the duo visit Watchtower and see all of the high-tech gear that Chloe has within. Jayna "Twyla" asks Chloe if she's actually met the Blur, and if she is the Blur's sidekick. Chloe tells them that Watchtower provides support to all of the heroes of Metropolis. "Twyla" wants to tweet her "group" about what she has seen, and Chloe warns that if she says one word to anyone about it, any trace of her virtual existence will be evaporated.
- A sign of the current state of the Chloe-Clark interaction: Chloe tells them that "if you get good enough at it, one day you might find yourself saving your best friend, from an enemy, or even from himself."

UPDATED 8/3/09: A possible hint on the guest characters in this episode: It's very likely they may have the ability to turn into a bird and a bucket of water, respectively. Purple monkey optional. We'll see if that pans out. (Keep in mind this entry is just speculation and nothing is confirmed)


Episode 6: Roulette:

UPDATED 8/24/09: Steph Song will be playing Roulette. Song describes the character as "a trickster, a villain, a master deceiver all in a very tight red dress."

UPDATED 8/22/09: Lois learns of a secret Clark has been keeping about Oliver.

UPDATED 8/17/09: Oliver starts the episode's teaser at a speakeasy where he has maxed out his credit line and is generally down on life. He asks for a blowfish knowing that it could be delay. Roulette enters using the name of "Victoria Sinclair," wearing a red dress with high slits that reveal an elaborate dragon tattoo. She makes a reference to Oliver looking like "a guy down on his luck;" when he sees her, he says he thinks his luck "just turned around." Oliver admits to her that he's lost a certain lust for life, and she invites him to play a game with her. She then convinces Oliver to take a pill which makes his eyesight blur and he falls for the floor
- Later Oliver and "Victoria" are running, and he asks her what her "game' is. She tells him if he hadn't taken the pill, the people she works for would have killed her.
- "Victoria" is shot and her blood splatters all over Oliver's white business suit. Then Oliver is tasered by a cop who believes him to be a killer, and he is arrested and taken in to be questioned. He is released by an FBI agent who knows about the "game."
- Clark and Chloe share a scene where Clark is presented with an image of Alia (a Kryptonian character from earlier in the season).
- Chloe sees a symbol which disturbs her and refers to a "woman from the future" when talking to Clark - possibly talking about Alia there too.


John Geoff on "Society":

UPDATED 8/17/09: Geoff Johns tells KryptonSite that the Justice Society "will be heroes that come out of 'retirement' to see how the current generation operates."


Also Kandor will make an appearance in season nine.

Older spoilers for season nine can be found here:


Episode titles thus far:

9.01 Savior
9.02 Metallo
9.03 Rabid
9.04 Echo
9.05 Idol
9.06 Roulette
9.07 Crash
9.08 Kandor
9.09 Pandora
9.0X Society

Last but not least, for those who did not watch season eight, the CW has provided a three minute video recap of the season in which you can watch here:


So far it looks like season nine is slowly shaping up nicely. In fact the early footage and information seem to indicate that season nine has potential to beat season eight so good news for Smallville fans. :D



Surprised no one seems to be interested in Smallville this year. Season eight was solid (a little hit and miss towards the end but solid for what it was) but season nine so far sounds and looks like it's hitting all of the right notes.

Anyways, if there is still any fans out there, just thought I'd let you know that apparently Perry White may finally be coming to work at the Daily Planet sometime this season if all things go well. Here's the article (some spoilers inside):

As Clark Kent grows ever closer to becoming Superman, he will encounter more and more familiar visitors from the pages of DC Comics. Joining Smallville Season 9 villain Major Zod and his Kryptonian cronies Faora and Basqat, as well as Toyman, Metallo and Roulette, will be the Wonder Twins, the Justice Society of America and Green Arrow’s sidekick, Speedy! “It’s the newest version of Speedy,” says exec producer Brian Peterson. “Her name is Mia Dearden.” In the comics, Mia ran away from her abusive father and became a child prostitute who contracted HIV (fun stuff, eh?). The TV character will likewise be HIV-positive. “She has a sordid past and crosses paths with Oliver [Green Arrow] in some shady places,” says exec producer Kelly Souders. “But he gives her hope.” Mia, who will debut her red-and-yellow comic colors in Episode 6, has “amazing martial-arts skills” yet to be honed, Peterson says. Ollie will step in to train her.

Wonder Twins Zan and Jayna—from the Super Friends Saturday-morning cartoon series that ran in the ’70s and ’80s—pop up in Episode 8. Though they won’t have pointy ears, they’ll be wearing purple and will “activate” into an ice sheet and a cougar. There will even be a glimpse of their blue monkey, Gleek.

This winter, the Justice Society of America, whose members include Hawkman, Spectre, Doctor Fate and the Atom, come out of retirement to give “the screwed-up guys of the next generation a needed smack down,” says comic book author Geoff Johns, who wrote last season’s Legion of Superheroes episode and is also penning a big-screen Flash feature film for Warner Bros. “They’re the Mystery heroes who started it all–like the Watchmen.”

According to DC Comics lore, the JSA is a World War II-era team of aging superheroes who exist in an alternate reality universe known as ‘Earth Two.’ Popular members include Hawkman, Spectre, Hourman, Doctor Fate and the Atom, along with alternate grey-haired versions of Superman and Batman. Johns won’t say which members he’s writing in to the mid-season episode (it’ll be based on legal clearances), except to say they’ll be in their 40’s and mainstays Jay Garrick (the original Flash) and Alan Scott (the original Green Lantern) will not be included. “It’s going to be about them coming out of retirement to give these screwed up guys of the next generation a needed smack-down.”

And remember old Perry White, last seen as an alcoholic tabloid reporter in season three (played by Michael McKean)? Peterson says ‘The Chief’ may finally be “working his way to the Daily Planet.”


After that dissapointing closer to Season 8, I dunno. And bringing Zod in as a human, a la Doomsday last season... it's getting harder to take this seriously... I'll probably still watch it, but... I think the show needs to stop after this season and give us actual Superman, no more red-blue-blur crap...straight up Superman, flying...cape and the lot.


Last time I checked, Zod is a Kryptonian and he's one in the show as well. Zod appears to have a human looking form in the comics/movies as well. I see nothing wrong with how they are handling Zod this season but that is of course my opinion.


Medalion said:
After that dissapointing closer to Season 8, I dunno. And bringing Zod in as a human, a la Doomsday last season... it's getting harder to take this seriously... I'll probably still watch it, but... I think the show needs to stop after this season and give us actual Superman, no more red-blue-blur crap...straight up Superman, flying...cape and the lot.

Well first of all, the Doomsday story worked well for the most part.

Second of all, why are you comparing that to what they're doing with Zod? Zod IS a human looking character.


I wasn't looking forward to season 9 but after seeing the trailer a few weeks ago, I got pumped. Been watching since the pilot. Season 8 was pretty solid until Lana came back and the show lost all the momentum it had. Episodes like Legion and Hex were bright spots in the 2nd half. The finale felt too rushed and had too many things going on. But like I said season 9 look promising. The proto suit, more clark and lois action, JSA visiting, possible Perry White and Zod, I can't wait. I just hope the rumors of Terence Stamp as Jor-El pan out.


Whoa it's on season 9 already? I kinda trailed off at 7 due to work/school blah blah no time to watch. Wow.


omg rite said:
Well first of all, the Doomsday story worked well for the most part.

Second of all, why are you comparing that to what they're doing with Zod? Zod IS a human looking character.

I am confused how he get ressurrected into that humany looking Kryptonian form when his essence was infused into Lex then ripped out by the Crystal, that as I last looked was not the same one in that orb that eventually became Zod.
Medalion said:
I am confused how he get ressurrected into that humany looking Kryptonian form when his essence was infused into Lex then ripped out by the Crystal, that as I last looked was not the same one in that orb that eventually became Zod.
This is supposedly an earlier version (which naturally means time travel is involved) before he became 'General Zod'.
I'm an addict but fuck, the final episode left me so fucking disappointed I thought I'd smash the tv. The potentially most awesome fight in the serie handled like a fucking farce

will watch? Don't know, it still burns


I agree that the Doomsday episode was beyond disappointment. It's obviously a budget reason. It sucks but I am hoping season nine will deliver in terms of storytelling if it can't in special effects.

In the mean time, iTunes has just released a three minute clip from the season nine premiere, "Savior" in HD. The clip is a scene with Lois and Metallo and you can watch it on iTunes here:


As soon as someone uploads this to YouTube, I'll update this post with the YouTube link.


Kevin said:
I agree that the Doomsday episode was beyond disappointment. It's obviously a budget reason. It sucks but I am hoping season nine will deliver in terms of storytelling if it can't in special effects.

In the mean time, iTunes has just released a three minute clip from the season nine premiere, "Savior" in HD. The clip is a scene with Lois and Metallo and you can watch it on iTunes here:


As soon as someone uploads this to YouTube, I'll update this post with the YouTube link.

it was extra disappointing because of all the reports and hype that it might actually be the first Smallville fight that wasnt shitty. remember how much we were hyping that shit up?



Ashhong said:
it was extra disappointing because of all the reports and hype that it might actually be the first Smallville fight that wasnt shitty. remember how much we were hyping that shit up?


Well the fight scenes are not going to improve. The budget it to low to show anything big anymore. It sucks, trust me I was as disappointed with Doomsday as everyone else so I am basically hoping that they at least improve the writing in season nine to try and at least make up for the horrible budget.

Anyways, the three minute clip is now on YouTube:

Kevin said:
Well the fight scenes are not going to improve. The budget it to low to show anything big anymore. It sucks, trust me I was as disappointed with Doomsday as everyone else so I am basically hoping that they at least improve the writing in season nine to try and at least make up for the horrible budget.

I'm not buying this. Just make a fistfight with some shaky effects and you have your fight. They could have saved up some money by cutting one out of the bazillion Fortress of Solitude scenes, who cares


BRIAN AUSTIN GREEN (“TERMINATOR: THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES”) GUEST STARS AS JOHN CORBEN — Clark (Tom Welling) tells Jor-El he’s ready to start his training, but Jor-El sends him back to Metropolis to
cut ties with Lois
before he can begin. Chloe (Allison Mack) is shocked when Lois (Erica Durance) suddenly reappears after having been missing for weeks, but Lois has no recollection of vanishing into thin air with the Legion ring. While investigating a monorail crash, Lois meets John Corben (guest star Brian Austin Green), a new reporter at The Daily Planet, with a negative attitude toward the Red-Blue Blur. Chloe begs Clark to
use the Legion ring to go back in time to save Jimmy
, but he refuses, driving a wedge into their friendship. Meanwhile, Oliver (Justin Hartley) continues down a dark road, and Zod (Callum Blue) arrives at the Luthor mansion... Posted on KryptonSite. Kevin Fair directed the episode written by Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders (#3X5251).

We have the first official CW write-up of the season, folks.


So will this finally be the end to the show? I hvae this abusive relationship with it that won't let me stop watching. After the investment I just want to see how they end it.


Kevin said:
Well the fight scenes are not going to improve. The budget it to low to show anything big anymore. It sucks, trust me I was as disappointed with Doomsday as everyone else so I am basically hoping that they at least improve the writing in season nine to try and at least make up for the horrible budget.

Anyways, the three minute clip is now on YouTube:


yea i dont buy that either. they dont have to have a bunch of flying and stuff. they could have SOME basic punching and kicking added. all they show now is a couple of throws and call it a day

and is it just me or is the video skipping? feels like my computers lagging but i dont think it is


Xater said:
So will this finally be the end to the show? I hvae this abusive relationship with it that won't let me stop watching. After the investment I just want to see how they end it.

They plan it to last 10 seasons and possibly a movie. Also check out this scene comparison between the season six Zod episode and the season nine premiere. Notice anything similar? :lol

I stopped watching the episode Lana almost got sucked up into a tornado. Caught a few episodes since then. Always checking in from time to time to see how cheesy things have gotten. Seems we're right on track for a CW show.


Kevin said:
They plan it to last 10 seasons and possibly a movie. Also check out this scene comparison between the season six Zod episode and the season nine premiere. Notice anything similar? :lol


Holy shit dude, spoilers... I didn't need to see that image of Clark wearing the -El logo... fuck...


Teh Hamburglar said:
I stopped watching the episode Lana almost got sucked up into a tornado. Caught a few episodes since then. Always checking in from time to time to see how cheesy things have gotten. Seems we're right on track for a comic book TV show/movie/anything.


On that note, here is awesomeness:



Season Nine writeup [many spoilers]:

Soaring into its ninth season, this modern retelling of the Superman legend and its classic characters continues to blend realism, action and emotional depth to reveal a new interpretation of the enduring mythology. This season, as Metropolis' clock tower tolls our characters' darkest hour, we find Clark Kent (Tom Welling) finally making his first attempts to embrace his calling as a superhero.

After the events of last season, Clark takes on the mantle of protector of Metropolis, trading in his familiar red-and-blue for black-and-gray, sticking to the city's shadows and rooftops to become a solitary sentry simply known as "the Blur." While Clark wrestles with his identity, feeling forced to choose between his Kryptonian heritage and human past, he'll encounter even more powerful enemies and allies from across the DC Universe. This season will feature new and past nemeses, including Metallo (Brian Austin Green, "Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles"), the man with the Kryptonite heart; Roulette, a sexy mastermind; the return of Toyman; and the always-treacherous Zod (Callum Blue) as a young Major and leader of an invading alien army, who befriends fellow Kryptonian Clark just as his venomous side is beginning to emerge. This season will also feature an appearance by DC Comics' first all-star team of superheroes, the Justice Society of America, in an episode penned by renowned comic book writer Geoff Johns, who returns to the show after writing last year's fan favorite episode, "Legion."

After a year of protecting Metropolis as the "Red-Blue Blur," Clark Kent finished season eight with the weight and fate of the world on his shoulders, facing down Doomsday. Clark emerged victorious, but his decision to ignore the Justice League's warnings and save the human side of medic Davis Bloome (Sam Witwer) from the monster Doomsday came with a tragic cost – Davis turned out to be just as evil as the beast he'd been bonded to, and murdered Jimmy Olsen (Aaron Ashmore) in front of Chloe (Alison Mack), the woman they both loved. In the wake of Jimmy's death, Chloe retreated into her Watchtower, the Justice League disbanded, and Oliver Queen (Justin Hartley) went into a downward spiral, retiring his Green Arrow persona. And Clark turned his back on his own humanity, leaving behind life as "Clark Kent" to exist solely as "the Blur." Meanwhile, Tess Mercer's (Cassidy Freeman) obsession with Clark's Kryptonian origins came to a head when she confronted intrepid reporter Lois Lane (Erica Durance) about a mysterious alien orb that Tess thought Lois had stolen from her, resulting in the two women battling it out in the Daily Planet. During the fight, Lois touched Clark's time-traveling Legion Ring and vanished in a flash of light, lost somewhere in time. And Tess returned home to discover the orb had released a young version of the villainous Kryptonian, Zod, as well as the entire population of the lost alien city of Kandor. But Clark finished the season unaware of this new threat. Instead, he remains haunted by Lois' sudden disappearance, fearing the woman he cares about most could have been killed during his fight with Doomsday.

The season nine premiere takes place three weeks after Clark and Doomsday's epic battle. Obsessed with becoming the hero the world needs, Clark is now literally leaving his mark on Metropolis – having fully embraced his Kryptonian side in order to finish training with his father Jor-El, Clark has started wearing the iconic "S"-shield on his chest, and spreads the symbol around the city in an effort to give its people hope.

Whereas Clark is working alone, Chloe feels driven to reunite the disbanded Justice League. Her biggest challenge is Oliver Queen, who'd rather lose himself in underground fight clubs and drunken one-night stands. Oliver's friends will hatch a plan to bring him back from the edge. Reconnecting with the hero inside of him, Oliver will return with a renewed purpose, even searching out an apprentice in Mia Dearden, DC comics' teenaged sidekick "Speedy."

Clark and Oliver will find themselves caught up in a love triangle with Lois, as both men's passions begin to burn brightly for her. Returning from her trip through time, Lois starts experiencing nightmarish visions of the future. Could they come true? If so, one not-so-troubling image is playing itself over and over in her head – Lois and Clark locked in a romantic, erotic embrace. Meanwhile, Clark continues to be conflicted over his own feelings for Lois. As the sparks fly, Lois and Clark's relationship will deepen, leading to their first true kiss, and possibly something more.

Meanwhile, Clark and Chloe's relationship is starting to become strained. No longer content just being Clark's sidekick, Chloe uses Watchtower's powerful computers to spin her own web of influence and intrigue, manipulating people like chess pieces in the name of the greater good. But when Chloe begins to believe the ends justify the means, it sends her on a collision course with her friend and ally Clark.

When it comes to master manipulators, Tess Mercer has emerged as the rightful heir to Lex Luthor's legacy. Always inscrutable, Tess has her hands full this season with an army of Kryptonians, newly arrived from the lost city of Kandor and led by the infamous Zod. However, this incarnation of Zod is younger than the one we remember – he has yet to grow into the power-mad psychopathic dictator, General Zod. Season nine's Zod may only be a Major, but he's already a cunning strategist and charismatic leader who knows how to inspire his troops. But behind his magnetism and those piercing eyes, Zod is still very dangerous. When Zod and Clark eventually meet, Clark recognizes that if he can befriend his fellow Kryptonian, he might be able to influence Zod away from becoming an evil, twisted tyrant. While it's true this Major Zod has certain vulnerabilities, it may only take a handful of betrayals to turn him into Clark's deadly arch-nemesis.

"Smallville" was developed for television by Alfred Gough & Miles Millar ("Shanghai Noon," "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor"), based on the DC Comics characters. Kelly Souders & Brian Peterson serve as executive producers, along with James Marshall, Mike Tollin, Brian Robbins and Joe Davola. The series is produced by Tollin/Robbins Productions and Warner Bros. Television. SUPERMAN was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster.


Ausiello Files:

Turns out that kneel-obsessed kook Zod traveled to Earth with some iconic cargo.

Sources confirm to me exclusively that Smallville has cast Julian Sands (24, Warlock, a million other things) to play a young Jor-El. He’ll make his debut in the November episode “Kandor” when it’s revealed that he arrived with Zod and the other Kandorians.

Save for a brief appearance in season 2, Jor-El has been heard but never seen on Smallville (Terrence Stamp does the voiceover honors). As of now, Sands is locked in for one episode.

Smallville’s ninth season kicks off Friday, Sept. 25 at 8 pm — that’s two weeks from tonight for those who don’t have a calendar handy.

Also a some what new short promo that aired during the Vampire Diaries Thursday night:

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