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The Official Smallville Season 9 Thread

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Solo said:
Lulz if you think its the only area shes had work. Her nose is another obvious area.
I'm really not sure how this is a relevant topic.

Omg! She's had work done! Now she's just as bad as 90% of modern starlets!

Go vent in the hot womans thread if you want to hate on plastic people. Lotsa GAFers seem to love the doll look.


I wasnt the one who brought up plastic surgery, nor was I the one who got baited and hooked, mang. Just adding my 0.02.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Kevin said:
The episode was really good but apparently the Friday death slot really hurt this show. The premiere got 2.5 million viewers down from 4.5 million last year for the premiere. While it's still one of the best rated shows on the CW, I'm not sure season ten will still happen. This really blows!

Well I just watched it on cwtv.com, because I wasn't able to watch it Friday. I don't know how useful to them views online would be, but they can't expect a tv show appealing to young people would do the same numbers on a Friday.

I think the show will get renewed for its Friday slot, though. I read that it beat out a show on Fox called Dollhouse, which can't be a bad thing.

I thought the episode was disjointed, but there were a lot of things I liked too. Clark and Lois are going to be good together. Clark talks a lot more this season it seems; it's really amazing how far he's come from the first season where he would barely speak. The special effects were a lot more than last season (WTF doomsday).

Looking forward to next week. If the show had stayed on on Thursdays instead of that ripoff vampire show, I could've watched it this week. sigh


There are more special effects, but the budget must've been really small... I've never seen a smallville premiere with such poor CGI even since the first season. This is the kinda cgi I would see in throwaway middlish episodes.
Kevin said:
The episode was really good but apparently the Friday death slot really hurt this show. The premiere got 2.5 million viewers down from 4.5 million last year for the premiere. While it's still one of the best rated shows on the CW, I'm not sure season ten will still happen. This really blows!

Fuck CW. If they ever pull the plug because of ratings they have no one but themselves to blame. Last season had good ratings, didn't deserve the shove.
Killing_Joke said:
Fuck CW. If they ever pull the plug because of ratings they have no one but themselves to blame. Last season had good ratings, didn't deserve the shove.
Hell, the first half of season 8 was hitting season 6 numbers.

The latter half dropped like a rock, but still did pretty well. They screwed themselves with the move. The finale last year was just shy of 4 million viewers (iirc) and the premiere this year didn't even top 3 million.


Some random stuff:

Advance Review: "Metallo!":

Brian Austin Green: From Terminator to Smallville (interview):

TV Guide Brian Austin Green interview:

Smallville - Cassidy Freeman Interview (audio):

Smallville - Episode 9.02 - Metallo Sneak Peek:

Smallville - Episode 9x04 Echo - HQ Promo Pics:


Kevin said:
The episode was really good but apparently the Friday death slot really hurt this show. The premiere got 2.5 million viewers down from 4.5 million last year for the premiere. While it's still one of the best rated shows on the CW, I'm not sure season ten will still happen. This really blows!

I wouldn't be too worried. It's still better than most of the CW's lineup, like you said. And they had to have known ratings would take a hit by moving it to Friday.

New episode in 20 minutes!

On that note, anyone in New York City: the show will be airing tomorrow night at 8, because of a baseball game.


Awesome episode! Agreed with Spike on the opening. And I'm glad they didn't draw out this whole Clark Kent is Batman thing. It was definitely a good way to start the season, but you can't go forever with him not interacting with people like a human.

Two things bug me, and this is the show overall:

1) The music can be really good at times, but they need to learn it's okay to have silence at times. They don't need non-stop orchestration happening. Some scenes would work better without it. If I remember correctly, the first 5 seasons had a different composer and he left silence in at times.

2) I know this is probably a budget thing, but dammit. I miss having outside shots. Everything is on a set now. I don't expect them to film in the city like they used to for Metropolis, but how about some big fields?

But as far as the episode goes, good stuff! Excited to have
back next week.
Milabrega said:
Fucking Mets game. I mean seriously the Mets. They were out of playoff contention months ago. Jerks.

This is why CW is trash, you put the Mets ahead of Smallville second week into the new season.......
The ratings will likely be down since it was preempted by a Mets game. I'd say maybe even down 300,000 or so.

Fucking awesome episode though. They're getting pretty good at hiding how low their budget is.


These first two episodes have been better than the first two episodes of the past 3 seasons. Might be the first good season since S5, but then again, theres still 20 more eps to go.


I liked this episode. Brian Austin Green once again comes through in sci-fi... like he did in Sarah Connor Chronicles. Which btw, I noticed a a bit of nod to when Lois says to Chloe how they have a real live Terminator loose, referring to John Corbin/Metallo. I hope he comes back, he could be an awesome character.

I still think Clark/Kal is still too batmany. The thing at the beginning with him on the rooftops listening to people, and using a hand-held device to neutralize Metallo with the EMP device. Ultimately it was Clark's use of the heated led and sealing it against Metallo's chest that did the most good... when Metallo removed it, he removed his kryptonian power cell/heart and "died".

I don't like this new hacker/nerd boy they have working for Tess, he just comes out of nowhere and knows everything a little too easily. And that scientist friend of Chloe's is also being forcibly shoved down our throats too.

Much better episode than last week's... but I would like to have seen more of Clark's training.


Actually guys, ratings weren't terrible considering it wasn't even on in NYC and it still did better than Dollhouse on Fox.

Smallville went down a little bit from last week in the overnight ratings, with the number surely to change (for better or for worse) with final totals, considering the show was pre-empted by baseball in the NYC market. (WPIX, you suck!)

On the bright side, though, the show didn't fall as sharply as Dollhouse did on FOX, which ended up with only 2.09 million this week (Ouch.) And it does seem like everything but Law & Order went down a little from last week. The Top Model repeat following Smallville had a preliminary rating of 1.43 million viewers - wouldn't the Friday 9PM slot be better served with Vampire Diaries encores?

In the "adults 18-49" demographic Smallville also beats FOX's Brothers and came close to matching ABC's Flashfoward repeat.

Here's the overnight-ratings breakdown (Source: TVByTheNumbers):
#1 Ghost Whisperer CBS 7.63 8.58
#2 Law & Order NBC 6.68 6.29
#3 Flashforward (R) ABC 3.76 4.55 (R)
#4 Brothers (8:00-8:30) FOX 2.42 2.82
#5 Smallville The CW 2.39 2.50
#6 'Til Death (8:30-9:00) (Season Premiere) FOX 2.29 N/A


But are the ratings good enough to warrant a season ten? It's likely that the ratings will fall during the second half of the season since that is the trend every season. We could see ratings below the 2 million mark. Would the CW still renew it for a tenth and final season as initially planned?


Kevin said:
But are the ratings good enough to warrant a season ten? It's likely that the ratings will fall during the second half of the season since that is the trend every season. We could see ratings below the 2 million mark. Would the CW still renew it for a tenth and final season as initially planned?

The CW doesn't exactly have a lot of quality shows. On a Friday night, with those ratings, Smallville is one of the top rated shows on the network. They weren't expecting the same ratings as last year on a Friday.

I think it'll be fine. And if not, I'm sure they have an idea of how to end it this year.


wat the fuck would the CW replace it with...the shows on that channel are so bizarre. why cant they rise up and bring better shows?
Ashhong said:
wat the fuck would the CW replace it with...the shows on that channel are so bizarre. why cant they rise up and bring better shows?
Supernatural is one of the best shows around. Vampire Diaries should attract all the Twilight lovers... and considering that's a big audience...


Mr. Durden said:
Don't think he's gone yet. Think Tess is reviving the guy

It actually sounded more like we will get something that is more like Metallo. Didn't the guy say that there is not much human left?


How's this season so far? Last season I wasn't digging it so I waited for the season to be over before just blasting through it in a few days. I felt like there was no way I'd stick with it on a weekly basis, so I guess I'm going to do the same thing this season unless it looks particularly interesting.


NimbusD said:
How's this season so far? Last season I wasn't digging it so I waited for the season to be over before just blasting through it in a few days. I felt like there was no way I'd stick with it on a weekly basis, so I guess I'm going to do the same thing this season unless it looks particularly interesting.
I need to download episode two. I have never liked the show, but as a comic fan I make guest appearances for selected episodes. The first episode is interesting to watch Superman transform into Batman. It's very strange and awful but yet somewhat intriguing.

Second episode is Metallo which I need to watch.


NimbusD said:
How's this season so far? Last season I wasn't digging it so I waited for the season to be over before just blasting through it in a few days. I felt like there was no way I'd stick with it on a weekly basis, so I guess I'm going to do the same thing this season unless it looks particularly interesting.

First episode is meh, 2nd one is much better, but then again I have learned to enjoy Brian austin green's portrayals in sci-fi, with his stint on sarah connor chronicles, so I am somewhat biased.


Not an asshole.
It blows my mind this show is still going. I think I stopped around... season 5?

Season 1 is classic in my mind. I can't believe I was 13 when the show started :lol


Last episode was awesome, if this season keeps this up it'll be the best by far, even better than last season which I loved(apart from the weak ending...damn budget). I was pretty surprised at how bloody the car crash scene was as they normally try and tone it down on this show.

Kodiak said:
It blows my mind this show is still going. I think I stopped around... season 5?

Season 1 is classic in my mind. I can't believe I was 13 when the show started :lol

I'm kinda surprised they didn't make a new series. It's a hell of a lot different now to the collage 90210 crap the early seasons were, it's more...superman now.


Like all things, those epidoes needed time to appreciate in value.

The super campy shit of season 1 is seen as being superior... gag. It was way too teen relationshippy than Superman-y with meteor freak of the week to boot. C'mon now.
I'm a massive Superman fan but I have a love-hate relationship with Smallville. There is less emphasis of the coming of age of Superman/Kal-El and even less so on the actual development of Clark Kent as a man. Instead we seem to be offered individuals wearing formal clothing whilst trying to juggle their love-life (or lack of) at the same as fighting off Kryptonite infected villain #13583. One wonders whether we're still back at Smallville High only with desks instead of lockers.

The departure of Michael Rosenbaum has really hurt the show in my opinion. He brought such energy and in an indirect way evoked the image of Superman whenever he and Clark came face to face. The fact that the main theme of the show so far is this pathetic lust fest between Clark and Lois only personifies how immature and cringe worthy it has become in my eyes. Fine, show 'the couple' - but I seem to remember this show having something to do with Superman?

Well, according to the new promo photos apparently the writers have forgotten.
They have Clark dressed as up Neo. If you ever wanted a visualisation of the term "rip off", then here it is.

Seth C

That airplane shot was some of the worst CG I've ever seen. Worse even than the CG in the un-aired version of the Smallville pilot from nearly 10 years ago.


:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol wat the FUCK was that plane CGI?! holy shit :lol not to mention the theory of dropping some kind of antidote from that high up as a possible solution, wow. it got mixed in with the rain or something? :lol


i'm really getting sick of the whole will they/wont they Lois & Clark stuff, especially the intense staring :lol

just do it already
An okay episode.

I actually liked the cheesy zombie stuff. That airplane CG was indeed awful.

I want to see SuperBlur get his rocks off. He just doesn't get lucky too often.


You'd think shows like this one and Dollhouse who are constantly under threat of being cancelled would just cut the bullshit and give the fans what they really want.
Ashhong said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol wat the FUCK was that plane CGI?! holy shit :lol not to mention the theory of dropping some kind of antidote from that high up as a possible solution, wow. it got mixed in with the rain or something? :lol
It makes sense in a comic book logic sort of way.


jey_16 said:
i'm really getting sick of the whole will they/wont they Lois & Clark stuff, especially the intense staring :lol

We'll, to be fair, they did the godawfully sappy "will they/wont they" shit for about 7 fucking years with Clark and Lana, so relatively speaking, the Clark and Lois version is only in its infancy :lol
The opening scene and the "zombies" were taken straight out of 28 Days Later.

Oliver's line when he came blasting with a shotgun was pure gold :lol
"I was looking for Tess when the whole building went Resident Evil."
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