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The Official Smallville Season 9 Thread

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Wow, Welling seems like a really nice guy, and I love how much he cares about the show. PLEASE let him have his way. Lex NEEDS to come back. He's right, how do you have the real Superman after 10 years and not have fucking Lex Luthor? A few episodes with Lana would be nice as well. It's the final season...go out with a bang dammit.

And now that its almost here, I cant even imagine Welling in the suit. Its going to be so awesome.


Solo said:
Kristen Kreuk they will be able to get back. Micheal Rosenbaum they won't. So, they'll have to recast.

Recast Lex in the final season? They better not. I would rather they didn't even have him. Give him a bald cap and have him back dammit!
Ashhong said:
Wow, Welling seems like a really nice guy, and I love how much he cares about the show. PLEASE let him have his way. Lex NEEDS to come back. He's right, how do you have the real Superman after 10 years and not have fucking Lex Luthor? A few episodes with Lana would be nice as well. It's the final season...go out with a bang dammit.

And now that its almost here, I cant even imagine Welling in the suit. Its going to be so awesome.

Great Rao, I can!




I am Korean.
Ashhong said:
Wow, Welling seems like a really nice guy, and I love how much he cares about the show.
Strange since he seems to be the main force keeping the show perpetually stuck in neutral.


Freshmaker said:
Strange since he seems to be the main force keeping the show perpetually stuck in neutral.

I was under the impression that he was the driving force the past season or 2, and that he was really trying to get more mythology in the show?

And hot damn, those pictures look awesome. The season 10 thread title better have Superman in it. The Official Season 10 Thread of Superman, the series


krypt0nian said:
Aren't all these mentions of "no tights, no flights" from the original show runners?

Smallville is pretty much free to have Kal fly in the opener with the blue and red s on as well.

That said I'd rather have a 2-3 ep build up to it.
I will smash my TV if he doesn't fly in the premier.


krypt0nian said:
Aren't all these mentions of "no tights, no flights" from the original show runners?

Smallville is pretty much free to have Kal fly in the opener with the blue and red s on as well.

That said I'd rather have a 2-3 ep build up to it.

Honestly, I'm hoping that's what we see in the cold open to the season premiere. Clark falling, blue Kryptonite dagger in his stomach. He pulls it out, tosses it to the side, and flies away as the portal closes.

Matrix said:
What sucks is the budget isn't going to be increased one bit.... as of now. If he wears the suit more than once with flying, cw will make Welling play it old school and have him jump out a window off two feet like George Reeves cause they won't afford to make great flying scenes like from season 4.

Plus if they have a shit ton of guests back on the show, there goes money. I don't see why we need Lana back and did welling forget that she's practically walking kryptonite.

Eh, no matter who they bring back for the final season, the truth is that their special effects aren't going to somehow look a lot better. I'd rather see old faces pop up for a couple episodes. Definitely hoping to see Jonathan back for an episode or two. It would be nice to bring Pete back to give the guy a proper return episode. That season 7 one was AWFUL.

And yeah, I'd enjoy seeing Lana for an episode or two as well, as long as there is ZERO romantic plot between the two. Something along the lines of them being completely over each other and moved on but really good friends.


Ashhong said:
Wow, Welling seems like a really nice guy, and I love how much he cares about the show. PLEASE let him have his way. Lex NEEDS to come back. He's right, how do you have the real Superman after 10 years and not have fucking Lex Luthor? A few episodes with Lana would be nice as well. It's the final season...go out with a bang dammit.

And now that its almost here, I cant even imagine Welling in the suit. Its going to be so awesome.

I've never known what to think of Welling since he has always been a very private guy and never even went to a Comic-Con until last year. But hearing him get excited about the final season being nostalgic and saying how he'd love to do Comic-Con again, he comes off a genuinely nice dude.

As for "PLEASE let him have his way", Lex coming back isn't up to anyone on the show. They've tried to get him back and he's said no. But he has said in the past that he wouldn't be opposed to returning for the final episode.

Solo said:
Kristen Kreuk they will be able to get back. Micheal Rosenbaum they won't. So, they'll have to recast.

Zero chance of them doing that.

Freshmaker said:
Strange since he seems to be the main force keeping the show perpetually stuck in neutral.

Huh? Not at all. The original producers had a "no flights, no tights" rule and they left after season 7. I mean back in the day he might have said something like he didn't want to wear the suit but he was in his early/mid-20's and now he's in his early 30's. I'm sure he's grown up a bit.

Either way, it's not like he gets to decide that. :lol


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
They had a nice budget in season 4, I was just hoping for a slight increase for flying effects since it's the end, that's all. Hell when was the last time Clark used xray vision? I know we have seen it a tons before, but even effects like that have been done away with. The effects guys they have are talented to be able to pull off what they can with what they have to work with. God knows what they could do if they upped it just a little. As for guest stars, all I care to see is Lex and one more Pa Kent scene. If they can somehow erase the whole Lana supehero kryptonite suit bs, then I'm down with them bringing her back for a couple.

I don't think you will see Pete as a guest star, dude got in trouble with the law in real life with drugs or something. I don't think the cw is going to bring him back.
Pete is actualy my most hated Smallville chara. If they skip him, no tears will be shed.

I just hope that Chloe comes back for at least one more ep. I'd hate for her to just be written off behind the scenes.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
krypt0nian said:
Pete is actualy my most hated Smallville chara. If they skip him, no tears will be shed.

I just hope that Chloe comes back for at least one more ep. I'd hate for her to just be written off behind the scenes.
Mine was a toss up between Pete and Whitney.

She will be back for more than one.


Matrix said:
They had a nice budget in season 4, I was just hoping for a slight increase for flying effects since it's the end, that's all. Hell when was the last time Clark used xray vision? I know we have seen it a tons before, but even effects like that have been done away with. The effects guys they have are talented to be able to pull off what they can with what they have to work with. God knows what they could do if they upped it just a little. As for guest stars, all I care to see is Lex and one more Pa Kent scene. If they can somehow erase the whole Lana supehero kryptonite suit bs, then I'm down with them bringing her back for a couple.

I don't think you will see Pete as a guest star, dude got in trouble with the law in real life with drugs or something. I don't think the cw is going to bring him back.

We still see Xray on a semi regular basis I think. Not like every episode but a few times a season. One specific time I remember was when Clark scanned Tess office and found her secret slide


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ashhong said:
We still see Xray on a semi regular basis I think. Not like every episode but a few times a season. One specific time I remember was when Clark scanned Tess office and found her secret slide
I think that's like one of the few times all season we saw him use xray. We did get to see red krypto Kal make snowflakes!

Even his speeding is just a gust of wind most of the time. I totally understand all the budget stuff and also the need to not always have to show the same super stuff all the time. I just remember the old days when they could practically use any effect they wanted and at any time.


will gain confidence one day
Solo said:
Kristen Kreuk they will be able to get back. Micheal Rosenbaum they won't. So, they'll have to recast.
This is why I suggested months ago that they make the villain of the season a time-travelling Lex from the future who knows Clark becomes Superman. Maybe he stole some of Booster Gold's tech to go back in time, meaning the JLI can get written into the show.


Matrix said:
I think that's like one of the few times all season we saw him use xray. We did get to see red krypto Kal make snowflakes!

Even his speeding is just a gust of wind most of the time. I totally understand all the budget stuff and also the need to not always have to show the same super stuff all the time. I just remember the old days when they could practically use any effect they wanted and at any time.

Yea its true, most of the effects are pretty short now. Thats why, while pretty damn cool, the fight at the Checkmate headquarters reeked of low budget to me. I wasn't sure if they did that fight scene to be cool like a comic book, or to save money. Maybe both?
Ashhong said:
Yea its true, most of the effects are pretty short now. Thats why, while pretty damn cool, the fight at the Checkmate headquarters reeked of low budget to me. I wasn't sure if they did that fight scene to be cool like a comic book, or to save money. Maybe both?

Either way fuck it worked out great visually.


omg rite said:

Nice. I was expecting something like that.
Just saw the final episode of the season and wow....I love this show even after going into 10 years :3

After Season 10 series finale I need a Smallville box collection. This black suit is dope.
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