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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

slayn said:
when I backdash against fuerte, a (what would have been a crossup) splash still hits me. Thats the only one though I think.

Also I imagine if fuerte expects the backdash, he dash for half a second longer and hit you while you are recovering from the dash.

when a Fuerte knocks me down and starts doing mixups with crossup splashes and slide...I got so fucked up. So far my only defense, is Focus Attacking (which still leaves me open for that neck throw) and block. So it's mainly a guessing game.


Oh man... having to witness your own button mashing frenzy is priceless. I must have attempted 20 consecutive teleports at one point. :lol I like this replay feature... I can see a lot of people learning from this.


I loaded it up today, checked the leaderboards and watched some videos. How do you view the inputs though? I was afraid of pressing a button during the replays and canceling out of it.
Got up to G3-B before i took a break. At least 20? Matches maybe. Not a single disconnect. Saw my first green bar, too! Very few flowcharts.

I believe you start losing GP once you hit G1.


Aeris130 said:
Sarcasm? (can't tell...)

no. Its like that : you always gain GP, but you can (and will) loose CP (no not captain picar! Championship Points). You wont loose BP in CP mode though (thx god)


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Teknopathetic said:
Got up to G3-B before i took a break. At least 20? Matches maybe. Not a single disconnect. Saw my first green bar, too! Very few flowcharts.

I got up to G3-C after I took my first loss. I saw my first green bar as well- as for flowcharters, I saw one. They haven't started playing yet I think, I bet they disappear once you get out of the G's thogh.

Capcom did good on this in the end.


So far no disconnects. Even the Zangief didn't disconenct after I perfected him in the first round. That's a first.

But I completely forgot how pretty much everything is a bad match up for Fuerte. Stupid "I have enough moves for 3 characters" Blanka and stupid "looks I'm safe no matter what I do,hahaha" Bison.

Couldn't save the replay the last 2 times. o_O

Also not sure how exactly the point system works. I think you earn the GP of your oponent in the first round, the CP in the second and then.....no idea.... ?.?
Probably wrong anyway. 3 different point system for one mode were necessary I guess.


holy shit, did the championship edition update go out today!?! :lol

Grifter said:
how do I watch my own replay?

sorry about not responding to your invites yesterday, i was playing a local match with one of my buds.


I LOVE championship mode. Each player gets points, so you always get a reward. In my final match, which I won, it gave both me and my opponent enough points to rank up, which felt awesome.

Anyone else "Unable to receive reply data" on PS3? I was able to upload my final win but I can't watch it!


Chorazin said:
I LOVE championship mode. Each player gets points, so you always get a reward. In my final match, which I won, it gave both me and my opponent enough points to rank up, which felt awesome.

Yeah, I hope we see more variation with the character selection now. (lol sure) Not being able to lose points is awesome.

Also awesome: You now search for "stability" AND "skill".

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
how many games does it take to reach a final? Is it dependant on how well you do? Is it more like progression than a tournament?

I don't understand. good news is I'll find out in about 40 mins

I just fought in a 'championship final' and I can't find my video in new replays > My rank. How do I view my own videos? Do I need to enable recording? PS3 version.


prodystopian said:
I just fought in a 'championship final' and I can't find my video in new replays > My rank. How do I view my own videos? Do I need to enable recording? PS3 version.

It's one of the new categories under Ranking. Don't bother trying to watch it though, watching ranked videos is totally fucking broken right now. I can't watch any at all. PS3 as well.

EDIT: Huh, rebooting my PS3 fixed that, now I can watch replays. I have one uploaded, ranked now at 2802. :)


Won said:
Yeah, I hope we see more variation with the character selection now. (lol sure) Not being able to lose points is awesome.

Also awesome: You now search for "stability" AND "skill".

Is that just champ mode or can you do that in ranked/player now?


MoxManiac said:
Is that just champ mode or can you do that in ranked/player now?

I haven't checked, but champ mode only I guess. 3 filters: stability (no other option here besides "any"), language, and the skill setting.

slayn said:
so... is this really not much more than an entirely new BP system?

Yeah, but this time it is good. :D
slayn said:
so... is this really not much more than an entirely new BP system?

There are three matches, first is qualifier, second is semi-final, third is finals. It's like ranked mode except you only join games where the other person is in the same step of the tournament as you.

Beat two scrubby players using Ken and Sagat, then lost in the finals to a fucking Zangief. His lariat has stupid high priority. A goddamn low sweep made me get hit by his lariat. What the fuck.


Basic rooms are still 1 Vs. 1, what the fuck Capcom?

Anyway, i had to download this directly from the marketplace because of some errors, when i logged in it said i needed a new save; i was wondering if you get something if you download this expansion from the game, like was there something to tell you it's out, did it automatically download it like Burnout Paradise?
Just curious.


Just wondering, it records the most recent 5000 replays, not the top 5000 CP or whatever right? Because under new replays, the first few results are of fairly mediocre players.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Won my first championship 3-0 without warming up or anything which was a terrible idea actually, because a few times my Ultra didn't come out and it costed me a round a few times, and they were against people who hammered on the Dragon Punches, so any mistake was costly...

Then me and MicVlad had some matches and he reminded me of what it was like to lose after all this time - good games man, your Dhalsim is even better than before - I'm not used to being the one who isn't the aggressor in the match...

Watching replays right now including my own - so nice to be able to turn on attack & damage data although I haven't found a match that I needed to see them with yet... replays should have been in from the start Capcom - DOA4 laid this out for everyone along with lobbies in 2005 for crying out loud...

And oh yes - best part is no pussy quitters - it's amazing how showing a quitting percentage in SFIV or adding XP in Gears 2 will stop these losers from quitting, and should be in from the start...
UC1 said:
Yeah, even offline =/

Yea! Oh god, I fucking hate it! It irritates the shit out of me.

I tried uninstalling the game, reinstalling, deleting the update, redownloading, nothing.

Not to mention, loading/saving takes twice as long, it just makes the whole system feel kinda crappy after the download :/

Also, 5 green is the new 4 yellow, and so on. It's not better netcode, they just moved the goal post. :(


I had good games with GalacticAE, he says his main is Balrog but this is lies and some kind of ploy because it was his Bison that would totally rape me. Odd thing also, once he picked Fei-Long things turned around and then my Ryu's shoryuken was no match for him, this must have clearly angered him as he asked for a rematch which I gave but then at the end of round 1 I nearly perfected him and then he ragequit me. I think his gameshark must have broke or something.

Also this new update gave me a green 5 bar!


Holy fuck did they really change Zangiefs lariat hitbox with the patch?

If so, thank fucking god. Hated getting hit by a fucking invisible box.


_dementia said:
yes because this wasn't known
Sorry if i don't follow SF4 news daily and i expected a little more than new BP points with another name.
I was expecting the online to get at least at SF HD levels [3-4 players in one lobby, REAL tournaments online, etc.]


FindMyFarms said:
wut how

tell me the secrets plz

does it involve gamesharks?

btw u goin to trashday?

I get thrown really off guard when someone actually knows how to play online lol.
I might go to trashday, havent decided yet.

It seems connections improved. I've seen a few more green bars that i've never seen before the patch.
Wizpig said:
Sorry if i don't follow SF4 news daily and i expected a little more than new BP points with another name.
I was expecting the online to get at least at SF HD levels [3-4 players in one lobby, REAL tournaments online, etc.]
Remember SSFIITHDR was in development for much longer than SFIV. Give it time.
_dementia said:
Remember SSFIITHDR was in development for much longer than SFIV. Give it time.

Lobbies and a tournament mode don't take very long to implement. There's no excuse to not have had it at launch to begin with.
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