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The Order: 1886 |OT| Gears of Yore


This is really the best looking game I've ever played. I'm sure you could find PC games that have higher IQ, but it's just the combination of animations and details that make the game feel like it's real. When you watch a cutscene, it feels like there are actors performing live for you.

One thing that stuck out to me is how much detail is packed into the game, but they only allow you to see about 60% of it. Things like picking up a newspaper and seeing text that's just barely blurred so that you can't read it. You know that someone probably spent a whole bunch of time writing the whole cover of the newspaper, but they only emphasize one section of it. It's stuff like that which really gives you a feeling of being in a living, breathing world.
i wonder if the split attitudes on 1886 fall around mostly age. Many of the posts in this topic are the most mature, reasoned and restrained ones I see on this site and dare I say it probably there are more than the average number of mature players posting here.

I wonder if some of the more negative reviewers are simply aware their demographic skews to teenage males. They know this audience are not as interested in texture, cinematics or slow pacing, and are writing the most negative stuff with that audience in mind.

Maybe there is a market for an cadre of old farts to review games from the perspective of married guys with responsibilites and past their twitch reflex prime. No offense. But it does seem a game more suited to a higher age average than normal.
I had the game downloading this morning. so that i could play when I got home from work. I've played for a good 4 hours now and I really like it. Other than Assassin's Creed, this one of the first games on the PS4 that has really had me hypnotized. It's not just the visuals, but the entire atmosphere is well done. I won't comment on the story yet, as I've only just started Chapter 6.


i wonder if the split attitudes on 1886 fall around mostly age. Many of the posts in this topic are the most mature, reasoned and restrained ones I see on this site and dare I say it probably there are more than the average number of mature players posting here.

I wonder if some of the more negative reviewers are simply aware their demographic skews to teenage males. They know this audience are not as interested in texture, cinematics or slow pacing, and are writing the most negative stuff with that audience in mind.

Maybe there is a market for an cadre of old farts to review games from the perspective of married guys with responsibilites and past their twitch reflex prime. No offense. But it does seem a game more suited to a higher age average than normal.

All of the posts are mature except for the ones that constantly complain about reviews. Some people just didn't like the game and most of the reviews stated what they didn't like about the game. Get over it. If you enjoy it, the game isn't going anywhere.

It's this type of behavior that really causes people to want to backfire and hate on the game. Be respectful of other's opinions.


So just finished the game. I want to say that when first announced I was interested but as time went on it went to a no buy. However having read all the reviews and being bored with some spare cash I bought the game today and decided what the hell give it a shot. I have to say that I'm going to eat crow cause I really went in expecting the game to be a huge let down but honestly it wasn't to me. Now keep in mind I'm not good at organizing my thoughts and putting them to writing so forgive me if this comes out a bit jumbled thought wise.

First let me say that the game has really set the bar graphics wise this gen so far. Game just looks freaking amazing as all hell. Not only did it look amazing but the framerate seemed pretty damn solid. The only complaint was that yea you have no reflection. That really was a bit jarring considering how amazing it looks.

Gameplay wise It was pretty damn good. The controls really worked well. Weapons handled well and they all felt different from each other. Grenades weren't too shabby either. Kind of reminded me of playing RTCW or any other old WWII shooter. I do I do feel the cover mechanics could use a bit of work though. They are alright but I would like to be able to run ahead to cover. Also some of the QTEs were a bit overdone. They do need to cut back here in the sequel if they get one. I also at times when areas were littered with weapons found it a bit hard to pick up a certain weapon or some ammo if it was right near them. Also gameplay wise the AI was probably the worst part of the gameplay. Enemies were not remotely smart. The AI was pretty braindead for the most part.

Story wise I did find myself interested in the overall story. I do feel though that like some reviews mentioned that your characters did not seem to really do a good job of getting over their relationships. This improved towards the end but still needed some work. A bit more depth was needed in some sections of the story too. I won't say which due to not wanting to spoil anyone. Also while I really did enjoy the story it was pretty predictable. I saw the revelations of who the real villains were coming a mile away. Still though it was for the most part well done.

My only real other complaint with the game is that while I'm ok with linear levels these were a bit too linear. I really would have liked a couple of spots where you could maybe take an alternate path. I will say there is one section that does a decent job of that but it's hampered by the restrictions put on that section. This was also the one section gameplay wise that I felt dragged on a bit too long and could have used a couple more checkpoints in it.

Length was without a doubt a huge ding. I don't feel it was as bad as some reviews made it out to be though. It took me a good solid 7 and a half hours. Overall I have to say for me it's a solid 7 out of 10. It is a good foundation for a franchise. They just need to improve in some key areas for the sequel if there is one. Namely those being length of the game and toning down of the QTEs. Maybe tweak some things like recticules, the cover mechanic, buffing the story just a bit, and work on the AI.

So yea I went in honestly expecting me to regret buying it but I'm actually glad I did. I really enjoyed it and see myself playing it some more without a doubt. It's a pretty fun game. So consider my crow eaten.


I like it so far. It looks beautiful minus terrible small subtitles.
Also, are characters in this game daywalking vampires? So many polishd and reflective items, yet no reflection of main character at all.

Vampires vs Lycans, that's Underworld...no wait...
Maybe. I'm 37 and i really enjoy this game! Damn, it's far better than i anticipated. Gameplay perfectly combines with all cinematics/qts(which aren't that many so far). It's not the best game ever (but prettiest for sure) but definitely not a bad,weak game in any way! Damn, i'm so glad that i buy that!


Only gotten to Chapter 6 ( hard/no aim assist ), ~ 1/3 of game (chapter wise)

Spent around 4-4:30 hours

Pretty much been the game I hoped for, loved heavy rain and uncharted and this is a good mix between the two.

Will write more once I finish it tomorrow or sunday.


i wonder if the split attitudes on 1886 fall around mostly age. Many of the posts in this topic are the most mature, reasoned and restrained ones I see on this site and dare I say it probably there are more than the average number of mature players posting here.

I wonder if some of the more negative reviewers are simply aware their demographic skews to teenage males. They know this audience are not as interested in texture, cinematics or slow pacing, and are writing the most negative stuff with that audience in mind.

Maybe there is a market for an cadre of old farts to review games from the perspective of married guys with responsibilites and past their twitch reflex prime. No offense. But it does seem a game more suited to a higher age average than normal.

I'm guessing most of the normal responses are older people ie above 25 who havent always played online games via console. This feels like it could have come out during the PS1- pre everything needs multiiplayer and moneyhating era, and been givns 9s
with all the bad reviews i expected the game to be disappointing....it isn't, only issue i had was with the circle prompt & trying to move the right stick to it a couple times lol. the story kept me interested. cant complain.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Platinum done.

Need to reiterate what a shame it is you cant skip the cut scenes. Id consider another run through I I could skip them. They need to patch it in.

So many clinking bottles.
Well, hot damn. What a damn game so far. I'm only 5 chapters in and I think I've played 3 hours so far (maybe and probably more though) so here are my impressions so far:

-The graphics are fucking phenomenal. The Anti Aliasing completely defeats any baggies what so ever. The atmosphere is just perfected to a T. RAD has completely reimagined London in a completely original way putting their own craftsmanship as well as the history of London all in one package.

-The shooting packs a hell of a punch and is so much fun to shoot around in, and there is a lot more freedom on how you approach gunfights than I thought there would be. A lot more freedom and openness but still linear. You can feel every single damn shot and round that comes out of the gun and that is awesome.

-The encounters are really really great so far except one of them that I had to do 4 times
Chapter 3(?) when you are with Lafayette before you get Thermite Rifle
. The enemies are smart and the melee is so freaking brutal. You can hear the snaps of the bones or the pop of a socket, its great.

-Story so far is getting really interesting and I'm already in love with the characters. The scene where
Lafayette and Galahad go into the brothel is a great scene and moment
. I can definitely tell it's going to get damn good. DAMN. GOOD.

Overall I'm in love with the game and can't wait to play tomorrow.
I wouldn't mind but its as if I'm going crazy as its just this game and a few people are having it but no other references are made.

This may be a longshot but are you using any custom themes on your PS4? I've seen graphic issues on my main menu when using some of them, I wonder if changing the theme back to default may solve game issues.

Just a thought, probably wont change anything


Holy shit....that end shot after the credits, wow the view is incredible.

Platinumed the game in near one go through....had to get the melee trophy quick farm. But I enjoyed every second of this game. Nothing felt like a drag ever....it was a nice break from the eighty billion open world must waste 200 hours to explore everything ordeal. Seriously hoping for a sequel because I know it will be greatly improved upon, also wtf at that uber Tesla gun at the end.....don't even get to use it :(. Its design was definitely different from the one you use throughout the game


Guys, if you've played this and Beyond: Two Souls, how would you rate 1886?
I really wanna buy this but BTS was the last game I ever pre-ordered and I learned to never do it again afterwards.
Guys, if you've played this and Beyond: Two Souls, how would you rate 1886?
I really wanna buy this but BTS was the last game I ever pre-ordered and I learned to never do it again afterwards.

I am really liking 1886 but I also really liked Beyond: Two Souls, so I don't know what that says :p

To be fair they are very different games.

Still looking for an answer to this, I am on chapter 6.

16 + Prologue


Guys, if you've played this and Beyond: Two Souls, how would you rate 1886?
I really wanna buy this but BTS was the last game I ever pre-ordered and I learned to never do it again afterwards.

It's a better game than Beyond pretty easily. I wasn't much of a fan of that one but I enjoyed my playthrough of The Order. Though it's still a little overboard with the linearity and cinematic elements.
I think the writing in The Order is above average.

It is, problem is you know they are constricting themselves to leave some stuff for the sequel that the story feels unfinished.

They should have just gone all in. Having a great story is the one thing that would lift it up despite the short game length.
Played for about 2 hours tonight, enjoying it so far. Graphics are really nice, attention to detail is through the roof. I like the combat scenarios, the way enemies fall in a believable fashion when killed is great. The pacing, while a bit slow at times, does a good job of presenting you all the details and elements that were hand crafted by the devs. I look forward to getting deeper into it, not even going to consider or comment on the negativity in the review circuit.


Morning all. NX Gamer has put a 20 min tech analysis vid up. Well worth a watch. Goes into minute detail in everything tech related but also how they work. Arguably a better analysis source than DF I'd say.....though looking forwards to John L's later today.


Just finished the game on normal, with Aim Assist on (I didn't bother to mess with the settings) and my playthrough took me around 8 hours. But damn, that was some of the most enthralling 8 hours of gaming I've had in fucking forever.

I'm normally a long term JRPG guy, so this was a very different sort of experience for me, and the fact that I was able to just sit down after work, and unwind from the entire week with a solid story, stunning imagery, haunting music, and really good gunplay was great. Not perfect, but I'd give it at least an 8-8.5. I hope it does well enough to let them continue the series.
The graphics for this game is simply unmatched. I honestly expect equal or better visuals from UC4. They can drop it to 30fps but these visuals are well worth it imo.
Both, I have a feeling its my launch console but I am currently playing dying light with my friend no issues and my console crashes a lot less than his
Hmm. You tried physical and digital eh? Thats wierd. Have you tried a hard reset? (Holding down the power button on your ps4 for ten seconds or until it beeps 3 times)
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