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The Order: 1886 |OT| Gears of Yore


Dat Thermite Rifle

Fuck yeah. Easily the coolest gun I've used in a game in quite some time.


So I finished it, the length wasn't what disappointed me it was more that there were quite a few parts of the story that didn't get resolved. I get that developers want to leave room open for a sequel but I feel they could have done that and made the ending a bit more satisfying. It's doubly annoying really when you think that a sequel might not actually come out due to how poorly received this game has been.


So I finished it, the length wasn't what disappointed me it was more that there were quite a few parts of the story that didn't get resolved. I get that developers want to leave room open for a sequel but I feel they could have done that and made the ending a bit more satisfying. It's doubly annoying really when you think that a sequel might not actually come out due to how poorly received this game has been.

If it sells enough copies they can still green light the sequel, which I do hope it happens and they fix numerous things from feedbacks. We'll see.


I have played for 4 hours or so and I'm starting Chapter 5. I can see the annoyances as far as limited player choice during traversal and no attempt to hide linearity but I see a lot of good things too. Presentation, atmosphere and gunplay are just awesome.

I don't have a rating yet but with some of the scores, you'd think everything was complete trash. That's just not the case
I finished it a few hours ago and by my estimation, spent around 9 hours playing it. I spent a lot of time looking around the environment (I only missed 4 items when I checked my progress against an online list) but still, I imagine that 5 and a half hour playthrough must've basically just ran straight through the game. Not a very satisfying way to play it, in my opinion).

First the positives. The gunplay is fantastic, better than any of Naughty Dog's efforts in my opinion (and I like their gunplay). The unique weapons are awesome and a ton of fun to use. The graphics are the best I've seen on any platform, stellar art direction and incredible technical work. I loved the world they created, alternate history games are usually terrible because they're shallow and fail to feel like an actual world (what if the Nazis won, blah blah blah). But with this, I thought RAD did a really good job of building that world and making it a really interesting place.

Now on to the negatives, which'll be a bit longer because it's always easier to describe negatives than positives. That doesn't mean I didn't like the game though.

First is that there's a lot of little points where they take control away from the player for no real reason whatsoever. Like when you use the thermite clip to burn through something and then a R2 QTE pops up. Why not just let me aim at it myself? Other examples include simple tasks like climbing down a ladder, stealth kills and even some of the short dialogue scenes. They didn't make the game more cinematic at all, they could've easily been done in gameplay (probably far easier than actually animating those cutscenes) and from the player's point of view, they were pointless and annoying.

Second, the stealth (and the cover system alongside it). This was passable for most of the game, because it was only used in incredibly easy places. But then you reach the
East Trading Company garden
and it turns to shit. To avoid being seen when enemies are looking in your direction, you have to be locked into cover. Moving out of cover results in you being visible to the enemy and insta-killed. So if you accidentally get caught in a bad spot, you're fucked. You can't move around a corner without being seen. It sucks. The thing I don't understand is, it's been over a year and a half since TLOU came out, couldn't you just rip their cover system off and thus their stealth as well? Their soft cover system is perfect and shits all over all the hard cover systems in other games (whether they're Gears of War, Uncharted or whatever). And another thing, insta-death on discovery? Really? Good stealth games avoid that like the plague for a reason, it's horrible game design.

Third is the pacing. Some fights go on forever, some are extremely short. Some cutscenes go on forever, others are extremely short. This was their first attempt at a AAA game and a shooter, so I'll cut them some slack but it wasn't great.

Lastly, the story. The first 90% of the story wasn't incredible or anything but it was still good enough to keep me interested. The ending though? Man,
that pissed me off. Who thought that would be a satisfying ending? One plot point ends but there's still another two out there and nothing happens to them. Galahad tells the Lord Chancellor to reveal his own incompetence to the council, the Lord Chancellor says no and we're just meant to accept it? Fuck that. And that's not even taking into account the main villain of the game, Lord Hastings, who just disappears into the ether. I can only assume their idea was to leave those for the sequel and in that case, that's just bad writing.

Overall, I'd probably give it a 7.5/10. Fix just two of my negatives and it would have greatly improved my opinion of the game. Fix them all and it would've been a 9.

I really hope RAD get the chance to develop a sequel. They don't need to completely change everything in an attempt to satisfy everyone (which is what Insomniac did with Resistance, killing that series barely before it began), they just need to improve upon what they've got and learn from their mistakes.


I'm confused on a number of things, could some of you guys clear them up:

Major spoilers up to endgame - don't click unless you've finished!

How did the rebels get the weapons again?
How did the rebel leader get the black sight?
Why did Hastings want to ship all the weapons and the vampires? Was it to take over the world? (Lol)
Did the rebel blow himself up on the airship to stop the weapons shipment?
How did tesla know the rebels?
I'm confused on a number of things, could some of you guys clear them up:

Major spoilers up to endgame - don't click unless you've finished!

How did the rebels get the weapons again?
How did the rebel leader get the black sight?
Why did Hastings want to ship all the weapons and the vampires? Was it to take over the world? (Lol)
Did the rebel blow himself up on the airship to stop the weapons shipment?
How did tesla know the rebels?

Likely supplied by Lucan
Likely from the old knight that Galahad doesn't meet
I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain


Im sure there will be a sequel even though negative feedbacks everywhere
Why? Because the game will obviously sell enough copies thanks to the hype


Likely supplied by Lucan
Likely from the old knight that Galahad doesn't meet
I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain

I don't think Lucan supplied the weapons.. He was a bad guy, why would he give weapons to people trying to stop him?


Was only able to play the intro and a bit more of chapter 1 and my impressions are more on the negative side so far.

I won't form an opinion yet, of course.

Still need to play more and find some rhythm. I'm all for cinematic, slow paced experiences, but some design decisions so far have been a bit weird.


Was only able to play the intro and a bit more of chapter 1 and my impressions are more on the negative side so far.

I won't form an opinion yet, of course.

Still need to play more and find some rhythm. I'm all for cinematic, slow paced experiences, but some design decisions so far have been a bit weird.

Posted my review in the last page, since you've been wanting to read it. Might prepare you for the road ahead :)
Seems to be a major disconnect between outlet and player reviews. Game is the very definition of solid so far.

I think I'd give it a 7/10. Good components (gameplay/cutscenes) on their own, but the implementation of those components needs a lot of work. Hell of a foundation for future games in the series.


oh whoops, thought you said the United India Company

In that case, I'd say the Rebels stole them. Or something.


I just realised it must have been Tesla, didn't Percival say that the shipment they found with the rebels didn't have assignment numbers so he must have either made them for them or gave them totem before they were assigned to a knight


I'm actually enjoying this. The gameplay isn't fantastic, but the presentation, atmosphere and gunplay are all top notch. It's nowhere near as bad as the reviews made out but then that's hardly surprising. I won't give it a rating because I haven't completed it but I really hope they get the chance to make a sequel. If they learn from the mistakes they made here then it really could be something special.


Seems to be a major disconnect between outlet and player reviews. Game is the very definition of solid so far.

Not really, reading around the net it seem to be pretty balanced. Maybe a minor disconnect, definitely not a major. If a game is solid and nothing else it usually lands around a 7/10 which isn't that far from the meta. This doesn't even include people trying to justify their purchase nor fanboys who's going to like the game no matter what. Unfortunately they exist in a number.


Unconfirmed Member
Was only able to play the intro and a bit more of chapter 1 and my impressions are more on the negative side so far.

I won't form an opinion yet, of course.

Still need to play more and find some rhythm. I'm all for cinematic, slow paced experiences, but some design decisions so far have been a bit weird.

Honestly, it gets worse before it gets better. The opening few chapters are incredibly light on actual gameplay, but stick with it as after that it begins to open up some more. But I agree, as lavishly created as the world is it really doesn't make up for how little control you have in the opening hours.
Not really, reading around the net it seem to be pretty balanced. Maybe a minor disconnect, definitely not a major.

I think I'd give it a 7/10. Good components (gameplay/cutscenes) on their own, but the implementation of those components needs a lot of work. Hell of a foundation for future games in the series.

7/10 sounds good as right now its at about an 8 for me but I mostly mean a disconnect in that the game is fun, its solid and while it obviously isn't perfect I am really enjoying myself. Meanwhile in the reviews it seems like every outlet is using this game to settle a personal vendetta or something. I just don't know how anyone could classify it as anything lower than good. I mean I really shouldn't do this because going down this rabbit hole will make you nuts but Ryse was such a fricken piece of ass when I played it. I honestly only kept going for the visuals and this game is such an enormous leap above something like that. I guess I am saying I would have understood that were mild to excited not excited to furious. Just doesn't add up.
7/10 sounds good as right now its at about an 8 for me but I mostly mean a disconnect in that the game is fun, its solid and while it obviously isn't perfect I am really enjoying myself. Meanwhile in the reviews it seems like every outlet is using this game to settle a personal vendetta or something. I just don't know how anyone could classify it as anything lower than good. I mean I really shouldn't do this because going down this rabbit hole will make you nuts but Ryse was such a fricken piece of ass when I played it. I honestly only kept going for the visuals and this game is such an enormous leap above something like that. I guess I am saying I would have understood that were mild to excited not excited to furious. Just doesn't add up.
I think many who played the game share that sentiment to some extend.


7/10 sounds good as right now its at about an 8 for me but I mostly mean a disconnect in that the game is fun, its solid and while it obviously isn't perfect I am really enjoying myself. Meanwhile in the reviews it seems like every outlet is using this game to settle a personal vendetta or something. I just don't know how anyone could classify it as anything lower than good. I mean I really shouldn't do this because going down this rabbit hole will make you nuts but Ryse was such a fricken piece of ass when I played it. I honestly only kept going for the visuals and this game is such an enormous leap above something like that. I guess I am saying I would have understood that were mild to excited not excited to furious. Just doesn't add up.

I can see why some review sites would rate it a 6/10. Personally I would rate the game a 6.5/10 because of the following reasons:

1) Too short (3-4 hours of pure gameplay). Not only is it short, but it has zero replay value. Like there's nothing after you beat it. Other games in the same genre either have a multiplayer mode, co-op mode, challenge mode, or hell even a new game+ mode. The game couldn't even have a new game+ mode though since there's no unlockables or even an upgrade system.

2) Too bare bones in its gameplay structure. Cut scenes followed by sections of regular shooting/cover sections. Nothing special outside of a few forced stealth sections, which are more annoying than they do good. Rinse and repeat. No upgrade system when it comes to weapons, nothing.

3) Hand holding gameplay. There are times when you can't even move in a 3D space, because the game wants you to do exactly what they want you to do. There are times mid game where you think you're still playing the tutorial. There are times when the game takes the control away from you for no reason at all.

4) Some QTE heavy segments, especially in the beginning. Last part spoiler:
the last boss is a QTE boss, basically.

5) The Lycan encounters are very repetitive and are probably the least interesting enemies in the game, even though they really shouldn't be considering the competition.

6) When the game introduces new weapons, they suddenly take them away from you a few minutes later. The Thermite weapon is cool. Unfortunately you only use it three times during the game.

7) Unskippable cut scenes are annoying if you want to do a second run or you want to collect collectibles. The game doesn't even track what collectibles you've collected.

8) There are chapters in the game where you don't even control the character. This is a video game. Yeah, I know, cinematic experience yada yada... Still.

9) It's super linear. There are times when the enemies can't even flank you because the pathway ahead is too linear.

10) Underwhelming story. That ending...

The thing about the game though, is that it HAS very solid gunplay. Landing headshots with the pistols are actually very satisfying. But the 10 bullet points above drags the score down significantly for me.


Even if you dislike the gameplay so much it ruins the game for you. You can not deny this game has serious potential to be a great franchise.
I can see why some review sites would rate it a 6/10. Personally I would rate the game a 6.5/10 because of the following reasons:

1) Too short (3-4 hours of pure gameplay). Not only is it short, but it has zero replay value. Like there's nothing after you beat it. Other games in the same genre either have a multiplayer mode, co-op mode, challenge mode, or hell even a new game+ mode. The game couldn't even have a new game+ mode though since there's no unlockables or even an upgrade system.

2) Too bare bones in its gameplay structure. Cut scenes followed by sections of regular shooting/cover sections. Nothing special outside of a few forced stealth sections, which are more annoying than they do good. Rinse and repeat. No upgrade system when it comes to weapons, nothing.

3) Hand holding gameplay. There are times when you can't even move in a 3D space, because the game wants you to do exactly what they want you to do. There are times mid game where you think you're still playing the tutorial. There are times when the game takes the control away from you for no reason at all.

4) Some QTE heavy segments, especially in the beginning. Last part spoiler:
the last boss is a QTE boss, basically.

5) The Lycan encounters are very repetitive and are probably the least interesting enemies in the game, even though they really shouldn't be considering the competition.

6) The Thermite weapon is cool. Unfortunately you only use it three times during the game.

7) Unskippable cut scenes are annoying if you want to do a second run or you want to collect collectibles. The game doesn't even track what collectibles you've collected.

8) There are chapters in the game where you don't even control the character. This is a video game. Yeah, I know, cinematic experience yada yada... Still.

9) It's super linear. There are times when the enemies can't even flank you because the pathway ahead is too linear.

10) Underwhelming story.

The thing about the game though, is that it HAS very solid gunplay. Landing headshots with the pistols are actually very satisfying.

See I think you explained all that really well and in a more professional manner than about half of the reviews I have read. I'm sitting here on a saturday morning with my coffee in hand starting Chapter 6 and I just have a nice grin on my face with this game.


Even if you dislike the gameplay so much it ruins the game for you. You can not denie this game has serious potential to be a great franchise.

Nobody can deny but im sure nobody will want it to continue if it continues on this concept
Less gameplay more cinematics. Gamers wants to play not just watch a game with a great potential go to waste


Was only able to play the intro and a bit more of chapter 1 and my impressions are more on the negative side so far.

I won't form an opinion yet, of course.

Still need to play more and find some rhythm. I'm all for cinematic, slow paced experiences, but some design decisions so far have been a bit weird.

Yeah this way to early to give an impression just after chapter 1, it definitively gets better. I for myself getting warm now with the game because I just accept that the game is what it is and not what I would like it to be. Some battles are really great and gunplay can be satisfying. Keep playing I say. You will eventually find your joy with the game.
Nobody can deny but im sure nobody will want it to continue if it continues on this concept
Less gameplay more cinematics. Gamers wants to play not just watch a game with a great potential go to waste

I actually think they have all the really hard aspects of creating a game nailed.
- The gunplay and character movement is some of the best I have ever played. Its like a hybrid of Gears and TLOU. It just feels great.
- Compelling world and characters
- Best graphic engine in existence.

Now they just need to follow the path of Naughty Dog and instead of just writing "Cinematic moment" on the white board they need to write "Player controlled Bad Ass Gameplay that continues the Story".
They also need to write: Dynamic encounters with no insta fail EVER.

Also as a side note someone that got it early complained about the cover system and I have no idea what that dude was talking about. Moving around and taking cover is cake.


Even if you dislike the gameplay so much it ruins the game for you. You can not denie this game has serious potential to be a great franchise.

You're talking to me? If so, then by all means you're very wrong. I do not dislike the gameplay at all, it just has some major (and minor) shortcomings. Remember a 6.5 is still under the definition of a decent game.

I'm not denying that this franchise has potential, but I'm not going to give this game a better score because the sequel has potential.


I'm confused on a number of things, could some of you guys clear them up:

Major spoilers up to endgame - don't click unless you've finished!

How did the rebels get the weapons again?
How did the rebel leader get the black sight?
Why did Hastings want to ship all the weapons and the vampires? Was it to take over the world? (Lol)
Did the rebel blow himself up on the airship to stop the weapons shipment?
How did tesla know the rebels?

1) Tesla - note they're carrying the sniper rifle he just modified.
2) there was a knight who went on a quest to get the Holy Grail. He died and she took it.
3) Yes, also to infect as many people as he could. Lucan said "do not fail us" so this is likely a joint plan by all non-humans to overcome humanity
4) probably
5) off-screen development. Take into account that he supplied them with weapons and he was always a double agent.


Heh, trade in price has dropped pretty dramatically already in the UK and CEX have hundreds of copies.

One day, the UK will drown in The Order and Driveclub.


Neo Member
Well im 3 hrs 30 mins in and on chapter 6 of 18 length concerns must have been a load of rubbish. Its been excellent so far! The visuals are absolutely jaw dropping its another world man the detail is insane. Im blown away by the atmosphere it seems like they took the filmic gritty style of TLOU and improved upon it. It plays like beyond meets uncharted shooty bits and the characters are flawlessly acted. Im yet to see anything that suggests its a terrible game at all. Maybe that comes later? Its honestly the most film like game ive ever played. Id definitely feels bug blockbuster. I dunno man im pretty much loving this. *shrugs shoulders*


1) Tesla - note they're carrying the sniper rifle he just modified.
2) there was a knight who went on a quest to get the Holy Grail. He died and she took it.
3) Yes, also to infect as many people as he could. Lucan said "do not fail us" so this is likely a joint plan by all non-humans to overcome humanity
4) probably
5) off-screen development. Take into account that he supplied them with weapons and he was always a double agent.

Cool thanks, another question

Galahad is getting tortured in the beginning, the guard says "give up your collaborators, it's that bird isn't it" I assume he means the rebel leader. But why would they be torturing him in the first place when they already know it's her because Hastings saw her when they went to his house. And he's already been sentenced to death


A question

When Galahad was picked up from the water onto the boat, who was that other guy that accompanied Tesla? It didn't really sound like Lafayette to me


Heh, trade in price has dropped pretty dramatically already in the UK and CEX have hundreds of copies.

One day, the UK will drown in The Order and Driveclub.

Not much reason to own the order upon completion other than use it as a graphics showcase to friends.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Well im 3 hrs 30 mins in and on chapter 6 of 18 length concerns must have been a load of rubbish.
It hasn't been too short for me BUT they do cheat with the chapter numbers a bit.

There are about four upcoming chapters that you haven't played yet which consist almost entirely of cutscenes. One of the three has a short 2 minute shooting segment but that's it. So, really, there's about 10 gameplay chapters and 5 cutscene chapters. :(

If you like it so far, though, I actually think it gets even better during the second half. The story is quite engaging and the gameplay sequences tend to last longer.


I'm at chapter 5 for the moment, without a doubt the best looking game I have played so far.
Highlight so far = thermite rifle


You're talking to me? If so, then by all means you're very wrong. I do not dislike the gameplay at all, it just has some major (and minor) shortcomings. Remember a 6.5 is still under the definition of a decent game.

I'm not denying that this franchise has potential, but I'm not going to give this game a better score because the sequel has potential.

Nope, I would have replied to you if I was. My rating atm is now a 6.5/7, so same as yours anyway. I have yet to complete it tho.
Up to chapter 7 and the story just took an interesting turn! Fucking loving it right now. Gunplay is insanely good, meaty and fluid with a strong sonic kick.
Not sure why I keep seeing people that complete this game in around 6 hours not being able to fathom how others get 9 or 10 hours. So let me give you an idea.

Started the game last night. Got to chapter 2 in around an hour. Then me and the wife played from around 830 to 1030 and we're almost done with chapter 4. Then picked it back up and finished up to chapter 5 in around 45 minutes or so. So almost sitting at 4 hours starting chapter 6. Granted we stop to examine environment, collectibles, we listen to the audio logs and the banter that NPCs have at times.

If we just ran straight through without doing all those extra things I could see our time being shorter, but honestly we want to envelope ourselves in this world RAD created so we're taking in as much as the game throws at us. Hopefully that gives you an idea for those wondering on the longer playtime folks.

Also concerning review scores and all that drama. Some might take away from it all that this game is as bad as something like Aliens Colonial Marines and that's just a shame. Granted that game still sold rather well for what most consider to be an absolute turd, so I hope to see sales do rather well. I already know I'd like another one of these games.
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