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The Panama Papers - Massive leak of secret documents about offshore companies

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I can't wait to see what is exposed in the UK.

A few politicians will be there I expect.

Richard Branson will be on the list but then he has an island in the British Virgin islands so a good excuse from him.

Lord Sugar? Top footballers?

I can't wait, this whole thing is going to shake up some countries (iceland already been hit with a whopper).
I will need to keep a close eye on all of this, may get lost in the amount of information that will be leaked over the next few months.


I can't wait to see what is exposed in the UK.

A few politicians will be there I expect.

Richard Branson will be on the list but then he has an island in the British Virgin islands so a good excuse from him.

Lord Sugar? Top footballers?

I can't wait, this whole thing is going to shake up some countries (iceland already been hit with a whopper).
I will need to keep a close eye on all of this, may get lost in the amount of information that will be leaked over the next few months.
Uhh.. Cameron's dad is on there..

Also, trump. Any news on him?


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Uhh.. Cameron's dad is on there..

Also, trump. Any news on him?

Trump won't matter. His polls will go up.

"See, I'm so smart I kept my money away from the bad government who would just throw it away helping disgusting people"


So it's only the smart rich people who use tax havens?
No room for the ethical rich person?

No, it's people who shouldn't be that rich to begin with or are afraid of losing their wealth because the way they won it in the first place is ephemeral to begin with (soccer players, government contractors, politicians). Trump has been openly rich and flaunting it for decades, there's no need to hide it.

And despite what many think, the Clintons aren't going to be placing their money in offshore accounts, they're not dumb (I hope). You could cynically argue that that's what the Clinton Foundation is for, ha! It keeps them in the loop within the elite world.
You are but it doesn't really matter because the conspiracy theory train will then just move on to question if the leaker released all the "juicy bits" to the journalists in the first place, followed by a "thorough" RT investigation "outing" the leaker as former CIA/Mossad/MI6/Rothschild/Bilderberg/FED, followed by even more nonsensical claims and theories that ultimately take away the anger that should be directed at those named in the leak, not the journalists who broke this story and/or the source.
Well, all we got was Iceland so far - which I deem very significant given their response to the economic collapse. But that alone that constitute my being wrong, unless you know something of these leaks that I don't yet. It's possible US firms aren't using this but that's not what Murray is saying.

I'm not really sure where you're going with the other stuff you're talking about though. I haven't read any of the RT reporting on this yet.
I'm just gonna leave this here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3uCs7ebHTI

Crazy how not ONE prominent American is implicated in this.. Hmm

We don't even know that yet:


And please don't just leave nutter shit(*) here.
Or I'll report you to the FEMA camps!

(*) Proof: Zika Fear Falters as False Flag Fraud Fizzles - YouTube

Zika is a bust. But it's accomplished its mission: $1.8 billion in funding, further trial runs of the medical martial law apparatus in another part of the world, and more adulation for the fearless WHO. Join me for today's thought for the day as we put the Zika hype to rest once and for all (hopefully).


Douchebag. Yes, me.
There won't be, this was a very calculated leak. I'm sure there is more money involved with just Usa then all the other countries combined. We won't ever see it though.

Edit: purely speculating

I don't understand... the image above shows how many companies and individuals based in the US are in the leaked papers. They just need to get around to them... the names are already leaked.

Unless you are saying there is a global media conspiracy to not report on US names. But even then anyone who has access to the leak can report on it...


From what I saw Brazil only has like 3 politicians there ... and those are the "ORLY ?" politicians so ... not being there does not mean your country is free of corruption

Ok, ignore what I said. Just read that 57 brazilian politicans are in the panama papers xD


Well, all we got was Iceland so far - which I deem very significant given their response to the economic collapse. But that alone that constitute my being wrong, unless you know something of these leaks that I don't yet.

I'm not really sure where you're going with the other stuff you're talking about though.

ICIJ already said:
ICIJ will release the full list of companies and people linked to them in early May.

Databases of previous ICIJ projects - 2013 Offshore Leaks, 2014 Luxembourg Leaks, 2015 Swiss Leaks - are available on the ICIJ website, all of which implicate citizens of many Western nations, including the US.

Plus, there are many more stories published based on the leak, not just Iceland, some of which are linked to in the OP.


I don't understand... the image above shows how many companies and individuals based in the US are in the leaked papers. They just need to get around to them... the names are already leaked.

Unless you are saying there is a global media conspiracy to not report on US names. But even then anyone who has access to the leak can report on it...

Could be wrong but why wouldn't they release the American companies first, would have a much better effect. No one here gives a shit about what's going on in the other countries, but believe me other countries would be more curious about us then we are of them.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Could be wrong but why wouldn't they release the American companies first, would have a much better effect. No one here gives a shit about what's going on in the other countries, but believe me other countries would be more curious about us then we are of them.

I believe Iceland came out first because their PM has been extremely shady and there were substantial rumors for a long time that he had been hiding money in off-shores. There was a lot of pressure from the press in Iceland to out him as soon as possible.
There won't be, this was a very calculated leak. I'm sure there is more money involved with just Usa then all the other countries combined. We won't ever see it though.

Edit: purely speculating
Just have to wait. Time will tell. I'm not convinced Murray is wrong yet, we'll see in May.
ICIJ already said:


Databases of previous ICIJ projects - 2013 Offshore Leaks, 2014 Luxembourg Leaks, 2015 Swiss Leaks - are available on the ICIJ website, all of which implicate citizens of many Western nations, including the US.

Plus, there are many more stories published based on the leak, not just Iceland, some of which are linked to in the OP.
Good stuff, mate. Thanks.
Could be wrong but why wouldn't they release the American companies first, would have a much better effect. No one here gives a shit about what's going on in the other countries, but believe me other countries would be more curious about us then we are of them.

I'm sure they will get around to releasing Americans names. Organizations put a lot of time and money into researching this leak so I'm sure they are tightly controlling the release if information so that it has the most impact and they can get the most clicks and viewers when the big names do come out
David Cameron has been urged to crack down on offshore tax havens

In other news: Cameron's father was Mossack Fonseca client

I am shocked!

I hope they drip-feed this story for a while so everyone gets their time in the spotlight

The fund was founded in the early 1980s with help from the prime minister’s late father and still exists today.

The Guardian has confirmed that in 30 years Blairmore has never paid a penny of tax in the UK on its profits.


I hope the whistleblower makes it out okay. Lots of enemies made out of this. At least they can't accuse them of treason this time.


I believe Iceland came out first because their PM has been extremely shady and there were substantial rumors for a long time that he had been hiding money in off-shores. There was a lot of pressure from the press in Iceland to out him as soon as possible.

Thanks for the insight, still in shock that this shit got out.

I'm sure they will get around to releasing Americans names. Organizations put a lot of time and money into researching this leak so I'm sure they are tightly controlling the release if information so that it has the most impact and they can get the most clicks and viewers when the big names do come out

God I hope so, but no one here will really care about it after a week.


Could be wrong but why wouldn't they release the American companies first, would have a much better effect. No one here gives a shit about what's going on in the other countries, but believe me other countries would be more curious about us then we are of them.

European newspapers should care more about their countries than the US, there is no reason to have US stuff first, the order doesn't matter that much.


OCCRP/ICIJ published a few more stories:

How Family that Runs Azerbaijan Built an Empire of Hidden Wealth
Aliyev’s election to lead this energy-rich former Soviet republic bordering both Russia and Iran had been all but guaranteed. His ailing father, Heydar, an ex-KGB officer, had served in the same role for the previous 10 years. Election monitors reported that police had beaten and detained political opponents, in line with the country’s reputation for repression.

Becoming president wasn’t Aliyev’s only ascension during 2003. Using a network of secretive companies in offshore tax havens, his family, advisers and allies set about acquiring expensive overseas homes and positions in the country’s valuable industries and natural resources, including the family’s majority control of a major gold mine that has been unknown until now.

Aliyevs Seek Five Gold Fields in Kyrgyzstan
What nobody knew was that the Kyrgyz government was offering to sell the country’s assets to what is likely the family of the president of another country: Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani company is likely majority owned by the First Family of Azerbaijan.

Despite the fact that corporate ownership information has been confidential in Azerbaijan since 2012, the family’s ownership was revealed in internal data of the Panama-based offshore-services provider Mossack Fonseca obtained by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and shared by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists with the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and more than 100 other media partners.

Parade of the Blacklisted Marches Through Firm’s Client List — and Syria’s Civil War
The attack was one of hundreds of aerial bombings that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime has carried out during the country’s six-year civil war, killing thousands of its people. The deadly air campaign would not have been possible, U.S. authorities have charged, without a network of companies that dodged international embargoes by supplying the oil and gas that kept the military aircraft in sky.

Three of the companies that the U.S. alleges helped supply the fuel were customers of a global law firm, Mossack Fonseca & Co., which helped the companies incorporate and maintain offshore branches in Seychelles, a tax haven in the Indian Ocean.

The law firm continued doing work for at least one of these closely-linked companies after the three of them were blacklisted by the American government for supporting Syria’s war machine – joining dozens of other Mossack Fonseca customers sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).


I'd never even heard of Mossack Fonseca before this and I'm usually aware of all things underground.

Sounds like a James Bond villian company ala SPECTRE.


Phew, I was worried for a moment these would be leaked IRC conversation transcripts from #vidgames in the mid to late 1990s.


CNN finally has this as their headline. But, of course, the byline is:

Law firm tied to massive document leak denies wrongdoing

Yeah, like that's what anyone gives a fuck about.

At the very least its been trending on twitter since last night so hopefully the news spreads quickly here in the US.


7% of Icelanders showed up to protest today and with only 50% of them living close to or in Reykjavík.


And "true" capitalism is also a utopia. Looks like we're tied!

Bad analogy, what we have is capitalism, a communist society with a state is by definition not communism. It isn't about what is "true" communism or capitalism, it's about what the definition actually is.
7% of Icelanders showed up to protest today and with only 50% of them living close to or in Reykjavík.

On Germany: The current F1 driver Nico Rosberg, Siemens executives and more did business with Mossack Fonseca

- http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/panamapapers-161.html
- http://panamapapers.sueddeutsche.de/articles/56effb802f17ab0f205e6370/
Rosberg: Ecclestone will pat him on the back (if he's still in charge), but I hope that he'll at least lose some sponsors...
Siemens: One of the most corrupt German corporations, no surprise here.


I'd never even heard of Mossack Fonseca before this and I'm usually aware of all things underground.

Sounds like a James Bond villian company ala SPECTRE.

Mossack Fonseca is not underground by any stretch of the imagination. It is well known in business circles.
Nordea CEO answered questions on Swedish television just now. Not sure but I think that was a parachute sticking out of his suit. He had nothing but non-answers and the reporter laughed at the way he squirmed. Pathetic.


Will this lead to change in corruption, or will we be aware of it for only a week, and continue as everything declines?
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