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The People Vs. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story - S1 - FX Tues - 90 on Metacritic


This show is great. It goes from being trashy sensational programing to being a pretty good show. I like the race angle they are hinging on at this stage.

Just binged today after Vinyl was such a disappointment.
Man I really love this show. The only thing breaking immersion for me is Gooding Jr's high pitched wails and what seems like over the top panic. Not sure he was the right fit for the role but everyone else is killing it, especially Vance!
I'd be surpised if Cuba Gooding Jr's portrayal of OJ is not based on real life descriptions and videos from his trial. Like all the screaming and complete, oblivious color blindness ("I'm not black, I'm OJ!") is actual real stuff.


This is probably my favourite show on tv right now besides Better Call Saul

I wonder what's the next season going to be about

The first thing that came to mind for me was the 1993 child molestation stuff with Michael Jackson. A well done TV show documenting those events would be great (the attempts we've got so far... haven't been great). Even though it was settled out of court, it's still one hell of a story. Besides OJ, it doesn't really get much bigger than MJ.
Btw, my wife didnt follow the OJ trial in real life. She asked me wheres OJ, I told her "in jail". She's hooked on this show thinking this trial will find him guilty :lol

I hope and pray she doesn't wiki or google the verdict...


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I'd be surpised if Cuba Gooding Jr's portrayal of OJ is not based on real life descriptions and videos from his trial. Like all the screaming and complete, oblivious color blindness ("I'm not black, I'm OJ!") is actual real stuff.
I believe that's a line he used when he was a young athlete, and then people remembered it when the trial came around and felt it succinctly described the way he approached his status and life in the intervening years.

The first thing that came to mind for me was the 1993 child molestation stuff with Michael Jackson. A well done TV show documenting those events would be great (the attempts we've got so far... haven't been great). Even though it was settled out of court, it's still one hell of a story. Besides OJ, it doesn't really get much bigger than MJ.
They've said the next season will about the royal fuckup that was everything to do with Hurricane Katrina.


Cause I was like barely 10 and Canadian this whole event did not work its way into my brain.

Also I mean it kinda softens the blow here too but let's be honest the last three episodes weren't that great, but it makes a bit more sense now:



Hunky Nostradamus
Cause I was like barely 10 and Canadian this whole event did not work its way into my brain.

Also I mean it kinda softens the blow here too but let's be honest the last three episodes weren't that great, but it makes a bit more sense now:

Holy shit! :O


Btw, my wife didnt follow the OJ trial in real life. She asked me wheres OJ, I told her "in jail". She's hooked on this show thinking this trial will find him guilty :lol

I hope and pray she doesn't wiki or google the verdict...

LOL this is brilliant. Make sure you have a camera ready to capture the utter confusion on her face when the verdict is read out :)


just binge watched all 5. Soooo good. I was only a kid when it all went down so most of this is new to me. Obviously, I knew about the bronco, furman, the glove, all the big stuff. But had no idea about the little things like redecorating the house or the position darden was in


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Give Vance his damn Emmy, we're only a few months into the year but it's a wrap. His portrayal of Cochran is just mesmerizing to watch. I go from being impressed and sympathetic to frightened of him within the span of the same episode.

I can't believe this ended up being as entertaining as it is. The first trailer looked so goofy, I'm glad I was way off base.

Sterling K Brown is killing it as Darden too. Never seen him in anything before, but I'm hoping he gets more roles after this.


Yeah. Pretty brutal what the media circus did to her. I was too young and didn't really care at the time to even think about that aspect of everything.
- Onion A|V Club review
- Sepinwall's review
- NY Mag review

- NY Mag interview: Marcia Clark on Episode 6 of The People v. O.J. Simpson: ‘They Get the Big Stuff Right’
When we talked before the series premiered, you were a little anxious and nervous. It was a very strange feeling for you to be seeing this part of our life on your TV set. How has it settled?
So much better. Now I get a sense of what they were doing. Before, I was really hung up on Did they get everything right? They can't get everything right. But they get the big stuff right. And God, what more can you ask than that, seriously?

In some cases I think they don't even try to get it right. They're kind of trying to make a point in some places, right?
There you go, exactly, exactly. They have to make a point. They have ten hours to deliver on a 15-month trial. They never pretended to be a documentary. And they really make great points. So all I can say is, at the end of the day I think it's a really terrific series. It's impressive.
More via the link.
Cause I was like barely 10 and Canadian this whole event did not work its way into my brain.

Also I mean it kinda softens the blow here too but let's be honest the last three episodes weren't that great, but it makes a bit more sense now:

It was kinda a big deal in Canada too. Well in Toronto it was.


They really tried their best to make it look like Martin Scorsese directed this episode with all the tracking shots they used.

GREAT episode, though. Probably the best of the season at this point. Marcia really went through hell on this case. I didn't even know nude photos of hers went out as well. What a nightmare.
I'm pausing this episode to quickly chime in and say that I wish there was an Emmy for "best non-original soundtrack that makes me raise my fists in the air".

Again, no subtlety at all in this show, but it is firing on all cylinders, and I'm so excited for Katrina next season.


I forgot a lot of the crazier details like Marcia's nudes. Really, if this were a fictional show, I'd be out because of all the stupid shit happening, lol. Gotta love the 90s.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
We've only improved so much, but the 90s were sure a dark time for the public and media ripping into anyone even coming close to being a woman in the public eye.

That Rick James bit. The whole perm thing is fascinating to me in a weird way. My dad actually had a perm, I guess beginning in the late 70s or thereabouts, and he ended up keeping it for 20+ years because his career ultimately kept him climbing at one company and he didn't want to change his hair and admit he had one (although I have to assume most people had a strong hunch). He finally caved and just went with a close buzz, then no one could so easily go "hey wait, your hair is straight!" The minute the media noticed Marcia Clark's hair it was a lose/lose situation for her.

Oh yes, that drop of Portishead's "Sour Times".

[Ito] didn't treat Chris that way?
Nope. He didn’t dare. He was very sensitive to the race issue that was constantly swirling around the courtroom. The other part is that Chris is a man! But he felt very comfortable kicking me around the courtroom, and that was the upsetting part. It's not that I'm taking it personally. What is this jury seeing? That was the upsetting thing. And it was so apparent that Tammy Bruce, who was then president of the National Organization [for] Women, went in to talk to him about it. And she told him she was worried about the jury, too. Lance, the judge, did not believe it. He didn't believe her. So she put together video clips showing the way he was talking to me and the way he was treating me differently from all the men. He copped to it, and for a few weeks things were actually kind of nice for me.
I feel like one of the few ways the media circus was accurate in the day was in pointing out Ito being a jackass and/or joke. I know that got through to me then.

Marcia really went through hell on this case. I didn't even know nude photos of hers went out as well. What a nightmare.
I think I'd heard about this. I assume the douchebag took a payout. There was no shortage of people cashing in on this case in the most irrelevant ways.


Hunky Nostradamus
Wow, what an intense episode (and definitely the best one yet! Sarah Paulson did a tremendous job this week.). I can't believe all of that stuff actually happened. Good lord.

Really, if this were a fictional show, I'd be out because of all the stupid shit happening, lol.

Yep. It'd get ripped to shreds by fans and critics alike, lol.
Man, they nailed that one again. Easily as good as last week's, if not better. I greatly enjoyed Ron and Kim staring daggers in the background at Cochran as he played mind games with the detective, and the "Kiss from a Rose" sequence, LOL.


I forgot a lot of the crazier details like Marcia's nudes. Really, if this were a fictional show, I'd be out because of all the stupid shit happening, lol. Gotta love the 90s.

I didn't even know about this. I thought they made it up for the show.

Crazy stuff.


Yeah. Pretty brutal what the media circus did to her. I was too young and didn't really care at the time to even think about that aspect of everything.

I never knew about the nude photo. What a nightmare. And those front page headlines about her hair were so brutal.

The photos were actually sold by her ex mother-in-law.


I also wasn't aware of the Johnny Cochran domestic violence stuff.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I'm perched to know whether she keeps it
Man, if this is what Ryan Murphy can do when he restrains his style a little bit, I'm all in. I like Ryan Murphy's shows in the abstract, but most of his shows dial up camp to extreme levels.


Hunky Nostradamus
Man, if this is what Ryan Murphy can do when he restrains his style a little bit, I'm all in. I like Ryan Murphy's shows in the abstract, but most of his shows dial up camp to extreme levels.

(Ryan Murphy didn't write any of ACS. He's just an executive producer and director.)


I'm very disappointed that David Schwimmer hasn't said *anything*, let alone "juice" for the last two episodes.

why did they make such a big deal with her new haircut :p

Because it was a huuuuuge deal. It goes Bronco chase, hair, glove, "doesn't fit you must acquit," then that foreman stumbling over "Orenthal.".

Throw in Kato on the stand and Lance Ito's laptop logo and those are all the biggest memories of the trial for me.


I forgot a lot of the crazier details like Marcia's nudes. Really, if this were a fictional show, I'd be out because of all the stupid shit happening, lol. Gotta love the 90s.
Yeah it's really crazy watching this show because as you said, this shit actually happened but I never was aware of it. So watching it I feel like even if half of half of what the show shows actually happened is still fucking insane considering how much crazy stuff is going on over a courtroom trial.

I wouldn't even know what to make of it if it was pure fiction. I guess sometimes life imitates trashy TV sometimes.
Damn, what an episode. And the Emmy goes to...Sarah Paulson.

I can't believe a Ryan Murphy produced show about the O.J. Simpson trial could make me cry, but it did. So good.
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