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The Phantom Dust Thread


I love all the people who play, who think it's all about how strong their attack skill is. Not realizing how long it takes for them to actually build enough Aura to even use it. Or the fact they can only use it once. I'm thinking some of the people who are on Live didn't even get past chapter 2.
Great concept...great everything, although I really wish the camera was more flexible. MS was really blind about not releasing this themselves.
Dave Long said:
Why didn't Microsoft publish this game? I just don't get it. This is probably among the top three games I've played on the system and they developed it, yet Majesco is left to publish it as a budget title? WTF?!

Because M$ underestimated the XBox user base. If this game is marketed properly it could sell a lot more. I know many are picking it up simply because of it's value price. The one thing that turns people off is when you use the two words....CARD BATTLE. They start thiking PSO3 or Culdecept, and wrinkle thier nose and won't even give the game a chance. I will say that the online community has been outstanding. Poepl are really loving the strategy aspect of this game and are really concentrating and putting together some effective strategies. Beats the hellout of jumping into a Halo 2 Free-for-all game with shotguns and 13 years old screaming explicatives in your ear. All my friends who are playing this call this game 'Phantom Crack' due to it's shear addictiveness. The skill pursuit is like a surreal Pokemon for anime/actions freaks. I was playing online last night just to see what skill would pop-up in the online shop. And it's VERY cool to check out how many utiliae the skills at their disposal. I've seen some truly creative stuff. This game reallyl gets your cerebral juices flowing.

But to be honest if this game wasn't $20, many would have passed it up for other qulaity stuff this month (DMC3, God of War, Splinter Cell3, Brother in Arms, etc.). So I'm glad it's selling well, and I hope Majesco makes a good profit from the poor decision by M$. Tiles like this is what moves gaming forward. And as the masses crave for the next GTA, Madden, and Mortal Kombat, it's nice to put a quality niche title out there that drive innovation. Unique games like Phantom Dust, Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders, Oddworld Stranger, and such make the XBox really stand out this generation.


Best $20 game ever.


If MS let this waste away in Japan I fear the worst for all their jp games to come. Next thing you know they won't publish Mizuguchi's game in the US. :/


Got this in the mail last night, thanks GameStop.com. Filled out the rebate form, noticed that my shipping list didn't indicate the order date, so I printed out the order status screen from GameStop.com and included that with the form/UPC.

Looking forward to playing tonight, but this project I'm working on may get in the way.


Apharmd Battler said:
But to be honest if this game wasn't $20, many would have passed it up for other qulaity stuff this month (DMC3, God of War, Splinter Cell3, Brother in Arms, etc.). So I'm glad it's selling well, and I hope Majesco makes a good profit from the poor decision by M$. Tiles like this is what moves gaming forward. And as the masses crave for the next GTA, Madden, and Mortal Kombat, it's nice to put a quality niche title out there that drive innovation. Unique games like Phantom Dust, Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders, Oddworld Stranger, and such make the XBox really stand out this generation.

I'm a big Xbox fan, but honestly every console got one stellar niche title... Viewtiful Joe for GC, Katamari Damacy for PS2, and Phantom Dust for Xbox. I know there are more but these seem to stand out.

bonus: PD Wallpaper

jedimike said:
I'm a big Xbox fan, but honestly every console got one stellar niche title... Viewtiful Joe for GC, Katamari Damacy for PS2, and Phantom Dust for Xbox. I know there are more but these seem to stand out.

bonus: PD Wallpaper


Thank for the wallpaper link!! I need more of these!!

I wasn't trying to imply that other consoles didn't have stellar titles (I own each of those named above). I'm just giving Phantom Dust it's props, because many overlook games like this because of the current state of gaming media/journalism. Majesco made a good decision to bring this game over to te states. And the word of mouth on this game has been phenominal. And it's very rare when something like this happens and when it does it's all good (e.g. Katamari Damacy, Gradius V).

This game look gorgeous, and I love the fact that pretty much EVERYTHING in the environment is destructible. So of the skills and animations are just awesome to behold. One of the most additive and innovative titles to come out this gen. I am shocked that M$ couldn't move this game in Japan...but we all take a guess on that situation.

I have been waiting for some free time so that I could e-mail Majesco and personally thank them for taking the risk and bringing this title to the US. This more than makes up for Bloodrayne 2. :p


Anybody up for Phantom Dust tonight? Ironclad Ninja? IJoel? Drinky? MAF? It's on!

Sumidor and I versus the world. 8 p.m. PST. Be there.

Gamertag: rp


Just got the game, so I'm gonna go through single-player first. I don't have Live, but I just might try and get that next.
Anyone know how long the single player is? I am really loving this game so far its a shame MS publishes crap like Blinx 2 but don't give games like this and Oddworld a chance.


The_Sorrow said:
Anyone know how long the single player is? I am really loving this game so far its a shame MS publishes crap like Blinx 2 but don't give games like this and Oddworld a chance.

Single player takes about 20-25 hours. But if you're looking to score all 300 skills, add another ten or fifteen hours to that.


Wario64 said:
Ironclad, if you can read this I can't join in because my arsenals dont match the game rules
Yeah, I started a game where an arsenal was needed but you don't have one yet. Just play the single player and you will automatically get one at the start of Chap. 3, or you can buy an arsenal case from the shop.

On that note, good games Wario, Sicher, Sysgen. Those team matches were particularly great.


Yea. I can get him down to the second attack pattern, and I know how to attack him, I just get utterly decimated before I can get enough hits in.


Faith arsenals are great if you suck. You can get your ass beat the entire match then pull out Judge of Annubius and kill them in one hit. This game is amazing on xbox live, even though I suck at it so far. The community is infinitly better than halo 2. There are so many strategys it makes my head hurt.


You fools! Where are you? I've been online for the past hour!

Anyway, I'll hop back in a few minutes. Gamertag: IJoel


Question: Is the single player alone worth it? It seems like my trend with these Xbox Live games is I try them and they are "fun" but just as a distraction for me. So, pre-assuming I won't put massive amounts of hours/play into online will I enjoy it enuff just offline.

(also.. I just purchased Wind Waker and PoP in the 2 for $25 deal so I will be busy for a bit probably.. thanks Wario or whoever posted the deal)
I think I lose most of the time through my own stupidity. Especially with Bomb. Hitting the wall next to me, blowing up the bridge above my head onto of me. Let's not even get into running off of cliffs. I'm the other team's MVP.
even if its just you and me at even level you edge out a win ROAR!!!!! oh well, everyone needs a nemesis. I do ok, not the best, got my rank up tonight against wario.



Standing in a corner watching Castellan and I battle, then prancing around me while evading my short distance attacks.

Jumping your sword is like jumping rope, I time it with the sounds ;)

To be honest it was a fair strategy to use against a bomb, big bomb happy character like myself.

Only thing I could counter it with was a psycho knife/blade combo which requires 5 points, while not heavy hitters, they hit faster. Also close range rapid shot is nice.

Dont worry, french movie theme and I threw down a bit.

I still start fights with too many high skills and not enough white orbs, but my deck is balanced. I blame it on chance.
ooh, see I didnt know that

Oh, and the matches are getting SO much better as we practice. I cant imagine how good we'll be in a month with the undiscovered skills.
After a few changes I have a decent Optical/Ki deck. I vastly prefer stacking Jump/Dash over defense skills, although I keep a reflect and a shell around for emergencies.

Hopping around and blasting you melee folks = FUN, until Joel pins me down with sword strikes. :(
MightyHedgehog's tip for Phantom Dust:

Don't play game online more than a little over-baked.

IJoel was kind enough to let me live just long enough to realize that my arsenals suck. And my timing. And my sense of direction in maps.

I shall play more offline before I venture online again to be killed.

What's the name of that lightning fall attack you were using, anyway?
Ijoel makes dumb arsenals too, like that almost entirely all sword aresenal. Worked at first but ;)

Then I made MY dumb aresenal first time on that had like 2 white orbs. Haha that was fun :(


MightyHedgehog said:
MightyHedgehog's tip for Phantom Dust:

Don't play game online more than a little over-baked.

IJoel was kind enough to let me live just long enough to realize that my arsenals suck. And my timing. And my sense of direction in maps.

I shall play more offline before I venture online again to be killed.

What's the name of that lightning fall attack you were using, anyway?

Hahaha... that was fun. It was actually pretty close.

My arsenal is pretty good for duels, but come more people into the fray, and I'm dead. I need to balance it with more projectiles. Also, the defensive skills in that arsenal suck.

The lightning attack is named "Thunder Storm" and it's a Nature skill.

MrAngryFace said:
Ijoel makes dumb arsenals too, like that almost entirely all sword aresenal. Worked at first but ;)

Then I made MY dumb aresenal first time on that had like 2 white orbs. Haha that was fun :(

Hey you fool, I'm still tuning my arsenals! Besides, that arsenal isn't really packed with swords, other than about 3 skills. You just figured out how to evade them.
you dialed my number a couple times MAF, but i ended the night on a victory! now you go to sleep angry!

p.s. man it seemed like you and castellan were fucking teeing off on me in the corner that one time :lol i said jesus christ he's standing right next to you hit him so i can make a hasty retreat! but that couldn't happen
Haha drinky was attacking you and I joined in and then when things looked bad for you I did start knifing him in the back haha.

Youre good, we ganged up on a you a few times because of that fact. In three people games its hard to appear fair. I tend to alternate between who is closest, but we all wanna win i guess ;)
*retains name of attack in ass-kicking arsenal wishlist named, 'asskicker'*

OK, cool! Yeah, it seemed close, but really, I got the feeling that you were just being generous with me, seeing how clueless I obviously was... Playing this game also brings me to something I'd like to say...

People talk about how games, in general, are in a state of creative crisis... BULLSHIT, I say. Dumbfucks who own an XBOX and don't pick this game up for a measly $20 and complain about the state of games deserve to keep drowning in their angsty, tar-black world of video game ennui until such time that they stop peppering the internet with super-jaded and pointless pontification because they've gone to hell and died. /rant

This is the best game released this year so far, IMHO.
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