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"The Phantom of the Opera" Teaser Trailer

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Maybe there's a higher quality one than this tiny quicktime one. If someone finds a better one let me know.

Anyway, the sets look nice, and so do the costumes, too bad we don't hear any singing and the thing is a horrible barrage of quick cuts so you can barely make out anything. Hopefully, the official trailer is better - but I still have low expectations for this given Michael Crawford's absence from the lead role, that's just blasphemy!!!!



Remake? This is an adaption of the stage musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber (the only musical of his that I can tolerate at this point). Granted there's been probably no less than 10 films based on the Phantom story, but this isn't really a remake of any of the other films.
Yeah, one thing the trailer did was remind me that the Phantom music is actually okay! Unlike nearly every other Webberesque musical I used to like.


GameFan Alumnus
Teaser looks good. Would rather have seen less quick cuts, but it seems faithful enough and the music is right. Hope the singing is ok. Only thing that scares me is Joel Schumacher. He directed that turd of a Batman movie with Arnold Schwarzeneggar and the rollerblading gang of badguys with hockey sticks.
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