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The Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All Official Thread


Just remember that it was added in after all of the first 3 GS games came out, kind of like a director's cut, but it's definitely the new canon ending (or else we wouldn't have characters from that case returning for GS4)
I always thought of A1 case 5 taking place in AA3's timeframe. Would explain


I just finished the game and the final is definitely one of my favorites in the series
(love the music they play when Matt is revealed as the bad guy)
. But I just can't choose a favorite between the final case in this game, and the last two cases in the first game. On one hand, I loved the final case in this game because
you had to defend someone who was guilty
. But on the other hand,
Manfred von Karma and Damon Grant were just BEGGING to be found guilty and I didn't have this feeling during the final case of this game

Hopefully Capcom gets positive results from that contest and releases the third installment.


Junior Member
just got the game yesterday, played and beat case 1 already.....but......

WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MUSIC?!?!?!?!?!??!!? :((((((((
You get used to it. I´ve come to love some of it, especially the one that plays during testemonies.

Case 3 was fun.
are a riot.


May contain jokes =>
WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MUSIC?!?!?!?!?!??!!? :((((((((

Seriously. This game was good, but not nearly as good as the original, for almost exactly this reason. The new music sucks in comparison to the original's. And it killed the thrill of the game. The only decent music was the Matt Engarde theme toward the end.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Emerson said:
Seriously. This game was good, but not nearly as good as the original, for almost exactly this reason. The new music sucks in comparison to the original's. And it killed the thrill of the game. The only decent music was the Matt Engarde theme toward the end.
Edgeworth's return theme was awesome.


May contain jokes =>
You could be right, I don't remember it.

Either way, the in-court music paled in comparison to the first game's.
Final Scene Spoiler
When Franny busts into the court at the end of the last case, I kinda jumped up from my seat and hit my head on the ceiling.

I like how this games cases are more cinematic.


Master of the Google Search
Buttonbasher said:
Final Scene Spoiler
When Franny busts into the court at the end of the last case, I kinda jumped up from my seat and hit my head on the ceiling.

I like how this games cases are more cinematic.

The entire game is more epic period.

And I've heard only good things about the third game :D


Emerson said:
Seriously. This game was good, but not nearly as good as the original, for almost exactly this reason. The new music sucks in comparison to the original's. And it killed the thrill of the game. The only decent music was the Matt Engarde theme toward the end.

Agreed, but also because most of the cases were predictable. Case 4 is what saved this game.

About Keanu Reeves...
http://www.imdb.com said:
Reeves, whose first name means "cool breeze over the mountains" in Hawaiian
Doesn't that sound a little like
Matt Engarde's
It also makes his
dialog a lot funnier if you imagine it in Keanu's voice.

So I beat it last night. After I started case 4 I couldn't stop playing, I recharged my DS twice and took an entire waking day and change to do it, and yeah, it was pretty awesome.

I think the investigative parts of JFA were a LOT better then in AA, at least I didn't get stuck nearly as much and I had more fun doing them. I liked the unraveling, complicated mysteries of each case. Even when I figured things out ahead of time, there was always at least a few loose ends that ended up surprising me.

and Case 3 was so dang funny, why the hate peeps?
I loved this game, and it sucks that I have to wait for many months before PW3 eventually comes ambiling its way here.


Was the
4th piece of evidence Maya's drawing?
If so, aww.

Um, about the funny quotes, I also found
Oldbag's: "You shall not pass!" LOTR's reference funny (probably because I imagined her saying it), and Franziska's: "Maybe after court... if you're into that kind of thing." response to Moe's "You're not gonna whip me, are you?" question.
Haha, I just didn't think they'd go there.

Overall, awesome game.
I replayed AA1 and am now doing it with JFA just for the comedy and story. It´s crazy how I don´t remember some details about the cases. Right now I´m at case 4 when
Edgeworth returns
. Epic scene and music, after it I started the game again from the last save point to see it another time. :D

Bring on AA3, Capcom!


Moe, aka. Lawrence Curls? (Moe, Larry, Curly)
Haha, didn't notice the
Three Stooges
reference until I replayed it.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
A question regarding the first Phoenix Wright's 5th case...

What is motivating Lena to give Phoenix all these extra materials to help with the case ? I thought she truely believes that her sister was the one who murdered the cowboy's brother. Wouldn't Lena do all that she could to prevent Phoenix from getting to the bottom of the murder case years ago ?

Oh, and another question for the second Phoenix Wright's 2nd case...

One of the evidence you have is this piece of bloody clothes with a bullet hole on it... I am not sure if this makes sense at all ! That clothes can't be Maya's clothes because Maya couldn't have gotten her clothes bloodied because she was stuffed in that clothing box. However, that clothes is also not of the murderer's (Ini) too because Ini's clothes doesn't have that bullet hole in the picture taken by Lotta. Can anybody explain that ?

Oh, and thanks ShockingAlberto :)
NetMapel said:
A question regarding the first Phoenix Wright's 5th case...

What is motivating Lena to give Phoenix all these extra materials to help with the case ? I thought she truely believes that her sister was the one who murdered the cowboy's brother. Wouldn't Lena do all that she could to prevent Phoenix from getting to the bottom of the murder case years ago ?

Best I could tell, Lana was hoping Phoenix would find out more about the murder of Goodman and not want to pursue any further. If he found out she was guilty, then he wouldn't investigate SL-9 any further. Once Phoenix eventually got to the point where he discovered everything but the final piece of the puzzle, she cautiously wanted him to proceed so she could find out herself. When she realized it was Ema, or at least when all the evidence pointed towards it, she changed her mind again and clammed up.

Oh, and another question for the second Phoenix Wright's 2nd case...

One of the evidence you have is this piece of bloody clothes with a bullet hole on it... I am not sure if this makes sense at all ! That clothes can't be Maya's clothes because Maya couldn't have gotten her clothes bloodied because she was stuffed in that clothing box. However, that clothes is also not of the murderer's (Ini) too because Ini's clothes doesn't have that bullet hole in the picture taken by Lotta. Can anybody explain that ?

Looking at the picture, you're right. It's a plot hole with the art that they either didn't consider or was done separately.

Oh, and thanks ShockingAlberto :)
No problem.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
ShockingAlberto said:
Best I could tell, Lana was hoping Phoenix would find out more about the murder of Goodman and not want to pursue any further. If he found out she was guilty, then he wouldn't investigate SL-9 any further. Once Phoenix eventually got to the point where he discovered everything but the final piece of the puzzle, she cautiously wanted him to proceed so she could find out herself. When she realized it was Ema, or at least when all the evidence pointed towards it, she changed her mind again and clammed up.

Hmm... why would Lana allow herself be controled by Gant if she thought Ema was innocent ? In fact, why would she have re-arranged the crime scene back then if she thought Ema was innocent ? I was always under the impression that Lana thought Ema killed the cowboy's brother and covered for her. As such, if that is the case, then Lana should not have been motivated to give Phoenix all the new evidence. I can't quite remember all the stuff she got for Phoenix, but I remember a few of them were important SL-9 materials that would have clearly motivated Phoenix to learn more about SL-9... that isn't something that Lana want !

Looking at the picture, you're right. It's a plot hole with the art that they either didn't consider or was done separately.
Hmm... and I also have to wonder...
That piece of bloodied clothes in the fireplace thing. Phoenix claimed it's Maya and I can understand that... but how come it's bloodied too ? I recall Phoenix said Maya's clothes got switched (from bloody to clean) but I have to wonder, first of all, how did it get bloodied. I can't seem to understand that, haha


Emerson said:
Seriously. This game was good, but not nearly as good as the original, for almost exactly this reason. The new music sucks in comparison to the original's. And it killed the thrill of the game. The only decent music was the Matt Engarde theme toward the end.

I agree. I didn't care for the music at first but it grows on you. The best music in PW2 is the music from PW1. Kind of disappointing because the first game had an amazingly catchy soundtrack, but its still a fun game to play, I'm almost done with case 3.


That's funny about the music. I remember everyone raving about the music for the first one and figured I'd check out what was the big deal with the second one. Man I was confused. Still really a first rate game.

I didn't give Edgeworth the whip at the end. What happens if you do?


I didnt like JFA as much as i did AA... the Last case (Which i finished 5 days ago) made up for it though. and Franceska is so awesome.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Ending music for JFA is among my favorite pieces of PW music. It's really simple, but conveys so much.


NetMapel said:
Hmm... why would Lana allow herself be controled by Gant if she thought Ema was innocent ? In fact, why would she have re-arranged the crime scene back then if she thought Ema was innocent ? I was always under the impression that Lana thought Ema killed the cowboy's brother and covered for her. As such, if that is the case, then Lana should not have been motivated to give Phoenix all the new evidence. I can't quite remember all the stuff she got for Phoenix, but I remember a few of them were important SL-9 materials that would have clearly motivated Phoenix to learn more about SL-9... that isn't something that Lana want !
Case 5 of the first game is still kind of fresh in my mind, so there's a big issue here that I think is wrong with your assumption:
Lana doesn't give you any evidence during Case 5 except for the book on evidence law, and the item hidden inside that book. I think it's safe to assume she gave the book on evidence law as a way to smuggle the actual item she wanted Phoenix to have, but it turns out you use the book to prove Gant guilty. If anything, Lana didn't want you to know about SL-9 whatsoever until it became apparent to her that Gant had framed Ema. That's the point where she's about to confess to what really happened until Gant bursts in and you get to make him crack.

Lana actually went along with Gant's plan because she believed him and thought Ema was guilty. This way she was able to convict Joe Darke.

There's the truth of what happened in Case 5 (Gant did it, and framed Ema), then what Lana thought was the truth (Ema did it), and then what was publicized in the trial as the truth (Joe Darke did it - though to be fair, he wasn't innocent since he apparently did a random spree of 3-4 murders and that's why the police were after him).

Most of the evidence you get during Case 5 is found during your investigation, or from the different witnesses, although there's one item you get from Edgeworth that Gant gave him.

As far as the PW2 case 2 plot hole, I don't know. That's a tough one to explain. Well, the
bullet hole
makes sense, but not the


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
firex said:
Case 5 of the first game is still kind of fresh in my mind, so there's a big issue here that I think is wrong with your assumption:
Lana doesn't give you any evidence during Case 5 except for the book on evidence law, and the item hidden inside that book. I think it's safe to assume she gave the book on evidence law as a way to smuggle the actual item she wanted Phoenix to have, but it turns out you use the book to prove Gant guilty. If anything, Lana didn't want you to know about SL-9 whatsoever until it became apparent to her that Gant had framed Ema. That's the point where she's about to confess to what really happened until Gant bursts in and you get to make him crack.

Lana actually went along with Gant's plan because she believed him and thought Ema was guilty. This way she was able to convict Joe Darke.

There's the truth of what happened in Case 5 (Gant did it, and framed Ema), then what Lana thought was the truth (Ema did it), and then what was publicized in the trial as the truth (Joe Darke did it - though to be fair, he wasn't innocent since he apparently did a random spree of 3-4 murders and that's why the police were after him).

Most of the evidence you get during Case 5 is found during your investigation, or from the different witnesses, although there's one item you get from Edgeworth that Gant gave him.
Ok, I remember...
Lana at least gave Phoenix two critical piece of evidence that would lead Phoenix to naturally think Ema did the murder years ago. The first one was the entire SL-9 case material. My first question would be why would Lana even bother bringing that up to Phoenix for this trial ? It almost felt to me that Lana gave Phoenix this case because she has doubts to the truth behind that case as far as she knows. However, that can't be the case because Lana truely believes Ema killed the prosecutor and I see no point of her bringing that SL-9 case to Phoenix. All she wanted at that point is to be convicted of the murder of Goodmen. In fact, I have no idea why she hired Phoenix in the first place as her defense attorney :p Remember, she only learned of the possibility that Ema is framed near the very end of the game, which is after she gave Phoenix all her evidences. If I recall, she also gave Phoenix that evidence law book with a picture of the murder scene inside it. Now why the hell would she do that if she is convinced Ema is the murderer ? That photo alone is almost proof that Ema did the murdering... yet, at that point, Lana claims Ema is fully innocent in court. It's just extremely weird why she would want Phoenix to see that photo if she wants everybody to believe Ema is innocent...

Fady K

Ive beaten it today, and bottom line is - I wouldve scored it a 7 if it wasnt for Case 4 - now I score it an 8. Case 1 was interesting but far too short, Case 2 was decent, I really didnt like case 3 - except maybe the very last bit of it, and case 4 KICKED ASS. It was so dramatic! Also, case 4 introduces the better music tracks of the game IMO. Nice ending, especially with the 4th piece of evidence ;)

In the end, I enjoyed Phoenix Wright AA more (that had a freakin long episode MADE for the DS, and it was good too - u cant beat that really...) but Case 4 turned PW AA JFA from a 7 to an 8 for me. Bring on the 3rd one, I want to spend some more time with "Nick" before I meet the new lawyer in the house whom you play as in Gyakuten Saiban 4.
I haven't finished this game yet, but I just heard Phoenix use the "Well excuuuuse me, Princess" line, and busted out laughing. God I love the writing in these games.


NetMapel said:
Ok, I remember...
Lana at least gave Phoenix two critical piece of evidence that would lead Phoenix to naturally think Ema did the murder years ago. The first one was the entire SL-9 case material. My first question would be why would Lana even bother bringing that up to Phoenix for this trial ? It almost felt to me that Lana gave Phoenix this case because she has doubts to the truth behind that case as far as she knows. However, that can't be the case because Lana truely believes Ema killed the prosecutor and I see no point of her bringing that SL-9 case to Phoenix. All she wanted at that point is to be convicted of the murder of Goodmen. In fact, I have no idea why she hired Phoenix in the first place as her defense attorney :p Remember, she only learned of the possibility that Ema is framed near the very end of the game, which is after she gave Phoenix all her evidences. If I recall, she also gave Phoenix that evidence law book with a picture of the murder scene inside it. Now why the hell would she do that if she is convinced Ema is the murderer ? That photo alone is almost proof that Ema did the murdering... yet, at that point, Lana claims Ema is fully innocent in court. It's just extremely weird why she would want Phoenix to see that photo if she wants everybody to believe Ema is innocent...
that's true, I forgot she gives you the
case file.
I thought Edgeworth or Gant or Gumshoe gave it, for some reason. I guess I should go back through it again, but I think she leaves
the picture
in that book because she's always had suspicions about what she covered up, and sees that Phoenix is already doing a good job uncovering stuff so she decides not to hide it anymore. I mean, the book she gives you comes in pretty late in the trial, when she's figured out
that if she doesn't intervene and implicate Gant as the ringleader in the coverup, he's going to put Ema in jail. or if I'm remembering this wrong, it comes in when she realizes Phoenix is going after Gant.
Regardless, I know at one point Phoenix basically makes it known to her that he's got suspicions about Gant, so maybe Lana thinks that if she helps Phoenix out, she'll find out what really happened and prove her sister's innocence, or at least take Gant down with her.

just in general, for some reason I like Case 5 of PW1 the most. I think it's because in that one you don't feel like you get deus ex machina from Mia Fey or Edgeworth or anything like that, and it's all about your own deductions. Sometimes (especially in PW2) it feels like Phoenix is a little too slow on the uptake for somebody who's always solving these impossibly twisted murders.
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