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The Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All Official Thread


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
AniHawk said:

AA2 Case 4 >>>>>>> AA1 Case 4 >>> AA1 Case 5 > AA1 Case 2 > AA2 Case 2 > AA2 Case 3 > AA1 Case 3 > AA1 Case 1 > AA2 Case 2
I haven't finished the 4th case in this game yet, but other than that I agree. AA2 Case 2 sucks.


There's just no way I can pick between JfA case 4, PW1 case 4, or PW1 case 5 for my favorite cases. It's too close. JfA's case 4 was by far the best in the game, though. I'm still holding out hope that Capcom will announce a GS3 DS port after GS4 releases in Japan.


Dot Hacked
I finished this up around an hour ago now and the whole game was just amazing and even harder then the first! And I only cheated twice! We all know my tastes are kinda weird but I think each case was better than the last~ 4 > 3 > 2 > 1. The music was also great! More sinister and dramatic sounding. The one problem I had with the first game still persisted here though. All murder cases. Doesn't Nick take any other kinds of cases? One problem I had specific to this game is waaaay to much Mia. Maya/Pearl really didn't get much time as they should have. By the way wasn't it all kinds of wrong to be dragging Pearl around on murder investigations? Poor kid!


I agree on the
thing Lindsay. She showed up way too much. Come on Phoenix, do something yourself >=( Also,
Mia looks really ****ing creepy in Pearl's outfit. I mean wtf x_x
. I found the second game harder as well. Only time I had to go to a FAQ in the first game was in the fifth case, and that was because I thought I did something but hadn't. This time I had to use it like twice in the 2nd case and did a bunch of random guesswork in the 3rd.
I finished the game last night.

Case 4 was amazing.
I knew what was up with Maya the instant I saw the transceiver. Matt Engarde turning evil was pretty unexpected, and his magically getting a snifter out of thin air was quite funny. But doesn't Phoenix revealing their conversation (about blackmailing de Killer) during the trial, violate attorney-client privilege? Engarde even tells Phoenix he won't be able to tell anyone what he says.

The only time I was totally stumped was in Case 2 when
you're suppose to point out the lack of powder burns on the bullet hole in Maya's sleeve.

All in all, a great and satisfying game. Hooray for linearity!
I would definitely play PW:AA before this one if you're at all interested in the series, because Justice For All spoils most of it. Now to start waiting for the third (and fourth) installments...and start working on Hotel Dusk.


TelemachusD said:
But doesn't Phoenix revealing their conversation (about blackmailing de Killer) during the trial, violate attorney-client privilege? Engarde even tells Phoenix he won't be able to tell anyone what he says.

Choosing to keep defending him and making him incriminate himself just so that he doesn't get killed is the cooler ending anyway. :D
TelemachusD said:
But doesn't Phoenix revealing their conversation (about blackmailing de Killer) during the trial, violate attorney-client privilege? Engarde even tells Phoenix he won't be able to tell anyone what he says.

It wasn't evidence, though. Plus, once it's been presented, it gets the ball rolling - Engarde won't object to it, because if he does, he's not guilty, and he is inevitably killed.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Is it a bit creepy to anyone else, that everyone seems to fall in love/want to marry Regina? She's like 16. :eek:


Dot Hacked
Mejilan said:
Is it a bit creepy to anyone else, that everyone seems to fall in love/want to marry Regina? She's like 16. :eek:

Well she is cute! At least it isn't Pearl everyone falls for.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Yeah, her bubbly animations are great. And I love Pearls! In an adorable little girl kinda way, anyway. But EVERYONE's falling for Regina. CREEPY!


Phoenix calling Pearl, "Pearls" creeped me out.

As I was making this post, I originally called Phoenix, "Nick." :\


Heh, something I just caught on Case 3:
The Clown's Nickname is Moe, but his real name is Lawrence Curls.... Larry Moe and Curly, the Three Stooges. It hit me in the middle of the case.


PissBOX, PeeS2, or Toiletcube
Beat it last night. Great game, the 4th mission is definately the best one in the series and also the hardest.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Just got to case 4. Didn't really like case 3 so much.

So wtf out and out there. Every single other PW case so far (in either game), has been fun and interesting to follow. PW2 Case 3, however? Just so contrived and nonsensical (even without the circus theme).

I hope Case 4 is better.

Edit - :lol
For great justice!
Koomaster said:
Heh, something I just caught on Case 3:
The Clown's Nickname is Moe, but his real name is Lawrence Curls.... Larry Moe and Curly, the Three Stooges. It hit me in the middle of the case.

Holy hell, I can't believe I missed that. Awesome!
Mejilan said:
Just got to case 4. Didn't really like case 3 so much.

So wtf out and out there. Every single other PW case so far (in either game), has been fun and interesting to follow. PW2 Case 3, however? Just so contrived and nonsensical (even without the circus theme).

I hope Case 4 is better.

Edit - :lol
For great justice!

Case 4 is the greatest case of all time. No worries, Meji. They saved the best for last!


Running off of Custom Firmware
It's off to a great start so far, to be sure. :D

In general though, it's quite shocking how many typos and grammatical problems I've found in this game.

Fady K

Still playing through case 3. Up until this point, the game is definitely not as entertaining as the first phoenix wright. Looking forward to four - which people say is eight hours long 0_0 yikes. Still, you gotta love the scene where
phoenix gets whipped bad by Von Karma
:lol That was some funny shit.


I found Case 3 to be one of the more unique cases of the series (at least the series released in North America). I enjoyed it despite, or maybe because of, it's eccentricities. And yes, Case 4 is LONG. Take your time with it, don't try and rush through it in a night like I tried to do.

I decided to take a spin through the first game again just for kicks. It goes so quickly now that you don't have to wait for the text.
And Case 2 of PW1 wasn't all bad, when it got out of tutorial mode, it had its moments.
Phoenix Wright: The witness is a big fat liar!
April May: Fat??
Just finished.

Overall, I liked PW1 better. However, there were points of PW2 that were head and shoulders above the first game. The entirety of case four, for example. That's how you keep intensity up and keep the player emotionally invested! As with most cases, I figured them out long before Phoenix did, but there was always one or two details that still surprised me.

Now I don't know how I'm going to pass time until the next game. Time not spent with a Gyakuten Saiban game is time wasted!
I don't get the distaste for Case 3. Not as great as 4 but still one of the better ones. I didn't mind the absurdity and the final twists were both funny and sad. I wouldn't try to rate them (though PW1 case 4/5 and PW2 case 4 are definitely at the top). Bring on GS3.


Running off of Custom Firmware
And done.

Though PW1 was quite a bit longer and infinitely more polished (PW2's localization mostly blows)... wow.

PW2 Case 4 CRUSHES the other 8 cases that span the two games. Incredible.

Edit - Pearls... Nick... Maya.... reservations... *can't breathe* :lol


I'm just hoping that with it sounding like GS3 is on its way here in some form, Capcom hires a professional copy editor for the English version of the game.


I'm obviously late to the party on JFA, but I've been lil' backed up.

I recently got through the first case in JFA and was going to come in here to complain about the soundtrack compared to the one in AA, but you guys are saying to give it a chance to let it grow on you. I guess I'll have to keep it at then.

I do miss the music from the first game though, especially the turnabout track. In the first game I got really excited when I heard it, but so far the turnabout music in this one makes feel a bit let down.


I'm into case 3. The
refs in case 2 were amazing. Maybe
wasn't, but that and
"You will say, 'wow'"
? Not likely.

So, if there are any Capcom people hanging around: please let a grammar fascist have a look at your English script for 3, won't you? The constant punctuation and frequent spelling errors ("alter" for "altar", some other homophone error in case 3, etc.) are really bringing me down :(

Not too badly, though. I thought Case 1 was more enjoyable than PWAA Case 1. Case 2 was loads of fun, and it wasn't nearly as depressing as PWAA Case 2. It was obvious from the time of the murder who did it and how; it was only the specifics (and the final twist) that took some thinking. It was very easy, in general. The only part I got really stuck at was
presenting the key -- for some reason I went with the "someone else" option first, was denied, and didn't try it for the "Maya left" option, since I knew she couldn't have left!
I smacked myself when I thought that one through, I'll tell you.

This one, while lacking the polish and excellent court music of the first, still gets the blood pumping in a way adventure games seldom do. Case 3 is OK so far, but I have my suspicions locked in place already... we'll see how it goes.
jgkspsx said:
I'm into case 3. The
refs in case 2 were amazing. Maybe
wasn't, but that and
"You will say, 'wow'"
? Not likely.

You are off your rocker if you think 'you will say 'wow'' is in any way, shape, or form attritbuted to NeoGAF as a meme.

You people really have a strange view of NeoGAF.

Joe Molotov

Pureauthor said:
You are off your rocker if you think 'you will say 'wow'' is in any way, shape, or form attritbuted to NeoGAF as a meme.

You people really have a strange view of NeoGAF.

Well, at least we still have Pedobear, right?? :(


Pureauthor said:
You are off your rocker if you think 'you will say 'wow'' is in any way, shape, or form attritbuted to NeoGAF as a meme.
I thought that it was derived from some Nintendo exec interview and amplified here? Or is it another SA derivative?

Anyway, I don't really care :)

Why the hell do all these Japanese adventure games (Touch Detective, too) have circus chapters, anyway? Do they love the circus there? Do they think it's really important to American culture? I don't get it.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Ohhhh I just finished JFA... holy crap at case 4 indeed... most sensational !

Speaking of which, from case 4...
Does anyone have the graphical rip of the drawing Maya did on Shelly's card ? I tried Court Record website but they don't have it...


Well, Case 3 was a good time. The use of evidence seemed much more coherent and logical than the norm -- I hope this is a trend! (Maybe I'm just getting used to Capcom logic, though...)

But the grammar and punctuation keep getting worse and worse :(

Loved the epilogue! Can't wait to see what happens next...


jgkspsx said:
Well, Case 3 was a good time. The use of evidence seemed much more coherent and logical than the norm

wat ._. I found it to be totally out there and I was just guessing as I went along >_>;
I've got a problem with Case 5 of the first game, and how it flows into this game. Any thoughts on this? All in spoiler tag for those who aren't through most of both.

The second game makes more sense without case 5 of the first game. This makes sense considering in the original GBA versions that case did not exist. However, it would be a bummer for me to have to consider all the characters and situations from case 5 some sort of... non-canon Phoenix Wright plot cul-de-sac.

In Justice For All, they make reference to the first game's Von Karma case, and say that after that Edgeworth left the Prosecutor's Office. Phoenix seems to hate his guts. He returns for case 4 of the new game, Phoenix isn't quite sure what to make of him, but eventually realizes that Edgeworth has become a different kind of prosecutor, trying to find the truth rather than just a guilty verdict.

However, that development already occurred in case 5 of the first game, without the year-long disappearance. Wright and Edgeworth end up teaming up against Gant, and they seem pretty happy about it afterward. It doesn't make much sense that AFTER that Edgeworth has a crisis of faith and disappears, while Phoenix goes on to hate him.


Edgeworth doesn't seem very happy at all as Case 5 goes on. He's pretty obviously shaken up and emo about Gant saying Edgeworth's "just like him," while Phoenix is kind of distant and just assumes everything's going to be ok.

Also, note that Case 5 revealed Edgeworth really was using lies in court even when he didn't know it, so that probably helped spur him to search for the truth. Before that, it's just speculation, but Case 5 confirms it all.

Just remember that it was added in after all of the first 3 GS games came out, kind of like a director's cut, but it's definitely the new canon ending (or else we wouldn't have characters from that case returning for GS4) and not some pocket universe where it doesn't affect anything else in the game. There's definitely the plot hole of the GS1 Case 4 images mentioned as the time Edgeworth left, but that's probably because they didn't work too hard on the port of GS2, so they didn't add in an image or two from Case 5. And at least the translation keeps it just ambiguous enough that it doesn't have to be taken to literally mean Edgeworth ran away the day after Case 4 happened.
firex said:
Edgeworth doesn't seem very happy at all as Case 5 goes on. He's pretty obviously shaken up and emo about Gant saying Edgeworth's "just like him,"

Also, note that Case 5 revealed Edgeworth really was using lies in court even when he didn't know it, so that probably helped spur him to search for the truth. Before that, it's just speculation, but Case 5 confirms it all.
Good points.
but it's definitely the new canon ending (or else we wouldn't have characters from that case returning for GS4)
Ahh, cool. I didn't know that, but that's the sort of thing I was wondering whether would happen at all.


Yeah, case 4 really was something. As a roller-coaster ride, no other case is like it. I think I still like case 4 of PWAA (slightly) more, though.

Was it me, or did the writing/punctuation/grammar improve significantly on JfA case 4? I wonder what happened there.
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