Tables updated on iOS with this latest release:
Medieval Madness
Twilight Zone
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Star Trek: TNG
From what I could tell of TNG, they've just fixed the orientation of that ship that was around the wrong way. The jets still don't flash like they should
But holy crap... Firepower. It probably plays the best out of all the tables on TPA, which is not a bad thing because it's the one I'll end up playing the most anyway. The ball has a good weight to it, never feels too fast or like you're just pushing a marble around the table. Just...
damn. No idea if it's an engine thing or not, so I'll be firing up some other games and see if they feel better than before. But yeah, it plays beautifully.
Could not be happier
Only bug I found (and it happened to be on my first or second play, but it hasn't happened since) was that the ball got stuck on the playfield view when I was due to launch a ball. Then when I launched it (I just guessed the plunger level on the right) the flippers didn't work. But like I said, hasn't happened since.
Oh, and the best feature to be introduced with this version.... CLOUD SAVING! So you can back up "remotely", and restore on another device. I backed up my iPad save, restored it on my iPhone... and it worked
The high scores seem to be a lot more stable, too. It adds a bit of lag because after every game there's a good second or two where the blue, generic iOS popup appears and says "updating" (as if it were doing it online) but it feels like there's more of a guarantee that it'll register your score (and maybe goals as well).
Feels like a far more solid product now than it ever has. Cloud saving has finally brought this in line with what I was expecting all along. So happy