If they sue I look forward to Square Enix owning the Pokemon IP after they sue for Nintendo stealing DragonQuest designs.
Sqaure enix don't even own dragon quest themselves.
If they sue I look forward to Square Enix owning the Pokemon IP after they sue for Nintendo stealing DragonQuest designs.
GameFreak are just gate keeping the games from being good at this point. Because it's night and day difference between GameFreak polish and Nintendo polish. Almost like GameFreak have poop mixed into their polish or something.I can't even imagine how pissed off are at Nintendo right now, they have one of the most popular IP and they use them like... you know the last pokemon on game...
This is the game they should have done, I can only dream of a game in this style with the polish of a Nintendo game.
I can't even imagine how pissed off are at Nintendo right now, they have one of the most popular IP and they use them like... you know the last pokemon on game...
This is the game they should have done, I can only dream of a game in this style with the polish of a Nintendo game.
Game has 5 bosses, map is not procedural and quite small, plus with 7 idiots on a private server grindwall is not a problem. I’m very dissatisfied in a lategame. There is no automation or factories whatsoever at later stages, base limit is 15 pals and there’s only 2 wonky guns.Youve "Finished" palworld in 3 days? the game snot even finished lol. ALso, what kind of strange speed run did you guys do? Im obsessed ever day and I haven't even remotely scoured the islands yet.
Or are you saying theres some boss that you can go fight and say..."right ive beaten the 5 bosses so ive finished the game" is it that kind of thing?
Things like metadata, assets animations etc are all things that need time to examine.I think actually finding some stuff deep in the data is better than just accusing them for shit.
This. So fucking this.Imagine being the type of person who emails a Multi-billion dollar company and asks them to investigate a significantly smaller company because your butt hurt their game uses a similar art style and is more fun to play than the shit the Multi-billion dollar company gives you.
I can't stand baby inc either.They ruined most of my favourite franchises with their bullshit....Throw them in the trash with the rabid fanboys that stan for their multibillion dollar overlords while the rest of us are too busy enjoying great games regardless of platform.‘Nintendo fans are the cucks of the industry’ *goes back to playing Sweet Baby Incs’ getting bummed by a minority simulators*
Sqaure enix don't even own dragon quest themselves.
It’s successful because angry and irate pokemon fans can’t stop talking about the game.Is palworld success due to having a lot of pals to collect?
Can it be successful if they did not ripoff pokemon art?
Palworld in my opinion has definitely crossed a line of how far you can go, especially since they've been "inspired" by multiple Pokemon designs, not just a single character. The problem is they were smart about the changes so it won't be an easy plagiarism case that could lead to the game's fast shutdown (and some recompensation).
The fact that Palworld can stand on its own and actually be a "fun" game while Nintendo hasn't offered a similar product in my opinion doesn't change anything. If they went too far with the copying they should be punished.
This is the real message here.Translation: Shut the fuck up about Palworld already. We will enforce our IP if there's something to enforce but you gotta fucking stop harassing us about this game just because you're big mad.
One of the worst events in gaming history and caused a great drought of good JRPG material in the PS3/XB360 era and the start of FF decline.Square Enix shouldn't have even merged
One of the worst events in gaming history and caused a great drought of good JRPG material in the PS3/XB360 era and the start of FF decline.
Square still hasn't recovered from it ages later.
This part is what makes me somewhat suspicious tbh, the cost is incredibly small yet there's like over 100 pals from the off. It's very evident that "shortcuts" were taken.The Pokemon Company is just salty because they read Palworld was made with almost $7 million USD .....and they didn't realize you are allowed to spend that much on a game.
Gamefreak must be fuming as I'm sure their budget of a $20 7-Eleven giftcard they were sent for the next game is already running low.
Discovering Falcom games was a godsend for me. Final Fantasy pushed me off the "day 1 purchase" category of customers with 12.Not to mention having all the biggest JRPG Franchises under one roof. That there should be considered a monopoly
Discovering Falcom games was a godsend for me. Final Fantasy pushed me off the "day 1 purchase" category of customers with 12.
Been playing Pokemon since Red. Sword and Shield was the first major disappointment for me. Loved Legends and had hope. Scarlet and Violet was utterly disappointing.
Palworld is what I wanted. I even prefer most of the designs of the monsters in PW. Some are clearly adjusted but so what? Game Freak needs a huge kick in the ass hopefully PW does it.
The pal models are pretty low poly. It doesn't take that much work to make 100 of them. If anything it is probably one of the easier parts of the game to develop.This part is what makes me somewhat suspicious tbh, the cost is incredibly small yet there's like over 100 pals from the off. It's very evident that "shortcuts" were taken.
The million dollar question is whether those shortcuts involved ripping Nintendo assets in anyway shape or form. It's not the similarity that's creating a controversy imo, it's the possibility that they potentially put their hands on Nintendo assets, even if they altered it afterwards. This is a company that openly admits to not having version control, so there's a relatively high possibility that they (or at least a set of employees) could have done this.
Discovering Falcom games was a godsend for me. Final Fantasy pushed me off the "day 1 purchase" category of customers with 12.
I'm sorry but if this was plagiarism Nintendo would have done something about it by now. The first trailer of this game came out a year ago and Nintendo did nothing.Except the small company is creatively bankrupt and cashing in on other's work. This isn't 'inspiration'. It's just plagiarism.
Yes, it does.It's an obvious ripoff but that doesn't make it illegal.
You need to iterate on the designs, create meshes textures animations ai routines.The pal models are pretty low poly. It doesn't take that much work to make 100 of them. If anything it is probably one of the easier parts of the game to develop.
If you're talking about that comparison meme that's going around, most of those designs are nowhere near similar (some are even based on different animals/insects all together).As for the whole Palworld situation, Nintendo won't sue since it would give SquareEnix precedent to sue Nintendo for Pokémon copying their Dragon Quest monsters designs.
Many animations will not be that unique, and each Pal itself does not need it's own unique AI either, that's not how games work.You need to iterate on the designs, create meshes textures animations ai routines.
They are the heart of the game and it's likely that a good chunk of dev time was spent on them. Looking average or lo-fi doesn't mean that it was done with zero effort.
My main contention is that there were shortcuts that clearly got taken, the hot legal question of whether those shortcuts infringed on Nintendo property in any legally provable way.
Did you see the last Pokemon game? Last thing that springs to mind is "polish".I can't even imagine how pissed off are at Nintendo right now, they have one of the most popular IP and they use them like... you know the last pokemon on game...
This is the game they should have done, I can only dream of a game in this style with the polish of a Nintendo game.
Zero fucks given.
The complexity of the models doesn't matter if they were ripped. Them being simple makes it even more egregious in court because that means it would have been simple to make their own from the start.The only real (illegal) shortcut that could really be taken here is ripping the models from Pokemon, but that honestly isn't much of a short cut here, because as said, the models aren't particularly complex in the first place.
This. 10000x over.Gamers are a petty bunch huh
I don't think anyone is accusing them of being ripped. They clearly them as reference material, but that's not the same as using actual assets.The complexity of the models doesn't matter if they were ripped. Them being simple makes it even more egregious in court because that means it would have been simple to make their own from the start.
That's not my point. You are saying there are over 100 pals, so therefore it is very evident shortcuts were taken. You then follow by positing on whether those shortcuts involved ripping Nintendo's models.The complexity of the models doesn't matter if they were ripped. Them being simple makes it even more egregious in court because that means it would have been simple to make their own from the start.
I don't think we can say it's "clearly" one thing or another. We simply don't know.I don't think anyone is accusing them of being ripped. They clearly them as reference material, but that's not the same as using actual assets.
Yes, it does.
No it wont because nothing will happen. Otherwise Square can later on sue the shit out of Nintendo for copying their Dragon Quest designs.This will be fascinating. If The Pokemon Company sues/wins there will be HUUUGEE financial repercussions for the Palworld studio since they sold so many units and had so many people engaged with the IP and buzz around it. If they lose/not sue, it gives opportunities for pretty much everyone else to ape and copy Pokemon designs from that point forward.
This post is so full of shit that I can acutally smell it.Pocket Pair just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about Pokemon culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in Palworld where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Pokemon, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the Pokemon public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase Palworld for either system, nor will they purchase any of Pocket Pair's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Pocket Pair has alienated an entire market with this move.
Pocket Pair, publicly apologize and cancel Palworld for PC/Xbox or you can kiss your business goodbye.