Alot of pretty things been said in this thread...
but when it comes down to it... we should only really care about the practical effect; sure the notion of giving everyone a say in the goverment, because it effects them is initially a nice one. But given the practicalities; the size of the population, the apathy, the power of government, the power of media...
The practical, the real effect is that many many people are misled, vote poorly, etc, etc. In theory this wouldn't be too bad; the stupid people should cancel each other out; leaving the smart people to take the correct sides.
But of course the practical effect is that there is most likely a skew of voters; those that don't examine the issues deeply or see politics from a longer term view may skew one way.
So what we have in America now is a system of government, roughly decided by media influence, superficial issues and a large amount of misdirection, from important issues that may be hard to understand to flashier, more headline friendly issues.
As for the fix, I'd propose a meritocracy; to which people like to jump in and say, how do you decide merit? Well it's not hard; but it would require a long winded answer that is rather less snappy, but better considered than the question posed.
When you ignore the practical effect; stating the ideals, that while on paper may sound nice, in reality haven't quite worked out as nicely...
you should know then, those set of ideals have failed to take into proper consideration extra factors... and are as a result, not ideal, but in fact a corruption.
"I'm sure you know I could go on... but really, society needs to make sure its not failing its citizens before citizens can be considered to be failing society."
Society and its citizens; entwines upon itself. It's like the yin and the yang; society is created by it's people, and the society helps in turn to mold those people.
At this point in time... for a good fix; a huge cultural change is needed... alot of things need to be changed, the way we think, the goals we pursue, even the interests we have as a society need to be changed.
I'm not sure how you'd go about culturally conditioning a group of people like americans; rather than letting itself haphazardly evolving, slowly and randomly shifting towards posititivty. But I'd imagine education reform would have alot to do with it.
But then... in this cultural atmosphere... how do you shift focus away from things like terrorism; which has high visual impact, but little real effect (in immediate lives lost)... towards things like education, which is almost invisible in daily news, but effect our lives hugely, not only as individuals, but as a nation and its future? (when I say education, I don't just mean schools... but cultural education; making everyone more critical consumers, a drive towards less impulsivity, less consumerism, etc).
It would almost require a forced change in government; the next best thing would be to allow people that have more carefully considered the idea of government and the effects that policies have; balancing the effect of short term gain and area of effect vs long term gain...