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The real history of Gamergate - Ian Miles Cheong


Strawman fallacy. Good job summarizing an argument that I never made.
Dude, I literally don't know what you're saying or where you're trying to go with this. My last comment was an apparently failed attempt to gather even a slight bit of understand from what you said but I just can't. I don't even see how any of this is relevant. PSA Sitch was originally brought up in response to me talking about right wing commentators as a counterpoint, insinuating he is in fact left leaning yet even a cursory glance at his content shows that he has a right leaning bias.

But then you say... That, I guess he is but... He isn't but he makes good points about...???? Maybe if you stopped spewing out fallacy names like a machine and explained your position, this would be easier.

The "arguments" that you have been making are irrelevant because they do not address any arguments.
I don't know what argument you're trying to put forward.
They are just personal attacks that serve no purpose.
Pointing out a person's political views is a personal attack? What?
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"Alt Right" is a political alightment, of course, and has nothing to do with videogames.
The major reason why GamerGate got associated with the alt-right was the way the enthusiast press had become an overtly left-leaning, "progressive" edifice over the preceding few years. And as we all know now, you criticize progressives in any way and you get tarred with the "Nazi" brush.
So the internet culture war, the craziness since then, it all stems from the politics of GG and the left they were fighting.

This is not left vs right, you could probably take some of Clinton or Obama's speeches without name and the speech would likely be labelled alt right.

Anyone who isn't racist against whites sexist against men, and who doesn't believe in the victim totem-pole hierarchy, is alt right. Anyone who doesn't believe money grows on trees, and who doesn't believe we can have open borders with extensive welfare is alt right.

This is not the left, but the radical far left, which shouldn't even be called far left. They oppose the free speech the left defended, they favor physical violence as response to nonviolent speech, they want children to self sterilize and attend highly sexualized environments. edit: some even want to deny medical services to newborns, and accept of killing children after birth if they are an inconvenience..

Anything to the right of the extreme radical far left, anything that doesn't go so far as to be insane can be labeled alt right. If you're sane, you're alt right. Only by embracing insanity can you avoid the label. edit 2: Take note as to how many bernie and obama voters voted for Trump. And how many of even the democrats that called themselves never trumpers are now planning to vote for Trump in 2020, because they oppose insanity.

So yeah, everytime someone sees something they don't like, a movie with a black lead, a game with gay characters... And they say it's "SJW agenda", that's a direct result of GG
The only attack on gay characters I've seen in recent times was for the last of us, and the problem wasn't that they were gay. The problem was making one of the character models ugly and saying they smelled like garbage, because it can't possibly be made appealing to men by having an attractive character and avoiding comments about stench. It is that misandry that pervades the radical far left. You cannot appeal to the tastes of the male audience, characters must be covered up, ugly and stink if possible.
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Dat caveat. I said "GAF", I never said "only gaming" so here you're hand waving a part of the forums because it doesn't sit well with what you're trying to say. Too bad that counts too, though it's nice you tacitly admit that it is mostly right leaning.

When you get triggered as fuck at something so stupid and constantly bash LGBT people (and plenty on here do that) then I consider you right leaning.


And so on and so on. As I said in my original post, public opinion on GG turned it to being alt-right because of the number of alt-right leaning people who associated with it. But hey, mister burden of proof, if you don't accept all those links or a load more I could have added, then the burden of proof is on you to debunk them. Good luck.

It's also funny that you ignore my mentioning "right leaning" and only focus on "alt right" (in my original post I only said "Alt right" twice, the rest of "right leaning or a variant). Because...

Oh shit, son. You agree with me. Whelp, there you go. Proof they were a minority? That's a positive claim, Mr burden of proof, so please show me the receipts, because it seems there were enough for public opinion to state the whole movement was right wing.

This take is a masterpiece. So you're claiming he's the biggest devil's advocate on Earth? That he only attacks the left, always defends the right but actually he's totally left leaning? Well you got me, bro. I can only go off of his content but you're right; I can't look into his heart of hearts and see what he actually believes.

It's a good thing I never said it was, then. But really Evilore, you gonna sit here and say that -like I originally claimed in my first post- there aren't a whole load of people with yikesy views that appeared as a result of GG? I never said the mods were complicite, I never said the site was complicite, I never said the mods don't ban them from time to time but they exist.
Shit like this:
(I'm not direct quoting to avoid shaming users)

But the right wing crown jewel through GG has to be "The Great SJW Conspiracy". The notion that any inclusion of even slightly progressive points or any form of LGBT representation is the "SJW agenda" to brainwash people. Devs putting what they want in games be damned.

And these are the only examples I can recall and trace back off the top of my head.

So is this all of GAF? Nope. it's not even most, not even half, maybe barely a quarter (though the politics board... oof). But it is there and that was my original point. I don't even want these people to leave but don't tell me they aren't pushing abhorrent views. The idea that I'm saying GAF is this alt-right site is ridiculous (though it's clear why some people would want to make it look like that's what I'm saying; Because outright saying that generally results in a ban).

And I ask you Evilore, you who've been around the block, who has been in the gaming forum biz for longer than anyone; was all this a thing before GG? Had you ever even heard the term "SJW before GG? Of course racism, transphobia and the like has always existed but how prevalent on a gaming forum was it before GG? Because that was my original statement, no matter how many other people want to misconstrue it. That right leaning YT commentators who became famous through GG created a faction of screeching, anti-SJW gamers who play right into the hands of the right wing by labing everything the right hates as "SJW propaganda."

I don't see any reason in responding to your fee-fees when you misconstrue what I said so badly. Better luck next time, though.

I never did that. I just commented on a part of the article that most people tend to ignore (case in point, read through the thread). How bad the left was is an old, already much parroted take. Why would I bang on that dead horse some more? It's amazing how I can defend GG, promote videos about GG and get banned off of old GAF for defending GG but the moment I say something critical about GG and one of it's bad outcomes suddenly GG'ers are all like "AW MAH GAWD MAH SACRED COW!". You're right when you say people "take quick mental shortcuts". Yeesh, from "Right Wing commentators influencing gamers through GG to push their politics" to "GAF is an alt right site", yeah that's an amazing shortcut.

Do you seriously take note every single time you see someone on this forum say something you don't like or use the term "SJW"?

Funny how you mockingly refer to the use of the term SJW a "conspiracy" yet you unironically believe GG got Trump into the white house.

Zero self-awareness.
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Dude, I literally don't know what you're saying or where you're trying to go with this. My last comment was an apparently failed attempt to gather even a slight bit of understand from what you said but I just can't. I don't even see how any of this is relevant. PSA Sitch was originally brought up in response to me talking about right wing commentators as a counterpoint, insinuating he is in fact left leaning yet even a cursory glance at his content shows that he has a right leaning bias.
And what does that have to do with any of the points he puts forward? Nothing. It's irrelevant.

But then you say... That, I guess he is but... He isn't but he makes good points about...???? Maybe if you stopped spewing out fallacy names like a machine and explained your position, this would be easier.
Then stop making fallacies yourself. It's not my problem that you keep going ad hominem in which that ad hominem is unsubstantiated. It's not my problem that you created a strawman fallacy.

I don't know what argument you're trying to put forward.
Because I did not put forth an argument, in the first place. I called you out on being grossly obsessed over a person's (perceived) political affiliation over his actual points and then, you devolve into an incoherent tizzy making illogical statements like this one below.

Pointing out a person's political views is a personal attack? What?
Yes, because you are not addressing that person's arguments. The soundness of one's arguments is dependent on the evidence and reasoning put forward, not that person's political leanings.


Anyone who isn't racist against whites sexist against men, and who doesn't believe in the victim totem-pole hierarchy, is alt right. Anyone who doesn't believe money grows on trees, and who doesn't believe we can have open borders with extensive welfare is alt right.

This is not the left, but the radical far left, which shouldn't even be called far left. They oppose the free speech the left defended, they favor physical violence as response to nonviolent speech, they want children to self sterilize and attend highly sexualized environments.

Anything to the right of the extreme radical far left, anything that doesn't go so far as to be insane can be labeled alt right. If you're sane, you're alt right. Only by embracing insanity can you avoid the label.
This is a nice meme and all but the term "alt right" was coined by a literal neo-nazi to describe is political position of an ethno state. It has a very specific meaning. It's also, yet again, funny that I said alt right twice but mainly focused on simply wing leaning but that's just being forgotten for convenience sake.
The only attack on gay characters I've seen in recent times was for the last of us, and the problem wasn't that they were gay. The problem was making one of the character models ugly and saying they smelled like garbage, because it can't possibly be made appealing to men by having an attractive character and avoiding comments about stench. It is that misandry that pervades the radical far right. You cannot appeal to the tastes of the male audience, characters must be covered up, ugly and stink if possible.
How many other games even have gay characters? Gone Home? You want to talk about that game? Because, yeah that sure ain't a game that's never been accused of being "SJW", oh boy.

As to the rest... Really? Is this even worth addressing? So you can only have lesbians in a game if they're smoking hot? So only really lesbian porn is allowed, huh? Yeah, no. Artistic freedom, my freibd. Devs can do what they want. They don't have to kowtow to teenage boy fantasy.
Funny how you mockingly refer to the use of the term SJW a "conspiracy" yet you unironically believe GG got Trump into the white house.

Where the fuck did I say this?
And what does that have to do with any of the points he puts forward? Nothing. It's irrelevant.
It has everything to do with the discussion, right here on this forum? What?
Then stop making fallacies yourself. It's not my problem that you keep going ad hominem in which that ad hominem is unsubstantiated. It's not my problem that you created a strawman fallacy.
Did you just discover the fallacy wiki page? I can't help but notice that everytime you write "ad hominem" it's in italics. So you're clearly copy pasting it. This is an ad hominem, btw. But at this point I don't even know what to say to you.
Because I did not put forth an argument, in the first place. I called you out on being grossly obsessed over a person's (perceived) political affiliation over his actual points and then, you devolve into an incoherent tizzy making illogical statements like this one below.
I mentioned him like once in response to someone then you jumped in to defend his honor and for some reason you're dead set on turning this into a thread about PSA Sitch. I don't care about him his political views are displayed through the content he creates. Deal with it.
Yes, because you are not addressing that person's arguments. The soundness of one's arguments is dependent on the evidence and reasoning put forward, not that person's political leanings.
Wait, so I can't even mention him in response to someone else without debunking his whole Youtube channel? What sort of logic is that?
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This is a nice meme and all but the term "alt right" was coined by a literal neo-nazi to describe is political position of an ethno state. It has a very specific meaning. It's also, yet again, funny that I said alt right twice but mainly focused on simply wing leaning but that's just being forgotten for convenience sake.
There's a movement of democrats some of whom have spoken on platforms like youtube, about how they've been labelled alt right. Many are leaving the democratic party due to disappointment with what is happening.

Sargon of Akkad, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, think even Joe Rogan have been labelled alt right. Now you tell me how even Jews can be nazis, while disavowing the alt right and nazis. It is clear the radical far left has claimed the label alt right, just like they claimed the labels of nazi and racist. All these labels are being taken outside their original context and being repurposed to label all opposition. It is the way to brand the heretics, heretics of the church of clown world. OF course all Trump supporters are racist, alt right nazis.
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Did you read the links you posted? The ones that you were touting as proof that gamergate became alt-right?

Y’know, the same ones that say that GG is responsible for Trump’s presidency?
I posted them as proof that GG was perceived, by the general populous, as alt right due to some of the people associated with it. As to what links they want to create beyond that is none of my concern.


GG did not get trump into the whitehouse... well... not exactly

The president’s election and what the limp-wristed, faux white-knight keyboard warrior call gamergate is a part of a global cultural phenomenon that is rejecting holier than thou groupthink spewed by the political and celebrity classes.

I think everyone has learned or been able to accept the truths that they are indeed pedophiles and rapists. That nothing was just a myth.

Using plastic straws does not make you evil. Nor does endorsing their use make you a saint.

However pretending you’re atop a mountain telling people they should use them and that you using them makes you better than everyone... now, that... makes you a piece of shit
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I posted them as proof that GG was perceived, by the general populous, as alt right due to some of the people associated with it. As to what links they want to create beyond that is none of my concern.


You could probably write a whole article about the takeover of GG by right wing/alt right commentators to push their own politics.


The shadow of the battalion of right leaning commentators who hijacked GG still looms large.

In this post you said that GG was hijacked by the alt-right. You didn’t say it was publically perceived as alt-right, you said it became alt-right.

You made that claim, ArchaeEnkidu asked you to provide evidence, and you posted those links as evidence that GG became alt-right.

Now that you realize the people who wrote the “evidence” you posted were on some dumb shit, you’re moving the goal post.

It’s okay to admit that you didn’t actually read those articles and the linked the first ones that sounded like they agreed with you.
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Sargon of Akkad, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, think even Joe Rogan have been labelled alt right.
Sargon "Blacks have the warrior gene" of Akkad? Ben "Arabs live in open sewage" Shapiro? Joe "Walk into planet of the apes" Rogan? I'll give you 100% Jordan Peterson (though he blatantly misrepresented that law) and 50% Joe Rogan despite some of the shit he's said. It's also worth pointing out that besides Jordan Peterson (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on that law), all of these people have issues with trans people going from either disrespect to utter hate. Same for gays. Saying they're alt right isn't very hard.

As to how a Jew could be considered alt right, easy; Ben is a Zionist. He believes that all Jews who don't support his politics are fake Jews and he supports the Israeli ethno state.
In this post you said that GG was hijacked by the alt-right. You didn’t say it was publically perceived as alt-right, you said it became alt-right.

You made that claim, ArchaeEnkidu asked you to provide evidence, and you posted those links as evidence that GG became alt-right.

Now that you realize the people who wrote the “evidence” you posted were on some dumb shit, you’re moving the goal post.

It’s okay to admit that you didn’t actually read those articles and the linked the first ones that sounded like they agreed with you.
Although only 2 paragraphs for something that had such an impact of GG's credibility and public image isn't much. You could probably write a whole article about the takeover of GG by right wing/alt right commentators to push their own politics.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Sargon "Blacks have the warrior gene" of Akkad? Ben "Arabs live in open sewage" Shapiro? Joe "Walk into planet of the apes" Rogan? I'll give you 100% Jordan Peterson (though he blatantly misrepresented that law) and 50% Joe Rogan despite some of the shit he's said. It's also worth pointing out that besides Jordan Peterson (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on that law), all of these people have issues with trans people going from either disrespect to utter hate. Same for gays. Saying they're alt right isn't very hard.

As to how a Jew could be considered alt right, easy; Ben is a Zionist. He believes that all Jew who don't support his politics are fake Jews.


Repugnant character assassination attempts.

Dr. Claus


In this post you said that GG was hijacked by the alt-right. You didn’t say it was publically perceived as alt-right, you said it became alt-right.

You made that claim, ArchaeEnkidu asked you to provide evidence, and you posted those links as evidence that GG became alt-right.

Now that you realize the people who wrote the “evidence” you posted were on some dumb shit, you’re moving the goal post.

It’s okay to admit that you didn’t actually read those articles and the linked the first ones that sounded like they agreed with you.

He won't admit to anything. He has blatantly shown he has no interest in having an actual discussion, he is just here to troll.
We need a thread devoted to logical fallacies. Such naked ad hominems passed off as a logical argument.

Suddenly, political alignment is okay as a criteria to dismiss someone out of hand. Not just dismiss, but to also ascribe beliefs and motives to them simply because they are affiliated with the group you say they are.

It's brilliant, really. So-and-so is alt-right because of this thing they said or did that I interpret as "obviously something an alt right person would say or do", so therefore they are alt right. And since they are a member of the alt-right, I will now parse their words and actions under that assumption and use that as new bits of "proof" they are alt right"

What was that about gas-lighting? What was that about dog-whistling? This ideology is retard-juice. It takes people who otherwise seem rational, relatively mature and well-adjusted and makes them blunder into the dumbest twists of logic. Worse, it stirs up righteous indignation among its adherents when they are challenged, so they just keep doubling down, and doubling down, and down...
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So for example, the argument for representation of certain demographics in games (which literally has nothing to do with unethical games journalism) went from "I don't like these degenerates" to "These are SJW devs just pushing their politics". In the end the result is exactly the same; people complaining about certain demographics appearing in games and other forms of media. Right wing win.
I don't think those things have nothing to do with each other. The representation argument was supported by leftist journalists. It was part of their progressive message, and played a role in their efforts to alter the video game landscape. The fact that that was happening is supported by article in the OP. The author claims to know this push happened, because he was one of the people trying for that outcome. I don't think I have to explain to you that far left extremists were somehow able to have significant power over developers, and how those extremists who work in media are able to control the narrative. GG is an example of that too. There's a lot of misinformation out there, some of which you linked in your posts.
It has everything to do with the discussion, right here on this forum? What?
No it does not because attacks on character do not address the actual arguments made.

Did you just discover the fallacy wiki page? I can't help but notice that everytime you write "ad hominem" it's in italics. So you're clearly copy pasting it. This is an ad hominem, btw. But at this point I don't even know what to say to you.
I simply use "CTRL + i".

And there's nothing for you to say because your abilities at making arguments are pure trash.

I mentioned him like once in response to someone then you jumped in to defend his honor and for some reason you're dead set on turning this into a thread about PSA Sitch.
No, I'm dead set on you relying on ad hominem attacks as if they are legitimate points. Spoiler alert: They're not.

I don't care about him his political views are displayed through the content he creates. Deal with it.

"I don't care about PSA Sitch's political views except even though I already invoked his political views as if they are legitimate counterarguments to his points"

Wait, so I can't even mention him in response to someone else without debunking his whole Youtube channel? What sort of logic is that?
Strawman fallacy, once again. Point to a comment that I have typed where I've said that you cannot mention PSA Sitch in response to someone else.

I posted them as proof that GG was perceived, by the general populous, as alt right due to some of the people associated with it. As to what links they want to create beyond that is none of my concern.
Appeal to Popularity fallacy that isn't even proven true. Just because the general populous perceive GG to be alt-right if pretend that to be true, that doesn't actually make GG alt-right.

Political affiliation is determined by the actual political positions held. This also applies to your ad hominem attacks on YouTubers that you love to character assassinate as the frequency of their criticisms against a certain sect of the political spectrum are not necessarily their political positions.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I posted them as proof that GG was perceived, by the general populous, as alt right due to some of the people associated with it. As to what links they want to create beyond that is none of my concern.

Man, you are a living example of the bullshit asymmetry principle: the amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it.

People just jumping at a chance to read way more into your posts than is there.


There's room to not buy the game journalist polemic about it while also not buying into stories told by a person with little self awareness who ended up writing clickbait articles for Milo Yiannopoulos.

This is driven home even more by the fact that the home bases for Gamergate and gamergate related discussion slant heavily conservative and have become even more so in the last few years i.e. it's a whole lot of political resentment, innuendo, conspiracy theories hiding behind feebly argued concerns about ethics

edit: there is some thoughtful discussion around some of those topics but it's almost all in spliter groups (see. for example, r/GGdiscussion). the main forums are all outrage, clickbait and dumb caricatures
None of this has to do with the fact that games media flat out rewrote history as to how GG started.

I think Geki is in a lot of denial on how the internet was pre 2014. Also the fact that you think Sargon of Akkad, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan are alt right makes me think you are way out of your depth
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
The enthusiast media's "brave" defiance of Gamergate I think makes an interesting comparison with their silence surrounding the exploits of Anonymous and other hacktivist groups few years previously.

Its almost as if there's a perceived chance of retaliation, they won't say boo to a goose. Because lets face it, there's a big difference between mean tweets and a concerted attack to physically drive you offline.
How bad the left was is an old, already much parroted take. Why would I bang on that dead horse some more? It's amazing how I can defend GG, promote videos about GG and get banned off of old GAF for defending GG but the moment I say something critical about GG and one of it's bad outcomes suddenly GG'ers
Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

But here it where I think you may be wrong, but who knows I could be wrong. The thing is that on the right everybody knows that being racist is wrong, like the line is clear and those who are on the right, or slightly right of center, at least know they are and they own it, more importantly they don't get to be the mainstream of their side.

On the other hand the left's lunatics took over their mainstream media outlets, spewing their own conspiracies, their misguided version of social justice, etc. They are somehow taking a central position in the corporate world (go to any big business's web site, you will see their inclusion initiatives left right and center, as if that was their main product or service). If you get hired you will receive "sensitivity training" - which has been proven to make people more racists by insisting on the ethnic and cultural differences instead of focusing on what unites humans of all walk of life.

This has hijacked the gaming press and businesses too, as we have seen with EA, they basically have some internal incentives for their creators to "diversify" the cast of their games, which basically amount to giving extra money every time a non straight and/or white and/or male and/or cis (not sure how to spell it, I don't want to give this useless word any importance by searching for it) is replaced with a more "diverse" one, then there are sensitivity readers hired to make sure these characters are not either too stereotypical nor somehow "un-representative", then you have the twitter mod + gaming media that will either complain about the lack of so-and-so group, no matter how diverse the game already is, or they will complain about some character being too stereotypical only to find out that its creators had gone through the motions.

You also have that same group insisting that everywhere there are not 50% (job, hobby, sports) women this is because they were harassed out of it, or men are keeping them out because reasons.

Sorry, I did not bother to find references to any of my points, I don't normally keep tabs, and I feel that the

So on and so forth, very few people question it in the mainstream, or questions what the actual repercussions are. Well for now at least, because the current mainstream media is bleeding money and its going away fast, probably because of these attitudes, people don't like to be called racists for no reason (those who are know who they are and they often accept it, they're not necessarily violent either).

Anyway, you seem to throw right-wing around as a general way of saying "see this person is bad" which makes no sense at all.


Why is the concern of journalism that political discussion has been injected in to reviews or gaming media without relevancy yet the same can be said for those doing it on the opposite spectrum? Both parties are guilty of hammering irrelevant political discussion or harassment because of a devolepers views or belief and this idea that GamerGate was propelled by such circumstances of one side is nonsense.

I'm all for criticism of the gaming media and medium, no subject or topic should be barred from such discussions. What I don't enjoy is clear harassment because your opinion differs someone else's or really any character getting upset that X game or Y review doesn't cater to their needs or desires. Thinking the world owes you everything in a neat package is one way of living a life of disappointment.

Miles though is a cunt, basically. He's very clearly got an agenda for the sake of an agenda, utilising click bait to push idealogies that are not around level-headed or sane discussions but conspiracy theories and straight up rubbish complaints. A person of that nature who peddles false facts for the sake of projecting their own image shouldn't be trusted.


When the internet troll frog was exposed as the world’s number one racist, I thought dancing spider-man was next...

It’s quite hilarious watching the media struggle to be relevant as people found more transparent and unfiltered ways to consume information since 1995.
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