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The REAL reason why MGS2 took so long to develop...




In several interviews, Kojima said he got the idea for Metal Gear Solid 2 's story when he read an article about the lawsuit against Napster. The idea that the US Government could seek to prevent the world from sharing music with one another struck him as one step closer to a science-fiction world of mind-control. At the same time he got this idea, he was playing his son's friend's copy of Pokémon Silver . Hideo Kojima, I hear, has one of every Pokémon on every possible version of Pokémon . Most of them are on level 100.

Metal Gear Solid 2 took so long to develop, Kojima says, because he was playing Pokémon Crystal about six hours a day. He called it his "part-time job." This might or might not have been a joke



...and on another note......what if MGS3 is just one huge VR simulation...?!



Jonnyram said:
This makes me wonder what Itagaki is playing to keep delaying DOA:U for so long.
He's a Bush supporter and loves Pikmin. Go figure.

But holy shit, I read that whole entire article on MGS2...and the guy gets it RIGHT ON THE FUCKING DOT. True props. MGS2 is a work of art. To the haters of MGS2: MGS3 will anger you even further :).


NLB2 said:
Damn it. After reading that article I have to play MGS2
I've owned both copies of MGS2...the original and Substance (PS2 version), and have completed the game probably nearly 20 times. I've always had an idea what it was about, but that article nails it right on the dot, confirming my own thoughts. Bingo.

Most of the people who think the story is lame don't really "get" it. Same thing with Final Fantasy VIII and/or Xenogears (both cult hits of the respective genre, but are hated by most mainstream videogamers). You really can't enjoy something if you don't truly understand it.

After reading that, it should make a believer out of anyone who doubts MGS2.
I like the article, and I agree completely with these sentiments:
Lover of the game that I am, I'll admit: Metal Gear Solid 2 's story is so full of holes it's like a string of bad jokes.

Yet, I consider it about 100 times more "literary" than the most classy RPG -- more than Final Fantasy X , with its surprisingly mature handling of father-son themes.


trippingmartian said:
I like the article, and I agree completely with these sentiments:
Are you sure you read the whole thing? That wasn't the point :).

Yes, I'm trolling this thread. I have certain reasons. My major anal-dwelling analisms in videogaming are:

1. Final Fantasy VIII
2. MGS2
3. GameCube hardware (GC >>> all)
5. Zelda
6. Nintendo, as a whole
7. Many fucking others because if I keep going on, I will be slain, castrated, charred, stabbed, gutted, gangraped, etc., etc.
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