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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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I have *absolutely* no idea how any of you even remotely left of the extreme right can watch this and somehow go:

"yep, my guy didn't win the primaries, so I'm voting for a third party"



First tragedy, then farce.
Well, they want everyone to have good jobs together.

And that makes america great again.

So, that sounds like a solid policy proposal up there with the great underpants gnomes.




Well, they want everyone to have good jobs together.

And that makes america great again.

So, that sounds like a solid policy proposal up there with the great underpants gnomes.

you get to go overseas and fight ISIS

and YOU get to go overseas and fight ISIS


This is the night focusing on the economy. If anyone finds an economic plan, please let me know. Anything. Like, 25c in the couch cushion. Whatever.


Wes Borland, guitarist of Limp Bizkit posted this.

How in the world can you absolute fucking donkey's assholes think that someone with NO political experience could even compare to someone with decades of political experience. These clowns make Sarah Palin seem capable! It's exactly as if Lockheed Martin rolled out a hot air balloon with an American flag and Jesus painted on it and proclaimed it the new Air Force Stealth Bomber. Please unfollow me. Go fuck yourselves. Idiocracy is no longer a movie. And P.S. - you can blow the "stick to music" "stick to playing guitar" comments out of a canon and back into your own face. Why don't you stick to working at Walmart? I don't speak out about this kind of thing publicly much but after this first night of the RNC I can't even sleep knowing that there are so many people out there with bones in the middle of their brains. I feel like I'm going to puke. I cannot believe this is happening. How can you guys support this dude and his stupid stupid wife? -------Edit------- AND THIS ISN'T EVEN A HILLARY SUPPORT POST! It's a bewildered slap to my own face as I try and wake myself up. I don't understand how a candidate like Trump has even gotten this far. I'm no one to be giving political advice, but neither is the dude from Duck Dynasty and I would never speak at a party's national convention. And Walmart was the most American job I could think of that didn't pay its workers a living wage and then they end up shopping there to support themselves. A subject that's a whole can of worms on its own. I'm sticking with my fuck you. Please unfollow me if you're a Trump supporter. I'm not trying to change your mind. I just want you out of my life.


You know people are going to fact check this, right Mitch?

Need to get out of your echo chamber. The Republicans have proven that facts aren't important, just rallying and war cries. Sure gaf can High five itself for making educated comments and sneering with snark. However I see a very energized group of people that are going to vote.

Meanwhile you've got Democrats and minorities hat aren't going to show up for hillary.


I don't think "scaring" people with a 3rd Obama term is gonna help you much in the election, Ryan.

And you guys elected Bush and then elected his son, so don't lecture democrats, lol.
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