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Key figures purged from Trump transition team

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This is all simultaneously the best and worst possible outcomes.

His cabinet is full of nightmarish proto-fascists, this is the worst.

But on the bright side, they're all fighting each other over who gets to be the MOST proto-fascist, hopefully cancelling each other out.


This is all simultaneously the best and worst possible outcomes.

His cabinet is full of nightmarish proto-fascists, this is the worst.

But on the bright side, they're all fighting each other over who gets to be the MOST proto-fascist, hopefully cancelling each other out.

My only hope is that he goes to war with the entire Republican Congress. Gridlock.


Christie got cut after bending over to trump 24/7? LMAO

i remember when we all cheered when he mocked Little Marco robot repeat speech. Cause Marco had a real shot.

You know what, GAF IS TO BLAME yeah i said it, shit nobody remember that crap, even i was cheering. fact is everyone was duped in epic fashion and we all about to be fucked real hard.


My only hope is that he goes to war with the entire Republican congress. Gridlock.

It wouldn't surprise me. I have a bet going with family that the Republicans will become so disgusted with him and how little control they have that they'll find something to impeach him over. My bet is within a year, but I may be a bit too optimistic.

Of course, that means Pence is then in control, so not exactly better, that.


It wouldn't surprise me. I have a bet going with family that the Republicans will become so disgusted with him and how little control they have that they'll find something to impeach him over. My bet is within a year, but I may be a bit too optimistic.

Of course, that means Pence is then in control, so not exactly better, that.

Democrats can always cut a deal with him on impeachment. We all know how much he hates traitors.
Trump must be careful.

There will be a moment where he leaves enough GOP people out and he fucks up so badly that the GOP will lose nothing by impeaching him.

It wouldn't surprise me. I have a bet going with family that the Republicans will become so disgusted with him and how little control they have that they'll find something to impeach him over. My bet is within a year, but I may be a bit too optimistic.

Of course, that means Pence is then in control, so not exactly better, that.

Look, Pence is horrible for the USA.

Trump is horrible for the world


Joffrey is now king. No Sansa, no Cersei, no Varys, no Little Finger, no Tywin, no Tyrion.

Just Joffrey, the mountain, and Ramsey. Chris Christie was the hound.


It wouldn't surprise me. I have a bet going with family that the Republicans will become so disgusted with him and how little control they have that they'll find something to impeach him over. My bet is within a year, but I may be a bit too optimistic.

Of course, that means Pence is then in control, so not exactly better, that.

They won't be able to impeach without Dem support and they won't get it if the Dems play their cards right.


Democrats can always cut a deal with him on impeachment. We all know how much he hates traitors.

Haha true.

Look, Pence is horrible for the USA.

Trump is horrible for the world

Been trying to tell my mother that. Pence, yeah not fun but at least I can't see him maybe setting off trade wars or what else Trump could.

They won't be able to impeach without Dem support and they won't get it if the Dems play their cards right.

Haha that'd be amusing to see, that's for sure.
They won't be able to impeach without Dem support and they won't get it if the Dems play their cards right.
Yeah but then they're complicit with aiding a man that the vast majority of the nation hates (which they would if the Republican machine told them to).
This is all simultaneously the best and worst possible outcomes.

His cabinet is full of nightmarish proto-fascists, this is the worst.

But on the bright side, they're all fighting each other over who gets to be the MOST proto-fascist, hopefully cancelling each other out.

Maybe Trump will be like the catastrophic event in Watchmen that pulls everyone together for the betterment of all humanity.

Yeah, that's it. People thought Trump was running as a joke to secure Hillary the win, but actually he's running to unite Democrats and Republicans with a common enemy. Of course!

Man, I was worried we were in trouble there for a second.


Yeah but then they're complicit with aiding a man that the vast majority of the nation hates (which they would if the Republican machine told them to).

The Republican machine has little control over this, if they did Trump would not have gotten the nomination to begin with.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Maybe Trump will be like the catastrophic event in Watchmen that pulls everyone together for the betterment of all humanity.

Yeah, that's it. People thought Trump was running as a joke to secure Hillary the win, but actually he's running to unite Democrats and Republicans with a common enemy. Of course!

Man, I was worried we were in trouble there for a second.

I don't normally believe in accelerationism, but this isn't "man if only the republicans gained power and implemented their policies people would see how terrible they are and rebel" and more "man if a trump white house really is a complete rolling disaster of continuous and staggering catastrophe maybe people will realize elections have consequences"


Yeah but then they're complicit with aiding a man that the vast majority of the nation hates (which they would if the Republican machine told them to).

The republican machine can't do shit without Trump as it is right now. They couldn't stop him from winning the primary when they were all against him.


Yeah but then they're complicit with aiding a man that the vast majority of the nation hates (which they would if the Republican machine told them to).

No, it would tear the GOP apart. All the dems would have to do is make it seem like they are doing it out of respect of some technicality or legality. If the GOP primaries him, you don't think he isn't going to run as an independent?
The Republican machine has little control over this, if they did Trump would not have gotten the nomination to begin with.
If the choices were Trump and any other Republican but Trump, most Republicans would have chosen the latter. The problem is that no single candidate stood out. If the Republicans had pulled up the sexual assault allegations early in the campaign, he wouldn't have made it far at all, as nobody would be defending him.


Gold Member
Well, at least this is different I suppose. I have no idea if it's good or bad yet.

I'm still annoyed that I believed Obama when he went on about change and then surrounded himself with the Washington regulars.

He did a good job regardless though.
His cabinet is full of nightmarish proto-fascists, this is the worst.



If the choices were Trump and any other Republican but Trump, most Republicans would have chosen the latter. The problem is that no single candidate stood out. If the Republicans had pulled up the sexual assault allegations early in the campaign, he wouldn't have made it far at all, as nobody would be defending him.

No, they had other choices. That wasn't what this was about. This was a backlash against the establishment. So much so the he even won a general election because of it. Trump is easily swayed. If he thinks the Dems will save his presidency watch how fast his positions change. At that point they would be crazy to allow a Pence presidency.
No, they had other choices. That wasn't what this was about. This was a backlash against the establishment. So much so the he even won a general election because of it. Trump is easily swayed. If he thinks the Dems will save his presidency watch how fast his positions change. At that point they would be crazy to allow a Pence presidency.
Only if it's people who didn't lambast him. This is why making so much of the campaign as anti-Trump was a big misstep. Obama and Bernie might be able to get his ear, but Warren and any of the top DNC members are going to have a tough time.


Silver lining / inept executive branch will shift power back to legislative.

Maybe the congress can work across the isle to limit Trump damage.


Silver lining / inept executive branch will shift power back to legislative.

Maybe the congress can work across the isle to limit Trump damage.

Nah, they will do a different kind of damage.

All damage done by the GOP except for the SC is recoverable.
Trump, who the fuck knows. Trade wars on a whim, military attacks, etc. Hopefully his entire presidency will be consumed by pettiness and he won't do any lasting damage.


Only if it's people who didn't lambast him. This is why making so much of the campaign as anti-Trump was a big misstep. Obama and Bernie might be able to get his ear, but Warren and any of the top DNC members are going to have a tough time.

It would be easy for the Democrats to make a case that Pence is worse (which he actually is) especially to the LGBTQ community. The case is also that much easier to make when the GOP controls both houses of Congress. Unfettered Pence agenda. Also, if Obama and Bernie could get his ear, would that not be a good thing?


This is what fascists do. They consolidate power to an increasingly-smaller "trusted" few.

Just like a criminal syndicate, actually.
You mean authoritarians. Fascism doesn't mean what you think it means.

Please, for fuck's sake GAF, stop using this word altogether. I've seen maybe 3 posters that have an understanding of what Fascism is.


What happens first? Inauguration or the start of impeachment hearings? I wonder if Vegas has a line on this...

Who's going to impeach him? Republicans have full control, including committee chairs, and they didn't even bother when GWB was actively torturing people, letting terrorists take out buildings, put a nitwit in charge of FEMA, or any of the other 10,000 things he botched.


Nah, they will do a different kind of damage.

All damage done by the GOP except for the SC is recoverable.
Trump, who the fuck knows. Trade wars on a whim, military attacks, etc. Hopefully his entire presidency will be consumed by pettiness and he won't do any lasting damage.

Trump can negotiate the best trade deals, but congress still has to approve. I really doubt he could introduce tariffs through executive action. Obama really pushed the boundaries of executive actions and we may pay the price with trump.

Since 9/11 he can drone strike just about anyone though. Massive surveillance apparatus combined with flying death machines is pretty fucking scary. I really hope there is someone on the military side that can control him.

Dude Abides

You mean authoritarians. Fascism doesn't mean what you think it means.

Please, for fuck's sake GAF, stop using this word altogether. I've seen maybe 3 posters that have an understanding of what Fascism is.

Fascists are a type of authoritarian so he's correct and there's no need to be pedantic.


My hope is the House and Senate are reasonable enough to blockade Trump and his ever-tightening group of crazy. Once the power struggles are over their attention will turn to the nation at large, and that spells bad times for anyone who is sane.

Of course, the House and Senate are Red as chili, and the Dems are currently doing what they are best at in congress, being shoved into a dumpster. We're fucked.


They won't be able to impeach without Dem support and they won't get it if the Dems play their cards right.

I wonder if the "unity" that all those Trump fools on CNN yell everyday will come in the form of bipartisanship. There have to be at least 3 not-loony Republicans. I mean defunding the EPA? Republicans fucking set that up.


I don't get it, I thought Bannon hates jews, Drumpf's daughter and son-in-law are Jewish... what the fuck is he thinking?
Maybe Trump will be like the catastrophic event in Watchmen that pulls everyone together for the betterment of all humanity.

Yeah, that's it. People thought Trump was running as a joke to secure Hillary the win, but actually he's running to unite Democrats and Republicans with a common enemy. Of course!

Man, I was worried we were in trouble there for a second.

So you are saying Trump is really Batman.
It would be easy for the Democrats to make a case that Pence is worse (which he actually is) especially to the LGBTQ community. The case is also that much easier to make when the GOP controls both houses of Congress. Unfettered Pence agenda. Also, if Obama and Bernie could get his ear, would that not be a good thing?
It would be a great thing. I'm just saying that any thoughts of him going full or even half Democrat are pipe dreams. The ideal scenario would be him warring with Congress, making both completely ineffective and significantly damaging the Republican party.


Fascists are a type of authoritarian so he's correct and there's no need to be pedantic.
It is not in the least bit pedantic.

Fascism is kind of a combination of both capitalist and Socialist ideologies, but under the pretense of the nation state being an ultimately benevolent arbiter to sort out the differences between workers and capitalists. In some respects, it is the fusion of market capitalism into the state itself. The closest corollary to it in modern society is China.

Claiming that vast difference as pedantry is flat wrong. The only similarities between Fascism and what this thread is talking about are Nationalism and Totalitarianism.
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