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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Um, wasn't there a LOT more division between Bernie and Hillary than Trump and any GOPers, at least, once we hit, like, April/May?

At least,, in terms of their supporters?
Even if they did, it's all part of the conspiracy by the liberal media to make sure the Butcher of Benghazi wins the presidency.
Yep. They are so far removed from reality that in order to get them back you'd have to start by simply establishing that there is, in fact, one reality we all currently exist in.


First tragedy, then farce.
Could you imagine if this photo was real?

I'd be pretty pumped.




This is the night focusing on the economy. If anyone finds an economic plan, please let me know. Anything. Like, 25c in the couch cushion. Whatever.

Remember when the Republicans spent the first few years talking shit about how Obama's policies would ruin the economy? They started even before anything he did even had a chance to fix the mess Bush left him.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Need to get out of your echo chamber. The Republicans have proven that facts aren't important, just rallying and war cries. Sure gaf can High five itself for making educated comments and sneering with snark. However I see a very energized group of people that are going to vote.

Meanwhile you've got Democrats and minorities hat aren't going to show up for hillary.

This is the most danger Republicans have been in for low turnout in a long time. Trumps base is crazy energized but a lot of normal Republicans are really turned off.


Kid Heart

Paul Ryan forgot that Trump is burning his party to the ground. Keep on talking and look like a fool later.

Considering he will inevitably be the GOP nominee in 2020 (or god forbid 2024) I want him to keep talking. The more he supports Trump, the more ammo down the line for the Dems.


This is the most danger Republicans have been in for low turnout in a long time. Trumps base is crazy energized but a lot of normal Republicans are really turned off.

To be honest, that's why he got pence for the diehard conservative yahoos.


"water is not wet"

And the MSM will let him (and them) get away with these claims in the name of equivilancy and not to rock their boat of access.


Need to get out of your echo chamber. The Republicans have proven that facts aren't important, just rallying and war cries. Sure gaf can High five itself for making educated comments and sneering with snark. However I see a very energized group of people that are going to vote.

Meanwhile you've got Democrats and minorities hat aren't going to show up for hillary.
Are you for real? Democrats and minorities really like Clinton, and minories get out to vote a lot.
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