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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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If our enemies had their way, gay people would be put to death. Being crammed back in the closet doesn't sound so bad now, does it?
The RNC reeeeeeeeally needed to put the charismatic speakers on nights 1 and 2 when the TV audience is most persuadable. I hate this man but his speech still easily grabs my attention.

...Wait, LGBT shoutout? ...Wrong convention? Oh, wait, I forgot, Newt isn't actually all that bigoted. Not even that racist! He's just Conservative As Fuck™ in the oldschool bureaucratic sense.
That counts as paraphrasing Cruz?
They don't seem to understand what plagiarism is, so, whatever, I'll allow it.


I don't know why I'm still watching this, but overall I find the lack of self awareness legitimately startling on the part of the speakers and audience


I'm guessing in 2020 the Republicans will run a Cruz / Rubio ticket?

What do y'all think?
I could see it.

By then the GOP should be coming around to really desperately trying to capture their shedded Latino voters.

But like all GOP shit, they will be slow to pivot and likely take the wrong lessons and it will be a failure.


"We'd be happy to have [muslims] as neighbours!"... *scattered applause*.

Fuck everyone in that fucking stadium.

Except Ted Cruz and fam.


Newt defending Muslims? Did someone sabotage his speech like Melania's was? Did he personally inspect those Muslims like he said he would?


Pretty sad that as much of a pos Newt is, he's probably one of the saner speakers up there tonight.

are you serious? this dude is straight up throwing fuel on an anti-Muslim fire where mosques and other places associated with Islam gets attacked by vigilantes both in Europe and in the US because of the fear mongering he's doing right now

This is Othering.
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