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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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To be completely honest, Rubio or Sasse should have shown up, and just ethered the fuck out of Trump. That way, when the party dies its death at the end of this year, there's someone there to publicly pick up the pieces and go "I was right about what would happen, and now I will save you."

So did Newt just insinuate that vague threats against the state should lead to an arrest? Does he even know what he is saying? What that means?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Someone tell Newt that this convention previously applauded cops not being held accountable.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
If I had a time machine, I would go back to 1995 and show Newt a video of him speaking at the convention in 2016.

"You mean I'm going to be President?!?!"
"Not quite..."


So did Newt just insinuate that vague threats against the state should lead to an arrest? Does he even know what he is saying? What that means?
Does it mean that the Trump surrogate who threatened to shoot and kill Hillary will be arrested and the kangaroo court from last night will be investigated?

I thought so, Newt.


Anti-Muslim fire? When he says vast majority of Muslims are peaceful and were more than glad to have them as neighbors and friends? Anti-Muslim fire by specifically targeting terrorist Islamists?


By saying that a large number of them are terrorists and we are lucky we havent faced a 300k+ catastrophic event based on the millions out there yes he is. He double handed it.
Anti-Muslim fire? When he says vast majority of Muslims are peaceful and were more than glad to have them as neighbors and friends? Anti-Muslim fire by specifically targeting terrorist Islamists?


This is also the guy that cheated on his Cancer stricken wife while simultaneously prattling about the "sanctity of marriage between man and a women" and whatever horse shit he wanted to spew to prevent gays from marrying.

He's also the guy that wrote about being afraid of America turning into an "Atheist, Islamic nation". He's both a horrible, horrible person, and a giant fucking idiot.


Both Republicans and democrats don't understand that you can't kill an ideology with an army.

Once the west starts treating wahabism and salafism like nazism and there's a big push to fight that ideology on every front then maybe we'll stand a chance. Until then we'll keep having these empty debates that always end with warmongers pushing for more useless military action.

Does it mean that the Trump surrogate who threatened to shoot and kill Hillary will be arrested and the kangaroo court from last night will be investigated?

I thought so, Newt.
Well that guy actually is being investigated by the Secret Service for that comment.
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