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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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So I was in the car coming home and I listened to Ivanka's speech. I hate Trump, and I'm sure it was all bull shit, but Ivanka's speech was excellent. It hit key points, it hit surprising points that I was nodding my head along to, and she did an excellent job.

I was thinking to myself "If Ivanka were a GOP candidate ... I could vote for her," based on that speech. So why the fuck is her idiot father the nominee.

It was so refreshing to hear a Trump actually deliver a compelling speech.

I'm definitely voting for Clinton this Fall, but Ivanka delivered an excellent, compelling speech.


I'm so fucking heated about Trump bringing up Chicago and black/Latino employment rates as if he or his audience actually give a shit about those people
Somehow over the course of the past four days I forgot that nobody does baldfaced, despicable racism like Trump. Those other fools didn't even come close to this. This is monstrous.
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