Funny in some parts. Talking out of his ass most of the time.. still entertaining though.Granted, the baseball season isn't technically over? I'm aware there's that small matter of the World Series, but the impending clash between the Red Sox and the Cardinals has anticlimax written all over it. This is Sharon Stone's next movie role after Basic Instinct (Sliver, for those of you snoring at home) or the next Crossfire after Jon Stewart ransacked the set last Friday. Fans in New England and St. Louis undoubtedly remain transfixed, but for the rest of us, having had the specter of the Red Sox-Yankees blood feud relentlessly pounded into our heads for all these years, Boston's gripping ALCS triumph represents the end game.
Besides, we already know who's going to win the Series: Boston, because -- well, because that's just the way it is right now. The Patriots haven't lost in 13 months, and in another two weeks, give or take a few manual recounts, a senator from Massachusetts is going to be elected president. The Sox just pulled off the greatest comeback in baseball history and took down their hated rivals at Yankee Stadium, and you think they're going to let a few tired arms deny them their dance with destiny?
olimario said:From my brother
An improbable season with half-a-starting-pitching staff and middle relief I could get extra base hits off of comes to an end in Game 7 of the National League Championship Series. If you'll permit me to say goodbye to the team real quick...
Nice renting you, Carlos. Enjoy your new 28-year, $291 zillion contract.
What's up, Kent? Could you get Carlos' bags? Don't mind us, we'll just be changing the locks while you're outside.
Dan Miceli. You fucking gascan. Rot in hell, you rag-armed piece of dogshit.
Try staying healthy, Andy. I mean, we didn't pry you from the Yankees to spit sunflower seeds for more than half the season. Hell, I'll do it at one-tenth your price.
One more season, old-timer. C'mon, Nolan Ryan was like 78 when he quit.
Damn Biggio, you look a lot like Kevin Bacon.
Peter Munro. Wow. Still got the picture with the Twins hat up. Bet you never thought you'd be starting Game 6 of the NLCS, did you? You're not alone.
Jeffrey Robert Bagwell. Uncle Jeffington. Brown Paper Bagwell. (sigh).
I guess that's it. I gotta go hang out with my new homeboy now...
Hell-o, Tracy McGrady!
Eminem said:i say just keep this one going
Iceman said:finally got the arod pic done:
Iceman said:finally got the arod pic done:
Including some that haven't played in 60 years. :lolMiguel said::lol
Red Sox have like 80 players out there.
Socreges said:And now you must naturally hate the Expos since Montreal lost them!
speshylives said:Nice to see the Cardinals hit Wakefield and prove that the Yanks offense just absolutely fucking blew the last 4 games of that series.
I don't know, but it was funny as hell.neptunes said:why did fox do that little intro for rameirez?