you fail to realize the yankees owned baseball wayyyy before free agency.Pimpwerx said:I hate baseball. I hate the Red Sox. But I hate the Yankees most of all. Fuck the Yankees, suck it down losers. Florida owned your asses in your home stadium, and now the Sox have too. It's about time the mystique was kicked to the curb. Better hope baseball never gets a salary cap, b/c the gravy train will be over. Now for the Sox to choke in the WS and either the Stros or Cards to win. I can't fucking stand the Sox and their obnoxious fans. Boston deserves another century's worth of misery. You guys got the fucking Pats anyway. And not the old school punching-bag Pats anymore either. Two championships in one year? Boston will float off into space with all the big heads they'll have up there. No thanks. Let's go NL. Wait a minute....let's go football.PEACE.
P.S. I welched on my boycott for about half an hour last night. I flipped to FOX just as Damon hit the GS. I was like, "nice HR, that should offer some help." Then the announcer said it was a grand slam, and I got this big shit-eating grin on my face.The only thing that kept me watching, b/c I fully expected the Boston Stranglers to put in a classic choke last night.
thank you, goodbye.