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The Rock is pretty much the Arnold of our generation right

Mister Apoc

Demigod of Troll Threads



Arnold was a lot more versatile with his roles.

The Rock is basically always playing that big brawny dude everybody loves and looks up to.

Arnold had the better movies in general, but his acting range isn't that good. He's probably better at choosing his roles and managing his career than being a good actor.
Not that Dwayne Johnson is stellar himself, but he's probably a better actor than Schwarzie.
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He's on the way, however Arnie was The Terminator.

The Rock has not done a film that even comes close to being as epic as The Terminator, if and when The Rock does something in the same league as The Terminator, he will be on the same level, until then, hes 2nd to Arnold.


Gold Member
Arnie is much better. And I'm not even talking about their movie history, since the Rock as a slew of garbage action movies.

The Rock seems the same in every movie. It's like he's doing WWE behind a hollywood camera. Big and loud.

Arnie can go a whole movie saying almost nothing, and his presence is much bigger.


Gold Member
A lot of people don’t even know his real name. Come on.

Arnold was a bad actor, but he was perfectly cast for his roles. His movie career coincided with the golden era of action movies. His major roles are iconic, and when he turned from action to comedy he was still incredibly well fit for the roles precisely because he wasn’t a great actor. Arnold was also very charismatic in his simple acting. He could play the average Joe. The Rock just can’t help standing out from the crowd. The only movie where he didn’t was Get Smart, but his role there was marginal and no emphasis was put on his physique. It would be much harder when he’s the main character.

Ultimately, The Rock didn’t even manage to be Arnie’s successor, which should make you think about just how goddamn iconic Arnold is. Arnie turned out to be surprisingly versatile, something you’d never expect from watching Conan the Barbarian. The Rock can’t shake the big guy image no matter how hard he tries. His comedies are small time compared to Arnold’s, and the time is long past for the bombastic action movies that made Arnie and Stallone the superstars of the 80s and where Johnson could really shine.
The only movie where he didn’t was Get Smart, but his role there was marginal and no emphasis was put on his physique. It would be much harder when he’s the main character.
And even in there he is "the friendly big guy who can do no wrong and who everybody looks up to".

Wake me up when he is in a movie where he is mercilessly killing around 120 innocent people on screen like Arnie did in T1.
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Gold Member
Not even close. The Rock never got the 15 year run of brutal rated R action movies Arnie did. It's no wonder action films tanked when everyone started chasing PG-13 dreck.

Now all we get are over choreographed gun-fu or sloppy "CGI muzzle flash and blood spray while I stick a prop gun in your face" nonsense. At least the " 90 pound waif taking down 250 pound bruisers" phase seems to be passing.

Dust off Paul Verhoven, Renny Harlin, or John Mctiernan. Heck, give Mel Gibson some money. Then we will see some real action films again.


Arnold has starred in a few movies that are considered classics. Terminator 1 and 2 and Predator probably being the top of the cream.

Rock has nothing in his resume that even remotely comes close.


Rodent Whores
No. Arnold's movies are in another league, and until The Rock gets more classics under his belt, he's not the Arnold of anyone's generation.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
The Rock and Vin Diesel are kinda like this gen's Arnold and Stallone.

Although both the Rock and Vin Diesel are getting up there in age.


Troll thread, but interesting.

The Rock’s public persona + WWF days > his Hollywood career

I’ve never been really that impressed with his acting, or more specifically, the movies he was in. Compare that to Terminator and all the classics that the other was in, all the memorable lines, all the memorable roles.
Arnold had waaaaaay more charisma. The rock is an inoffensive vanilla Arnold that everyone likes because he looks like all the ethnicities.


you can't put a price on sparks
i think that honor goes to Vin Diesel

The Rock is probably more like Stallone.
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Resident Cheap Arse
The Rock is shooting for that comparison but that's about the only similarity.

Arnold was knocking it out of the park with the persona and the iconic roles. He pretty much defined the action hero stereotype and set the bar for action movies.

The Rock is just the current guy that's filling in that space. He doesn't have any iconic roles to his name and is just treading in the steps other made before him. I like his confidence and persona, but I can't think of any of his roles that he made and which couldn't have been carried off by another beefy action guy.


Not even close. Funnily enough The Rock is a better actor, although I'd say with complete confidence The Rock hasn't starred in anything close to the quality of something like Predator. Or The Terminator. Or T2. Or Total Recall. Or Twins. Or Kindergarten Cop. Or Red Heat. Basically The Rock hasn't starred in a film worthy to lick the boots of any of the classic Arnie films.



Arnold was part of the action movie boom of the 80s and early 90s. Comicbook movies have taken that spot.

Also, The Rock is a way better actor and doesn't have the heavy accent. But that shows how impressive Arnold's run was. All those "weaknesses", but he carried a genre for more than a decade.


The only reason Johnson hasn't surpassed Schwarzenegger is the industry itself. They simply aren't making that sort of vehicle anymore. Johnson has a lot more competition too, you've got stars bulking up all over the place nowadays. Arnold though it was what, Stallone and Lundgren?

Think my favorite Schwarzenegger movie will always be Conan, though.

Does it get any better than this? I don't think so.
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Jon Neu

Arnold had charisma and a much more good looking physique. He has done legendary roles in legendary films.

The Rock it's just an empty pile of muscles and his career is filled with Baywatch 2017 level of movies.
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There's something strange about The Rock's public persona. I like him but it feels like everything he does is very calculated. That it's done to have the broadest appeal possible and play it right down the middle of the road. Fair play to him since it seems to have worked out great and he's basically the only guaranteed bankable star in Hollywood. But his handling of the negative reviews for Baywatch showed he doesn't deal with criticism well. Arnold has always seemed like he can roll with the punches and not take himself too seriously.
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There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
No. The Rock has never been in anything as good as Terminator 2, Predator, Kindergarten Cop, Conan, Total Recall, Tango & Cash, etc.

Pretty much.

Tooth Fairy is his Kindergarten Cop.

I need to see that one, but his other comedies were so so at best.
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There's something strange about The Rock's public persona. I like him but it feels like everything he does is very calculated. That it's done to have the broadest appeal possible and play it right down the middle of the road. Fair play to him since it seems to have worked out great and he's basically the only guaranteed bankable star in Hollywood. But his handling of the negative reviews for Baywatch showed he doesn't deal with criticism well. Arnold has always seemed like he can roll with the punches and not take himself too seriously.
This is a recent thing. Actors, sports stars, and so on are "brands". So they carefully choose crafted PR, stylists, and so on.
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