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The Sexy Star Jones.

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Saw this on the stern forums too.



Damn she's sexy. That's her fiance in the BG btw.



Hollywood Square
JeffDowns said:

I think she broke his penis in that picture. And then she's like, "Crap, better put this towel around my waist to cover up from the paparazzi!" Unfortunately, the towel is bound to the laws of time and space.

Doth Togo

Hey, if he likes the large lovin', more power to him. I just hope he can support 300+ lbs sitting/rockin' on his waist.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Doth Togo said:
Hey, if he likes the large lovin', more power to him. I just hope he can support 300+ lbs sitting/rockin' on his waist.

He can support the money he is getting.


Sad as it is, these pics are after she lost weight. She's trying to pull off that 'wonder
diet ' and 'happy with myself' crap but everybody knows she's losing the poundage because she's getting pounded.

I think I just died inside.


LOL, omg... I find these pics equally as disgusting as that mouse being fed to piranah video a few threads back. :)
LOL! That motherfucker looks ashamed of himself....
Those will forever be the pictures i bring up in my mind when i'm trying to resist cumming.....
Ripclawe said:
and these are pics after she claimed she lost weight...

Have you seen the super airbrushed pics of her that she sent out to people for her marriage? They make her look pretty thin, but the pics are so airbrushed that it looks like a painting.
Supposedly their marriage is a giant sham and that dude is a total fruit. He wouldn't be the first gay dude to marry a BIG FAT WOMAN.


Tazznum1 said:
WHY WHITE???!?!?!?!

Because The Man has perpetuated the lies upon the darker skinned sistas that they must at all times times wear the colors most polar opposite to their skin tone. One of my dear friends is as dark as Star and most days she looks like she should be guiding aircraft down to the runway in the fog.
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